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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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And for anyone saying - 'but they neeeed the money to maintain the Game!'


Pof has been out little more than 6 weeks, they arnt exactly destitute at this point, money will still be flowing in from sales.


This has even managed to sour me about PoF, I previously had some concerns that for an xp it was abit content light - HoT's maps were so dense with things to do, I loved mounts and was pragmatic about their earning potential for Anet - now I think that PoF is literally there to advertise their new lucrative income stream.



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> @Preyar.6783 said:

> > @"Afro Dude.8423" said:

> > I'm of the opinion that these business practices are highly immoral, and also just plain stupid. The polls on this site show 80-90% of people hate the RNG practices, so it would make sense to NOT upset the majority of your dedicated playerbase. I've boycotted games from companies like Activision and EA that use predatory gambling, and it looks like I'll be doing the same here from now on.


> Don't take the vocal minority as a majority, ever. Right now that poll is full of pissy kids who don't understand that Anet have done them a favor with this system. They could've put these mount skins in the black lion chests, but no they put them in a separate system.


> This RNG ticket system, unlike the lootbox system that is is unfairly being compared to, gives you the same chance to get a fire raptor as a raptor with a different skin pattern. There is no chance to get anything else than a new skin with these, why can't people understand that this isn't like those kitten lootboxes in other games. They even removed the chance of getting a duplicate so you don't sit there and cry about getting the same thing twice. Sure you might not have gotten the specific mount skin you wanted, but you got a new skin so what's the big deal?


Where should we draw the line on exploiting consumers then? I'm not crying about anything. I as a consumer should not have to pay $120, 4 freaking times the cost of the expansion, to get the skin I want. Why does a company being blatatly greedy matter more than your own rights as a consumer?


If you think profits are that important above all else, we should just go back to the days of coal mining towns! Where companies paid their workers so little that they couldn't move out, lived in company provided housing, and bought food and clothing from the company. That was really good for business you know.

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> @MetalGirl.2370 said:

> Thank goodness I didn't buy Halloween ones. I had a feeling they'll add better looking ones after. I feel like a lot of people who spent 1600 gems on Halloween skins are now mad because they could've saved for these, plus they are probably not even allowed a refund as Anet doesn't do refund on skin unlocks.


I admit, I do feel like an idiot and am full of buyer's remorse over the spoopy skins now that I see these.

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> @RavenRecoil.6103 said:

> I am 100% for mounts and skins. I bought the Halloween skins as soon as i saw them. With that said..

> Some of the mounts are cool but others fall short. The Raptor, Skimmer, and Griphon are just lack luster to me. I love some of the Jackel and Springer mounts. I wanted more skins like the reforged warhound. Something different!

> I do not support the random skin selection. Why Anet!? Why not let us choose what we want? I am fine with how you did Halloween skins. I am even fine if you broke up the set and we paid a little bit more for individual skins. I am not fine with RNG.


I'd guess that most people want the shiniest, flashiest, most "fire and lightning" skins but I actually prefer some of the more subtle ones. Skimmer isn't my favorite mount but I think some of its new skins are very pretty and I know I'd buy one or two if I could, either in the GS or on the TP if that were possible. But RNG and you can't sell the ones you don't want .... nope.

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> @Naxian.9823 said:

> 0 mount skins can be earned via dungeons.

> 0 mount skins can be earned via fractals.

> 0 mount skins can be earned via raids.

> 0 mount skins can be earned via spvp.

> 0 mount skins can be earned via wvsw.

> 0 mount skins can be earned via jumping puzles.

> 0 mount skins can be earned via personal story.

> 0 mount skins can be earned via collections.

> 0 mount skins can be earned via dynamic events.

> 0 mount skins can be earned via exploration.


> BUT! BUT you can earn that one that you like and can see in the hero panel by gambling in the GEMSTORE YAY! This is so much fun!


> GL.


Oh man, I WISH we could get mount skins in more unique ways / through in-game content rather than just having them limited to the gemstore.


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I see no problem with having skins available for purchase on the gem store. I don't think it's unreasonable at all to give players the opportunity to spend real money on the game. However, I am very much against the loot box system. From a consumer standpoint, it's very annoying and makes me much less interested in spending real money on the game. If it was possible to choose the skin you get I would even be willing to pay more per skin (around 600g maybe), but as it stands I am very much not a fan of this particular gambling system. I get that it's a source of revenue for anet but charging 400g for a 1 in 30 chance at getting the skin you want leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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> @crashburntoo.7431 said:

> On the plus side, these skins should be available via the Random Wardrobe Unlock...


I was thinking the same thing earlier! I even checked whether they were, but no such luck. Then again, the BLC has been rigged, too, so that chances of receiving a Wardrobe Unlock are now much smaller than they were a year ago.

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> @Mackanstein.2503 said:

> > @MetalGirl.2370 said:

> > Thank goodness I didn't buy Halloween ones. I had a feeling they'll add better looking ones after. I feel like a lot of people who spent 1600 gems on Halloween skins are now mad because they could've saved for these, plus they are probably not even allowed a refund as Anet doesn't do refund on skin unlocks.


> I admit, I do feel like an idiot and am full of buyer's remorse over the spoopy skins now that I see these.


Don't feel bad. The sp00py mounts were objectively a better purchase because, y'know, you get exactly what you paid for.

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> @Ryan.9387 said:

> I'm not going to type an essay about this.


