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Why I keep playing GW2


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when my friend asks: "why do you keep playing guild wars 2"?

Lately I have feeling, that anet doesnt care about end game anymore. It should have been more obvious when they only released 4 raid wings, but since I wasnt even trying to raid untill recently I did not pay attention to it. It struck me with latest patch where one part of hard content I have been actively doing "Fractal 100 challenge mode" has be fucked to unplayability. So I am asking you average Joes. What is the end game? Legendaries? most of em look worse than premium skins from tickets. Fractals? they didnt patch hardest one for 2 weeks now. Raids? they literally threw 4 wings at us so they can shut up game critics saying there are no raids.


So what do I tell him? Because right now the most developed and interesting things about Guild wars 2 are gem store items. Is that it? End game of guild wars is paying Anet. Anet needs to do something and do it quick because game with no end game has no interest in keeping players playing only paying.

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It depends on what you consider "endgame" honestly. It's pretty much that simple.

If you consider raids and fractals the only thing endgame and as you said it's been lacking for a while, then I'm not sure what you can say or do.

Either hope they add something soon or what?

Because instead of the typical "i quit" topic, this has turned into a "I kinda wanna quit but......."

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Why do you need to justify yourself to your friends?

GW2 never has been about end game content. It is a term that has ported from other games, but in my opinion never has been appropiate for GW2. I think you mean challenging content. I personally never been much of a fan of challenging content. I enjoy things like exploring and adventuring a lot more. Arenanet tends to try and pleasure us both. This means that sometimes they release content more pleasing for you, and sometimes they release content more pleasing to me. I was very much pleased with PoF. I do hope for you,you will be with ls4e1

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I think the idea of raids in general is stupid, pure and simple. I finished some in other game, others I asked my group of guildies to find a replacement for me because i could just not stand it anymore. Fractals fare better, but I don´t have much fun in them lately.


I personally hunt for AP and make some collections, but I also stay in the game to troll my server with my inadequate wvwing(not building any siege where it doesn´t belong or such skritt, just bad playing) and for the joy of my guildies whom I constantly annoy with my numerous stories and complains. An interanctive chatroom with avatars if you want so.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> You know, the easiest way to answer their question is for you to answer it yourself. Why are you still playing GW2? What do you do when you log in the game?


The problem is if he's questioning it now and don't even know... what IS the point he's still playing? He should just stop.

When a parent asks a kid which of 3 toys they like that they want and then told to pick one, if the kid keep thinking and questioning and don't know... the parent usually just give the answer of, "Well I guess none for now and next time you can pick."


If you are playing right now and both your friends AND yourself don't have a real answer on why you're still playing, then it's best to stop. At least for now.

Not saying quit permanently (unless that's what he wants), but at least it means that it's time he should take a break and come back later.

I've done that with countless online (or offline) games and later come back and felt at ease.


When you're in that confused or frustrated moment, you really should stop because continuing to play while you're in that burned out phase will make you start to really loathe the whole package of the game. The game you once liked.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @serialkicker.5274 said:

> > You're surprised they only released 4 wings and i'm surprised they did even that much since big majority of playerbase don't care about raids. Imagine if all this time and resources went for redesigning and making more dungeons or maybe for open world events


> The game would be more awesome.


Yet all we will ever get in the future will be more raids and fractals (aside from the occasional LW).


Although, do people really not care about raids? I mean, the whole state of the game as it is now (meta 35k DPS scrub don't talk to me if you can do less) is because raids... I believe raids are way more infuential than you think.


I mean, you can't even share a fun build that can clear T4 fractals without someone saying "yeah, but it's not raid meta, and your DPS is 29k and not 30k noob" and stuff like that.

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If they don't care about "endgame", what _do_ they care about? Queensdale? In terms of content, I reckon that "endgame" is _all_ they care about (and are at all able to care about, for better or worse).


Perhaps what's lacking, at least in part, is a feeling of anticipation? ESO, for instance, doesn't release new content monthly, but what they do release, they market well. Or at least better than GW2, whose Living World Season 4 I learned of through Reddit.

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You might tell your friend something along the lines of 'because I want to', which should be a good enough reason to keep playing GW2, but if that's not good enough for your friend, maybe he or she isn't really your friend, but a pod person replacement from another planet pretending to be your friend in order to absorb EMF radiation from your monitor and eat all your cheezy poofs.

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Welp, life's a journey, not a destination. If we had endgame, with nothing after it, this would be a single player offline game. Being that it always has to give players something to do in order to retain them, there's technically _no_ endgame. It's a "neverending story" which drives the game onwards, giving out new stats, gear, shinies, fractal numbers, achievements, actual story updates, and so on, at (ir)regular intervals. It can't give you "endgame" content in a traditional sense, so it's not helpful to consider it as such.


