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[Suggestion] New Daily Login Reward System


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Are you trying to intentionally kill the mystic coin market ? If so congrats mission accomplished.


Also, lets just pray no one at Anet sees this and remotely thinks it's a good idea, it's a very poorly thought out idea that is exceedingly masturbatory in the singular goal of keeping the wealthy wealthy.


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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> Are you trying to intentionally kill the mystic coin market ? If so congrats mission accomplished.


Didn't you read the part about


> Introduce a way to craft Mystic coins ( and depends the mats needed the price could be lower, the same or higher. And even so people could specifically farm for the mats needed ).


did you?


I am open to criticism, but i have the feeling that was my bad to post a fac simile of how could have been partially modified the whole system ( and that the disclaimer part, and the following text was not read by all, though that was partially expected ).


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Sorry OP, respectfully I'm gonna disagree. I have a main EU account and a secondary NA account - not for profit but because I occasionally want to play on the NA side for social reasons. I often forget that account so don't log in for weeks. Not everyone has multiple accounts for gold making purposes.


As far as taking away Mystic Coins....no, no, no, just no. Did I say no? I don't sell coins, I horde them but unlike the Skritt, I've donated a fair few of mine to my guild hall for the upgrades and on occasion have lent/given some to in game friends so they can finish a crafting project for themselves or in game charity events (i.e Pink Day). I've never put my coins on the TP. They are too valuable to me to do so - at some point I will need them for my own legendary crafting and don't want to have to pay who knows how much on the TP to buy them back. Neither do I want to spend my time farming for yet another item, on top of gold and Tier 6.


Have you considered that your plan could have an unintended consequence for you personally? A side effect to removing coins from the daily login: driving the prices up on the Trading post. The only winners out of that one would be the people with the gold farming accounts. And boy howdy, you think people are melting down now over the mount skin loot boxes...just try taking away something as valuable as the Mystic Coins - yeah, that would not be fun. Even the gold farmers wouldn't be all that chuffed...sure they'd get more per coin but they'd also have to work harder at it hurting their bottom line (time = money).


I'm firmly rooted in the 'daily login rewards are fine as they are' camp. Sorry!



_I can't see anywhere in your OP where you said the crafted coins are then account bound_. If they are, then I could see the materials costs for crafting them rising on the TP as well. I really, really don't want to spend more time farming gold, materials, etc. I don't have a lot of time to play and that is why I've only managed 1 legendary since I started playing at launch. From my pov, I don't see any advantages to the changes you propose. At first glance it seems it would just make things more expensive for everyone.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Could you disagree if the discussion is about "the more account you have the more golds you will be able to make without playing" ?

> Just to know your idea of fairness.


What is there to disagree about ? Sure, there could be some guy with 100 accounts rolling in log in rewards gold, but are we really going to pretend that's any sort of widespread or serious "problem" or that it's somehow unfair to anybody?


*You can literally buy gold in this game.*

Delivered instantly and on demand!


There is no "unfair" way to obtain gold outside of like, cheating something. Everyone is presented with the same options.


We're talking about sub 20g, at current prices, per *month*. That's not a big deal. You want to replace that with 10 obsidian A MONTH? Come on.


Are you sitting on a huge hoard of Mystic Coins and miffed about their recent price decline? I can't imagine any other logically sound purpose for your proposal.


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > Are you trying to intentionally kill the mystic coin market ? If so congrats mission accomplished.


> Didn't you read the part about


> > Introduce a way to craft Mystic coins ( and depends the mats needed the price could be lower, the same or higher. And even so people could specifically farm for the mats needed ).


> did you?


> I am open to criticism, but i have the feeling that was my bad to post a fac simile of how could have been partially modified the whole system ( and that the disclaimer part, and the following text was not read by all, though that was partially expected ).


Did you not understand what i said ?


If your singular goal was to kill a market congrats, mission accomplished.


