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When are we getting "build presets"?


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> @Orimidu.9604 said:

> I know it's been asked before. Are we in the future ever going to get customizable build presets so that we can swap between, say, Condi DPS and Healer on the fly?


We've asked for this since 2012 BETA. The devs have said (since 2014) that they want it.

The devil is apparently in the details.


While I can understand that loading gear can be a problem (the game was designed with the assumption that would never happen), I'm confused about why we can't have the next best things:

* Trait & Skill loadouts. You'd still have to manually swap gear; you could save preset traits/skills, so that saves a dozen & a half selections.

* Full build saves, the same as what is offered by 3rd party websites. This allows us to share builds in-game, too.

* Full build comparison: instead of loading builds, we'd save the build and load a screenshot. We'd have to manually match, but we wouldn't have to memorize the choices.


None of those are simple to code, but none of them are all that complex conceptually and they don't depend on figuring out what to actually do with our gear. I wouldn't mind waiting an extra year or two for gear loadouts, for legendary sigil swapping, if it meant we got something like the above soon or even soon™.

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Can't see them doing it now. Seeing how they've even worked a bit on arcsdps to get that thing running with it's creator which both adds that whole dps counter (which people asked for plenty times in the past) and of course the build preset (which many also asked for in the past... even this thread), I can't see them doing it themselves.


I for one went and got arsdps flat-out for the preset saving as that's the best feature I've seen in GW2.... outside of the actual stuff in the game.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I've been reluctant use Arc's build load out because I heard that people lost gear. But the reports have been vague on specifics, so I'm not sure what the actual risk is.

> The fact that ANet allows that feature is more evidence that we shouldn't expect it in-game anytime soon. :(


Yeah I've heard of that, but I'm not sure how it happens.

I used to use it as I randomly used to change builds at time like Necro to Reaper to Necro to now Scourge and so on.

But ever since discovering Firebrand after deciding on never touching it as I like my Longbow on Dragonhunter... I've been flipping back and forth from Dragonhunter and Firebrand so much. Made me like the arcdps sooo much more.

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We're not. They've already allowed a third party company that does a DPS meter carry that load and package it with the DPS meter so they (Anet) don't have to do it. Furthermore, such a decision is both consumer friendly AND would decrease the sales of additional character slots for alting, which is how many people "dealt" with the multiple build issue. Basically since it is something that will impact their bottom line AND is something people have asked for since the beginning AND they outsourced it to the DPS meter guys, this will never be a feature Anet will deliver on. Just forget it.

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> @Preacher.9526 said:

> Would have thought we would have them by now. Would be a huge QOL addition for me at least.


> They already added it for pvp/wvw just need to allow us to save different builds for pve. They could even sell additional preset slots.. you know they love that money!


They didn't get to it because they spent so much resources on 5 mounts and a whole lot of RNG locked mount skins. I think more than a few of us would have been happy with one less mount and have build templates instead. I think the jackal really wasn't needed. The sand portals only exist because they wanted something to make the jackal special.

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Outsourcing things like build presets to a third party is a slippery slope, no matter the bottom line. I've never used ArcDPS and don't intend to, but if I'm understanding correctly, if it works in a way that answers my request then it needs write permissions to an account, whereas API keys only needed read permissions.


I'd feel much safer if anet did this themselves, and yes I would pay for additional preset slots and probably inventory and bank slots to store the gear and weapons I'd need to keep on hand for the presets. There's a lot more money to be made with preset slots than ignoring the idea in favor of "it would hurt character slot sales". Presets can't change professions. That's what character slots are for.

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It's really frustrating that they don't have savable builds now, despite having them in GW1. Hell, it literally reduced builds down to a code that could be sent to chat, previewed, saved, and used just with a couple of mouse clicks. But then again, GW1 also had a customizable UI and many other superior QoL features that GW2 sorely lacks.

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> @Preacher.9526 said:

> Would have thought we would have them by now. Would be a huge QOL addition for me at least.


> They already added it for pvp/wvw just need to allow us to save different builds for pve. They could even sell additional preset slots.. you know they love that money!


+1 for this.

Build templates would be great, and if given the opportunity, I'd probably buy a second or third build slot. I'd prefer the additional slots to be account wide, like the additional crafting licenses, and not sold on a per character basis, like additional bag slots.

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> @Azoqu.8917 said:

> > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > Can someone enlighten me, which mmorpg so far has a build template?


> Guild Wars 1.


GW1 isn't an MMO; it's a "cooperative online RPG" (ANet's words, not just mine). Combat-ready instances are limited to 8 characters for the most part (two with 12, a few with six, and some with only 4).


The version of the build template in GW1 is more limited than some people remember, although it's clearly far better than what we have in GW2 (i.e. nothing).

* It saves skills.

* It saves points allocated to attributes, a weaker version of GW2 traits.

* It does not save armor stats, which were save in fixed inscriptions & insignia and very costly to change (often, it was easier to save extra sets and swap them).

* It does not save weapon sets, although GW1 allows you to remember 4 sets (with different rules for swapping: you need slots in inventory for the ones not in use).


Mind you: I'd be very happy with anything like that for GW2. Even saving just traits & skills would save a lot of time, especially for folks who swap a lot.



One thing that few of us mention (including me): we technically can store 3 build templates already for GW2: one of WvW, one for PvP, and one for PvE. It's not very useful, because they can't be shared and it doesn't address a huge amount of the issues that arise from the lack of templates. But, it does prove that ANet already has a lot of the tech for remembering multiple templates.


We just don't know what it is that's slowing ANet down.

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