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Would you welcome a balance patch mid season ?


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fuck no,


I don't trust A-net's way of balancing. if they did more frequent balance patches and more actual talks and explanations on why this was changed with the players or so. I don't want some kind of 3 month wait fucking balance patch mid season, then when something is overtuned or useless or flat out retarded op we gotta wait maby 3 to 6 months till it's fixed. I don't give a fucking rat's ass about this fucking '' oh u just can't adapt to the changing meta, blah blah blah'' or '' this will be interesting'' GET THE FUCK OUTTA WITH THIS CRAP, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!

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> @xDudisx.5914 said:

> Does anyone even take spvp season serious? I welcome a balance patch any day as long as it is a good one.


When you have games like LoL, DOTA, Smite, CS;GO, Overwatch, and other actual competitive PvP games out. No one would or should even think about taking GW2's PvP serious. The devs don't even take it seriously anymore, so neither should you.

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They don't have balance patches, its called complaining mitigation. If they had real balance patches then thief would have a powerful back stab, other classes would have strong 1-5 abilities but less trash spam abilities. go in>hit a bit hit> back out> etc.


alot of the passive invulns and blocks would be gone and every class would be able to beat every other class of similar skill levels within reason.... (nothing can be perfect).


But you won't see that. Right now there is so much junk abilities flying all over even in a 1v1 that you are basically forced to play kinda like a card game: pick counter builds, monitor the boons and conditions they/you have up, and play the waiting game or bait out abilities just so u can even wittle their health away. Even the most tanky of builds should not have so much sustain if they are out played. Sustain should be circumvented by being outplayed. But that is rarely the case.


They need to make condi less trash spam and more intentional. It just feels llike a cluster fuk.

Positional play and dodging need to be more important and we need to back off the junk spam damage and invulns.


U can feel it. When the game first came it out it was closer to a fighting style game. It felt very tight, now it feels more like a bunch of random aoes, passives junk abilities. Its a mess. Now if u wanna be decent u have to micro manage kitten storm of icons, coold downs, spammy spammy that, passives. Its like the game is robbing players of the core game play pvp once had. dodge, counter attack, positional play.


Anybody feel the same way?

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Absolutely yes.


Aside from the obvious which has already been said, more frequent (even if they were really small) balance patches means more bug-fixing. It's unacceptable for players to have to put up with bugged skills for such long periods of time just because the balance team conveniently puts off fixing them until major balance patches. What usually happens is people complain about the bug(s) a lot early on after a bug fix patch, but the bug is neglected, so by the time 3 months rolls around, the bug remains unfixed. I suppose some analogy could be drawn here with over or undertuned skills as well.

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