The reason why MC retain a value is because they have a limted rate of acquisition and mass usage in niche items. Letting everyone craft them will kill the market and the value thus you're literally denying wealth because as you stated in your very own OP

> Because i don't like the idea that players receive a reward which is worth gold by simply log in.


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Here's my proposal



> > Before you start to read, you have to know that this image it's only a draft. An example.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/Oa5SKL9.jpg "")


> Now some Q/A


> > Q: Why do you propose those changes?


> Because i don't like the idea that players receive a reward which is worth gold by simply log in.

> This has been a problem since ANET introcuced that system and after a few weeks decided to lower the Core game's price ( 10 € ), with the result that many managed to buy other accounts in order to get more rewards without playing the game.


> Rewards should be something which provide a support to player ( account bound currencies which could help players to play, or simply receive stuff from content they don't like to play ).


> > Q: Unbound Magic is a HoT thing, shouldn't be rewards for all kind of players ( with all, some or no expansion )?


> Indeed.

> As said it's only a draft, and i just wanted to be able to provvide an example.

> Unbound magic as other things could be replaced by guild commendations, spvp shards, wvw tokens, etc... ( a box which allow the player to choose between would be great ).


> > Q: What is supposed to bring a different daily system?


> I can summarize in 3 points


> 1. **Reward players for playing** instead of log in with different accounts for easy rewards.

> 2. A **specific recipe in order to get Mystic coin**, which are now mostly related to daily login ( since not all players do the other specific task which award with some coins ). **Laurels to TX materials will also be removed** in order to prevent players from getting rich by trading laurels.

> 3. **More choice** ( many players are full of tomes, luck, transmutation charges, obsidian shards, etc... whatever you like not to receive ) **offered from the daily login** in order to enhance your game the way you want.


> > I know that many players would be against a more fair system, but still i just wanted to propose instead something which enhanches the game ( and don't advantage those who has more than 1 account ). And i have some atm.


> Do any of you feel the same about this?


Laurels can be converted to gold.


This is actually LESS fair, not more, than the current system. I know that changing log in rewards from something I have no use for but can trade to others who want it, to s omething account bound but for which I have zero use is definitely a down grade. I would be less incentivized to log in on those days where I dont have muchh tiime to play.


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> @fizzypetal.7936 said:

> Sorry OP, respectfully I'm gonna disagree. I have a main EU account and a secondary NA account - not for profit but because I occasionally want to play on the NA side for social reasons. I often forget that account so don't log in for weeks. Not everyone has multiple accounts for gold making purposes.


> As far as taking away Mystic Coins....no, no, no, just no. Did I say no? I don't sell coins, I horde them but unlike the Skritt, I've donated a fair few of mine to my guild hall for the upgrades and on occasion have lent/given some to in game friends so they can finish a crafting project for themselves or in game charity events (i.e Pink Day). I've never put my coins on the TP. They are too valuable to me to do so - at some point I will need them for my own legendary crafting and don't want to have to pay who knows how much on the TP to buy them back. Neither do I want to spend my time farming for yet another item, on top of gold and Tier 6.


> Have you considered that your plan could have an unintended consequence for you personally? A side effect to removing coins from the daily login: driving the prices up on the Trading post. The only winners out of that one would be the people with the gold farming accounts. And boy howdy, you think people are melting down now over the mount skin loot boxes...just try taking away something as valuable as the Mystic Coins - yeah, that would not be fun. Even the gold farmers wouldn't be all that chuffed...sure they'd get more per coin but they'd also have to work harder at it hurting their bottom line (time = money).


> I'm firmly rooted in the 'daily login rewards are fine as they are' camp. Sorry!



> Edit: _I can't see anywhere in your OP where you said the crafted coins are then account bound. _ If they are, then I could see the materials costs for crafting them rising on the TP as well. I really, really don't want to spend more time farming gold, materials, etc. I don't have a lot of time to play and that is why I've only managed 1 legendary since I started playing at launch. From my pov, I don't see any advantages to the changes you propose. At first glance it seems it would just make things more expensive for everyone.


