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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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Myself and I'm sure many others put money into this game as often as we can to support it, well I did but if this is the direction anet is going I more than likely won't be doing so in the future. Gambling is a serious problem and should not be used in a game, its a dirty trick anet and you know it.

Black lion keys are one thing and should also be revised ( unique back items/weapons should be available to be purchased with claim tickets, drop keys to 50-70 gems and I'm sure you'll have a lot more players using them ) but 30 'skins' for mounts costing more than the entire game? common meow you're having a laugh.

Simple fix in my eyes, make the less desired skins 300-500 gems and the more desired 600-800 gems, refund people who have already purchased them all and let them do what they want with the refunded gems.

On a side note, Serious question, does anet need to have a license to have real currency available to be used for gambling? Or is it not classed as gambling technically because there is always goods ( typically very very very lame goods ) received for the transaction?

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Anet isn't forcing anyone to buy the skins they don,t give any bonus stats, u can even earn the gold in game to buy the gems for skins. If anet only put 4 mount skins especially glowy ones in black lion chest I highly doubt anyone will be raging over the mount skins. But i do get the point with 400 gems there is a chance that u can get 1 type of mount skins over and over, I spent 800 gems and got 2 wolf skins. Why not implement a selection window when opening the box giving option to pick from wolf, rabbit, raptor, griffin, skimmer skins you wanna try your luck in.

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I am used to buying a load of cosmetics and account upgrades every time I return to this game, but this time the mount adoption tickets just do not feel worth it. Considering that I got the whole Spooky Mount Pack for 1600 gems, I was expecting each subsequent mount skin to cost 400 to 800 gems, but first off charging 2000 gems for the Reforged Warhound skin - that is ludicrous. I don't think I have seen a single Reforged Warhound so far and I feel that's rightly so. As for the Adoption Licenses, I like the theme that we're adopting our mounts and that's really all I like about it. The problem is that we have the value proposition of mounts being 400 gems from the Spooky Pack but on average getting the mount we want from the adoption package is more like 1200 gems on average. That's triple the value proposition we started with.


I think the overwhelming negativity on this subject in both the forums and the main cities map chats definitely warrant a change in the way mount skins are monetized. Every time the word "mount" even gets brought up in map chat and chat just explodes with negativity from the majority and a defensive few who'd bought the 9600 package get scrutinized as being impulsive and "sad". If the pricing is so expensive that people are being criticized for even buying into it, then there are problems. There's a problem with the community that does that but there's also a problem with the pricing.

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Further comparing this to other games, consider **Brawlhalla**:


- Free game

- Has rotating themed chests of skins

- No duplicates

- Skins cannot be traded or refunded

- Approximately US$3 in gems to open a chest

- No gold to gems exchange.

- The chance of getting the exact skin you want is 1/18 to 1/20

- You can get the skin you want on the gem store for a cost of about 40% more. (gem cost depends on how much you buy at once)

- The exception to this is the 2 or 3 skins that are exclusive to the chest.

- The incentive to buy the chest is that you pay less gems but may not get the skin you want. You might get one of the chest-exclusive skins, though.


![](https://i.imgur.com/BgukGAH.png "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/hICKiNW.png "")



Perhaps ArenaNet's logic is that a mount unlock is account-wide and should be absurdly expensive. But for those that spent 90% of their time on one character, that doesn't matter.

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Just wish these mount come as a content reward. One special map with Gem price tag on it and then let you grind away those mount skins on new content in Elona. Putting them behind gemstore mean that peeps gonna have to farm like mad on the old and Tried content like silverwaste , AB till they are bored and get burn out.