The onus is therefore on us, as players, to define what we consider our personal "endgame" in GW2, whilst realising that goalpost will always have a chance of being moved. Once it stops moving for an individual player, that player has to look and say "Am I having fun doing this stuff (over and over)?" and if the answer is no, then that's your endgame. Go and do something else instead, knowing that this game will be there in the future, should you decide that your endgame updated.

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What i often find odd is that people want a game to be their all or nothing. Whatever happened to playing multiple games. Sometimes i love to burn content in gw2, and sometimes i don't. When i don't i go play other games.

I have an incentive to log in several days a week for achievements.. but if i dont feel like playing ill just rev up another game

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @serialkicker.5274 said:

> > > You're surprised they only released 4 wings and i'm surprised they did even that much since big majority of playerbase don't care about raids. Imagine if all this time and resources went for redesigning and making more dungeons or maybe for open world events

> >

> > The game would be more awesome.


> Yet all we will ever get in the future will be more raids and fractals (aside from the occasional LW).


> Although, do people really not care about raids? I mean, the whole state of the game as it is now (meta 35k DPS scrub don't talk to me if you can do less) is because raids... I believe raids are way more infuential than you think.


> I mean, you can't even share a fun build that can clear T4 fractals without someone saying "yeah, but it's not raid meta, and your DPS is 29k and not 30k noob" and stuff like that.


That doesn't necessarily have much to do with raids. Meta was there before raids and will always be there, raids or not. Raids just changed it. But it doesn't matter how it was changed. The fact is, that meta, in whatever state it is atm, is telling people how to play, otherwise they are noobs and won't be accepted into raids and fractals, some go even that far that they still require meta builds for dungeons, despite dungeons being absolute joke at this point.

Yes, raids are influential, you are right and that's unfortunate, because they couldn't even balance the game before when they tried to balance PvW, WvW and PvP, now they threw in even raids. There were many balance patches and many more will come and still probably won't change anything on the large scale. because you can't balance all modes with this mindset. They should completely seperate PvP, WvW and PvW. Once PvE would be balanced, it could stay that way and they wouldn't have to bother with it every few weeks or months. When releasing new content, they would make sure everything aligns with how they balanced PvE. After that they could balance PvP and WvW and it would be a much easier because they wouldn't need to worry about ruining PvE. Game is out for more than 5 years, there was plenty of time to make this if they wanted, but didn't happen, so we'll be stuck in eternal balancing mess.

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> Why do you need to justify yourself to your friends?

> GW2 never has been about end game content. It is a term that has ported from other games, but in my opinion never has been appropiate for GW2. I think you mean challenging content. I personally never been much of a fan of challenging content. I enjoy things like exploring and adventuring a lot more. Arenanet tends to try and pleasure us both. This means that sometimes they release content more pleasing for you, and sometimes they release content more pleasing to me. I was very much pleased with PoF. I do hope for you,you will be with ls4e1


I don't think you understand what end game is.

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I keep playing GW2 because I want to stuff 9 characters in ascended, complete all story missions and explore all the maps with each one of them. While doing it, I get sidetracked, I do some fractals, some meta-events, a little bit of WvW, I'm slowly crafting a legendary, help my guildmates or people that ask for help on the map chat, help my IRL friends upgrading our guild hall, work toward buying a commander tag, redo jumping puzzles that I like, slowly work on some achievements, and overall do not worry too much about the future, but rather on what I currently do in-game.


And, most importantly, I take breaks whenever I feel like, when I'm a little burned out. I know all my progress will still be there when I return and that I won't have to begin from scratch, unlike in gear-progression MMORPGs.


Set you own goals, and don't hesitate to vary and adapt them as you see fit.

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> What i often find odd is that people want a game to be their all or nothing. Whatever happened to playing multiple games. Sometimes i love to burn content in gw2, and sometimes i don't. When i don't i go play other games.

> I have an incentive to log in several days a week for achievements.. but if i dont feel like playing ill just rev up another game


Yup, I said this with the whole burnout on the PoF expansion where people were saying there wasn't much reason to play the new zones after a week.


It's all about expectations, now a days. Games are $60 now and must have 40+ hours of gameplay while having all these extras and bells-and-whistles that other games have and must have high replayablility and then wonder why microtransactions are a thing? 1 game can only get you so far; for some of us, that distance is far enough for the time they have to waste but if you're not one of those, you need to pay $$$ or play the field (SOOOOO many free MMOs out there to play around in). And those that are looking for specific content, again, play the field because those kind of games are out there.

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

I personally never been much of a fan of challenging content. I enjoy things like exploring and adventuring a lot more.


After you did your exploring and adventuring the first time, is it enjoyable to explore the same areas more then once? Did A-net add any of your content any really fun and interesting content, some that lasts more then 50 hours, since endgame in any sense of the word is the stuff you do After you did the new stuff. And there is no new stuff in either of them, His and Your content. And yes a new raid wing and a new LS, those can give you 50 more hours, but that's not 500, and trust me we both now we will spend atleast 500 more in-game until there's more.

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