I have been asking this multiple times but i could do it some more if needed...


> Have you considered that your plan could have an unintended consequence for you personally? A side effect to removing coins from the daily login: driving the prices up on the Trading post. The only winners out of that one would be the people with the gold farming accounts.


i suggested to remove any source of golds from DL but also to put a recipe in order to craft em.

Depends the recipe the price could remain the same or change ( the point would be to provide a way to directly farm materials in order to craft mystic coins, and if the materials or part of em are cheap then the price will drop ).


I can truly understand the fear regards both loosing a source of golds ( either if you sell em or use em, it's something gold related ) and the possibility that the new recipe could be more expensive than the current mystic coin price, but it's something which depends the materials used and the way the can be gathered.


I could see more doubts about than fear.


@"Ashen.2907" : please read the whoel tread. bottom part. point 2.

@"TexZero.7910" : the market will simply change, depends the materials needed for the recipe.

@"Astra Lux.2846" : you have a point when you say that ppl can buy gems and convert em into gold, but to me is way different ( ie, other games with itemshop give you no advantages by buying more accounts ).

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One other thing...the replacement items for the mystic coins: Obsidian Shards, Thimbles of Karma and Spirit Shards - those combined are not nearly as valuable as the mystic coins and are pretty easy to acquire just playing the game. Now if the replacement were account bound Icy Runestones every other week with Mystic Coins the alternating weeks, that would be in my world something worth pondering.

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So, the suggestion is designed to reduce Anet's revenue and is less fair to players. I am not sure why the company would want to enact a system designed to be unfair and to lower their income. Perhaps if the OP were to supplement the game's income by purchasing extra accounts to offset the loss. I am sure that a few thousand accounts per year would suffice.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> So, the suggestion is designed to reduce Anet's revenue and is less fair to players. I am not sure why the company would want to enact a system designed to be unfair and to lower their income.


Yeah, removing free golds which could be converted into gems will reduce their income ( since many of those who bough gems now have a decent income and can afford not to buy gems but instead to convert sometimes free golds into gems ). Not to mention that you only need a core game in order to play, and that these are still avaible for few bucks on the web ( i just wanted to specify this, cause i had the presentiment that you think that those who buy multiple accounts are going to buy HoT or PoF ).

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I believe Arenanet will not change it, and the only effect of the suggestion will be that more people will realize that the stuff you get from daily logins actually does have a gold value. I believe that because I have had a second account for 4 years now but the idea to convert the login rewards from my second account to gold never even crossed my mind until he mentioned that this is something that can be done >< I always thought the login reward stuff was almost exclusively either account bound or without any monetary (gold) value.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> the only thing I would correct in this draft is the fact that there are still tomes of knowledge in there. Lets take them all out, and add them to the final chests, so people can choose a bunch of ToKs or laurels at the end, and I don't have to suffer a fourth stack of tomes in my bank


Maybe the 1/2/3/4 tomes could be a chest instead, which allows you to chose between


* Tome of Knowledge

* Spirit Shard

* Obsidian Shard

* Guild Commendation

* etc...


I am also full with tomes tbh ( but those can be at least converted into shards. scrolls are truly the worst, unless you do the weekly key run i guess ).

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> the only thing I would correct in this draft is the fact that there are still tomes of knowledge in there. Lets take them all out, and add them to the final chests, so people can choose a bunch of ToKs or laurels at the end, and I don't have to suffer a fourth stack of tomes in my bank


Agreed, the main problem is the ones which are obsolete to veteran players. Essence of Luck also sits next to ToK.


The log in rewards can definitely see some refinement like giving ToK/EoL as an optional reward, rather than a definite reward. Other than that the system itself is fine.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:


Even if they add a crafting recipe, I don't see how this promotes your agenda unless you consider farming and crafting to be valued playtime. I don't mind either activity, but I don't play to farm either as it tends to be a process that grows tedious quickly while crafting is 'stand at this place, select recipe, click craft'. Easily obtainable mats/cheap mats would kill the market because there would be no need to buy coins anymore. Harder to get/more expensive mats will drive the price up. Markets do not exist in a vacuum. Finding a 'balance' where MCs stay where they are is not possible because the price will be very dependent on the prices of other mats used which also fluctuate - sometimes widely.


