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Red Lady and Mysterious Skeletons


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Came here to create this very thread! I added that article to the wiki earlier today, as well as [this one](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mysterious_Skeleton). As far as I can tell, the first person to notice the dead body is the wiki user [Magua](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Talk:Grenth%27s_Door&oldid=1571155), who spotted it yesterday. I went there to investigate this morning and I found the place overrun with these "Mysterious Skeletons" (as well as a single Veteran Aatxe - the rest of the Underworld creatures in that area have disappeared), which Magua hadn't mentioned. I took a few screenshots to create a wiki article but didn't think to make a note of their skills, and when I logged back on, they were nowhere to be found. I haven't been able to get them to appear since. There's also now a level 80 raven (in a level 33/34 area) next to the statue of Grenth, which (unless the wiki was incomplete before) is also new.


The skeletons appear to be identical in many respects to the [Halloween creature variants](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skeleton), but with a black shadowy particle effect (similar to that seen on Underworld creatures such as shades, aatxes, etc.). They might be in some way related to Halloween. That's the only other place in GW2 that we see skeletons like this AFAIK. But what about GW1? If we look at [skeleton models](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_Wiki:Projects/NPC_models/Skeletons#Skeletons) featured in GW1, the only one that comes close is...[these guys](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Skeleton_of_Dhuum). Given how close these "Mysterious Skeletons" are to a noted entrance to the Underworld, I don't think that's a coincidence (and remember that outside of a few throwaway lines, the character these enemies were tied to was first properly introduced in GW1 via Halloween content).


In PoF, our trip to the Domain of the Lost introduced us to the idea that with Grenth's departure, the afterlife is in chaos and Grenth's servants (such as the Judge) are doing their best to keep things running. What if what we're seeing here is an extension of that - with the god of death absent from his realm, what if his most powerful prisoner is all the more able to attempt an escape?


A compilation of all known lore on death, resurrection, souls, Grenth's Ascension, and the afterlife is in order, I think. We may be on Dhuumwatch.

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Who do we think "the red lady" is? The classic conspiracy theory answer is [Livia](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Livia), but we've seen her recently and it's not clear how her story would fit into this (although I am very eager to find out what happened to the Scepter of Orr).


Personally, my money's on the [Nameless Lich](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Nameless_Lich). We never found out what her deal was because development stopped on GW1, but we do have [a potential hint](https://www.engadget.com/2010/11/11/costume-design-and-hints-of-whats-to-come-massivelys-intervie/):


>With the seals between certain realms weakening as a result of events from a Halloween previous, some of the members of the Lunatic Court have been able to slip out as well. They have been acting independent of the Mad King in an attempt to free him, but their plans may be attracting the attention of someone else who would like to return to Tyria...


And, well, if the seals between realms are weakened by Halloween, increased activity near former Underworld portals may be explained by that.


EDIT: Another part that made me think - "speaks to me in dreams". Who do we know of that speaks to people in their dreams? There's Mordremoth, but I'm guessing that's not what's going on here. The [Dream Riders](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Banished_Dream_Rider) seem like like a likely candidate (did someone say skeleton horse ghost mount in LWS4?), but we should consider other possibilities too. And what is means by "seeking allies" or "answer the call"?


> @cNd.1096 said:

> There is also a dead body near Shadow Behemoth.


Good find! I'm not in a position to check at the moment - what does it say when you interact with it? The same as the one in Lornar's Pass or something different? Does it mention the red lady?


It seems these anomalies are correlated with the locations of former entrances to the Underworld. There was a statue somewhere near where Cragstead now is, although it wasn't an entrance to the Underworld. There was also one in the Ascalon Catacombs. Another place might be the Cathedral of Silence in Orr.


It might also be worth checking out Balthazar's Rest in Auric Basin. If memory serves you used to be able to get to the Fissure of Woe from there - it'd be worth finding out whether these things are only happening near entrances to the Underworld or entrances to the god realms in general. It might also offer some insight as to whether these events are related to what is going on inside the Sanctum.

