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Whats Coming Next Expansion

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Some of arguments against the OP's original statement I feel actually back up OP's original statement.

The ex pac was cheaper this time, thats why there's less content. Well yes thats the point. Just enough to bring people in to validate the cash shop.

But content will be brought out piecemeal. Again yes that's the sales loop.

Content cost money you know and there's no sub. Yes so they need to generate interest in the cash shop and put resources into making things to put in the cash shop.

But its a minority of whales that support the game. There is no evidence of that at all and this supposed minority would have to be spending tens, if not hundreds of thousands each year or even month. There isn't even that much to actually buy. And Anet says its a microtransaction model themselves.

They shouldn't be putting that money into more content because they're busy improving what's all ready there. Except they really aren't. Bugs from day one are still in, balance patches ate a joke, pvp and wvw are unsupported game modes, etc, etc

And on and on.


But there isn't necessarily anything wrong with all that as long as what's there is fun enough to stop people feeling like cash cows and that is of course entirely subjective.

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The only way this company is going to get my business back for the next expansion is if they add Largos as a playable race and a bard class to the game with harps as a new weapon option. More LONG hairstyles, more actual cute face choices and simpler fashion choices like corset/tight pants/tigh high heels that aren't super ugly with a bunch of extra junk coming off of them.


Not to mention deleting the disgusting rng crap they are forcing down our throats that not a single person wanted or asked for. As far as I'm concerned they have lost my business for the foreseeable future unless they fix the stuff and actually deal with the backlash they're getting not give some half assed non-apology and sweeping it under the rug like they're currently doing.


They have effectively slapped their player base in the face and said "meh deal with it".

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @troops.8276 said:

> > The ex pac was cheaper this time, thats why there's less content.


> Are you seriously saying that Path of Fire on release day had less content than Heart of Thorns on release day?


No I'm merely repeating what others have said as both a complaint and as a defence of Anet. That whole part of the post was a call and return format.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @troops.8276 said:

> > The ex pac was cheaper this time, thats why there's less content.


> Are you seriously saying that Path of Fire on release day had less content than Heart of Thorns on release day?


What was released on the first couple days of hot. Honestly I wasn't there. I bout the game couple years ago so idk what was started from hot.

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I honestly don't get that the fuss it about. It's no different from other businesses. Every business tries to sell to make money. But arenanet theme was never to have a sub. Why? Because no one in gw2 will pay. And everyone who mentions is get all mad at the question. If we DID have a sub many things would have already been in the game. Non sub has held this game back. Multiple platforms for scratched out because arenanet cannot afford to have gw2 on console platforms. But then people want it......? We want the game to have more features without paying. When developing is a service wager.


As soon as arenanet released POF they could choose for everyone to pay for new features after that, but they don't. When they should.. I would. I mean working hours, and hours giving people new content for free? And then people want to get mad for the skins. People don't want a sub. Or want arenanet to give an option for players to sub like eso. It's not that arenanet wanted to add skins or mounts. It's the fact that they have families to support. So what to do to make people happy? Add mount skins. And honestly mount skins aren't bad. I wish you could use multiple dyes without skins but dang it's just an outfit. You don't need it.


I don't think it's truly arenanets fault for these methods. I think it's the communities fault. And I don't think this games content should be compared to sub based games content. Because a sub based game will always give more vs a non sub hoping people will like it. To blame arenanet is wrong. It should be the people who are not willing to give money to free updates after an expansion. Use of their free servers even though it costs them money. And not wanting to give money for patches they do for free when PlayStation and Xbox charges money each time they give updates to the game.


Our community is holding arenanet back and that is our own faults. If we had a sub. Or option, many things would've already been added to the game. Especially bugs in the stories and maps that people complain about. More people would be hired. Etc.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> I honestly don't get that the fuss it about. It's no different from other businesses. Every business tries to sell to make money. But arenanet theme was never to have a sub. Why? Because no one in gw2 will pay. And everyone who mentions is get all mad at the question. If we DID have a sub many things would have already been in the game. Non sub has held this game back. Multiple platforms for scratched out because arenanet cannot afford to have gw2 on console platforms. But then people want it......? We want the game to have more features without paying. When developing is a service wager.


