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Any tips on facing 2 rangers?


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I play Spellbreaker and am having some difficulties when i often come up in a 1 vs 2 situation against 2 Rangers/Souldbeast (WvW).

I use GS/Axe& Shield and need to get in melee range. When i focus on one with their kiting the other just camps on bow with unblockable hits that get thru shield blocks.

Any tips on how to fight these is greatly appreciated.

Also of Natural Healing or Healing signet, which would you suggest be better in this situation?

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You can't, you don't! with the new unblockables on ranger you can't even fight 1 vs 1 as a warrior, much less 2 vs 1. I fought a good ranger in SoS and I noticed he did the following rotation which has close to 0 counter if you are a warrior:

1.- Activate speed signet to gain 6 sec of unblockable attacks

2.- longbow range #2 the blip out of warrior to force him into dodging 2 times and use his shield block (shield block is useless because ranger has 6 seconds of unblockable attacks, so warrior will have to dodge 2 times to evade the 11k+PDS.)

3.- use #4 on LB (longbow) to activate the warrior balance stance or throw him back if he is not using it. At this point the auto endure pain should activate if warrior decided to take the damage and not use the 2 dodges.)

4.- Use #3 to gain stealth, switch weapons to sword and warhorn.

5.- F2 smokeskale and use combo leap finisher and blast finishers to gain additional stealth. This wastes warrior endure pain because there is a 6 second of inactivity.

6.- Re-position yourself at maximum range and switch back to longbow

7.- Use #2 on LB at max range and repeat the rotation.

8.- On second rotation you can melee the warrior and use your evades and stunbreaks if you get caught.

9.- If warrior does not have reduced shield skills, then you can do up to 3 rotations because shield is on a 25 sec cooldown.

10.- By the 2nd rotation you should easily kill warrior and you will not have to go to a 3rd rotation.


This rotation is a warrior killer if played by a good ranger. Most of the rangers I play are trash, but the SoS ranger that i fought was a pro and knew exactly what to do, even using unblockables when switching to soulbeast mode. My warrior was a siting bag, and I am a pro warrior!


Now, fighting 2 rangers is even worse because you are being DPS the blip out of you at 2000 range! Yes 2000 range!

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It sounds like they're playing how they should, by keeping away from each other, with your target kiting you hard while the other punishes you for it. If you're in a field, you want to get away if you can (unless they're really bad) to move the fight to a place that allows you to block line of sight.


Once there, you'll want to use barriers, rises, cliffs, etc. to mitigate their pressure. Keep something between you and at least one of them, and make them close to you. If they don't, just let it sit as a stalemate until they press or leave. If you get either of them low, remember that your Throw Axe is strong now.


That's about your best shot. I've killed two rangers before, even decent ones who used the tactic you've described. But you have to force them to give up their ranged advantage to get the kill, and they have to fall for it, for it to work out for you.


I'm fairly sure that I've fought the SoS ranger that Hitman's talking about (he's the best one on the server who actually roams, from what I've seen). He can be beaten (I've done it several times (he's also killed me a bunch), and I've also forced him to escape), but you'd never be able to do the above to him simply because he's both good with the class and he plays smart. He wouldn't get lured into giving up his advantage, but then he's also effective at melee range. If he had a ranger friend, even a scrubby one, he'd end you.

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1.- Activate speed signet to gain 6 sec of unblockable attacks

2.- longbow range #2 the blip out of warrior to force him into dodging 2 times and use his shield block (shield block is useless because ranger has 6 seconds of unblockable attacks, so warrior will have to dodge 2 times to evade the 11k+PDS.) *( Use Whirl instead ? )*

3.- use #4 on LB (longbow) to activate the warrior balance stance or throw him back if he is not using it. At this point the auto endure pain should activate if warrior decided to take the damage and not use the 2 dodges.) *( Dodge ? )*

4.- Use #3 to gain stealth, switch weapons to sword and warhorn. *( Shieldblock and steal stealth ? )*

5.- F2 smokeskale and use combo leap finisher and blast finishers to gain additional stealth. This wastes warrior endure pain because there is a 6 second of inactivity. *( Rush/take distance ? )*

6.- Re-position yourself at maximum range and switch back to longbow *( Put Pressure ? )*

7.- Use #2 on LB at max range and repeat the rotation. *( Repeat the above ? )*

8.- On second rotation you can melee the warrior and use your evades and stunbreaks if you get caught. *( Youre ded by now )*

9.- If warrior does not have reduced shield skills, then you can do up to 3 rotations because shield is on a 25 sec cooldown. *( Youre ded by now )*

10.- By the 2nd rotation you should easily kill warrior and you will not have to go to a 3rd rotation. *( Youre ded by now )*



Everything is situational,saying something isnt possible only limits yourself to ever trying it.

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Only warriors ask for help in 1v2 situations. Other classes just accept the inevitable lose because ... outnumbered.


This is a good example for how broken the class has been. People aren't used to die in a 1v2.


But yeah soulbeast pressure is ridiculous and faceroll atm. I will not deny that. LOS or die!

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> @KrHome.1920 said:

> Only warriors ask for help in 1v2 situations. Other classes just accept the inevitable lose because ... outnumbered.


> This is a good example for how broken the class has been. People aren't used to die in a 1v2.


> But yeah soulbeast pressure is ridiculous and faceroll atm. I will not deny that. LOS or die!


All classes are capable of 1vx. Not all players are though.

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> @Choppy.4183 said:

> > @KrHome.1920 said:

> > Only warriors ask for help in 1v2 situations. Other classes just accept the inevitable lose because ... outnumbered.

> >

> > This is a good example for how broken the class has been. People aren't used to die in a 1v2.

> >

> > But yeah soulbeast pressure is ridiculous and faceroll atm. I will not deny that. LOS or die!


> All classes are capable of 1vx. Not all players are though.


Very correct I've seen scourges using terrain to their advantage and taking out 10 players (not even talking fearing off a cliff).

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> @Sleepwalker.1398 said:

> I play Spellbreaker and am having some difficulties when i often come up in a 1 vs 2 situation against 2 Rangers/Souldbeast (WvW).

> I use GS/Axe& Shield and need to get in melee range. When i focus on one with their kiting the other just camps on bow with unblockable hits that get thru shield blocks.

> Any tips on how to fight these is greatly appreciated.

> Also of Natural Healing or Healing signet, which would you suggest be better in this situation?


In most cases you dont want to take on two of anything on, unless they're shitty and you're pretty good. Two decent anythings will kill one good anything in this game 90% of the time (as it should be). If you're killing a lot of people 1v2, those people are just triggerint your full counter left and right and letting themselves be hit by your telegraphed skills.


That said, i've found the key to killing rangers is high pressure. You can mitigate a lot of damage by using your GS3 as a gap closer when they rapid fire (evade frames), as it has the added benefit of breaking immobilize. If you pop endure pain, you can also use GS5 to close the gap. Try to keep them stunlocked if at all possible. If they are bursty, its because they're glass, so nice stun/burst combo should do the trick.


I find GS 5>GS 3>GS4>Shield 4>Burst (axe or dagger)> CC again (axe 3 /dagger 3)> damage (axe 2+auto or dagger 2 + auto)> GS Burst (hopefully you have sigil of hydromancy to chill and damage on the switch). They die fast if you burst smart.


If you miss out on your combo, dont fret, they're more panicked about getting you down than you are them; after their unblockable is on cooldown they're scared of you, not the other way around. Use LoS to your advantage, close the gap, hard CC and burst.


Good luck sir.

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