The only way to prevent this would be to make a recipe require players to buy things like the thermocatalytic reagents, ice rune stones, etc that are bought for gold and cannot be traded. At that point, the MC stagnates once the price of MCs reach the price (plus trading fees) of the mats. Not to mention they just become a flat gold sink requiring no other gameplay than 'buy from these vendors, go to a crafting station'.


Also, to your objective in general, in order to achieve your desired result, you would have to make all logins practically worthless - no HoT currencies, no dungeon tokens, no nothing but things we're already swimming in with no way to use. This includes things like bloodstone dust because, well, some people have Eaters and it takes all of 1 minute to feed them excess mats and convert them to items that can be sold. Anet isn't going to do this because there is a section of the player base who at least log in to get the rewards even if they aren't in a period of active playing. Taking any meaningful reward means they don't log in at all and that, in turn, makes it far more likely that will simply forget the game exists by the time new content comes out. I doubt Anet wants that to happen.


Lastly, there are several ways in this game to earn wealth with some ease that far exceed the login rewards. The only way I'd agree with the changes you want is if it were impossible to earn more in reasonable gameplay time.





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> @MMAI.5892 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:


> Even if they add a crafting recipe, I don't see how this promotes your agenda unless you consider farming and crafting to be valued playtime. I don't mind either activity, but I don't play to farm either as it tends to be a process that grows tedious quickly while crafting is 'stand at this place, select recipe, click craft'. Easily obtainable mats/cheap mats would kill the market because there would be no need to buy coins anymore. Harder to get/more expensive mats will drive the price up. Markets do not exist in a vacuum. Finding a 'balance' where MCs stay where they are is not possible because the price will be very dependent on the prices of other mats used which also fluctuate - sometimes widely.


Everything is farming/playing related.

But ofc if mystic coins return to 1s price per piece, everybody would be able to benefit, **with the difference that nobody instead will be able to make money by selling 'em**.

This would the main difference between now and then.


> The only way to prevent this would be to make a recipe require players to buy things like the thermocatalytic reagents, ice rune stones, etc that are bought for gold and cannot be traded. At that point, the MC stagnates once the price of MCs reach the price (plus trading fees) of the mats. Not to mention they just become a flat gold sink requiring no other gameplay than 'buy from these vendors, go to a crafting station'.


As said before, you are considering only the way that prices will be the same or higher.

As any other materials, there should be a way to obtain em.

They could put a 1d timegate every 10x craft if they want, and price will adjust simply depends on what materials would be used for the recipe itself.



> Also, to your objective in general, in order to achieve your desired result, you would have to make all logins practically worthless - no HoT currencies, no dungeon tokens, no nothing but things we're already swimming in with no way to use. This includes things like bloodstone dust because, well, some people have Eaters and it takes all of 1 minute to feed them excess mats and convert them to items that can be sold. Anet isn't going to do this because there is a section of the player base who at least log in to get the rewards even if they aren't in a period of active playing. Taking any meaningful reward means they don't log in at all and that, in turn, makes it far more likely that will simply forget the game exists by the time new content comes out. I doubt Anet wants that to happen. If the player itself associate Meaningless reward at something which gives him no chance to get golds, then it's the player the problem.


Not worthless, but account only related.


* Do you want tokens for your ley energy converter? Get em from DL

* Do you want dungeon tokens for your gift? Get em from DL

* Do you want more transmutation charges than 3 every 28 days? Get em from DL


There are endless examples of non tradable things which could enhance player's gameplay.


And as said in my second answer, you don't have necessarily to think that MC price would be higher.


