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I remember the first time I did/witness X in GW2


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I remember the first time I login into gw2 in closed beta, I was in awe with the idea of living world which deviate so far form my wow experience. It was such a refreshing experience that's hard to explain in words. It was great!


What was your first time in gw2 that left a lasting impression (good or bad) for you?

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Free Trial week before the game became free.

"Ah, so I can try it free for 2 days, cool."

"Okay which is the pistol/range class? Oh! They got Ranger!"

"Oh... bows and arrows... meh... okay so they don't have an actual Ranger cla... hang on..."

"Necromancer? As in the dead? With resurrecting demons and things to fight with me? Well, no guns, but THIS SOUNDS AWESOME!"

*Makes Character*

"The best I can do, now to start the game."

*Sees intro"

This seems cool.

*Sees loading screen to Shaemoor*

"Uh... I have to fight those Centaur things...? Looks like the final boss of an area..."

"Cool. I loaded in now... um.... okay how the hell do I get pants? I'm not going to keep this look for long."

*Plays for about an hour*

"This seems cool, maybe I'll pick it up again before the trial is over."


And I didn't until last year around the end of September or something.

Then I played for like a week and stopped playing due to other things and didn't get back until around February of this year... or April... I forgot when.

Been playing "almost" religiously since then.


I'm still a newb on a 4 year old account.

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Shortly after launch me and a couple of friends were in the Caledon swamp doing a heart when without any warning a giant Wurm came out of the ground a few feet from us. After getting over nearly having a heart attack we attacked it with the help of a few others who were in the area and killed it. Lots of fun. Now that is something that will never happen, not with Boss timers and zergs of people waypointing from Boss to Boss.

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I was playing GW1 and bouncing impatiently for GW2 beta. Our group of friends happily swapped from GW1 to GW2. For us, there are two main things:


During beta, we were amazed at landscapes and buildings! I can still recall that. Still nowadays, I keep being amazed at the details of landscapes and buildings. I take regularly screenshots to share about nice things I had never noticed before, even in the oldest places of the game, like last week in Divinity Reach for example! I really enjoy that. And with Elona, to re-enter places where we had been in GW1... So nice! And there are such beautiful things like the ghost town above our head at the highest HP in Desert Highlands area... :)


The other thing is that the game seems like a open space without limits. We all have a busy real life. Since we don't have time enough to play, we do only what we prefer and we let aside an enormous list of things undone. This is probably why we get this impression of no limits. We open the hero box and look at the quantity of unfinished achievements, we get dizzy! That's amazing for us. LOL

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Shortly after launch me and a couple of friends were in the Caledon swamp doing a heart when without any warning a giant Wurm came out of the ground a few feet from us. After getting over nearly having a heart attack we attacked it with the help of a few others who were in the area and killed it. Lots of fun. Now that is something that will never happen, not with Boss timers and zergs of people waypointing from Boss to Boss.



Similar things still happen. When I was new I was under leveled wandering in godlost swamp because I liked it so much, and I saw a small clump of people, didn't know what they were doing. Killed some more stuff and came back around and there was a huge shadow monster!

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> In the dawn of the game world bosses were fought without mega servers. I remember fighting the fire elemental with a small group. That was epic. Now it's 150 people in legendary gear bashing on a defenceless boss.. I'm afraid the epicness of world bosses is gone now


Yeah, I remember the first time seeing Shadow Behemoth spawn. It was amazing and only a small group taking him down. It did feel epic at the time, but now world bosses are a joke. Scheduled zergs on defenseless bosses is neither epic nor fun (I don't do them at all anymore)

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The first time I saw The Dreamer. I fell in love. I got The Dreamer eventually, and then... that other bow -- with one with the beautiful flowers? -- well, it attracted me, too and I found I wanted it as well. As this point, I'm an unapologetic (but laughing-at-myself) Dreamer/Kudzu wielder. It's not the most powerful build, but it suits me.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Randulf.7614 said:

> Entering queensdale after the tutorial trying to work out where i was meant to go next for somewhere called Divinitys Reach.


> Then I turned around and looked up...


Ok, I did that too, the first time. ;)


> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > In the dawn of the game world bosses were fought without mega servers. I remember fighting the fire elemental with a small group. That was epic. Now it's 150 people in legendary gear bashing on a defenceless boss.. I'm afraid the epicness of world bosses is gone now


> Yeah, I remember the first time seeing Shadow Behemoth spawn. It was amazing and only a small group taking him down. It did feel epic at the time, but now world bosses are a joke. Scheduled zergs on defenseless bosses is neither epic nor fun (I don't do them at all anymore)


> @Fenom.9457 said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > Shortly after launch me and a couple of friends were in the Caledon swamp doing a heart when without any warning a giant Wurm came out of the ground a few feet from us. After getting over nearly having a heart attack we attacked it with the help of a few others who were in the area and killed it. Lots of fun. Now that is something that will never happen, not with Boss timers and zergs of people waypointing from Boss to Boss.



