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How did our character survive [Spoiler]

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Both Aurene (for her it looked like something she couldn't control properly and seemed she might get hurt of it) and Kralky (good ol' omnomnom) immediately started to consume the power that was leaking into the world when Balthy went bye-bye. You could've seen it right after cutscene of him going down. So while we were to some extent exposed to it (tho happened to us plenty of times in the past - death of Zaithan, Mordremoth, BF explosion, we even had some side effects of that which needed remedy in current events), seems like quickly entire magic was consumed by both dragons which helped avoid total destruction. Cus not only this would kill us but also blew a hole in Vabbi. There wouldn't be any going north then.



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Balthazar did not explode, he burned out like matchstick, and Kralkatorrik absorbed all the magic that seeped out as he burned.


We killed him with a fiery sword, after all. He may have exploded if the other gods fought him and there was nothing there to contain the magic, but we fought fire with fire, and with a massive magic vacuum in front of us, which was probably the only way to defeat him without creating another Desolation.

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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> Balthazar did not explode, he burned out like matchstick, and Kralkatorrik absorbed all the magic that seeped out as he burned.


> We killed him with a fiery sword, after all. He may have exploded if the other gods fought him and there was nothing there to contain the magic, but we fought fire with fire, and with a massive magic vacuum in front of us, which was probably the only way to defeat him without creating another Desolation.


My brain immediately thought about 2 suns near each other, one turned into a supernova and the other later turning into one itself when the 1st just became a blackhole.

The blackhole immediately sucks up the power before the star blows out and die to become a supernova saving the surroundings around it.


I'm weird.

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Out character survived the death of *our character.* Balth's death was nothing.


Real reason, it was a more controlled explosion of energy than the Bloodstone one, it did ZERO damage to the terrain whereas the Bloodstone one completely decimated the area. It was basically more like a nuclear meltdown than a nuclear bomb, and the dragons sucked up all the radiation before it got to us.

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> Out character survived the death of *our character.* Balth's death was nothing.


> Real reason, it was a more controlled explosion of energy than the Bloodstone one, it did ZERO damage to the terrain whereas the Bloodstone one completely decimated the area. It was basically more like a nuclear meltdown than a nuclear bomb, and the dragons sucked up all the radiation before it got to us.


actually if you watch the scene you can see it did some damage to the terrain.

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It's true that nothing human/charr/norn/ect should have survived that. But if you think about it, the Commander isn't human/charr/ect any more.


It's a known fact that a mortal can take on the powers of a god, becoming a god themselves. And while we didn't get anywhere near ALL of the energy, it goes without saying that a good dose of it went into the Commander. The Commander is one step closer to becoming a god, possibly a new god of war. (Which would be very fitting, to be honest.)


When The Six left (five, plus Balthy's replacement, who/whatever that may have been), they reduced the total amount of power flying around by removing a HUGE chunk of it from Tyria. They also left their spots open, something they've not allowed to happen before. Before now, even if a god was displaced, they were not depowered until someone was ready to replace them and take their spot.


That means that we now have spots to fill, and it will take a lot of power to do so. It's another way to drain some of the energy from the world, and stop the Elder Dragons. The "replacement gods" (demigods, if you will) may not fall into quite the same roles, and they're sure to not be as powerful, but it still makes sense that we can remove a lot of the excess magic this way. With Aurene and the Commander to fill one slot, that leaves one slot for each of the 5 major races. (I guess the Tengu will miss out, because they won't get off of their feathery asses and become a player race.)

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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> Balthazar did not explode, he burned out like matchstick, and Kralkatorrik absorbed all the magic that seeped out as he burned.


> We killed him with a fiery sword, after all. He may have exploded if the other gods fought him and there was nothing there to contain the magic, but we fought fire with fire, and with a massive magic vacuum in front of us, which was probably the only way to defeat him without creating another Desolation.


You are not entirely correct, Kralkatorrik did not absorb ALL of the magic that came out of Balthzar, some of it was absorbed by Aurene herself, in case you didn't notice the magic flowing into here when she was floating in the air during the cutscene, that is what accelerated her growth in to what appears to be the same size as Vlast was. My guess is that it was a 80/20 split between Kralk and Aurene, or somewhere around those numbers, guestimating of course.

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> @ErikTheTyrant.4527 said:

> > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > Out character survived the death of *our character.* Balth's death was nothing.

> >

> > Real reason, it was a more controlled explosion of energy than the Bloodstone one, it did ZERO damage to the terrain whereas the Bloodstone one completely decimated the area. It was basically more like a nuclear meltdown than a nuclear bomb, and the dragons sucked up all the radiation before it got to us.


> actually if you watch the scene you can see it did some damage to the terrain.


Maybe some, but the one in Bloodstone Fen was like ten nukes! That explosion knocked thousands of tons of rock into the air, and it *stuck there.* If this had been an equivalent blast, then that entire region of Vabbi would look like Glint's Lair in Highlands.

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