> Lastly, there are several ways in this game to earn wealth with some ease that far exceed the login rewards. The only way I'd agree with the changes you want is if it were impossible to earn more in reasonable gameplay time.


There are currently no way to gain more in a reasonable gameplay time.

The fact that MC and T3/4/6 materials have a specific price is due to the fact that many you can get em from DL ( and talking about MC, also there's no standard way to get em if not farming golds and hit TP ).


Nullify the MC coin's cost would be indeed a way to solve it ( it will cost you some silvers, but you won't be able to make profit from em ), as for laurels ( you won't be able any longer to buy materials, though you could still salvage ascended equipment for a few silver ).


I do agree with you that resources should be earned at different speed, requiring only the players to play the game.


Currently the situation is not rewarding, though it is if you multy daily login.


* 1 account > 60g x month

* 2 accounts > 120g x month

* 3 accounts > 180g x month

* 4 accounts > 240g x month

* 5 accounts > 300g x month


Currently gem exchange is 430g per 1600 gems, which are worth 20 eur ( which is 20 eur, the cost of hot, though as said core games copies are still avaible for half the price, but let's consider hot which is worth 20 eur ). By purchasing 1 extra account you will be able to pay your account back in 7 months.


I own some accounts but i do agree with you that i would like more rewards in terms of materials and stuff by simply playing the game instead.

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I have to say I'm confused; is the OP suggesting to rip out the potential for people who so wish to make a few gold from the daily login simply because a few players with multiple accounts make the staggering amount of 60g per account per month?

The reward for the 3 dailies, which can be accomplished almost as fast, is 2g per day, plus some stuff - should we remove those rewards as well? Or replace them with things that can't generate any gold?

What about the materials I can gather from nodes in the open World? They easily generate a couple of gold per day, so should all materials be account bound lest someone make some money?

Or what about people with more than "reasonable" game time, should they be forced to log out after 30 minutes?


Ok, ok, so I'm on a hyperbole here, but it's still the same kinds of reasoning.


Needless to say I'm 100% against this madness.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > the only thing I would correct in this draft is the fact that there are still tomes of knowledge in there. Lets take them all out, and add them to the final chests, so people can choose a bunch of ToKs or laurels at the end, and I don't have to suffer a fourth stack of tomes in my bank


> Maybe the 1/2/3/4 tomes could be a chest instead, which allows you to chose between


> * Tome of Knowledge

> * Spirit Shard

> * Obsidian Shard

> * Guild Commendation

> * etc...


> I am also full with tomes tbh ( but those can be at least converted into shards. scrolls are truly the worst, unless you do the weekly key run i guess ).


Yeah more shards to do not a lot with... no thanks

How many tomes do you think we have room for in our diminishing bank spaces...

Obi shards.. sure I like them, they have good uses, but we have lots of ways to get them already.. by giving more karma in your daily reward idea means we will already be able to buy considerably more of these.. why then add another source....

Guild commendations are specifically rewarded against guild achievs not daily logins... it doesn't take a guild help you login does it...


Sorry, but as others have said many times over your idea though meant well, is perhaps poorly thought through and half-baked at best.


Just say NO!

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @MMAI.5892 said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> >

> > Even if they add a crafting recipe, I don't see how this promotes your agenda unless you consider farming and crafting to be valued playtime. I don't mind either activity, but I don't play to farm either as it tends to be a process that grows tedious quickly while crafting is 'stand at this place, select recipe, click craft'. Easily obtainable mats/cheap mats would kill the market because there would be no need to buy coins anymore. Harder to get/more expensive mats will drive the price up. Markets do not exist in a vacuum. Finding a 'balance' where MCs stay where they are is not possible because the price will be very dependent on the prices of other mats used which also fluctuate - sometimes widely.


> Everything is farming/playing related.

> But ofc if mystic coins return to 1s price per piece, everybody would be able to benefit, **with the difference that nobody instead will be able to make money by selling 'em**.

> This would the main difference between now and then.