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While I love the mounts and the skins, I don't understand why these new skins are only being sold in a randomized lootbox manner. For a game that focuses so heavily on player customizability-- dying armor, buying and dying outfits, buying and dying /gliders/-- it makes no sense for players not to be given their choice in selecting something as beautiful and wonderful as mount skins for themselves. It makes even /less/ sense for the one single mount skin you can buy in the store-- the warforged jackal-- to cost the exact same amount as the bundle of /5 Halloween/ mounts skins or of even the entire Path of Fire expansion itself! I love Guild Wars 2, but please, this really is in dire need of fixing. I vote relock the skins for now, refund any gems spent on the adoption contracts, and then let people choose exactly /which/ mounts they wish to buy. It would make the players a lot happier and you would still make plenty of money for just selling the mount skins directly rather than making it random chance where players could very likely end up only with skins that they don't like. Even if the skins cost slightly more as a result-- say the same amount as a glider or an outfit-- I think a lot of people would still prefer that option to what is currently happening. Also, that jackal skin seriously needs to get a price cut. 2000 gems for a skin is obscene.

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> @Cronos.6532 said:

> Further comparing this to other games, consider **Brawlhalla**:


Are you honestly comparing the cash shop of a triple-A MMORPG to that of an indy steam brawler? The dev and art costs are orders of magnitude in difference. If you want to make a valid point you need to compare apples to apples. That would be WoW, TERA, FFXIV, SWTOR, Aion, BDO, etc. Go check out *those* cash shop prices and let us know what you find.

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> Perhaps ArenaNet's logic is that a mount unlock is account-wide and should be absurdly expensive. But for those that spent 90% of their time on one character, that doesn't matter.

Gliders are also account wide. As well as outfits and weapon/armor skins, but most of them cost 400-800 jems for exact thing you want. Perhaps Anet's logic was that if Shadow of War and CoD got away with lootboxes, they also will.


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Isn't Guild Wars 2 suppose to be innovating in every aspect of it's game?! Well you need to start innovating a better system to sell these skins, because this rng method is not gonna cut it! And 2000 gems for one skin??? Why was THAT not included in the deluxe edition of the PoF xpac?


You're going down the wrong path, and you're gonna catch fire. Greed destroys games, I've seen it happen, and it would be a shame if it happened to one of the best MMO's out there.

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I was torn between not often and almost never.


I assumed the OP meant rewarding in terms of drops and the like and so my vote specifically refers to such.


I find the gameplay to be rewarding in the sense that it is enjoyable and allows for player to skill to influence character performance, but drops and similar rewards are lackluster at best.

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There are ZERO mount skins able to earned via gameplay. Z E R O.


These RNG lootboxes are a kick in the face. You can't even choose which mount the lootbox unlocks a skin for. I've seen people unlock skins for mounts they don't even have, like the griffon or jackal. You do not have enough goodwill with players, nor enough players in the game, to even remotely get away with this.


The glider skins were kinda fine because, hey, you actually know you're gonna get what you want because 99% of them weren't in a RNG lootbox or BLC. It's still ridiculous that there's only, what, 2 glider skins available to earn via gameplay? But I digress.


RNG lootboxes filled with as many trash skins passed off as recolors as "good" skins to get people to buy more just to get one "good" skin is ridiculous. Especially when zero mount skins were available at launch and you probably had these 30 mount skins ready, and you were just waiting to release them in RNG lootboxes.


But sure, Anet, keep depending on whales to keep your game afloat. We'll see how Mo's request to promote to the game via "word of mouth" works out.

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The mount skins are great - I love that we can personalize our mounts a little more. HOWEVER, I am not happy with the price point. I don't mind spending 400 gems on a skin of my choice, but I think it's ridiculous to buy a lottery ticket for that price, in the hopes that maybe you might just get one you want/like. The contracts are ridiculous; I'd rather put food on the table. I think you should make that 400 gem purchase to be able to choose one you want ... not some random skin you may be disappointed in. Please reconsider how you sell these. I'd love to support you, but I want to have my choice of what I get for that money.

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> @nezroy.8492 said:

> > @Cronos.6532 said:

> > Further comparing this to other games, consider **Brawlhalla**:


> Are you honestly comparing the cash shop of a triple-A MMORPG to that of an indy steam brawler? The dev and art costs are orders of magnitude in difference. If you want to make a valid point you need to compare apples to apples. That would be WoW, TERA, FFXIV, SWTOR, Aion, BDO, etc. Go check out *those* cash shop prices and let us know what you find.


