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I think I've opened about 1k Trick or Treat bags

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> @chronometria.3708 said:

> > @Klowdy.3126 said:

> > There is a YouTube video of a guy opening 100k bags, and he didn't get but a handful of items people are hunting for. 1k is nothing.


> Ok....well, then his point still stands. The drop rates are way too low on the actual good stuff in the bags.


I never said drop rates were low, or that he was wrong. What I was saying is at least he didn't put in that much work to get nothing at all. I mean, I ended up with almost 300 without doing any of the Halloween stuff past day one.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @TheDevice.2751 said:

> > I've tried to keep at least 300% magic find sometimes I get near +500%


> Am i missing anything or else, since when the bags are influenced by mf?


Honestly, I don't think they are. Some of us like to hope though. I crank my MF up when opening BLCs...in one week I got a Perma TP and Greatsaw Skin (from the Evan Gnashblade ToTs). But in truth, I know MF is nothing more than an illusion of an illusion....so much so that even Lyssa would be impressed.

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> @TheDevice.2751 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @TheDevice.2751 said:

> > > I've tried to keep at least 300% magic find sometimes I get near +500%

> >

> > Am i missing anything or else, since when the bags are influenced by mf?


> Well I never knew they weren't lol. See what do i know anyways.


Containers affected by MF notes it in the tooltip. If it doesn't say it is, it's not affected.

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> @chronometria.3708 said:

> > @Klowdy.3126 said:

> > There is a YouTube video of a guy opening 100k bags, and he didn't get but a handful of items people are hunting for. 1k is nothing.


> Ok....well, then his point still stands. The drop rates are way too low on the actual good stuff in the bags.


That point still sits ;), i.e. it's an unreasonable expectation: if the drop rates were higher, the stuff wouldn't be "good"; it would be cheap throw-away skins on the TP.


Currently, there are 4 million bags for sale on the TP. That doesn't include the stacks that people have hoarded (and from all indications, for stuff like this, what we see on the TP is a tiny fraction of what people have squirreled away). And it doesn't include all the bags that people have opened.


From the various data, we can estimate that the drop rate for the new torch is about 4 in 100k bags, i.e. 25 thousand to one. If we opened just the bags available on the TP now (4 mil), we'd end up with another 40 _Touches of Madness_, which would more than double the supply on the TP, driving down the price.


In short, the existence of "good stuff" depends on lower-than-low drop rates, when the source containers outnumber players.

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> @Haishao.6851 said:

> > @TheDevice.2751 said:

> > > @Haishao.6851 said:

> > > That's just 4 stack of bags.

> > >

> >

> > How long do you think it takes to _farm_ a stack of bags?


> 1 or 2 hour.


Yeah it took me half an our for a stack.A noob from my guild got touch of madness in 2 days. He just played every evening labyrinth for loot.

He got about 4k of bags.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @TheDevice.2751 said:

> > I've tried to keep at least 300% magic find sometimes I get near +500%


> Am i missing anything or else, since when the bags are influenced by mf?


The MF isn't for the opening bags but for the drops when you kill monsters in the lab, I think having high MF helps with getting more ToT bags from loot drops. Also only a few bags are effected by MF so it will be in the items description if it is effected by it.

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> @TheDevice.2751 said:

> And even if it was 2 hours for a stack. Thats 8 hours of your life for 1k bags which you get 2 ghoul amulets and 1 jailbroken........... 8 hours. For that. I can spend an hour making 200 dollars irl.


If you can make $200/hr irl, you should have done that, then bought Gems, convert to gold, buy 100,000 ToT bags on the TP like the other players, and spend the time you saved from farming to open them all.

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> @TheDevice.2751 said:

> > @Haishao.6851 said:

> > That's just 4 stack of bags.

> >


> How long do you think it takes to _farm_ a stack of bags?


> 1. You need a labyrinth train.

> 2. you need to constantly be clearing your inventory _copious_ amounts of ueless junk

> 3. You need to keep up your food


> I mean it takes like a half hour to get 100 with all that set up. Maybe I opened more kitten. I honestly don't know. I don't actually save my bags like that. I open them when I have a lot of bonus magic find.


