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Red Lady and Mysterious Skeletons


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> @Alga.6498 said:

> > @maxwelgm.4315 said:

> > Guys, did you check with the Necromancer NPC inside Deathroot Shack? I had the option to ask him about the dead body and he claimed that dead person mentioned a deal. I don't have any screens sadly but someone posted some on reddit (which I can't find right now). Is there any Necro/nearby NPC near the other dead body to check out? Or any necromancer NPCs in general such as the Doomsayer of Kryta.


> Yeah I got a screeny of the Necromancer in Deathroot Schack.

> He says this after you ask him about the dead old priest body:





Crazy. The other dead body writes something about answering a call in his journal as well. Maybe someone is luring priests of Grenth to Underworld portals, only to murder them violently?


To me, Dhuum is the number one suspect. But I *can* think of [at least one other](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Palawa_Joko) powerful necromancer who is currently on the loose in the Underworld.

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Yeah, when I heard about the Red Lady, my first thought was Livia, along with the mysterious skeletons which must be Dhuum related.

Somehow there's something going on in Underworld, or someone is trying to enter/bring something out from it.

Since our gods left us, which includes Grenth, this must be Dhuum matter.


I can't wait to follow up this hidden mini-story, or this could be a hint to something bigger.

This is so excited! I love these kind of hidden, mysterious stuff. =)

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I went and checked other hotspots of shades/aatxes, nothing. Kind of disappointing.


Also notified my guild about this and they ended up finding the same as brought up later in this thread. To summarize what we have so far:


* Two locations, Shadow Behemoth area and Reaper's Gate. Chance of Mysterious Skeletons spawning there.

* Two "Dead Body"s, dialogue mentions cuts from ax or sword (special necromancer dialogue specifying undead skeletons / powerful necromancy) no doubt referring to the ax wielding Mysterious Skeletons (I wonder if revenants have unique dialogue?).

* Necromancer in shack has unique dialogue after interacting with Godslost Swamp corpse.

* From all dialogues, both corpses were priests that were "answering a call".

* Reaper's Gate one makes mention of a "red lady" and the initials DS.

* Godslost Swamp one is visited by a orange/red orb labeled "Mysterious Spirit".


Given all the above, if this isn't a new threat my guess would be Dhuum making a return. He's definitely powerful necromancer, would have reason to target priests, related to the Underworld, had skeleton minions, and Path of Fire had (further) established that the Underworld (and Realm of Torment) is in a bit of chaos thanks to the gods' departure. Plus the Shadow Behemoth had been previously related to Dhuum in one of the legendary collections (IIRC, Astralaria's collections).


Who the "red lady" is, I'm not so sure. Probably someone new, if I had to guess.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> * Two "Dead Body"s, dialogue mentions cuts from ax or sword (special necromancer dialogue specifying undead skeletons / powerful necromancy) no doubt referring to the ax wielding Mysterious Skeletons (I wonder if revenants have unique dialogue?).

I just checked. No unique dialogue for revenants.

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The Mysterious Skeletons drop Halloween creature drops, but that may be just an oversight from making them out of the Blood Prince's skeletons.


They seem to be skeletons covered in shadow.


They appear only during the night cycle, same as the Behemoth and the Lady in White.


The effect that gives a Nourishment when /kneeling in front of the statue spells things in New Krytan. I tried reading them, but they flash too fast, and the words are random and different every time you /kneel. I only got time to read one from screenshots: "BOGGNOSCE".

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This is pure speculation, but I'm guessing the Red Lady is either Desmina, Grenth's first follower or one of the mortal heroes who helped him defeat Dhuum. The heroes became Grenth's seven reapers and thus first servants, but maybe they've returned to their undead selves after his departure from the Mists, and are now struggling to hold the line against Dhuum? It would make sense for them to contact the living priests of Grenth to join the cause.

If the realms of the gods are starting to collapse like The Sanctum is after Kormir left, it would truly make sense for Dhuum to break free and his old enemies trying to defeat him once again.

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Don't know if it's a Halloween feature or not but my brother says that he recently seen moving foot prints near the cliffs surrounding the house in Godslost Swamp. He also has seen them in other areas but can't remember where, but every time he approaches them they turn and run off in the opposite direction from him and then disappear.

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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> The Mysterious Skeletons drop Halloween creature drops, but that may be just an oversight from making them out of the Blood Prince's skeletons.