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in PoF, Anet has shown to have sharpened the work of putting in the maps something related to lore. We had an epilogue, and the Griffon quest is practically a PoF version of Caladbolg quest. Did they finally wake up to the fact that the players love these things? if they took it on, it will be fantastic.


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One near Shadow Behemoth doesn't say anything interesting, just that it was stabbed many times. The more interesting thing is that after we kill Behemoth, something red is coming to that body, and then dissapear. I'm sure we can find more things like this in a places connected to Underworld, or Grenth.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> The Aatxe can also be found in the library of Kormir during the Griffon quest line. So I wonder if the exit of Kormir triggered these events.


[We know for sure](

) that the departure of Kormir is what allowed "other entities within the Mists" move in on the Sanctum. We might be seeing something similar here - Grenth's departure means that the Underworld has been occupied by these other entities (in GW1 aatxes are almost exclusively associated with the Underworld, although I do wonder if that necessarily means that they are Dhuum's minions), and eventually they are able to make their way through into Tyria via portals from 250 years ago.
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This is certainly not a halloween decoration. ;))


A red Lady? speaking in dreams? seeking allies? answer the call? Holy crap!


It's certainly not Livia, she doesn't wear axes, right? And why would she just kill people and do weird things to them??


That's a bit scary... It's starting to be like a horror movie...


Also the priest... priest of Grenth?


Perhaps this "Red Lady" is a servant of Dhuum? I don't know, it's scary...

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Was hoping to see a thread on this after I noticed the new wiki articles.


So far it seems only Godlost Swamp and Reaper's Gate were investigated. What about other places with portals to the Underworld / Mists? There's the hero challenge area in Kessex Hills, Cathedral of Silence (lots of shades there during priest event), the cave where Speaker of the Dead takes place, the Dredgehaunt Cliffs event in the northern skritt caves, Joko's Garden in the Desolation (if they appear there now then we know this didn't begin with PoF but Halloween), and possibly others I cannot think of atm.


If we want to cover statues to Grenth in general, there's also the statue in Frostgroge near the revolting dredge.


As for "red lady" the first thought I had was Scarlet Briar, but I hope they don't bring her back. My second thought, would be [this lady](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Nameless_Lich) who wears read was also part of Halloween but never had her plot furthered before GW2's release.


> @Tamias.7059 said:

> There's also now a level 80 raven (in a level 33/34 area) next to the statue of Grenth, which (unless the wiki was incomplete before) is also new.


Those were added with Nevermore collection.


> @Tamias.7059 said:

> Personally, my money's on the [Nameless Lich](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Nameless_Lich). We never found out what her deal was because development stopped on GW1, but we do have [a potential hint](https://www.engadget.com/2010/11/11/costume-design-and-hints-of-whats-to-come-massivelys-intervie/):


> >With the seals between certain realms weakening as a result of events from a Halloween previous, some of the members of the Lunatic Court have been able to slip out as well. They have been acting independent of the Mad King in an attempt to free him, but their plans may be attracting the attention of someone else who would like to return to Tyria...


> And, well, if the seals between realms are weakened by Halloween, increased activity near former Underworld portals may be explained by that.


While I agree with the Nameless Lich being a suspect, that quote was referring to the Bloody Prince. I recall a dev confirming that some years back.


> @Tamias.7059 said:

> EDIT: Another part that made me think - "speaks to me in dreams". Who do we know of that speaks to people in their dreams? There's Mordremoth, but I'm guessing that's not what's going on here. The [Dream Riders](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Banished_Dream_Rider) seem like like a likely candidate (did someone say skeleton horse ghost mount in LWS4?), but we should consider other possibilities too. And what is means by "seeking allies" or "answer the call"?


[Dhuum kind of does.](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Invasion_From_Within)


> @Tamias.7059 said:

> It might also be worth checking out Balthazar's Rest in Auric Basin. If memory serves you used to be able to get to the Fissure of Woe from there - it'd be worth finding out whether these things are only happening near entrances to the Underworld or entrances to the god realms in general. It might also offer some insight as to whether these events are related to what is going on inside the Sanctum.