> As soon as arenanet released POF they could choose for everyone to pay for new features after that, but they don't. When they should.. I would. I mean working hours, and hours giving people new content for free? And then people want to get mad for the skins. People don't want a sub. Or want arenanet to give an option for players to sub like eso. It's not that arenanet wanted to add skins or mounts. It's the fact that they have families to support. So what to do to make people happy? Add mount skins. And honestly mount skins aren't bad. I wish you could use multiple dyes without skins but dang it's just an outfit. You don't need it.


> I don't think it's truly arenanets fault for these methods. I think it's the communities fault. And I don't think this games content should be compared to sub based games content. Because a sub based game will always give more vs a non sub hoping people will like it. To blame arenanet is wrong. It should be the people who are not willing to give money to free updates after an expansion. Use of their free servers even though it costs them money. And not wanting to give money for patches they do for free when PlayStation and Xbox charges money each time they give updates to the game.


> Our community is holding arenanet back and that is our own faults. If we had a sub. Or option, many things would've already been added to the game. Especially bugs in the stories and maps that people complain about. More people would be hired. Etc.



I'd pay a sub on top of my gems for a significantly increase release rate, and/or map size and armor count. I'm not complaining about what we're getting, just saying I'd pay more to get more

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> @Fenom.9457 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > I honestly don't get that the fuss it about. It's no different from other businesses. Every business tries to sell to make money. But arenanet theme was never to have a sub. Why? Because no one in gw2 will pay. And everyone who mentions is get all mad at the question. If we DID have a sub many things would have already been in the game. Non sub has held this game back. Multiple platforms for scratched out because arenanet cannot afford to have gw2 on console platforms. But then people want it......? We want the game to have more features without paying. When developing is a service wager.

> >

> > As soon as arenanet released POF they could choose for everyone to pay for new features after that, but they don't. When they should.. I would. I mean working hours, and hours giving people new content for free? And then people want to get mad for the skins. People don't want a sub. Or want arenanet to give an option for players to sub like eso. It's not that arenanet wanted to add skins or mounts. It's the fact that they have families to support. So what to do to make people happy? Add mount skins. And honestly mount skins aren't bad. I wish you could use multiple dyes without skins but dang it's just an outfit. You don't need it.

> >

> > I don't think it's truly arenanets fault for these methods. I think it's the communities fault. And I don't think this games content should be compared to sub based games content. Because a sub based game will always give more vs a non sub hoping people will like it. To blame arenanet is wrong. It should be the people who are not willing to give money to free updates after an expansion. Use of their free servers even though it costs them money. And not wanting to give money for patches they do for free when PlayStation and Xbox charges money each time they give updates to the game.

> >

> > Our community is holding arenanet back and that is our own faults. If we had a sub. Or option, many things would've already been added to the game. Especially bugs in the stories and maps that people complain about. More people would be hired. Etc.



> I'd pay a sub on top of my gems for a significantly increase release rate, and/or map size and armor count. I'm not complaining about what we're getting, just saying I'd pay more to get more


Agreed I'm not talking towards you in general. Im saying this to a lot of people. Because I have heard and read a lot of people wouldn't. However most people? I'm not sure but, quite a bit would leave just because a sub. Me I would pay. But everyone would have to want to just so arenanets decisions would be based off that then people leaving the game.


However as much profit they get, we will never know. We don't know how much they get in merch. From gem store. Gem cards from Walmart. How much they got from POF. So our speculation of them not having enough could be wrong too. So it's up to arenanet to decide. Maybe we have to have a long lasting poll for arenanet to add a sub for us to get faster content. Who knows.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> > @Fenom.9457 said:

> > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > I honestly don't get that the fuss it about. It's no different from other businesses. Every business tries to sell to make money. But arenanet theme was never to have a sub. Why? Because no one in gw2 will pay. And everyone who mentions is get all mad at the question. If we DID have a sub many things would have already been in the game. Non sub has held this game back. Multiple platforms for scratched out because arenanet cannot afford to have gw2 on console platforms. But then people want it......? We want the game to have more features without paying. When developing is a service wager.

> > >

> > > As soon as arenanet released POF they could choose for everyone to pay for new features after that, but they don't. When they should.. I would. I mean working hours, and hours giving people new content for free? And then people want to get mad for the skins. People don't want a sub. Or want arenanet to give an option for players to sub like eso. It's not that arenanet wanted to add skins or mounts. It's the fact that they have families to support. So what to do to make people happy? Add mount skins. And honestly mount skins aren't bad. I wish you could use multiple dyes without skins but dang it's just an outfit. You don't need it.

