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[SUGGESTION] A subscription fee would be better at this point


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Imagine a world where you pay $15 dollars a month, and all content is open to you. A world where you can get every armor skin, weapon skin, glider skin, and mount skin by doing a quest instead of paying $10 for each item individually! Imagine a world where using your wardrobe didn't cost $1 per transmutation crystal and instead would only cost a small amount of gold from an NPC vendor. Am I being serious? Am I joking? Who knows man.

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Transmutation crystals, you can get 5 a week using your weekly free key person to explore each of the five main cities. Plus I think I get a bunch here and there each month from dailies? I think there are PvP ways to get them, but I don't PvP.


I used to spend $10/mo on gems as a sort of 'self imposed' subscription, and was able to start buying more bag and bank space when the game launched, plus mix-n-match clothing (back in the day) as they came out and some minis. Try buying $15 each month in gems and use it just on things in the cash shop and see how that goes.

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I agree. A subscription fee is much better at this point. The gemshop is ruining the ingame reward structure, no matter how you twist it.

There is no item spiral in this game and progession is made via cosmetics. Too bad 90% of the cosmetics added are gemshop, and basically 100% of the highest quality stuff is gemshop.

I would not mind if characterslots, bank slots, etc stay in gemshop, but in a perfect world all the cosmetics should be ingame rewards and we pay a subscription fee in return. 15$/€ a month will not break the bank for anyone.

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I can't imagine ANet offering a subscription fee without killing the goose laying their golden eggs. As bad as some people think the RNG boxes are, that would be worse for more people. At worst, the current situation affects one set of skins; subscription would change the entire model of how the game works. I would no longer be a "play when you like" game.

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> @Jordan.5930 said:

> Imagine a world where you pay $15 dollars a month, and all content is open to you. A world where you can get every armor skin, weapon skin, glider skin, and mount skin by doing a quest instead of paying $10 for each item individually! Imagine a world where using your wardrobe didn't cost $1 per transmutation crystal and instead would only cost a small amount of gold from an NPC vendor. Am I being serious? Am I joking? Who knows man.


There would still be tons of players that would instantly leave the game if it ever gets a subscribtion model.

But I personally would support it. The amount of money one has to spend on this game to truly get everything you want is just far too much and it's getting worse every year.


A standard subscription fee and getting access to every asset in the game, simply by playing the game is imo far better than what we currently have.



And to those who want to tell me about how you can just convert gold to gems:


I still remember all the videos and articles praising GW2 for its item shop and how you never felt the need to purchase anything. Well, look at games like Warframe, that's how you truly handle these things. In this game you can get everything in the game, not by somehow converting to another currency (like gems) but by simply doing quests, missions, playing the game. Yes its a grind, but it's far better than what we get here with GW2.

And they still earn enough money by people who want to get things faster.


3000+ Gold for 30+ Mount skins is imo not too much BUT, I won't grind months for so much gold just to get 29 skins I don't want.

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> @Jordan.5930 said:

> Imagine a world where you pay $15 dollars a month, and all content is open to you. A world where you can get every armor skin, weapon skin, glider skin, and mount skin by doing a quest instead of paying $10 for each item individually! Imagine a world where using your wardrobe didn't cost $1 per transmutation crystal and instead would only cost a small amount of gold from an NPC vendor. Am I being serious? Am I joking? Who knows man.


Other than the Viper medium top... there's no armour skins I want in the Gem Store personally.

No weapon skins that I've seen (are there any actually?) in the gem store I care for either.

Until that ghost glider I got from the black lion chest like a week ago, all this time I've been using the default one not really big on those glider skins.

Already got the halloween skins and the others even in this RNG crap don't interest me at all.

Transmutations cost me nothing as I have like over 208 of them and that's from map completions. Especially the 6 I can get easily on a new character every week when I get my weekly key... or if I'm in the mood (I'm not) I can get like over 20 a day if I keep making and deleting characters.

"Small amount of gold" for something I can literally get in like 5 minutes (Rata Sum and The Grove takes about that much to 100%) for GOLD? No thank you. I don't know anywhere I can get "small amounts of gold" within 5 minutes and guaranteed on it too so don't go "you can get a legendary to drop and sell it in the shop under 5 minutes" or "a permanent contract from the chest".


So in my case? No. A subscription would be horrendous.