Farming is playing, but not necessarily enjoyable play. That was my point. Adding hoops to jump through for MCs isn't really driving to do anything more than go to a crafting station for a couple of minutes. I don't see how that enhances over all game play anymore than switching to a character parked at a mat farm and spending a couple of minutes gathering those things. I suppose if you're affront is 'how dare people get gold' at all, then this is fine, but I don't see any real value in forcing an extra 10 minutes at best doing tasks that are near automatic to be that great of a value for anyone.


> > The only way to prevent this would be to make a recipe require players to buy things like the thermocatalytic reagents, ice rune stones, etc that are bought for gold and cannot be traded. At that point, the MC stagnates once the price of MCs reach the price (plus trading fees) of the mats. Not to mention they just become a flat gold sink requiring no other gameplay than 'buy from these vendors, go to a crafting station'.


> As said before, you are considering only the way that prices will be the same or higher.

> As any other materials, there should be a way to obtain em.

> They could put a 1d timegate every 10x craft if they want, and price will adjust simply depends on what materials would be used for the recipe itself.



More hoops that don't overall contribute to game play.



> > Also, to your objective in general, in order to achieve your desired result, you would have to make all logins practically worthless - no HoT currencies, no dungeon tokens, no nothing but things we're already swimming in with no way to use. This includes things like bloodstone dust because, well, some people have Eaters and it takes all of 1 minute to feed them excess mats and convert them to items that can be sold. Anet isn't going to do this because there is a section of the player base who at least log in to get the rewards even if they aren't in a period of active playing. Taking any meaningful reward means they don't log in at all and that, in turn, makes it far more likely that will simply forget the game exists by the time new content comes out. I doubt Anet wants that to happen. If the player itself associate Meaningless reward at something which gives him no chance to get golds, then it's the player the problem.


> Not worthless, but account only related.


> * Do you want tokens for your ley energy converter? Get em from DL


And these can be converted gold value which is thus a reward for login


> * Do you want dungeon tokens for your gift? Get em from DL


And these can be converted to gold as well, plus with the side effect of creating a disincentive to running dungeons. Some of the insignias sells for 8g a piece. Sure, I now have to buy from a vendor, salvage the item, and post it, but that's hardly different from the laurel mat buys except for the salvage step.


> * Do you want more transmutation charges than 3 every 28 days? Get em from DL


I've got more transmutations charges than I can use and I very rarely hear anyone say that they need more.



> There are endless examples of non tradable things which could enhance player's gameplay.


I disagree. I tend to play in spurts and then go through lulls once I've covered the content I want. All of the things you've listed (except for dungeon tokens and those can have significant gold value as stated) are things that I either don't use or use rarely enough that I have plenty in reserve already. I even took the time to scan through non tradeable items to see if there was anything that I could particularly value there that had no inherent or easily convertible gold value and the answer was no.



> And as said in my second answer, you don't have necessarily to think that MC price would be higher.



They could be higher, they could be lower, they could stagnate. It all depends on what method is employed.


> > Lastly, there are several ways in this game to earn wealth with some ease that far exceed the login rewards. The only way I'd agree with the changes you want is if it were impossible to earn more in reasonable gameplay time.


> There are currently no way to gain more in a reasonable gameplay time.


Sure there is - 1 hour in the SW a month will yield quite a bit of gold with estimates ranging from 10-50 gold. Last I checked AB could yield a little more. There are also fractals and a few other places with gold returns that can make as much or more gold for about 1 hour of game play.


> The fact that MC and T3/4/6 materials have a specific price is due to the fact that many you can get em from DL ( and talking about MC, also there's no standard way to get em if not farming golds and hit TP ).


> Nullify the MC coin's cost would be indeed a way to solve it ( it will cost you some silvers, but you won't be able to make profit from em ), as for laurels ( you won't be able any longer to buy materials, though you could still salvage ascended equipment for a few silver ).


> I do agree with you that resources should be earned at different speed, requiring only the players to play the game.


