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Whats the most useless Class in WvW now?


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Assuming big fights and new elites: thief obviously. Brings nothing to the group, DE is absolute trash (useless in every single mode of this game).

My experience on thief in big scale fights so far: every single zerg will kick you because as thief you are "waste of the spot". That speaks volumes.

They are good for roaming and sniping struggles but that is it.


Engi would probably follow them but at least zergs keep them.

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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> Assuming big fights and new elites: thief obviously. Brings nothing to the group, DE is absolute trash (useless in every single mode of this game).

> My experience on thief in big scale fights so far: every single zerg will kick you because as thief you are "waste of the spot". That speaks volumes.

> They are good for roaming and sniping struggles but that is it.


> Engi would probably follow them but at least zergs keep them.


I actually got kicked out of the wvw group for being a thief "thieves don't need a group"

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