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> @Jordan.5930 said:

> Imagine a world where you pay $15 dollars a month, and all content is open to you. A world where you can get every armor skin, weapon skin, glider skin, and mount skin by doing a quest instead of paying $10 for each item individually! Imagine a world where using your wardrobe didn't cost $1 per transmutation crystal and instead would only cost a small amount of gold from an NPC vendor. Am I being serious? Am I joking? Who knows man.


Even WoW exploits cash shop tricks while having sub fee. There is no way anet introduces sub fee and removes gem store.

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> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> I agree. A subscription fee is much better at this point. The gemshop is ruining the ingame reward structure, no matter how you twist it.

> There is no item spiral in this game and progession is made via cosmetics. Too bad 90% of the cosmetics added are gemshop, and basically 100% of the highest quality stuff is gemshop.

> I would not mind if characterslots, bank slots, etc stay in gemshop, but in a perfect world all the cosmetics should be ingame rewards and we pay a subscription fee in return. 15$/€ a month will not break the bank for anyone.


> @Suinz.5968 said:

> I'm tempted to just switch to another MMO. At least games like WoW, you are actually rewarded well for the content you do. You can get mounts from raids, pvp, AND achievements. You can get loot drops that are actually worth a kitten!


Interesting that there are other people who feel this way. All jokes aside, we've all had the experience where we beat the boss and say holy kitten, look at this kitten new sword that I got, it looks so sick! That's what makes a game exciting, the sense of reward, and now that's being taken away because if I want a cool mount, or weapon skin I can just pay $25 for it. One might argue that you don't "have to" after all I could grind for gold until I can buy the equivalent amount of gems, but that's not healthy for the game. For me and I'm sure for many other players as well, they would find that experience boring. How much better would it be, for a player to finish the PoF story mode, or to beat a raid and then be rewarded with that mount, or currency for that weapon skin instead? But idk, thoughts?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I can't imagine ANet offering a subscription fee without killing the goose laying their golden eggs. As bad as some people think the RNG boxes are, that would be worse for more people. At worst, the current situation affects one set of skins; subscription would change the entire model of how the game works. I would no longer be a "play when you like" game.


I guess I was kinda trying to say that, but failed. I think sub only has sailed, at least the way people are thinking about it. If we were to pay $15/mo and were entitled to 'everything', then 'everything' wouldn't be all of the things we have available today, because the $15/mo from active subscribers wouldn't support it. We wouldn't have 30 new mount skins, or new gliders all the time, outfits, fly carpet and broom gliders, 100s of minis and the variety of mining tools with different animations we have now. And possibly many other things I haven't thought of. We'd have some things, but not nearly the options we have now.


Not to say I don't disagree with the RNG argument to a large extent. Thankfully, there isn't anything in there that is so important to me. If it were a pack of 30 outfits and there were 2-3 outfits in there I was 'really' excited about? I might be as angry as them? If they put a reasonable price-per-item on them, and started rolling a new one in the store each week, for 1 week, it wouldn't be so bad.


Edit: I wasn't replying to you directly, so much as piggy-backing on your sentiment and adding some additional thoughts.

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> @Cyrin.1035 said:

> Why not a membership model where you can play the game for free but if you want bonuses, upgrades, discounts, free things, ect you can pay for a membership that is $10-15 a month? Wildstar has this, but to a much lesser degree.


This would just be "same set up right now, but pay more monthly for a few extras".

Sounds like a win for Arenanet but a lose for others.


We already get free things daily from logging in.

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I agree. With the amount of money one has to spend in the gem store to get new skins in this game, it would actually make way more sense to just have a monthly subscription fee and get those skins by _playing the game_. Though I also believe the game wouldn't survive it.

To me, playing this game is buying stuff from the gem store every tuesday and then doing fashion wars. That makes no sense.

Instead, if there was a little chance you could get the skins as drops from bosses or rewards from completing minidungeons, jumping puzzles or events, the game would actually be worth playing.

Playing Guild Wars 2 doesn't feel rewarding. All the loot we get is just crap we do nothing with. And buying stuff from the gem store feels more and more like you're being robbed constantly.

Seriously, the only reason I'm playing this game anymore is because I'm hooked to buying the skins and playing fashion wars. That's not even healthy. I **should** quit, but with the amount of money I've given to ArenaNet during the years, it would feel like I've thrown it all to a wishing well. All these years I've hoped that the support I've been giving them on my behalf would eventually mean something. But _every time_ they release something, it disappoints me somehow. Either the story is half-done, existing lore is twisted to something that just feels horribly wrong, the content is completed in 4 hours or there's no replay value nor rewards.