> > >

> > > I don't think it's truly arenanets fault for these methods. I think it's the communities fault. And I don't think this games content should be compared to sub based games content. Because a sub based game will always give more vs a non sub hoping people will like it. To blame arenanet is wrong. It should be the people who are not willing to give money to free updates after an expansion. Use of their free servers even though it costs them money. And not wanting to give money for patches they do for free when PlayStation and Xbox charges money each time they give updates to the game.

> > >

> > > Our community is holding arenanet back and that is our own faults. If we had a sub. Or option, many things would've already been added to the game. Especially bugs in the stories and maps that people complain about. More people would be hired. Etc.

> >

> >

> > I'd pay a sub on top of my gems for a significantly increase release rate, and/or map size and armor count. I'm not complaining about what we're getting, just saying I'd pay more to get more


> Agreed I'm not talking towards you in general. Im saying this to a lot of people. Because I have heard and read a lot of people wouldn't. However most people? I'm not sure but, quite a bit would leave just because a sub. Me I would pay. But everyone would have to want to just so arenanets decisions would be based off that then people leaving the game.


> However as much profit they get, we will never know. We don't know how much they get in merch. From gem store. Gem cards from Walmart. How much they got from POF. So our speculation of them not having enough could be wrong too. So it's up to arenanet to decide. Maybe we have to have a long lasting poll for arenanet to add a sub for us to get faster content. Who knows.


I think the value of the f2p people is never considered. Not in the they might eventually buy something context but in another way. If all the f2players left then it wouldn't feel so busy and that is very important in any mmo. Places can feel dead without peeps around. How many ppl would play less, leave or never join if it felt or was seen as a ghost town. It'd be lonely for those whales.

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> @troops.8276 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > @Fenom.9457 said:

> > > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > I honestly don't get that the fuss it about. It's no different from other businesses. Every business tries to sell to make money. But arenanet theme was never to have a sub. Why? Because no one in gw2 will pay. And everyone who mentions is get all mad at the question. If we DID have a sub many things would have already been in the game. Non sub has held this game back. Multiple platforms for scratched out because arenanet cannot afford to have gw2 on console platforms. But then people want it......? We want the game to have more features without paying. When developing is a service wager.

> > > >

> > > > As soon as arenanet released POF they could choose for everyone to pay for new features after that, but they don't. When they should.. I would. I mean working hours, and hours giving people new content for free? And then people want to get mad for the skins. People don't want a sub. Or want arenanet to give an option for players to sub like eso. It's not that arenanet wanted to add skins or mounts. It's the fact that they have families to support. So what to do to make people happy? Add mount skins. And honestly mount skins aren't bad. I wish you could use multiple dyes without skins but dang it's just an outfit. You don't need it.

> > > >

> > > > I don't think it's truly arenanets fault for these methods. I think it's the communities fault. And I don't think this games content should be compared to sub based games content. Because a sub based game will always give more vs a non sub hoping people will like it. To blame arenanet is wrong. It should be the people who are not willing to give money to free updates after an expansion. Use of their free servers even though it costs them money. And not wanting to give money for patches they do for free when PlayStation and Xbox charges money each time they give updates to the game.

> > > >

> > > > Our community is holding arenanet back and that is our own faults. If we had a sub. Or option, many things would've already been added to the game. Especially bugs in the stories and maps that people complain about. More people would be hired. Etc.

> > >

> > >

> > > I'd pay a sub on top of my gems for a significantly increase release rate, and/or map size and armor count. I'm not complaining about what we're getting, just saying I'd pay more to get more

> >

> > Agreed I'm not talking towards you in general. Im saying this to a lot of people. Because I have heard and read a lot of people wouldn't. However most people? I'm not sure but, quite a bit would leave just because a sub. Me I would pay. But everyone would have to want to just so arenanets decisions would be based off that then people leaving the game.

> >

> > However as much profit they get, we will never know. We don't know how much they get in merch. From gem store. Gem cards from Walmart. How much they got from POF. So our speculation of them not having enough could be wrong too. So it's up to arenanet to decide. Maybe we have to have a long lasting poll for arenanet to add a sub for us to get faster content. Who knows.


