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Could we get a key ring...


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...or add map specific keys to the account wallet? Anet already has the infrastructure in place to implement a simple system like this and it would save rather a lot of inventory space if they did. This way, the keys you have for a map (Silverwastes, Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, etc...) could be displayed at the bottom of your inventory tab next to your currencies without (hopefully) making a huge, complicated, expensive, and time-consuming change to the user interface.


Just my 2 cents on the subject.

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I would like a better way of managing keys; my current solution is Shared Inventory slots, but I could find many other uses for those. However, I can see this isn't a trivial change to implement. The wallet is checked as part of interacting with a vendor. Keys are used when interacting with specific objects, so would require a new use case.

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This would be one of the biggest QoL (next to build templates) that we need as more map keys get added it becomes a pain trying to sort and shift keys between characters, not so bad if you have shared slots but better items can take those slots.


I like the OP idea if them being at the bottom of your inventory that can be shard across your account.

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Management has shown that they do not consider key rings any sort of priority no matter the QoL improvement they would offer. (and they are the ones that tell Devs what work to do. Remember that. It isn't developers that we should be complaining at for the most part, it is the managers that control them.)

My perspective is that they, management, believe that the current Shared Slot (and shared account bank) is sufficient for player needs. Should such a keyring be offered, expect for it to be monetized as well.


I recall seeing posts by developers that seemed to indicate they'd love to have such an item as well, but at current time, that would be work that they would have to do on their own time (which I take to mean without pay for the work.).

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> @Butch.4957 said:

> Honestly, I would even be willing to buy a key ring through the gem store. I know Anet makes most of their money through the gem store and have no qualms about supporting them in order to get such a useful QoL upgrade/item.


Sell one key ring or sell multiple shared inventory slots.... I wonder which one makes them more money... ?

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> @Narcemus.1348 said:

> > @Butch.4957 said:

> > Honestly, I would even be willing to buy a key ring through the gem store. I know Anet makes most of their money through the gem store and have no qualms about supporting them in order to get such a useful QoL upgrade/item.


> Sell one key ring or sell multiple shared inventory slots.... I wonder which one makes them more money... ?


Depends on the price they sell key ring for. Besides, they only allow so many shared inventory slots (that many would not be willing to purchase). On the other hand, selling a key ring that holds many many different keys would be a good value to a large enough portion of that player base that more of them could potentially be sold than the shared inventory slots.


A good real world example of my point is Walmart. Good value for a cheaper or more useful item will sell more than expensive single purpose items.


I guess my point is that customers will be more willing to pay when a deal seems more advantageous to them.

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ANet doesn't already have the infrastructure for a key ring, something they have commented on before. They'd like to implement one for their own gameplay, we'd like them to do it. The fact that they haven't suggests that it's more complicated than the OP suggests.


There's actually a longer list of things that we (and they) would like to see stored in a single slot:

* Key ring for keys.

* Toy box for gizmos.

* Library/bookshelf for lore-related books.

* Medicine cabinet for tonics

* Costume closet for saving/re-applying skin/dye choices.

* Build saving and build load outs.


Everyone agrees that these would be great QoL additions to the game. The problem is that there are lots of things we all want in the game and there's already a long list of plans.

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> @Butch.4957 said:

> Honestly, I would even be willing to buy a key ring through the gem store. I know Anet makes most of their money through the gem store and have no qualms about supporting them in order to get such a useful QoL upgrade/item.


You can already get bag slots, a keyring is a necessity. The game constantly evolved from the beginning and with each LW and expansion they introduced new key items, new collectable stackable items, each map has a different one, but the inventory system didn't change from when the game released (aside from the wallet). We shouldn't have to buy a gemstore item for a necessity, that would be extortion. Gemstore items should be about convenience, not necessity.

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> @Svarty.8019 said:

> > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > > @Svarty.8019 said:

> > > They've already said it's in development.

> >

> > I haven't seen that anywhere. Do you have a source? It would be amazing!


> It was on the old forum, it got deleted today.


What she actual said was:

> [2017-06-22 21:22:28 UTC](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Additions-to-Material-Storage/6627628)

> [Linsey Murdock](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/members/LinseyMurdock-4165) wrote


> WHOA WHOA WHOOOOOOA there. A key ring is NOT “coming soon”, please manage your expectations. I have indicated that I would prefer to address keys through a key ring, however, I have NOT found anyone to do that work and it can’t be me personally. Considering that, a key ring is currently in indefinite limbo until I can find someone willing to take it on as a side project.


She's made similar points on Reddit; the above is the relevant quote I can find in the [old forum archives](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu).


tl;dr no, it's not in development. We shouldn't expect a key ring, much as any of us (and most of ANet) want to see it (along with lots of similar QoL changes).

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Seems all Anet would need to do is make keys bankable and check the bank when attempting to open a chest (after inventory and such in the proper priority order). I have no clue what that code would look like, but I'd hope that would be a fairly simple change. It'd be HUGE for quality of life. We just need a way for characters to easily share a common resource. Seems like that's what the bank is there for.

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