Perhaps the cost of one skin in Guild Wars 2 should be more than that of a 2D game. But the delivery could be the same. Less skins in one box. Don't want to gamble? Buy the skin you want directly for 40% more. It doesn't matter what it costs. Nonetheless, we both know that the development time on these 31 new mounts is not proportionate to their price. If only a hundred people bought them, they're still instantly profitable. What matters is what makes ArenaNet the most profits, and as someone with a wallet I am not interested in these.


I did already cite that Blizzard prices online store mounts for WoW at $25 just like ArenaNet does, I checked those, don't worry. ArenaNet doesn't want my money, but those guys want my money *even less*. Those ones have subscription fees and extreme P2W though.



fwiw I have not dropped money on WoW but I have on all other Blizzard games

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Selling these gambling lootboxes is unethical. I am just disappointed that GW 2 is taking this direction, but I also see hope that game developers would see this as a mistake and learn from it. One of the good old golden rules of GW 2 was that developers are allowed to make mistakes and learn from those.

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> @LeDevil.5374 said:

> Anet isn't forcing anyone to buy the skins they don,t give any bonus stats, u can even earn the gold in game to buy the gems for skins. If anet only put 4 mount skins especially glowy ones in black lion chest I highly doubt anyone will be raging over the mount skins. But i do get the point with 400 gems there is a chance that u can get 1 type of mount skins over and over, I spent 800 gems and got 2 wolf skins. Why not implement a selection window when opening the box giving option to pick from wolf, rabbit, raptor, griffin, skimmer skins you wanna try your luck in.


It would cost nearly 3000 gold to unlock all the skins (aka making sure you get the one you want) and the fact people with no desire/ability to complete the huge griffon collection can still get the 6 Griffon skins. I personally love the Griffon but I never bothered to get the jackal until it was the last thing left to do but I could still have gotten a Jackal skin. I am appalled at ANET for going from direct-sale into loot box. WORST OF ALL the mount skins are NOT TRADEABLE. At least *most* of the exclusive Black Lion Chest items aren't Account Bound. If they at least made the Mount skins able to be put on the auction house it wouldn't be quite so igregious because then we could atleast focus our efforts towards the specific skin we want.

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> @Cronos.6532 said:

> Further comparing this to other games, consider **Brawlhalla**:


> - Free game

> - Has rotating themed chests of skins

> - No duplicates

> - Skins cannot be traded or refunded

> - Approximately US$3 in gems to open a chest

> - No gold to gems exchange.

> - The chance of getting the exact skin you want is 1/18 to 1/20

> - You can get the skin you want on the gem store for a cost of about 40% more. (gem cost depends on how much you buy at once)

> - The exception to this is the 2 or 3 skins that are exclusive to the chest.

> - The incentive to buy the chest is that you pay less gems but may not get the skin you want. You might get one of the chest-exclusive skins, though.




> B2P

> No duplicates

> 5$ to open a chest

> Gold to gem conversion


I think it's pretty fair if compare to that pile of f2p trash you mentioned.



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I've spent my fair share of real money on gems to get what I wanted, but I can't see myself buying a 400 gem lottery ticket. I'd love to have some of these, but I'm not going to gamble I'll get what I want only to be disappointed. And I'm certainly not spending $120 to guarantee I do. I think you need to rethink your pricing strategy. I would think you'll sell a lot more if you drop the price and/or make it so that you can choose what you want.

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I am thinking it's gonna be hard to convince Anet of the horrors of RNG when a huge number of you have demonstrated a compulsive need to try and beat it over the period of the last holiday. Thousands of ToT bags? Even at 3s each sale prices that is adding up to a pretty big amount of gold just from lost sale opportunity and time. The bags were being purchased in big amounts as well.


People have proven to Anet over 2 games that they will spend an insane amount of effort, gold and time on an RNG roll. I'm not surprised they decided to cash in on the knowledge.

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