> You are putting items into the gem store for $120 now. That is disgraceful and insulting to your player base. You should be ashamed.


Not to mention it is a sneaky, underhanded "Want to avoid RNG gambling? Well then pay up, sucker!"-bundle, too.

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I would have gladly PAID for the skin I want. I'm not going to pay for the chance of having the skin I want. I thought the whole idea behind gw2 was to avoid RNG.

They gave us precursor crafting so we can avoid RNG.

They gave us raid currencies so we can avoid RNG.

I thought a long time ago we had agreed that RNG is not fun and GW2 wasn't going to rely on it. That was the whole point behind a lot of changes made to the game.

But no - we get RNG in the gem store - because why not get some more extra cash huh?

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Ryan.9387 said:

> > I'm not going to type an essay about this.

> >

> > You are putting items into the gem store for $120 now. That is disgraceful and insulting to your player base. You should be ashamed.


> Not to mention it is a sneaky, underhanded "Want to avoid RNG gambling? Well then pay up, sucker!"-bundle, too.


And you STILL need to buy one extra after the bundle.

There's 31 skins. The bundle only has 30.

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> @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > Question, do you call people who love trading card games stupid too for buying card packs with RNG?


> I'm amazed that no one has replied to _this_ one.


> As someone who does collect trading cards, I got tired of relying on RNG to get a certain card, so guess what I did. _I bought a single online._ For like the same price as a booster pack, I bought the exact card I wanted.




Besides, the comparison is ridiculous. No one plays a role-playing game for the reasons you play trading card games. And as you stated, the name _trading_ card game already implies that the main aspect (besides actually playing the game) lies is trading with one another so that everyone can complete their deck. People who buy pack after pack without the social aspect of trading with other players must either have too much money or be somewhat out of their mind.

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> @Shadowzerk.4715 said:

> i paid a lot of money in the last 5 years, i bought a lot of BLC keys (im not a key farmer) and for the last 5 years i've never got anything good from those BLC.

> i bought 4k gems from PoF + extra 8k gems, and i spend it all on Keys and spooky mount skins.

> im happy to support anet, but i will not support gambling (RNG).

> that last 8k gems shall be my last purchase from anet, im done.


Agreed Mate! pretty much took the words out of my mouth! :-) Would love to see mount skins earned through quests as well! Example = Forged Hound Skin SHOULD have been earn able in game through Forged Quests, Collections items.. Similar to Griffon Mount... instead we end up with Over Priced Gem store skin... Sad, Lazy, and greedy! then the RNG as you say on these Lootbox Style Skins OMG! Such opportunity missed instead for lazy quick money grab attempt from fat cats... good luck with that ! :-)

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I too am disappointed the mount skins are acquired randomly. I really like some of them and if I could acquire the ones I want directly, I would buy some gems and get those skins. Random though? No thank you.

I guess we vote with our wallets. If no one buys the black lion stable licenses, the user community will be sending a pretty clear message.

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> @Preyar.6783 said:

> Sure you might not have gotten the specific mount skin you wanted, but you got a new skin so what's the big deal?


This guy must have infinite money and/or privilege. Dude, you answered your own question here. The big deal is that you didn't get the skin you wanted. If you get something you don't want then what was the point? All your time and effort to collect the gold to buy the gems, or that which you spent actually working for real money, has been wasted. Furthermore, if you don't get the skin you want, you may feel you need to gamble again for another chance at the one you do want, thereby potentially wasting more time and money and effort. ArenaNet knows this, they know very well the psychology behind it, and they are exploiting people to make money.


It's not acceptable. They're a business and they have to make money, but there are far better ways for them to do it. I pre-ordered the ultimate edition of Path of Fire and some extra gems to support them, and I used those gems in the shop to purchase things that I wanted and which I could use. The answer to this is to produce good content that people want, and to let them buy that content at a reasonable price - not to prey on mental and emotional weaknesses, which is what they're doing.


To be clear, I love ArenaNet and this game. Played GW1 since beta. PoF is a triumph. But what they've done here today is a disgrace. I'm disappointed and ashamed.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > Question, do you call people who love trading card games stupid too for buying card packs with RNG?

> >

> > I'm amazed that no one has replied to _this_ one.

> >

> > As someone who does collect trading cards, I got tired of relying on RNG to get a certain card, so guess what I did. _I bought a single online._ For like the same price as a booster pack, I bought the exact card I wanted.


> :+1:


> Besides, the comparison is ridiculous. No one plays a role-playing game for the reasons you play trading card games. And as you stated, the name _trading_ card game already implies that the main aspect (besides actually playing the game) lies is trading with one another so that everyone can complete their deck. People who buy pack after pack without the social aspect of trading with other players must either have too much money or be somewhat out of their mind.


About 12 years ago, I was buying 2 boxes and $400+ in singles for every MtG set that came out. That went on for about 2 years. As I mentioned in a few previous posts, I fully recognize my compulsive behaviour and collectors mentality. I was most certainly one of the "out of their mind" people and had no business spending that much money on cards. The worst part is that I rarely played. I just needed to have them.


It's marketing like this that really does prey on these types of weaknesses. I find myself continually saying that I don't need these skins because I know that I want them. The worst part is, I know I wouldn't use most of them (can only have one skin on one mount at a time... plus I'm short the Jackal and Griffon still. I'm a bloody casual!).

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