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[QoL] let us use armor pieces freely (for the look only)


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> @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> ANet have repeatedly said that they will not let people mix and match armor weights because they where never designed to go together so there will be all kinds of clipping issues that they do not have the time/money/willingness to fix.


I can show you right now (Well not right now as I'm sleeping soon) of a horrid horrid clipping issue going on with my legs and one legging in medium armour.

Or leggings and shoes having a bad situation that I thought because I loaded them wrong in the preview... like in the wrong order to cause that clipping... nope. That's the "natural look"

So the clipping reason can't be the reason.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> > ANet have repeatedly said that they will not let people mix and match armor weights because they where never designed to go together so there will be all kinds of clipping issues that they do not have the time/money/willingness to fix.


> I can show you right now (Well not right now as I'm sleeping soon) of a horrid horrid clipping issue going on with my legs and one legging in medium armour.

> Or leggings and shoes having a bad situation that I thought because I loaded them wrong in the preview... like in the wrong order to cause that clipping... nope. That's the "natural look"

> So the clipping reason can't be the reason.


Gotta agree with this, there's already tons of clipping issues on existing armors, but they let us mix and match those regardless. The only reason I see them not doing it is to avoid confusion in PvP, but there's an in-game option to just make every enemy look like a generic human class model so that's not an excuse either.

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> @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> ANet have repeatedly said that they will not let people mix and match armor weights because they where never designed to go together so there will be all kinds of clipping issues that they do not have the time/money/willingness to fix.


Im sorry.. what? Clipping happens regardless of the weight or design. This is caused purely duo to the fact that MOST armors are based on humans first and then gets scaled over to other races. For the exception of the cultural armors. And some outfits that looks differently on every race/gender. The legendary raiding armor is a good example of this. Which was quite disastrous on some races, and there for had to go through some several tweakings.


Next to that there are outfits and armors that look differently too. Take the Balthazar outfit for example which looks like heavy, Dwayna's outfit as light and Outlaw as medium. Yet these can be worn by other weights. Sure that is because they are outfits. But likewise there are also armor pieces that look different then their weight. Take Braham's armor set for example, or Sorrow's Embrance medium armor set. Only difference here is that some are armor which can be acquired and used piece by piece, and others are outfits and can only be used as a whole.


Last but not least there are also parts that you can unlock for all weights. Like Braham's Wolfblood Pauldrons, Or even Hellfire as well as Radiant as a full set. So with other words Anet does have the time, money and sometimes even the will for it. But they ussually take the lazy quickway instead.


(**_tl;dr:_**) What you said is COMPLETELY irrelevant

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This would be so amazing if they allowed it. Maybe it could be something they sold in the gem shop? i would gladly pay for it! An armor license :) The aesthetic can't possibly be the issue, because you can wear a full set of plate armor (outfit) on a light armor class and totally look like a tanky heavy when in fact you're an ele. There are already a ton of clipping issues by mixing pieces from within the same weight class, so why not just free up all the armor so we can mix and match as we please. There are SO many people who want medium armor tops that aren't trench coats (and the 3-4 that exist currently that aren't, are very overused) and light armor really needs some bottoms that aren't giant skirts and flowy dresses.

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> @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> ANet have repeatedly said that they will not let people mix and match armor weights because they where never designed to go together so there will be all kinds of clipping issues that they do not have the time/money/willingness to fix.


terrible excuse, i could make a hellishly clippy character using any armour weight already, you just use your brain and don't mix clippy stuff.

clipping on some combinations is no excuse for preventing the MASSIVE addition of hundreds of "new" armour pieces for our character.


their original excuse was that they wanted each class to look thematic (I.E a warrior should be wearing plate and an ele should be wearing cloth)

but then outfits happened... and now your warrior can wear [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/2/2b/Witch%27s_Outfit_human_female_front.jpg "this") and your ele can wear [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/8/83/Ironclad_Outfit_norn_male_front.jpg "this").

there is no excuse anymore.

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Guys let's face it - they just don't want to. There's no point in repeatedly requesting the same thing. We all want it. There's no valid excuse to not have it. The only reason we don't is cos it's likely a lot of work for them that they don't have the time for or it want to invest time in it.