> Currently the situation is not rewarding, though it is if you multy daily login.


> * 1 account > 60g x month

> * 2 accounts > 120g x month

> * 3 accounts > 180g x month

> * 4 accounts > 240g x month

> * 5 accounts > 300g x month


> Currently gem exchange is 430g per 1600 gems, which are worth 20 eur ( which is 20 eur, the cost of hot, though as said core games copies are still avaible for half the price, but let's consider hot which is worth 20 eur ). By purchasing 1 extra account you will be able to pay your account back in 7 months.


> I own some accounts but i do agree with you that i would like more rewards in terms of materials and stuff by simply playing the game instead.


I am honestly not worried about people with multiple accounts. If that's how they want to spend their money, that's up to them. Can it be used as a way to hoard gold with relatively little effort for some? Sure. But in order to 'solve' that problem, everyone must be punished, and I don't think that entirely fair either. Making login rewards so devalued that clicking the box turns into little more than irritation, is, I don't think, a way to resolve the problem - if Anet even thinks it is a problem. It's pretty clear that they're fine with the trading price of MCs and their acquisition despite numerous threads about their pricing and lack of farm ability. IIRC it was either John Smith or one of the other people at Anet who stated that the gold generation through selling MCs was in their minds an incentive for poorer players. At the end of the day it's going to be nearly impossible to come up with a daily reward system that people will like that doesn't have gold value in at least some parts.


To you, adding crafting or other minor hurdles for people to clear, seems valuable. I understand that. To me it simply doesn't - crafting, buying from vendors, and the like are not very engaging. They're necessary, but I don't consider them quality play time and locking away the usual DL rewards behind them sounds more punitive than a bonus for the game. Personally, I think it would be more valuable to argue for increased rewards in areas that are lacking so that people who are actively playing not only get their DL, but get additional rewards for playing.



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Why would you want to add USELESS stuff as daily login rewards? To discourage people from loging in?

Karma and Obsidian Shards are interchangeable, and pretty much useless after a point. Karma was always a pretty useless currency, and it hasn't improved much, even though LS3 maps make it extremely easy to get a ton of it.


And why shouldn't it be worth gold?


What other sources of Mystic coins do you suggest?


They paid for alt accounts, it's a legit account, and because you're envious you want everyone to get useless crap from daily logins.


And let me explain something to you:

The thing about alt accounts being rewarding isn't the daily login rewards. It's the Silver Doubloons. Sure those 2 gold are nice, and the laurels and Mystic coins are handy, but having 4-5 lvl 21 chars parked at a JP's chest getting sometimes as many as 6 silver doubloons a day... That's where it makes gold.

Knowing this, now you're going to ask Silver doubloons to be removed from the game?


It's a crappy suggestion stemming from envy and lazyness, would create more issues than it solves (there isn't an issue to start with).


There are some issues, but the daily logins being worth gold directly or indirectly isn't one of them:


The issue is pretty much the opposite of what you suggested, it's that stuff like spirit shards, ToKs, Transmutation Shards, and Luck Essences can become obsolete due to over-abundance. Obsidian Shards are also not something that you don't need, there's an abundance of supply of those, and not enough uses for them to be merited as a daily login reward.


The fix needed to the Daily Login system is change The ToK and Luck rewards to something else entirely. ToK are the cure-all filler in every Reward track, you end up with so much of that junk that even converting to spirit shards doesn't cut it.

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> @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> Why would you want to add USELESS stuff as daily login rewards? To discourage people from loging in?

> Karma and Obsidian Shards are interchangeable, and pretty much useless after a point. Karma was always a pretty useless currency, and it hasn't improved much, even though LS3 maps make it extremely easy to get a ton of it.


> And why shouldn't it be worth gold?


> What other sources of Mystic coins do you suggest?


> They paid for alt accounts, it's a legit account, and because you're envious you want everyone to get useless crap from daily logins.


