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When will Rangers use Guns?

Nels the Cornwhisperer.802

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> > @bearshaman.3421 said:

> > "Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation. "

> >

> > Straight from the wiki's quote of what GW2 Ranger is. It's not a military specialist, it's the fantasy version of ranger that you see in LotR, D&D, etc, not the US Army unit or anything like that. Wrong genre lol. And before you point at engineers, Anet already covered that a year ago in the lore forums, pointing out that everyone in Tyria knows how to and uses magic, it's just channeled in different ways based on your profession. Tbh my only issue with this description is the focus on LB, but I can't be mad there cuz we do have an entire traitline called marksmanship.

> >

> > That said, I think an elite spec using rifles would be ok, but given that we already have a 1500 range weapon, I don't see it happening.


> The fantasy genre origin of the ranger archetype, from Lord of the Rings, is primarily a melee combatant.


Part of the reason I have an issue with the focus in the description on bows. It's like people think Legolas was the ranger, not Aragorn. At least D&D allows you to choose your weapon style.

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We're talking about Anet here. Next elite spec for rangers will either give them a focus or a shield as their new weapon because that's just Anet logic.


Stop thinking that they will ever give rangers anything worthwhile. The best you were going to get was Druid, and even then that only appealed to roughly half the rangers out there. Many core rangers just stayed playing core ranger or tried to hybrid their core build mixed with some of the druid traits. Same with Soulbeast. Its just core ranger, but teensy bit different.


So no, next one will be something like "earthlord" where they use a shield to call forth defensive magic that supports the team with buffs like retaliation and protection or some other nonsense.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> When I hear the word "Ranger", I think of some veteran soldier, or woodsman. The problem is that a lot of people confuse the word "Ranger" with "Fantasy-Genre Elf", which couldn't be further from the truth. Rangers aren't an archer class - they are a class who is physically weak, and utilise dirty tricks and the environment to their advantage. In essence, they are kind of like nature-themed thieves.


> If you percieve the Ranger in this way, then guns and pistols definately become viable weapon choices for future elite specs.


In which traditional fantasy setting are rangers "physically weak"? Are we talking DnD rangers that are almost as adept at weapons usage as fighters? Are we talking Aragorn, the ranger from LotR who used swords more than his bow, and was unquestionably physically strong? GW2 Ranger class follows a pretty specific fantasy trope of a Ranger being a wilderness scout... but just being a scout alone doesn't make someone weak... in fact most scouts are usually elite soldiers of their particular unit, possessing skills the others don't have.

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> @Sojourner.4621 said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > When I hear the word "Ranger", I think of some veteran soldier, or woodsman. The problem is that a lot of people confuse the word "Ranger" with "Fantasy-Genre Elf", which couldn't be further from the truth. Rangers aren't an archer class - they are a class who is physically weak, and utilise dirty tricks and the environment to their advantage. In essence, they are kind of like nature-themed thieves.

> >

> > If you percieve the Ranger in this way, then guns and pistols definately become viable weapon choices for future elite specs.


> In which traditional fantasy setting are rangers "physically weak"? Are we talking DnD rangers that are almost as adept at weapons usage as fighters?


![](http://www.shsforums.net/uploads/monthly_03_2008/post-5348-1205182301.jpg "")


EDIT: Who broke the image function/code? :sleepy:




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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Nemo.5609 said:

> > > @Zeefa.3915 said:

> > > You wouldn't be able to equip both pistols and rifle though, since elite specs only give 1 new weapon. You would not get dual pistols either, since we only get main or offhand for new onehanded weapons (thus far at least) and not both.

> >

> > Spellbreakers got both main and off-hand daggers, so there's some precedent there.


> Being able to wield all their one-handers in either hand is a Warrior exclusive trait, pretty much.


> To represent them being masters-at-arms and all that.


Which doesn't make a lick of sense. Everyone who uses a weapon like Guardian or Revenant would also be a "masters-at-arms and all that". Warriors should simply be really shit Guardians because Guardians should be able to do everything that Warriors can PLUS USE MAGIC. And since Warriors can't use magic they should have no survivability and no offense. The only Warriors (and Engineers for the same lack of magic reason) should be NPCs used as cannon fodder.

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It could be that since the rifle and longbow share the same range they don't feel a need for it, though, that doesn't explain the warrior or guardian. The most likely culprit or reason seems to be the preference of the Ranger to be a scout, wanderer, or hermit were pistols and rifles don't fit in. Guns are loud and scouts wouldn't want to raise the alarm and hermits don't want to draw attention from outsiders. Also arrows and other weapons of the ranger are simple but effective not requiring a lot of maintenance.