> They seem to be skeletons covered in shadow.


> They appear only during the night cycle, same as the Behemoth and the Lady in White.


> The effect that gives a Nourishment when /kneeling in front of the statue spells things in New Krytan. I tried reading them, but they flash too fast, and the words are random and different every time you /kneel. I only got time to read one from screenshots: "BOGGNOSCE".


Ooh, good catch. That little easter egg has been in the game since release AFAIK, but I wonder if the New Krytan is new.

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> @draxynnic.3719 said:

> Skeletons of Dhuum was my first thought as well.


> Unfortunately, any 'cleaning up the god realms' content is 90% likely to be confined to raids, so if you're not a raider, temper your expectations.


usually they dont put things related to Raids to affect core Tyria.


Perhaps, its seems new **side histories**, it can hint the direction new lore goes for.



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> @Tamias.7059 said:

> > @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> > The Mysterious Skeletons drop Halloween creature drops, but that may be just an oversight from making them out of the Blood Prince's skeletons.

> >

> > They seem to be skeletons covered in shadow.

> >

> > They appear only during the night cycle, same as the Behemoth and the Lady in White.

> >

> > The effect that gives a Nourishment when /kneeling in front of the statue spells things in New Krytan. I tried reading them, but they flash too fast, and the words are random and different every time you /kneel. I only got time to read one from screenshots: "BOGGNOSCE".


> Ooh, good catch. That little easter egg has been in the game since release AFAIK, but I wonder if the New Krytan is new.


I've got a hefty stack of gifts of exploration and I've been there enough times to complete several times the Modus Sceleris event that happens in there, and every time I've been there I get the nourishment from the statue.


While the words flash fast, they have a bright outline flashing around them as they appear from left to right on the character's back.


Memory is tricky, but something like that is hard to pass. It was extremely noticeable when I saw it yesterday, so I don't think it's very likely it's something I've missed the other hundreds of times I've been there. If I aw it before, I would have added a wiki entry about it like I did yesterday.


So I'm inclined to think it's new.

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> @Arden.7480 said:

> Who is capable to speak to somebody in dreams? If the victims would be Sylvari the answer would be: Pale Tree or Mordremoth, but the victims are humans so somebody has to have powers to connect with people's minds.


> Does Dhuum have the powers to connect with people's minds?


Actually, yes, he does:




In Nightfallen Jahai, the Forgotten Rukkassa's mind is invaded by Dhuum's forces, causing him to fight against his allies.




Regarding the Modus Scleris event that happens near that statue of Grenth in Lornar's Pass, what triggers it? I thought I was crazy remembering an event there, but perhaps not. I wonder if said event has changed at all with this update?

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Also notified my guild about this and they ended up finding the same as brought up later in this thread. To summarize what we have so far:

> * Godslost Swamp one is visited by a orange/red orb labeled "Mysterious Spirit".


On GW1, I remember that a red Spirit (ok I admit it's more a wisp than a spirit on a Necro point of view) was poping in Lion Arch only during halloween event (video from 3min27'' to 3min58''): [link](


And the exact same spirt could be seen at any time of the year in the swamp around the Temple of Ages (can't remember where exactly, I'll have to log back to GW1).

So clearly Red Spirits has always been part of this Kryta area and are tightly linked to the mists/Halloween.




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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> The Red Lady is Carmen Sandiego trying to steal the statue of Grenth. She has to send her henchmen to deal with the priests. The "DS" on the journal is a clue to her next heist which stands for "Dwayna's Statue". It all makes sense now. She's trying to stop Winter's Day.




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> @TealDeer.4217 said:

> [...]

> Regarding the Modus Scleris event that happens near that statue of Grenth in Lornar's Pass, what triggers it? I thought I was crazy remembering an event there, but perhaps not. I wonder if said event has changed at all with this update?


Modus Sceleris events are so rare they they either have very long cooldowns, or are triggered randomly when a instance of a map is created.

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> @ugrakarma.9416 said:

> > @draxynnic.3719 said:

> > Skeletons of Dhuum was my first thought as well.

> >

> > Unfortunately, any 'cleaning up the god realms' content is 90% likely to be confined to raids, so if you're not a raider, temper your expectations.


> usually they dont put things related to Raids to affect core Tyria.