> I think the value of the f2p people is never considered. Not in the they might eventually buy something context but in another way. If all the f2players left then it wouldn't feel so busy and that is very important in any mmo. Places can feel dead without peeps around. How many ppl would play less, leave or never join if it felt or was seen as a ghost town. It'd be lonely for those whales.


True. The free people are the ones most likely to buy the skins and gliders etc. I'm not saying kick free players. I'm just asking what if their was an option to pay monthly and get benefits. U know would it change the game? Would it make content faster or would it just be a thing that didn't change anything and there's an option to sub? IDK why arenanet hasn't offered it though.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> > @troops.8276 said:

> > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > @Fenom.9457 said:

> > > > > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > > > > I honestly don't get that the fuss it about. It's no different from other businesses. Every business tries to sell to make money. But arenanet theme was never to have a sub. Why? Because no one in gw2 will pay. And everyone who mentions is get all mad at the question. If we DID have a sub many things would have already been in the game. Non sub has held this game back. Multiple platforms for scratched out because arenanet cannot afford to have gw2 on console platforms. But then people want it......? We want the game to have more features without paying. When developing is a service wager.

> > > > >

> > > > > As soon as arenanet released POF they could choose for everyone to pay for new features after that, but they don't. When they should.. I would. I mean working hours, and hours giving people new content for free? And then people want to get mad for the skins. People don't want a sub. Or want arenanet to give an option for players to sub like eso. It's not that arenanet wanted to add skins or mounts. It's the fact that they have families to support. So what to do to make people happy? Add mount skins. And honestly mount skins aren't bad. I wish you could use multiple dyes without skins but dang it's just an outfit. You don't need it.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't think it's truly arenanets fault for these methods. I think it's the communities fault. And I don't think this games content should be compared to sub based games content. Because a sub based game will always give more vs a non sub hoping people will like it. To blame arenanet is wrong. It should be the people who are not willing to give money to free updates after an expansion. Use of their free servers even though it costs them money. And not wanting to give money for patches they do for free when PlayStation and Xbox charges money each time they give updates to the game.

> > > > >

> > > > > Our community is holding arenanet back and that is our own faults. If we had a sub. Or option, many things would've already been added to the game. Especially bugs in the stories and maps that people complain about. More people would be hired. Etc.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I'd pay a sub on top of my gems for a significantly increase release rate, and/or map size and armor count. I'm not complaining about what we're getting, just saying I'd pay more to get more

> > >

> > > Agreed I'm not talking towards you in general. Im saying this to a lot of people. Because I have heard and read a lot of people wouldn't. However most people? I'm not sure but, quite a bit would leave just because a sub. Me I would pay. But everyone would have to want to just so arenanets decisions would be based off that then people leaving the game.

> > >

> > > However as much profit they get, we will never know. We don't know how much they get in merch. From gem store. Gem cards from Walmart. How much they got from POF. So our speculation of them not having enough could be wrong too. So it's up to arenanet to decide. Maybe we have to have a long lasting poll for arenanet to add a sub for us to get faster content. Who knows.

> >

> > I think the value of the f2p people is never considered. Not in the they might eventually buy something context but in another way. If all the f2players left then it wouldn't feel so busy and that is very important in any mmo. Places can feel dead without peeps around. How many ppl would play less, leave or never join if it felt or was seen as a ghost town. It'd be lonely for those whales.


> True. The free people are the ones most likely to buy the skins and gliders etc. I'm not saying kick free players. I'm just asking what if their was an option to pay monthly and get benefits. U know would it change the game? Would it make content faster or would it just be a thing that didn't change anything and there's an option to sub? IDK why arenanet hasn't offered it though.


Well if it meant the free account crowd just left then there may at first be actually more revenue (subs and cash shop) coming in but the place would feel empty and then probably would spiral down to a point of less revenue than before because in mmo's people like having other people around. Maybe.

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It appears that there wasn't much content or achievements in the Path of Fire expansion, so I can only think that the expansion was a vehicle for mounts, and therefore a vehicle for RNG mount skins locked behind lootboxes. My husband and I have played the game for years and are completionists so are still waiting for genuine content.

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  • 2 months later...

