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Why nobody complains on Holosmith?


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> @Vertep.2498 said:

> maybe because its still rare to find on pvp because most players still dont know true power of this like everyone know about spellbreaker and you will get in almost every match atlest 2 spellbreakers


Holosmith is strong, but not as strong as Spellbreaker. And people dont like when what general population deems the "starter" class is stronger than the others.

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Because why would you complain about something that has clear animations, is relatively glassy in exchange for its damage (how things are meant to be), and isn't in the same league has spellbreaker, scourge, daredevil, firebrand, etc and isn't top tier in a single game mode?

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The only problem I have with holosmith is stealth. Not sure if anyone else has the problem but when they stealth and do their burst it takes them awhile to become visible again. So I can never avoid any of it. Other than that I really don't have a problem with them, all over their animations are clear and deliberate which is great.

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Holosmith is a little overtuned, but ultimately is fairly balanced. Why is this the case?

* Clear animations.

* Relatively squishy.

* Difficult to pull off effectively (read last point).

* Little group utility.

* Does not benefit much from defensive stats.


The might generation is high, and I am sure that is something they will tune down (specifically on Corona Burst, same with the damage on Holo Leap), but realistically, it's all it has going for it. Holo deserves some (PvP) nerfs, but nothing should be done to the point at which it's completely removed from the possible new meta which will emerge after tomorrow.

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Just remove the stability trait and reduce the might stacking. But that's it. Holosmith is nowhere near as strong as Firebrand, Scourge, Spellbreaker or Mirage.


They have annoying stuff like double Elixir S and ridiculous disengage with double Rocket Boots, but those are more annoying than OP.

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* They trade huge sustainability (Scrapper) for being squishy, having disengage, able to roam, and damage bursts

* 1v1s are easier for all classes compared to 1v1'ing a Scrapper for 15 minutes and getting nowhere

* Stability

* Their exceed skills suck

* Little to no combo-finishers/combo-fields

* The Photon Forge is the only real threat

* Painfully obvious animations

* They play pretty much like Daredevil...but less frequent stealth and evades.


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> @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

> removing the stability trait kills holo, nerf it's duration sure, but it needs to be there as the spec mechanic is purely melee focused.


Well yeah, it definetly shouldn't have such high uptime during holomode.

The thing is, I'm against every trait, or passive, or effect that reduces or flat out removes counter-play. Regardless of profession. Things like dodges breaking stuns, auto stability proccs on CCs and so on, shouldn't exist.


Balance should be approached differently. When it comes to CCs, durations should be reduced across the board, or some kind of diminishing return should be implemented... or may be it's just better the way it is right now, what do I know.

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As others said, its fairly squishy and playing it has a bigger learning curve than most of the popular PoF specs at the moment (Engi as a whole is probably the hardest Profession to pickup from scratch as it has a wide ability kit), so its not very friendly to people just looking to play the current "flavor", hence why you don't see a bajilion of them unlike SB/Scourge/Firebrand.


Also much like Revs, they're vulnerable to Condis, who happen to be very much meta at the moment.


They do have potential to become top tier next patch though if they're left completely untouched.

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> @Khenzy.9348 said:

> > @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

> > removing the stability trait kills holo, nerf it's duration sure, but it needs to be there as the spec mechanic is purely melee focused.


> Well yeah, it definetly shouldn't have such high uptime during holomode.

> The thing is, I'm against every trait, or passive, or effect that reduces or flat out removes counter-play.


It doesn't remove counterplay, it is a fine example of something that allows counterplay, because it is only 2 stacks of stab, which means unlike a lot of stab skills in this game which have so many stacks that they are basically only susceptible to boon strip/corruption, you can remove it with CC (which in a team fight means it can actually get stripped without people even really trying given the amount of CC flying about in this game), and again unlike a lot of stab skills in this game it actually has a cast time which means it can get interrupted and then beyond that it is gated behind a resource and has a base duration of 4 secs.


It is also on a class with no meaningful access to resistance and is not strong when it comes to dealing with condies, so is still susceptible to soft CC when it has stab, unlike some classes...

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I myself main Holosmith. It is strong. That being said though, I have also gone against it with it and other classes (teef, mirage, Weaver) and can 1v1 it. It all comes down to figuring out that you have to dodge their forge 5 and elite. After that it's pretty easy to take one on. PhotonForge has a limited amount of time before it forces the Holos to jump out of it.

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I doubt meta Holosmith will be nerfed further in the balance patch tomorrow for PvP. On the contrary, I'm predicting buffs to the bad non-meta parts of it. I say Holosmith is around the usefulness level of a good Chrono or D/P Thief, with some knowledgable players putting Holosmith as less useful than those professions.


In my subjective opinion I think that ArenaNet should use D/P Daredevil, Chronomancer, Blood Magic Scourge, Core Fresh Air Ele, Tempest Support, Core S/D Thief, and Holosmith as the new 'balanced' tier in which you can safely buff things below.. and shave things above.


Just so it's clear, current 5-man PvP picks are as follows, as objectively as I can make this list:


S Tier

Firebrand Support

Curses Scourge



A+ Tier



A Tier


D/P Daredevil


Blood Magic Scourge

Core Fresh Air Ele

Core S/D Thief

Tempest support


B Tier

Sword/Dagger Weaver


Non-Rifle Deadeye

Core Warrior



Radiance Power Guard


C Tier

Power Revenant, Condi Revenant

Burn Guard



Power Reaper

Rifle Deadeye


F Tier


Core Engi

Core Ranger

Core Mesmer

Core Necro

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> @Chaith.8256 said:

> I doubt meta Holosmith will be nerfed further in the balance patch tomorrow for PvP. On the contrary, I'm predicting buffs to the bad non-meta parts of it. I say Holosmith is around the usefulness level of a good Chrono or D/P Thief, with some knowledgable players putting Holosmith as less useful than those professions.


> In my subjective opinion I think that ArenaNet should use D/P Daredevil, Chronomancer, Blood Magic Scourge, Core Fresh Air Ele, Tempest Support, Core S/D Thief, and Holosmith as the new 'balanced' tier in which you can safely buff things below.. and shave things above.


> Just so it's clear, current 5-man PvP picks are as follows, as objectively as I can make this list:


> S Tier

> Firebrand Support

> Curses Scourge

> Spellbreaker


> A+ Tier

> Mirage


> A Tier

> Chronomancer

> D/P Daredevil

> Holosmith

> Blood Magic Scourge

> Core Fresh Air Ele

> Core S/D Thief

> Tempest support


> B Tier

> Dragonhunter

> Non-Rifle Deadeye

> Core Warrior

> Druid

> Scrapper

> Radiance Power Guard


> C Tier

> Power Revenant, Condi Revenant

> Burn Guard

> Soulbeast

> Berserker


> F Tier

> Renegade

> Core Engi

> Core Ranger

> Core Mesmer

> Core Necro


I like how you remembered to list Core necro and both Scourge variants, but completely forgot about Reaper.

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