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Jacaranda and Iboga make me cry.....


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Iboga is such a godsend for condi ranger. It's doing more damage on each unique condi on the target and it also cleaves. F2 is good CC.


Jacaranda will be the most used pet, because it gives the ranger another POWER PULSING AoE (still small radius, they must not give too much AoE to ranger, /s) and also 2 heals ! One that removes 2 condis and the other one gives Resistance. F2 is another CC. Most rounded pet for merging and also un-merged.


They will probably get nerfed.

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> @Krispera.5087 said:

> Iboga is such a godsend for condi ranger. It's doing more damage on each unique condi on the target and it also cleaves. F2 is good CC.


> Jacaranda will be the most used pet, because it gives the ranger another POWER PULSING AoE (still small radius, they must not give too much AoE to ranger, /s) and also 2 heals ! One that removes 2 condis and the other one gives Resistance. F2 is another CC. Most rounded pet for merging and also un-merged.


> They will probably get nerfed.


*Meanwhile, at ANet Headquarters*


Dev #1: Guys, I've got a great idea for a pet that Rangers will actually be excited about!

Dev #2: Nerf it.

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> @Szymaa.6745 said:

> > @Krispera.5087 said:

> > Iboga is such a godsend for condi ranger. It's doing more damage on each unique condi on the target and it also cleaves. F2 is good CC.

> >

> > Jacaranda will be the most used pet, because it gives the ranger another POWER PULSING AoE (still small radius, they must not give too much AoE to ranger, /s) and also 2 heals ! One that removes 2 condis and the other one gives Resistance. F2 is another CC. Most rounded pet for merging and also un-merged.

> >

> > They will probably get nerfed.


> *Meanwhile, at ANet Headquarters*


> Dev #1: Guys, I've got a great idea for a pet that Rangers will actually be excited about!

> Dev #2: Nerf it.


Sad but true

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> @Warlyx.6732 said:

> > @Szymaa.6745 said:

> > > @Krispera.5087 said:

> > > Iboga is such a godsend for condi ranger. It's doing more damage on each unique condi on the target and it also cleaves. F2 is good CC.

> > >

> > > Jacaranda will be the most used pet, because it gives the ranger another POWER PULSING AoE (still small radius, they must not give too much AoE to ranger, /s) and also 2 heals ! One that removes 2 condis and the other one gives Resistance. F2 is another CC. Most rounded pet for merging and also un-merged.

> > >

> > > They will probably get nerfed.

> >

> > *Meanwhile, at ANet Headquarters*

> >

> > Dev #1: Guys, I've got a great idea for a pet that Rangers will actually be excited about!

> > Dev #2: Nerf it.


> Sad but true


Makes me wonder if they even play ranger...and how makes me wonder how the player population for ranger is doing at all.

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Was having some fun with the Iboga pull. Fun way to set up condi bursts in PvP.


New utility skills and powerful burst that is easy to hit has been the theme with the new pet addition ever since they have introduced the combination of Bristleback and Smokescale. Shows that they aren't completely oblivious to what we need and makes you wonder why they haven't changed some of the old underused pets.

Pretty sure you are right in any case. The community always ended up utilizing their shiny new toys in ways they haven't even thought possible which then always led to nerfs in the end. Still, can't really blame them. Makes more sense to go with "OP" rather than "UP" when you introduce something new and shiny.

People are also quite quick to complain about pets being too powerful when they have to pay attention to the pets for a change.

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> @LughLongArm.5460 said:

> New pets will have to be good in order to compete with HOT pets, Even with POF new pets I don't see Smokescale going away for most builds.


The auto on Iboga will make it the best pve pet in the game for instanced content. It will hit for more than a GS maul against a target with 5 conditions.


Smokescale staying dominant in pvp will probably depend a lot on how hard they nerf the Gazelle charge.

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> @BadSanta.6527 said:

> dont worrie when people realize how bad soulbeast is , ranger ill be good just for healing so pet dose not metter

> i want to add to all those petless ranger people , if you are so eger to play pet less with bow why didnt you play warrior or dragon hunter , ranger is all about the pet ..


Ah of course, I should have thought about the Dragon Hunter in 2012 when I first rolled my Ranger ;)


I will disclose that I am not insistent upon not having a pet, I liked the pet, even when it was broken as all hell and died to AoE and also had to be manually revived. Pets have come a long way since launch and most of the time I appreciate the unique things you can do with them. On the flip-side I am also looking forward to fighting without my pet as an option for those situations where I need that bit of extra personal control over when and where certain skills are going to land.


I would like to see some of the underused pets given a bit of a buff to make them a viable choice. E.g. Black Moa is still objectively worse than the Pink Moa, which it used to be a reskin of before the latter got a buff to the F2 skill.

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> @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

> Smokescale? That thing is still OP af. Which other canine has that much tankyness while sporting so much damage, cc and utility (smoke field)?


Its one of the pets we have thats decent, and i hate that i cant take really any other pet besides the tiger and it.

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> @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

> Smokescale? That thing is still OP af. Which other canine has that much tankyness while sporting so much damage, cc and utility (smoke field)?

It's literally a bear with less vitality, stats-wise, also the smokescale and bristleback are performing on the level _all pets_ should be.


Also I think it was the beastmode iboga skills that got nerfed, not the version used by the actual pet.

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I like the idea of Iboga pulling in enemy and then going axe/axe , and then longbowing #4 them away, then rapidfire. Then again I was doing the same thing with Axe#4 to pull people in and doing the same thing. So much stability and near perma-stability that doing ANY CC against an enemy is nearly impossible.

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