> Similar things still happen. When I was new I was under leveled wandering in godlost swamp because I liked it so much, and I saw a small clump of people, didn't know what they were doing. Killed some more stuff and came back around and there was a huge shadow monster!


Yes! I have a special spot in my heart for that one and I always wait to see his head pop off at his death! (Edit to ask: Is that last bit a spoiler? Hmmmm....)


> @Randulf.7614 said:

> Entering queensdale after the tutorial trying to work out where i was meant to go next for somewhere called Divinitys Reach.

> Then I turned around and looked up...


Ok, I did that too, the first time. ;)


> @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

> During beta, we were amazed at landscapes and buildings! I can still recall that.


Me too! I remember in early views I was thinking, "This is amazing!" I love Guild Wars, but when they showed us the open movement and the city (DR was the first we saw) I was so happy!


> @"Amanda Whitemoon.6173" said:

> my memorable event was killing the shatterer during gamescom before the game came out, i had no idea what i was doing with my charr necromancer:D


That is a great fight, even more so since it's been redesigned. I positively love that battle!

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Free Trial week before the game became free.

> "Ah, so I can try it free for 2 days, cool."

> "Okay which is the pistol/range class? Oh! They got Ranger!"

> "Oh... bows and arrows... meh... okay so they don't have an actual Ranger cla... hang on..."

> "Necromancer? As in the dead? With resurrecting demons and things to fight with me? Well, no guns, but THIS SOUNDS AWESOME!"

> *Makes Character*

> "The best I can do, now to start the game."

> *Sees intro"

> This seems cool.

> *Sees loading screen to Shaemoor*

> "Uh... I have to fight those Centaur things...? Looks like the final boss of an area..."

> "Cool. I loaded in now... um.... okay how the hell do I get pants? I'm not going to keep this look for long."

> *Plays for about an hour*

> "This seems cool, maybe I'll pick it up again before the trial is over."


> And I didn't until last year around the end of September or something.

> Then I played for like a week and stopped playing due to other things and didn't get back until around February of this year... or April... I forgot when.

> Been playing "almost" religiously since then.


> I'm still a newb on a 4 year old account.


My history, instead i started again this year january/february. Main Mesmer since then. I'm finally at the Point at which i understand the game probably fully, but i still have pretty much no idea about other class skills and traits. I know what specific classes can do well and what not, but i lack knowledge in specific weapon skills and traits, since i never played the classes fully.


I remember the first time I specced into a Condition Damage based Interruption build for Mesmer. We had a mastery doing 4 stacks of confusion as AoE whenever interrupting an enemy. It was a beautiful feeling of identity as I managed to stack arround 70-80 Stacks of Confusion on a Golem through AoE Interruptions.

I felt so strong and proud.


[https://imgur.com/SyOfY4D](https://imgur.com/SyOfY4D "https://imgur.com/SyOfY4D")

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The first time I connected to gw2, I started with a mesmer asura and all of a sudden I was facing a freaking golem construct... My very first fight against a "boss" and it felt awesome. We can say whatever we want as long time player, the tutorial when you are a new player is just a piece of art.


I also remember my first steps in the snow at the begining of the game, there was this wind that was moving the plant and I was leaving my mark in the snow... Damn I loved it.


I remember the first time I stumbled into the quaggan hatchery, I'd just had a bloody fight against those kraith slavers and all of a sudden I found myself in a place that was just... magic.


I remember the first time I found this npc that was affraid of howls and there was a tree not far away which allowed me to summon an howl to torment this guy... God that made me laugh so much, I think I wasted 1h doing that and telling all the guys on my guild to come one after another to see that. So silly... so fun!!!


I remember the first time I did arah path #4, there was this damn corrupted dwayna avatar (god nobody knew the game mechanism at that time, the boss had high chance to bug... etc.) and I was on my ranger. I remember, That was the golden age of the beastmaster and my cats were doing more damage than the warrior and the elementalist... Our strategy was so bad... we had split the group in 2 and pulled the boss far away to damage it while the 2 other were struggling with the mechanism to reveal this boss. I took us 2 hour to kill this thing... 5 hours to complete the path. At the end I remember that we said: "Never ever again!"


I remember the first time I stumbbled onto this lava filled jumping puzzle in caledon... I tried and died... and died... and died again... just to see where the holo thingy could lead me... At that time I didn't know that jumping puzzle exist and It frustrated me so much that I sweared that I would never try again. Well I did try and complete it tons of time after that ;) It's a bad thing to swear.