> And let me explain something to you:

> The thing about alt accounts being rewarding isn't the daily login rewards. It's the Silver Doubloons. Sure those 2 gold are nice, and the laurels and Mystic coins are handy, but having 4-5 lvl 21 chars parked at a JP's chest getting sometimes as many as 6 silver doubloons a day... That's where it makes gold.

> Knowing this, now you're going to ask Silver doubloons to be removed from the game?


> It's a crappy suggestion stemming from envy and lazyness, would create more issues than it solves (there isn't an issue to start with).


> There are some issues, but the daily logins being worth gold directly or indirectly isn't one of them:


> The issue is pretty much the opposite of what you suggested, it's that stuff like spirit shards, ToKs, Transmutation Shards, and Luck Essences can become obsolete due to over-abundance. Obsidian Shards are also not something that you don't need, there's an abundance of supply of those, and not enough uses for them to be merited as a daily login reward.


> The fix needed to the Daily Login system is change The ToK and Luck rewards to something else entirely. ToK are the cure-all filler in every Reward track, you end up with so much of that junk that even converting to spirit shards doesn't cut it.


Lvling characters, bring em to jp and also log every single one for a chance?

I am sorry but i prefer to have 3/4 extra account ( depends how many charas you'd like to login for jp chests ) instead, since the time spent is almost the same.

Overall time spent on simply login beats the rng on jps and time spent to lvl charas.


Or if it was a joke the "chance on 73s" compared to 60g in 28 mins, i took the bait.

I was talking about make money in the most efficient way.


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > Why would you want to add USELESS stuff as daily login rewards? To discourage people from loging in?

> > Karma and Obsidian Shards are interchangeable, and pretty much useless after a point. Karma was always a pretty useless currency, and it hasn't improved much, even though LS3 maps make it extremely easy to get a ton of it.

> >

> > And why shouldn't it be worth gold?

> >

> > What other sources of Mystic coins do you suggest?

> >

> > They paid for alt accounts, it's a legit account, and because you're envious you want everyone to get useless crap from daily logins.

> >

> > And let me explain something to you:

> > The thing about alt accounts being rewarding isn't the daily login rewards. It's the Silver Doubloons. Sure those 2 gold are nice, and the laurels and Mystic coins are handy, but having 4-5 lvl 21 chars parked at a JP's chest getting sometimes as many as 6 silver doubloons a day... That's where it makes gold.

> > Knowing this, now you're going to ask Silver doubloons to be removed from the game?

> >

> > It's a crappy suggestion stemming from envy and lazyness, would create more issues than it solves (there isn't an issue to start with).

> >

> > There are some issues, but the daily logins being worth gold directly or indirectly isn't one of them:

> >

> > The issue is pretty much the opposite of what you suggested, it's that stuff like spirit shards, ToKs, Transmutation Shards, and Luck Essences can become obsolete due to over-abundance. Obsidian Shards are also not something that you don't need, there's an abundance of supply of those, and not enough uses for them to be merited as a daily login reward.

> >

> > The fix needed to the Daily Login system is change The ToK and Luck rewards to something else entirely. ToK are the cure-all filler in every Reward track, you end up with so much of that junk that even converting to spirit shards doesn't cut it.


> Lvling characters, bring em to jp and also log every single one for a chance?

> I am sorry but i prefer to have 3/4 extra account ( depends how many charas you'd like to login for jp chests ) instead, since the time spent is almost the same.

> Overall time spent on simply login beats the rng on jps and time spent to lvl charas.


> Or if it was a joke the "chance on 73s" compared to 60g in 28 mins, i took the bait.

> I was talking about make money in the most efficient way.



Except this *is* something people do with alt accounts. The set up takes a little leg work (but not all that much) , but after that it's open the chest > salvage > sell/keep. It takes 2 minutes tops per character and no real effort. This is the same with flax farms and other such popular spots. I've got all of my characters except my main parked at places like that for the same purpose. It may not be the only reason people get an alt account, but it's one way they're maximized.

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