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How many keys did you use to get the Wild Magic Glider?


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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> Zero, but I would have spent maybe 600-800 gems to buy it outright.


Keep an eye out for some sort of future [black Lion Exclusives Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Exclusives_Chest) that contains this (or other recent account bound unlocks). The one available on the TP goes for 400-600 gold (and was cheaper while it still dropped) and gives you a choice of nine of the original bound skins, including the Elemental Sword, Grasping Phantom Glider, & Candelabra Staff skin.


There's no guarantee ANet will do this again, of course; I just hope that they do.


The trade off is that we have to wait. But I'm always happy to delay gratification in order to save 30-70% off retail.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > Zero, but I would have spent maybe 600-800 gems to buy it outright.


> Keep an eye out for some sort of future [black Lion Exclusives Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Exclusives_Chest) that contains this (or other recent account bound unlocks). The one available on the TP goes for 400-600 gold (and was cheaper while it still dropped) and gives you a choice of nine of the original bound skins, including the Elemental Sword, Grasping Phantom Glider, & Candelabra Staff skin.


> There's no guarantee ANet will do this again, of course; I just hope that they do.


> The trade off is that we have to wait. But I'm always happy to delay gratification in order to save 30-70% off retail.


Huh, well if any of those were things that I would have wanted, it's certainly a better way to get them than pure RNG. It's still not an ideal system, of course, since while some of those things might be worth 400-600g to some people, I doubt anyone would pay that for like, "Bitterfrost vantage point" or whatever, so I don't see those options getting much use in that format. It would be better if each item were just priced fairly.



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> @Shadowzerk.4715 said:

> my friend used 228 key and got his wild magic backpack/glider

> i opened 68 black lion chests and the angel of luck was not on my side .....

> some random guy in the LA said he got his glider with 1 key :'(


That's...ridiculous. Ouch, I am so sorry to hear that. I pity your friend, and you too D:

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > > Zero, but I would have spent maybe 600-800 gems to buy it outright.

> >

> > Keep an eye out for some sort of future [black Lion Exclusives Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Exclusives_Chest) that contains this (or other recent account bound unlocks). The one available on the TP goes for 400-600 gold (and was cheaper while it still dropped) and gives you a choice of nine of the original bound skins, including the Elemental Sword, Grasping Phantom Glider, & Candelabra Staff skin.

> >

> > There's no guarantee ANet will do this again, of course; I just hope that they do.

> >

> > The trade off is that we have to wait. But I'm always happy to delay gratification in order to save 30-70% off retail.


> Huh, well if any of those were things that I would have wanted, it's certainly a better way to get them than pure RNG. It's still not an ideal system, of course, since while some of those things might be worth 400-600g to some people, I doubt anyone would pay that for like, "Bitterfrost vantage point" or whatever, so I don't see those options getting much use in that format. It would be better if each item were just priced fairly.




I'm okay with these items only dropping RNG from the chests. But, if they are random, they absolutely should not be bound. I would have sold the Hydra Staff in a heartbeat (or actually given it as a gift) because I think it's ugly, but I know some people love it. Market pricing is fine by me. (If for no other reason than I don't think there's any such thing as "fair pricing" — there's just pricing; it's up to us to decide if we're willing to pay or not.)

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I have a horrible suspicion the more keys you buy the lower your odds. If you have never bought many you have good luck as they try to encourage you to buy again. If you have already bought many then your odds are decreased as you are the sort of person who will shell out cash to get the shinies!








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I adore the Wild Magic backpack (I love the Toxic Spore skin because it floats off the back and have always wanted more backpieces that did so). I refuse to ever buy keys for gambling boxes, however.


I have been running my characters through the LS2 / story / HoT missions that give keys out, though. So far I've run all my level 80 characters through Tangled Paths that hadn't already completed it, since its the quickest and easiest to do. That got me 6 keys total. I also ran one of my characters through Roots of Terror because he just happened to be on that mission anyway. And I started a new character and did the level 10 story to get a key there. So I've gotten 8 keys total.


No backpack yet. Gotten 2 "uncommon" rolls from chests, but one was a Dye Kit (which in turn gave me a common dye :/ ) and one was a Total Makeover Kit. I did get a guaranteed wardrobe unlock that in turn gave me a Daydreamer Warhorn skin, but that's about the only exciting thing I've gotten, and its not really a skin I can use. I do use Daydreamer skins on my Guardian, but Warhorn isn't something Guardian has, so... eh, maybe a future elite spec.


I've pretty much exhausted all the easy key missions at this point, besides waiting for the weekly key from new character level 10 story. The rest are going to involve a lot more story missions, especially the HoT ones. I probably won't bother with Roots of Terror on most of my characters as that's really far into the HoT story, and I've already done the HoT story in full on 3 characters and done most of it on another one so I'm kind of burned out. I may do the regular personal story missions to get the 2 keys per character that way, but most of my chars are already past that point, so not sure how many I have left there either.


I suppose I could use my 2 level 80 boosts and get 2 more level 80's to run through Tangled Paths. I honestly don't ever plan on using those level 80 boosts anyway since I actually enjoy leveling new characters and would never want to get one "for free". And then I've got five 5th-birthday boosters and enough Tomes of Knowledge to level another 5 to 80 that way, but I'd have to buy gear for those characters since I don't really have enough Ascended stuff to gear an alt like that. Mainly armor, I think I've only got like 2 pieces of Ascended armor. I'm almost positive I've got enough mats to finish up a set of Ascended armor, though, since I just hoard mats like crazy, so I guess I could go that route. Not sure if its worth all that just for a single key though.

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Would love to be able to buy it outright, I have bad luck with BLC's - I have never received anything nice like that from those. :/ I don't even try any more.


I wish they would take RNG out totally from the gem store. We have plenty of that in the game, which is more understandable. Gem store should be different.



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Had used up all of my keys previously b4 the new build that released them so I was debating buying 25 keys, but figured i'd give a couple batches of 5 keys a shot instead. Got it in 8 attempts, after reading the amount of keys some of the people here have used, I definitely feel blessed. I love the sounds with it for sure, only thing that sucks is it's so small as a back piece for Asuras.

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