> Perhaps, its seems new **side histories**, it can hint the direction new lore goes for.


> http://dulfy.net/2017/08/08/gw2-side-stories-achievements-guide/


The bandit leader events were pretty much only related to raids when they appeared. They ended up related to LS3 as well, mind you, but that was because the raids were closely related to LS3 (with the original three wings being a prologue) rather than being a 'side story' per se.


So the comment about raid stuff not affecting core Tyria is inconclusive at best.


A Dhuum breakout, though, would be a prime candidate for a raid. It's something that's easily decoupled from Tyria itself, with the main event happening in the Underworld. It would be a followup to what was essentially the GW1 equivalent of a raid in GW1. It would be very easy to make a Dhuum instance into a series of boss fights in the style of raids. And it's not (necessarily) directly related to the current main story involving Kralkatorrik, Aurene, Joko and Dragon's Watch - certainly less so than the first raid wings were to the LS3 story.


It's perfect raid material, and thus, I'd be quite surprised if it wasn't. Perhaps pleasantly surprised, depending on what it is they decide to make the raids instead, but surprised nonetheless.

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> @draxynnic.3719 said:

> > @ugrakarma.9416 said:

> > > @draxynnic.3719 said:

> > > Skeletons of Dhuum was my first thought as well.

> > >

> > > Unfortunately, any 'cleaning up the god realms' content is 90% likely to be confined to raids, so if you're not a raider, temper your expectations.

> >

> > usually they dont put things related to Raids to affect core Tyria.

> >

> > Perhaps, its seems new **side histories**, it can hint the direction new lore goes for.

> >

> > http://dulfy.net/2017/08/08/gw2-side-stories-achievements-guide/


> The bandit leader events were pretty much only related to raids when they appeared. They ended up related to LS3 as well, mind you, but that was because the raids were closely related to LS3 (with the original three wings being a prologue) rather than being a 'side story' per se.


> So the comment about raid stuff not affecting core Tyria is inconclusive at best.


> A Dhuum breakout, though, would be a prime candidate for a raid. It's something that's easily decoupled from Tyria itself, with the main event happening in the Underworld. It would be a followup to what was essentially the GW1 equivalent of a raid in GW1. It would be very easy to make a Dhuum instance into a series of boss fights in the style of raids. And it's not (necessarily) directly related to the current main story involving Kralkatorrik, Aurene, Joko and Dragon's Watch - certainly less so than the first raid wings were to the LS3 story.


> It's perfect raid material, and thus, I'd be quite surprised if it wasn't. Perhaps pleasantly surprised, depending on what it is they decide to make the raids instead, but surprised nonetheless.


The bandit champions weren't the only Side Stories stuff - ley lines were also present, and only related to S3. Furthermore, the first bandit Side Story stuff came out post-raid, rather than a prelude to the raids. I'm pretty sure even the third wing was already out by the time the first bandit champions and posters were.


I would also that depending on how it's done, Dhuum can very much be directly related to Path of Fire, given that PoF established that both the Realm of Torment and the Underworld have become weakened and chaotic in the gods' absences, and became even worse with soul-eating demons (which is exactly what Dhuum's minions were) when Balthazar had came and left, and that Palawa Joko was imprisoned and thus escape from the Underworld - his escape could easily lead to others escaping.


Furthermore, detracting from returning to the Elder Dragons in full force would keep the game from continuing back down the repetitious and boring path of "every expansion deals with a new Elder Dragon" that was the primary purpose for Path of Fire not dealing with the Elder Dragons. And with them having brought the gods back into the plot, it seems highly silly to completely end the gods' plots with PoF.


I do think we'll be getting a god-related raid soon, but I'd bet it'll be tied to Mingus, I mean Menzies more than Dhuum.


But I suppose I'm just hopeful that my favorite GW1 villain of all time and most looked forward continued plot from GW1 will be getting a bigger spotlight than a mere raid. Hopefully it won't be getting the treatment that my fourth favorite GW1 villain got (Lazarus).

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> @"Gold Angel Of Death.2538" said:

> I seen there is different answers depending on if your a necro or not


Checked this out, can verify.


The body at Godslost has a different explanation upon inspecting it, stating outright it was the nearby skeletons that killed it. The one at Lornar's has an additional line about it having the distinct feeling of the Underworld about it but otherwise, the text is the same.


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