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> @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> ANet have repeatedly said that they will not let people mix and match armor weights because they where never designed to go together so there will be all kinds of clipping issues that they do not have the time/money/willingness to fix.


And yet we still have clipping. Still waiting for the heritage helmet to not clip on beards, after 5 years.


Also they have proven over and over they can make skins of the same look on all weight classes (living story, and gem store). If they can pump them out on the gem store moderately, they can do it for everything else.

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Perhaps a quoted statement from ArenaNet would clear up this issue. I've not seen 'repeated' statements about this issue, only many posters in the forums over the years saying it's a clipping issue. I think it may be a case of repeated forum rumor becoming 'ArenaNet fact'.


I believe the reason stated was, if any, was a problem with dye channels and riggings. Just as Outfits can't be separated and mixed with Armor due to being a different 'weight', same goes with the other 'weights' in-game.

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Mixing weights is a technical limitation, since they were optimized to fill a specific area. If they simply mixed them, the textures would overlap. The chest and legs should be the only problem however, so they should be able to mix everything else, while only restricting those two pieces to the same weight.

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I said this in a similar thread so I'll share it here too:


It seems most of the counterarguments are that mixing different skins from different weight classes will cause hella clipping. What about allowing us to use any skins as long as it is in the same weight?


I have never found medium armor that I care for so being able to use all heavy skins or all light skins would help. For example, allow Rangers to wear heavy skins, allow Guardians to wear light skins, etc. Just a thought.

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> @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> ANet have repeatedly said that they will not let people mix and match armor weights because they where never designed to go together so there will be all kinds of clipping issues that they do not have the time/money/willingness to fix.


Props for giving a factually correct answer. It's a shame people feel the need to be mean because they don't like it.

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> @Thelgar.7214 said:

> > @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> > ANet have repeatedly said that they will not let people mix and match armor weights because they where never designed to go together so there will be all kinds of clipping issues that they do not have the time/money/willingness to fix.


> Props for giving a factually correct answer. It's a shame people feel the need to be mean because they don't like it.


Here's one boots that does it on a few leggings.

![](https://i.imgur.com/NOcwhWJ.png "")

You can see the khaki colour clipping there


![](https://i.imgur.com/MXEwfdk.png "")

You see that little looking belt thing showing at the top? Yeah. That's the pants. It shouldn't be going through.


![](https://i.imgur.com/5SpHT8l.png "")

Overlapping mess.


![](https://i.imgur.com/mQKRauq.png "")

I have no clue what this is called. This is beyond clipping. The problem I'm seeing is certain parts of the model usually at a certain point gets hidden... why not here?


![](https://i.imgur.com/mAUCSJV.png "")

Clipping through my leg now. My leg. You might say "No, that's the design. They cut the side of the leg because people like "Sexy" looks and skritt.


![](https://i.imgur.com/B7XCykx.png "")

Magically it grows a side when I'm in battle stance.


Before you say it's just those shoes, here's another tall one causing issues:

![](https://i.imgur.com/bqQViXO.png "")


But when we have something like this. Quick edit but:

![](https://i.imgur.com/XzZNX2e.png "")

That top is the heavy Elonian chestplate. It looks medium style, but it's heavy.

The top is perfectly aligned with the medium pants I got on and it works. No clipping here.


When the weighted stuff already have clipping in them and I'm sure most of the other weights won't clip with the other weights so much except for certain situations (which happens within the weights themselves), I'm going to say no.

The no isn't that the answer is wrong. The guy is right as I heard that excuse before. The excuse is right as the reason is clipping and money and blah blah blah.

The no is that "No, that's not a good answer as it's wrong due to many circumstances already happening in the game."

Doesn't matter if I like the answer or not. The issue is that I can make myself a "Clip and Fail: Rescue Ranger" in medium armour already.

The image is a thief but you get the point... that and Ranger is Medium armour.

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> @Rawr.9467 said:

> Guys let's face it - they just don't want to. There's no point in repeatedly requesting the same thing. We all want it. There's no valid excuse to not have it. The only reason we don't is cos it's likely a lot of work for them that they don't have the time for or it want to invest time in it.