Memory serves you wrong here, you can't get to FoW from there.


> @Tamias.7059 said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > The Aatxe can also be found in the library of Kormir during the Griffon quest line. So I wonder if the exit of Kormir triggered these events.


> [We know for sure](

) that the departure of Kormir is what allowed "other entities within the Mists" move in on the Sanctum. We might be seeing something similar here - Grenth's departure means that the Underworld has been occupied by these other entities (in GW1 aatxes are almost exclusively associated with the Underworld, although I do wonder if that necessarily means that they are Dhuum's minions), and eventually they are able to make their way through into Tyria via portals from 250 years ago.


[Grenth's departure also caused Mist entities to invade the Underworld.](

) Seems this may be universal across all god realms.
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> @Erulogos.2591 said:

> Is the Red Lady's catchphrase "the night is dark and full of terrors"?


I think it's, "Bomb's away! Or rather, bomb's in your face!"


Or maybe...


"There goes the fuuuuuuse, and you're going to looooooose..."




God's be merciful, no more Scarlet Briar.

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> @Athrenn.9468 said:

> I think it's, "Bomb's away! Or rather, bomb's in your face!"


> Or maybe...


> "There goes the fuuuuuuse, and you're going to looooooose..."


> ....


> God's be merciful, no more Scarlet Briar.


Scarlet amused me, but her story is fairly over really. At most, we could encounter her ghost and have her pull "I was right all along, I saw the Alchemy and how you were wrecking it and had to try to save Tyria!" Which would put a different spin on her waking up the big M, but her time as the big bad is past.


But then, Kormir showed us in the PoF story that even that gods that don't hate us aren't all that merciful.

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I just defeated Shadow Behemoth, but I didn't see anything specific new or hidden.

I did saw new Mysterious Skeletons standing here and there in the middle of the fight, but I did not see any Red Lady.

I found a dead priest body though, but nothing else. Could someone show me how this Red Lady looks ?



Is there anything more hidden stuff?


I love these kind of things! =)

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The only _''Red Lady''_ I recall was back in the older days, there was alot of discussions of who this lady in red was in the GW2 Teaser trailer, standing under a waterfall,



I also found, probably the same player character with the same character in another trailer, that's why I mixed this picture up..

Probably just a random NPC back then with an unreleased armor, but this is what came up in my mind when I read _'Red lady'_.

This Red Lady you are speaking of, does she looks like this?

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Guys, did you check with the Necromancer NPC inside Deathroot Shack? I had the option to ask him about the dead body and he claimed that dead person mentioned a deal. I don't have any screens sadly but someone posted some on reddit (which I can't find right now). Is there any Necro/nearby NPC near the other dead body to check out? Or any necromancer NPCs in general such as the Doomsayer of Kryta.

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> @maxwelgm.4315 said:

> Guys, did you check with the Necromancer NPC inside Deathroot Shack? I had the option to ask him about the dead body and he claimed that dead person mentioned a deal. I don't have any screens sadly but someone posted some on reddit (which I can't find right now). Is there any Necro/nearby NPC near the other dead body to check out? Or any necromancer NPCs in general such as the Doomsayer of Kryta.


Yeah I got a screeny of the Necromancer in Deathroot Schack.

He says this after you ask him about the dead old priest body:




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> @Alga.6498 said:

> > @maxwelgm.4315 said:

> > Guys, did you check with the Necromancer NPC inside Deathroot Shack? I had the option to ask him about the dead body and he claimed that dead person mentioned a deal. I don't have any screens sadly but someone posted some on reddit (which I can't find right now). Is there any Necro/nearby NPC near the other dead body to check out? Or any necromancer NPCs in general such as the Doomsayer of Kryta.


> Yeah I got a screeny of the Necromancer in Deathroot Schack.

> He says this after you ask him about the dead old priest body:





Thank you, this is what I was talking about. I messed up "answering a call" with striking a deal though, good clarification now!

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