> @TheDevice.2751 said:

> And even if it was 2 hours for a stack. Thats 8 hours of your life for 1k bags which you get 2 ghoul amulets and 1 jailbroken........... 8 hours. For that. I can spend an hour making 200 dollars irl. XD This is ridiculous. I've actually come to the point where I refuse to do any _real_ grinding/farming in this game. There's no real benefit. RNG is atrocious when it comes to bags/drops/chests in this game. Why would you do it to yourself.


> Say I farmed for another 1k bags.... another 8 hours. That 16 hours of my life to _MAYBE_ get a chance of an item that is 200 gold in the shop. Why? Why on earth.. why on this good green planet would you do that?

I don't believe someone who can't figure out how to maximize the amount of bags per hour (or at least google reddit threads on the topic) is capable of making $200/hr. Getting around 400-500 bags per hour is my normal take. I pull that by running my chronomancer with GS and Sword/Torch combo. I stack up on damage wells and blink. Signet of Inspiration for near constant swiftness. Stand at the front of the pack and pew pew everything.


The key is to find a commander that only opens Vet/Foe doors. Make sure they do a half-rotation before clearing mid, then another half-rotation before doing mid again. You can clear mid twice in a full rotation of the outside of the map.


I'm guessing you're making $22/hr as some mid-level electrician... which is actually a good profession to be in. You just need to find ways to improve yourself and your game if you want to maximize your earning potential.


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Even I can get 250 bags per hour in the Labyrinth and I deliberately choose groups that do all the doors, including the bosses whenever they come up, and don't go out of my way to tag every enemy (in fact I'll sometimes fall behind the group because I've decided to stay behind and kill a particular one for whatever reason).


But I also worked out a few years ago that if you want a specific item and it's not account bound on acquire you're much better off selling the bags and using the money to buy it. The prices are mainly determined by the drop rate, but also influenced by demand (less popular items will be cheaper) and people who got lucky and so undervalue it, people who want a quick sale and people who don't take the time to calculate the cost to them in getting the drop, all of which bring the price down. The end result is that on average it will be slightly cheaper to buy it directly than to farm/buy bags and try for a drop.

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> you can get 500 tot bags in 1h easily, just play Daredevil shortbow pew pew

> So yeah 1k tot bags are not that much, You lucky to even get any rare drops from that small number.

> But too late now Halloween gonna finish xD



He could have done that with any class, but he did state


> I deliberately choose groups that do all the doors, **including the bosses** whenever they come up


that's why 250 per hour.



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> @TheDevice.2751 said:


> How long do you think it takes to _farm_ a stack of bags?



I get 500~ bags an hour...theres a youtube video about it aswell...pretty sure people can get 750 an hour with maxed mf. I had around 450-550 mf during my grind times with a group that did a fast rotation (the squad was full of daredevils), ignored all doors but mob doors, also ignored horror which most groups dont do.

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> @TheDevice.2751 said:

> One thousand trick or treat bags. I've tried to keep at least 300% magic find sometimes I get near +500%


> After opening all those bags.. I got jailbroken and two ghoul amulets... thats it. After days and days and days and hours of grinding stupid bags lol. Man... what is the actual point kitten


I open personal only and got touch of madness.

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I've opened approx. 3-4k bags so far from casual farming of the lab, random mob drops and doing dailies.

The first few days I thought the drops rates for items musta been messed up cos I managed to pull a couple of poly lumi refractor trinkets, a mini Gustav the Caramel Corn Ele, Onus, Grims Pact, Assassins Primordous GS, several Nightwings, Unopened Endless Batwing Brew and a Touch of madness.


But after those first lucky few days I've gotten nothing but a trashcan (or multiple trashcans) full of useless cakes and tonics.... so I figured my luck had run dry early and decided to chase bags even less.

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I enjoy farming the lab, so I don't notice the drop rates much. Seemed stingier this year than last though. I think I got one or two decent things like a mini or such. But I was able to buy a phospholuminescent infusion for a decent price this year, so I'm assuming enough dropped to make it affordable.

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