I don't want it, because you finally remove any distinction between different armour classes. It's bad enough that we have these hideous outfits that exude cheap and tacky auras, let's not remove the last bastion of identity from armour weight, purely in the name of being able to wear a pair of clogs with a bladed chest piece.

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Guess what, you guys say clipping is fine but if Anet ever allows it then we'll have people complaining about clipping issue and demand them to fix it.


P.S - I myself would love to have a **real cape back item similar to GW1** and don't really care about clipping. Sadly, Anet wasn't gonna add it because of clipping issues from what I've heard.

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I see a massive flaw in Anet not allowing such a feature, and for multiple reasons.

1. Distinction between the classes. This is already null due to outfits, I can have my war wearing a wedding dress the same as my ele, both look the same, but completely different.

2. Clipping. If this was such a major issue, then why hasn't clipping been fixed on the existing armor pieces that were MADE for the class, specially for Charr, which Anet knew people were looking forward to.

3. Difficulty. Very little, I would imagine a dozen or so lines of code that in wardrobe removes the "light", "medium" and "heavy" exclusion. Even Anet could make this a cash grab and call it an unlock to allow you to dress as you wish.

4. Laziness. Hence why I put in the possibility of a unlock via gemstore/cash grab. This topic has been brought up many times, with no true answer then the typical jargon we typically get. These are just 4 reasons I personally see and most likely only covers 1/3 of the reasons.


Anet if you ever read this, I see massive potential in allowing such feature.

2 cents.

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> @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> ANet have repeatedly said that they will not let people mix and match armor weights because they where never designed to go together so there will be all kinds of clipping issues that they do not have the time/money/willingness to fix.


What they said is that it's not possible without redesigning the system. It's not that they won't "let us"; it's that it can't be done without new mechanics, new code, new UI.


The code includes five "weights" of "armor" that were designed to fit only with other pieces of the same weight:

* The three obvious ones: heavy, medium, light.

* Outfits (which are "onesies", i.e. they are designed to be single units, not mixable at all)

* Town Clothes (no longer available to us, but presumably the designs are still there).


I agree with the Redditor who said there's no real reason to limit "soldier" classes to heavy armor (or scholars to light), that's not the same as saying that ANet can just change things with a snap of the fingers. The simplest option would be to allow Adventurers to wear heavy & light, as well as medium, with the restriction that the other two types ~~can~~ cannot be mixed in.



* Sure, no real reason to restrict each class to a single weight.

* There remains significant reason to avoid rewriting the code to allow cross-weight mixing & matching.

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> @CharJC.8365 said:

> I see a massive flaw in Anet not allowing such a feature, and for multiple reasons.

> 1. Distinction between the classes. This is already null due to outfits, I can have my war wearing a wedding dress the same as my ele, both look the same, but completely different.

> 2. Clipping. If this was such a major issue, then why hasn't clipping been fixed on the existing armor pieces that were MADE for the class, specially for Charr, which Anet knew people were looking forward to.

> 3. Difficulty. Very little, I would imagine a **dozen or so lines of code** that in wardrobe removes the "light", "medium" and "heavy" exclusion. Even Anet could make this a cash grab and call it an unlock to allow you to dress as you wish.

> 4. Laziness. Hence why I put in the possibility of a unlock via gemstore/cash grab. This topic has been brought up many times, with no true answer then the typical jargon we typically get. These are just 4 reasons I personally see and most likely only covers 1/3 of the reasons.


> Anet if you ever read this, I see massive potential in allowing such feature.

> 2 cents.


Seems like you are familiar with the GW2 code base. Maybe send them a push request?


I like that the different weight classes have different styles of armor. And I prefer if the release new armor sets with the incoming LS.

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  • 3 weeks later...

this seems like the closest to topic discussion on objects clipping through other objects. So I have a question for hopefully the next graphics Anet employee that reads this.


-Beards straight up passing through face masks. ( prime example: long human beards going right through half of the thief masks that are available.)

Yet some manage to cover or "remove" beard for sake of looking good.)


actual question... Is this an issue that will one day be resolved? As in, will I one day be able to wear some of my cool fashion wars masks without my hair ruining the look of it?


I have sent bug reports and other emails and I have yet to get any reply form anything. Even if it's a "no" it'll be nice to get some form of reply.

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