It's a shame they can't make the port for consoles. The game would be very well recieved and it would play ok on a controller. Maybe for console a system like eso, with a subscription giving certain benefits. People would accept that and GW2 looks good enough to be considered a new game. Tera is comming to PS4 and while it does have decent combat it's only about 5% of the game that GW2 is.

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> @"Gallows.4318" said:

> It's a shame they can't make the port for consoles. The game would be very well recieved and it would play ok on a controller. Maybe for console a system like eso, with a subscription giving certain benefits. People would accept that and GW2 looks good enough to be considered a new game. Tera is comming to PS4 and while it does have decent combat it's only about 5% of the game that GW2 is.


There is a post in 2015 that were was going to be a console version. However Microsoft and PlayStation couldn’t be in agreement with arenanet. They were saying that the only reason because of cost of patches. In pc you don’t have to pay to release a patch. Well In console, they would have to fork money over for each patch. So I’m thinking if they went consoles they would have to add a sub for patching cost. But since their goal was to be buy to play. That won’t happen.




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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > @"Gallows.4318" said:

> > It's a shame they can't make the port for consoles. The game would be very well recieved and it would play ok on a controller. Maybe for console a system like eso, with a subscription giving certain benefits. People would accept that and GW2 looks good enough to be considered a new game. Tera is comming to PS4 and while it does have decent combat it's only about 5% of the game that GW2 is.


> There is a post in 2015 that were was going to be a console version. However Microsoft and PlayStation couldn’t be in agreement with arenanet. They were saying that the only reason because of cost of patches. In pc you don’t have to pay to release a patch. Well In console, they would have to fork money over for each patch. So I’m thinking if they went consoles they would have to add a sub for patching cost. But since their goal was to be buy to play. That won’t happen.





Yes, but much has changed since then. I think at least Sony have changed their policy. Maybe Anet think it's too late... but two years from now and GW2 will still be hot on console :)


I have no idea how time consuming such a port would be, but of course the living world would have to be handled in some fashion to create the experience. At least they could ship years of content at release and still do the two weeks releases where they unlock new content.


It would also be a great setup for GW3 years from now. I have no doubt the game would sell like mad on console and I do think a port will at least be cheaper than making the game was.


A port to console could end up giving the PC version some updates as well, that may not be considered otherwise.




As for the expansions I really didn't enjoy HoT that much. It was brilliant in some ways and liked the new specializations after balancing. But the maps... all that tree climbing really annoyed me. PoF is really good. The mounts are amazing and the maps are much nicer to play on. The expansions added some great changes to the game. The legendary crafting progression. Didn't like the whole ascended gear move, but at least it's not annoying to get, it just takes a bit of time.


What I would love for the next Expansion is a pure WvW Expansion, but since it would split the player base it's not going to happen. It's a real shame, because they could do some great stuff if they put all their attention to that in an Expansion.


With a console release though, a WvW revamp could be realistic - free on the PC and part of the new console game.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Vanity Flare.8539" said:

> The only way this company is going to get my business back for the next expansion is if they add Largos as a playable race and a bard class to the game with harps as a new weapon option. More LONG hairstyles, more actual cute face choices and simpler fashion choices like corset/tight pants/tigh high heels that aren't super ugly with a bunch of extra junk coming off of them.


> Not to mention deleting the disgusting rng crap they are forcing down our throats that not a single person wanted or asked for. As far as I'm concerned they have lost my business for the foreseeable future unless they fix the stuff and actually deal with the backlash they're getting not give some half assed non-apology and sweeping it under the rug like they're currently doing.


> They have effectively slapped their player base in the face and said "meh deal with it".


*retches* Judging from that first part of your post, you want GW2 to be some sort of Tera or Aion.

I pray you never, ever get your wish.

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my estimate?

We deal with Palawa Joko in LS4, but in such a way that Kralkatorrik becomes a plain mess.

We then either follow Kralkatorrik back to the Blood legion Homelands, or somewhere further off Elona (I hope not to Cantha, since I want the DSD there, with Zu Hanuku as it's (to be revealed) champion)

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> I'm more concerned about how they are going to design the next expansion. Since mounts are part of PoF how will that effect future expansion maps for players who don't have it? Will they add mounts to Central Tyria to make up for it?


IF we go to cantha, a large chunk of the map will be in the sewers and the slums (probably) in which case a mount may actually slow you down

(big IF)

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