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Ele is a forgotten class


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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> Ele should have been the most versatile profession out there. Need healing? Spec water. Need defense? Spec earth. Need raw damage? Spec fire. (etc)

> I wonder where this got ditched.


Probably after they realized during the cele ele meta that having a class that can do it all is really bad for balance.

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> @Eventine.8024 said:

> > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > Agreed on core Elementalist.

> >

> > Strongly disagree on your opinion about 1 build. I've personally been successful so far with 4 different builds on Elementalist that I cycle through depending on my team comp and enemy team comp.


> Are you plat? Which builds?


nah not plat, nearly plat. I play for fun and these builds have strong learning curves and specific roles. Ill give brief explanation.


Shout support meta - Standard build. I only ever take this build if it's clear that I'm the only support on the team.


Sage Arcane - Another good support variant. Water/Arcane/Temp - Condi removals and fast rezzes with double geyser - staff, relies a lot on utilising fields and finishers. (this support version takes dodge rolling arcane) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQFAWn0XCNYidOA+XCcYiFTAztsmWjrEVgAQDo4EkBCBA-jpQWAB7WGAg9HAA

I will take this build if I have atleast 1 Druid on the team.


Sage Arcane (non support) - This is good if you get too many bunkers on your team, allows you to be the offensive Ele. It's also packed with a good amount of extra combinations such as pulsating immobilise for 16s, extremely effective at taking an enemy down in focus or if you are alone just stack 16+ hits of burn. (arcane share is like venom share) - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQFAWnMIClMgdOA2MAcYiFTAjoCEAaAFTxMwHwtsmWjrA-jpgMABiXGAg9HAA

I will take this build if the enemy has 2 Necro and my team has atleast 1 support.


Menders Lightning Rod - Prettty much the same as the meta build except you get to apply a lot of pressure with static auras, static fields, push backs and lines. Very useful if you're team sways towards being too bunkerish.


This build is also very good at killing thieves, so take this if your team needs you as support and if enemy team has atleast 2 thieves.


I'm an old man with very slow reflexes, my muscle memory is starting to give and my eye sight and hand eye co-ordination has been getting sloppy the more I age. I'm positive a younger person with better reflexes will be able to take these builds higher than what I could.


I didn't pick up those builds and become useful with them over night either, the best way to learn is from your mistakes and frankly, I died quite a bit before I started to see positive results. I had re-adjust my positioning and game play according to each build and also had to readjust my attunement swapping rotations according to each build and purpose...


> @Liberis.9573 said:

> I only play arcane glass staff in pvp and I was able to reach plat 2. Give it a shot! :)




Salutes to a fellow staff Ele :+1:

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Core ele FA can work and is sure a lot of fun, but even an average player using rev / dh / druid can kill you due to the sheer power creep and damage number differentials.


I mean, when Lightning Strike does 2k damage vs 5k precision strike, on the same cd, you know something's up lol. Or how about Dragon's Tooth almighty 4k damage, despite being the hardest skill to land in the game?

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> @Liberis.9573 said:

> I only play arcane glass staff in pvp and I was able to reach plat 2. Give it a shot! :)




I tell you my story: I was low plat (I'm playing just for fun too), so I decided to play ele arcane, and I droped to gold 1 (I lost quite all the matches). But the problem was not the build himself (I was always top damage, and often top kills and capture points), but the 1vs1 with some classes or the 4vs4 mid:

Ele against:

* thief evade cancer condi: I can't do much: if he's noob I immobilize him with earth arcane, but instead if he starts the fight, after (LITERALLY) 1 sec I have 10 poison stacks, bleeding, etc. and I'm insta dead with no damage done (perma evade);

* Guardian: not considering first aegis, because imho is a really well-designed ability, he has: shield of wrath, virtue of courage, shelter and renewed focus, where he is totally invincible; and as guardian he does a lot of damage and has lots of position-cc.

* Mesmer: same thing as guardian

* Rev: he has shield, evade, healing and damage. When i see a rev I just run with my ele

* Necro: ele vs necro is fine, I want to bring up the class because necro has double life, and ele start with 10k. So ele has really no way to protect himself

* war: is just insane, but you all know, I don't want to add anything else.. And by the way 1vs1 are quite affordable as ele against war.


I tryed, after my "fall", a CONDI-based CORE mesmer, and I won tons of matches, even against all this problematic classes.

So my thoughs about this:

* Condi is too strong now in the game

* Ele core need some self sustainability: I agree with ppl NOT to bring stealth on ele, but, at least:

- Give ele some resistance boon: earth granmaster trait is just bad, maybe improve it (and earth line is not in glass cannon, is for a CONDI based ele :angry: )

- Add to Arcane Power the unblockable attacks just for the ele, or add it with the Elemental Surge granmasster trait in arcane.



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Same here, I can only play my ele with mender amulet support builds. The only dps build that somehow works for me is condi scepter, yes, condi scepter. Fire Burning for great burst dmg or Earth Bleeding for better survivability, lower dmg. But it's not as good as it could be with just minor fixes/buffs. I really miss Celestial Amulet.

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[You are absolutely right...](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Forgotten_Arcanist "You are absolutely right...") Eh? What? You meant that there's no development being done on them? Oh. No. That's not right at all.


Balance may be way slower than it could be, but this is because they err on the side of caution. But look at the huge impact of small changes like the one done to Elemental Surge and recently getting skill ammo on two of the arcane skills.


Do not get me wrong, I do think that elite specializations should always be a tradeoff, not an addition. Like how reapers trades the death shroud for the reaper shroud, holosmith trades the 5th toolbetl skill for the holo forge, and spellbreakers trade a third adrenaline bar for their counter.


I don't like when an elite specialization only adds without losing anything. Weaver loses speed when switching attunement, and tempest gets longer recharges after overloads. But is that enough when fresh air instantly recharges Air?


I would certainly prefer is profession mechanic tradeoffs were made more accentuated. Not just for elementalist, but for all. So core builds always have something that is lost when specializing into something.

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