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[Video] China server wvw


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> @SloRules.3560 said:

> Where is the melee ball? They just seem to be clouding, which results in no pushes at all.


Iftguild kinda know what they are doing a melee wont work on them, the thing is if ur spam blob doest know how easy is to counter melee, th eminimal push will oblitarate u.

Maybe if u stack tons of another stupid and dumb gimmick called resitance and boons to cover it u can reach close combat.



ugly fights everywhere....

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> @SloRules.3560 said:

> Where is the melee ball? They just seem to be clouding, which results in no pushes at all.


each side have 30+ Marauder rev can easily kill some people before melee.

and there are some scourge and spellbreaker waiting for chance.


> @DoctorWunderbar.5037 said:

> Do you guys stay up to date with metas in EU / NA or just kinda make your own?


Very similar to meta but a little different

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> @primatos.5413 said:

> Whatever .. it is a crying shame what anet did to wvw .. still hole servers can hide in theire kitten in keeps all the time and never meet a single opponent player .. but they win the matchups .. poor kitten -.-


yeah, we just want to fight each other after get off work.


> @Turk.5460 said:

> Wow, this is great! I couldn't understand the text, but its good to see such action over there. And all from two years before the game even released! :B



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> @RodOfDeath.5247 said:

> I'm not entirely a big fan of blob wars but it is nice to see activity in wvw, even if its EOTM.


it is server vs server, EBG always lag if 75vs75vs75


> @reddie.5861 said:



> couldnt resist!




> @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

> China always do server vs server (big gvg) in EOTM

> broken the tier limit





> @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

> Awesome stuff. You guys should do some 15v15s, that would be fun to watch.


not much small group in china server



> @Malfrador.3615 said:

> How is the queue/server population over there?

> What are these "emblems" some players have near their name? pvp ranks?



only 1~2 maps queue during asia time zone now and only 2 tiers

emblems=VIP, cost 758 gems per month


> @jacksmith.6028 said:

> EoTM is not WvW


yes, it is server vs server


> @shiri.4257 said:

> NA + China server links plz. tired of NA plebs.


hope so :/

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i think CN understood WvW as World vs World (am i the only one who thinks they understood english better than the other 2 english speaking servers?)

while on NA WvW is understood as Guild vs Guild (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13237/should-invisible-tag-be-a-thing#latest)

dunno about on EU though.... (they are the real deal english folks so i assume they're good)



all in all, good to see this vid

makes me wanna play DOTA2 again, cuz ive had enough of the same boring strats NA makes on WvW.... metabutthole......

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