I remember on the same map as the quaggan hatchery, the first time I explored it, I found a cave in the corner of the ap and it triggered my adventurous side. I started to explore, there were epic rock falling from the ceiling and some badass troll. And when I found the end of the cave... There was this super scary champion troll that was waiting for me... I survived and flew to fight another day!


I remember my first precursor drop. The shield... at orr. that was 2 years after I started playing and I had already 4k hour... RNG I hate you!


I could continue a long time like this, discovering the game was really fun.


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I played GW 2 the first time in Cologne (Germany) at the Gamescom. It was a very hot summer day and I was sweaty and shaky with thrill. I didn't have to wait long, because the guy who tested the game earlier (unfortunately) had an DC, so I was able to snatch his place. 3 or 4 people lined up behind me and watched me playing, so I felt very nervous. I created my Character (Human Ranger) and logged into the game. One of the first things I remember is, that Gaile Gray, who remembered me from some past Events in Guild Wars 1, greeted me ingame. I can't remeber what other things happened on this day, but I will never fortget, how Gaile did put a smile on my face this very day.

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I have so many memories (the best ones coming from discovering content before I had any idea it existed), but two stand out for their initial impact on me.


First: Retaking Clawr Island ( ;) ). I was on a Thief, since he gets first crack at all content despite his squish. I struggled my way through all the fights, and suddenly there was epic music and I was charging at a freaking *dragon* with a small army of NPC's. I didn't know the mechanics, I was utterly unprepared, I ran in fear off wall edges many times, and finally the beast was slain and all the Orders were saluting me. Nowadays it's a yawn fest that I and my friends try to team up for to move it along faster, but that first time still resonates enough to make me always willing to help a friend who wants me along in the instance.


Second: The final PS fight against the Eye, when suddenly almost all game sounds went away and "Fear Not This Night" rang out instead as I mopped up the last Risen. Even though everything remained normal speed, it felt like epic cinematic slow motion as the hero finally prevails. I was very lucky that the music was a good volume, as I learned later; something like 3/4 of the times I do that fight now it's barely audible even though my game music normally sounds just fine.

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My favorite gaming moment of all time was during beta when no one knew when and where any bosses where and all that and I run around and explore the world when suddenly a white Tequatl jumps out of the Water right at me. Dragons actually felt like a thread there, that was amazing :)


Also amazing: First time shadow Behemoth, I was just exploring Queensdale with a friend of mine and we went into the swamp and started hearing screams (that happens when the pre starts) And we walk around trying to figure out where they come from, help some villagers with the pre, go back deeper into the swamp when suddenly a wild shadow Behemoth appears! I really miss that feeling...


And I loved the whole Scarlet story-line because it felt so... I don't know, we learned so much about her and it always felt like we're actually part of a real living world with actual problems that involved more than just one map. I loved it!


Honorable Mentions go to Queens Jubilee + Gauntlet and SAB! (Will we ever see Queens Gauntlet again? I hope so, hopefully with new bosses and achievements!)


Least favorite moment in this game: All of my first experiences on every single HoT map, visiting Verdant Brink for the first time made me quit the game after 5 Minute for almost a year... (Hey look a new map! Oh damn, can't do anything without the new masteries, shoo go away do something else!) On the contrary, my first impressions of PoF were amazing, unfortunatly PoF didn't have much to offer in the long run, I'm really slow when it comes to going through content but PoF really didn't have much unfortunatly. Looking forward to LS4 though :)

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Maybe not as heroic as the other stories here, but I still remember the first time I died in GW2. It was still during the beta and ascalonian ghosts used to hit a lot harder back then.


I just came from GW1 and was completely used to those tactics. So I cleared up some ghosts, always making sure I don't accidentally pull multiple groups. After looking left and right I inspected the patrol routes of the remaining ghosts before advancing step by step into enemy territory. Only to have the ghosts I killed respawn right behind me and totally overwhelm me. It was then that I realized that GW1 tactics don't work in GW2.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Maria Murtor.7253" said:

> I played GW 2 the first time in Cologne (Germany) at the Gamescom. It was a very hot summer day and I was sweaty and shaky with thrill. I didn't have to wait long, because the guy who tested the game earlier (unfortunately) had an DC, so I was able to snatch his place. 3 or 4 people lined up behind me and watched me playing, so I felt very nervous. I created my Character (Human Ranger) and logged into the game. One of the first things I remember is, that Gaile Gray, who remembered me from some past Events in Guild Wars 1, greeted me ingame. I can't remeber what other things happened on this day, but I will never fortget, how Gaile did put a smile on my face this very day.


Awww, that's so sweet Maria! And I remember you still. <3

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