Ok, that was me ranting on an overall bad day. I'm sorry about that.

I've gotta say though, that the writers have been going to a way better direction as of late, even if there's still a lot to do. And Living Story Season 3 did have some nice vendor rewards.

It would still be very cool though, if they added some exciting skins as rare loot from enemies, events, minidungeon chests etc.. That would give more reasons to play the game, as well as increase the replay value.

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i stick to gw2 coz i can take a break and come back do what i like(if its still alive, wvw) and not cost me anything. its not like those subscription models dont have their own cash shops. so there you pay sub + you pay for other stuff you want in their cash shop. this culture of fashion wars was probably brought up by anet. it seems to be getting unhealthy lately with these people ranting that they cant get the look they want. just face it, you want premium skins gota pay for it. othetwise just be content with what you have and live within your means.

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It was Anet's promise to keep its games subscription free which has kept many of its fans, me being one of them. It should not ever go to a subscription model. There is never a need to spend any more than the price of the game itself to enjoy it. If you want gems, then find ways to make gold in game to trade for them or simply buy gem cards. It's that simple. Guild Wars would crumble if it went to a sub system. And yes "$15 a month isn't breaking" but the thing is, it's only true if its the only game you play. I'm already paying a sub for FF14, and I enjoy the fact that Guild Wars is a game I can always come back to at any time and not feel like I have to get my money's worth out of it. True, with the new mount system they're trying new things in the gem store which may or may not affect attitudes negatively, but if anet is smart about it, they will listen to the playerbase, and adjust things. So far I have never spent anything more than just the cost of the game. The gem store is fine. There is nothing there that you gotta have, and if there's something you'd like to have, then you work for it...or not.


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I would MUCH prefer a subscription fee to keep the game alive, and actually lock nice content behind what matters to me: content and skill.

But as long as there won't be a subscription fee, anet will need to come up with new cash shop ways to make money. Can't keep servers working and new content without funds.

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If GW2 went to a sub model, I'd not only quit, I'd send in a ticket every day to demand a full refund of the money I spent to by the base game + expansions because the entire game has been sold on being sub free. GW2 having a sub would be a breach of one of the foundational aspects of the game, and I imagine more people would walk away than pony up even more cash.


What's more, nothing would change. SWTOR has subs but also a terrible cash shop with all kinds of RNG bullshit. The only major difference is that it's all tradeable, but the most desirable items cost a small fortune. Wow sells mounts. ESO also has a sub model + microtransactions.


Ultimately, it comes down to this- because it's all convenience items and skins. the current store model doesn't act as a wall to actual gameplay. A sub model would mean there are people who would be unable to play for months at a time because they can't afford to sub. Full disclosure, I would be one of those players. I refuse to accept that pretty princessing is _so _vital to the overall experience that ANet should cut a group of people off completely to _maybe _give those with the funds to do so a marginally less random ability to sparkle out.


Instead of asking ANet to screw more people over, simply stop spending cash money on the things that you find personally egregious, and make posts here and on reddit stating in no uncertain terms what you're doing and why.

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> @Cyrin.1035 said:

> Why not a membership model where you can play the game for free but if you want bonuses, upgrades, discounts, free things, ect you can pay for a membership that is $10-15 a month? Wildstar has this, but to a much lesser degree.


While Wildstar's model is more fair than most, generally these models are built around moving the game from a subscription model to F2P. So, part of the subscription becomes having conveniences that the F2P players don't - access to arenas, no chat restrictions, more AH listings, queue priorities, etc. This is something GW2 already got when the base game moved from B2P to F2P. So, how do they make an optional subscription worthwhile and comparative to what other MMOs offer? Obviously it would be stupid to impose any more restrictions on either non-subs or F2P, but what do they offer subs that wouldn't be unfair? Keep in mind, it would also have to be bonuses that would go away if you stopped subscribing. Things like exp, gold, magic find, etc. bonuses are already very easy to come by in the game. Making any new content require a subscription would be... bad and not too far removed from requiring a subscription to play. Adding even an optional subscription at this point would be asking a lot from the playerbase, so it would have to be something really good to be appealing - but not so good it alienates players who don't want to pay a monthly fee.

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