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I've never known Aragorn son of Arathorn to use either a bow or a gun. (off topic: zombie/skeleton/ghostly Pet, plz & ty)


That being said, consider this: what would guns do for the Ranger that the Shortbow/Longbow can't? does/would it overshadow or cheaply imitate existing weapons? Don't just argue flavor and lore, which are fluid and can adapt anything (Holosmith, anyone?), consider concrete mechanics and gameplay.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> > @bearshaman.3421 said:

> > "Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation. "

> >

> > Straight from the wiki's quote of what GW2 Ranger is. It's not a military specialist, it's the fantasy version of ranger that you see in LotR, D&D, etc, not the US Army unit or anything like that. Wrong genre lol. And before you point at engineers, Anet already covered that a year ago in the lore forums, pointing out that everyone in Tyria knows how to and uses magic, it's just channeled in different ways based on your profession. Tbh my only issue with this description is the focus on LB, but I can't be mad there cuz we do have an entire traitline called marksmanship.

> >

> > That said, I think an elite spec using rifles would be ok, but given that we already have a 1500 range weapon, I don't see it happening.


> The fantasy genre origin of the ranger archetype, from Lord of the Rings, is primarily a melee combatant.


Legolas was OP, so they had to merge his class with Aragon to kind of round out. Thats where the nature slant started to take root, as the D&D version of it wanted a Survivalist who could improvise their own equipment, and would be the type of character who could spend months in the wilderness without raising any questions on practicality. Bow are a ranged weapon that can be constructed from natural materials, with limited tools; and is significantly safer then trying to attack bigger game with melee weapons. Especially when paired with traps that may have failed to kill it.


That aside... I'm starting to get tired of "the definition of word" arguments when it comes to thematic topics, because well over half of them are used as flimsy justification for something that has no better supporting argument going for it. Like the Definition of a "Sim game", or the ballistic characteristics of ammunition when the game only used it as flavor text, or what magic can or can't do, or is or isn't "Realistic" (which usually amounts to "what I like or don't like"), and among the most egregious is the selective disregard for some tropes but not others, because it conflicts with their personal narrative of a concept. The OP does this without realizing it..... and I can't rule out the fact that the current generation might be too young to know the Fantasy genre before the LotR Movies. But even if that were the case, fantasy tropes are so deeply ingrained in MMORPGs as their archetype, that it should be obvious as to why this carried on the way it did.

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The ranger as archer is an evolution of archetypes in rpg. Rangers in DnD were originally the top tier melee combatant, putting warriors to shame. But TSR, and then WotC recognized a need for diversification, giving rangers more ranged options. Computer games have followed this trend as there is demand for ranged physical combatants (as opposed to ranged spell combatants).


Ranger, as a term, may not originally have been a reference to a specialization in ranged combat, but it has come to encompass that meaning in both computer and pen and paper rpg. As a result, it is somewhat disconcerting to me that ranger is outclassed in use of long range weapons, and that longbow is among the class's least effective tools.

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> @zinkz.7045 said:

> > @"Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025" said:

> > Longbows, Shortbows, Rifle and Pistol should be the first thing anyone ever thought when you think Ranger.


> The first I think of if someone mentions ranger in a fantasy setting, is Aragon from LOTR, he uses a sword most of the time.


When i think about a ranger i think about dual wielding weapons with a bow on my back.


Getting a gun in an e-spec is possible but i cant see a role this could fill within ranger.

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> @InsaneQR.7412 said:

> > @zinkz.7045 said:

> > > @"Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025" said:

> > > Longbows, Shortbows, Rifle and Pistol should be the first thing anyone ever thought when you think Ranger.

> >

> > The first I think of if someone mentions ranger in a fantasy setting, is Aragon from LOTR, he uses a sword most of the time.


> When i think about a ranger i think about dual wielding weapons with a bow on my back.


> Getting a gun in an e-spec is possible but i cant see a role this could fill within ranger.


Honestly, I don't mind it so much aesthetically...I mind that it would compete with either the longbow or the shortbow. The only ranged weapon rangers need is an AoE one, and I don't think that a rifle or pistol (especially a ranger-themed rifle or pistol) would fit that. A scepter could.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> longbow is among the class's least effective tools.


Which is obviously a bunch of bullkitten. It literally has a place in all the game's modes except pve instances that want sustained dps for a longer period of time. Or in other words, everywhere expect higher level fractals and most raid encounters.


I hate the idea of rifle and pistols. I hate the idea of Anet trying to differentiate them enough from the bows for rifles and pistols to make sense in the first place. And I would hate the lore direction it would take the GW2 ranger in. I've said it before, and I will say it again; The idea of a ranger rifle is better suited for roleplayers that wanna select their Krytan Drakehound and walk around with a rifle in Divinity's Reach. Keep it to martial weapons and bows as well as magic stuff whenever applicable (as with druid and potential nature magic specs in the future).

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I think pistols and rifles would fit well with ranger. (I dunno why people are so against it in an advanced world that gw2 takes place in you would see numerous hunters using rifles, think the French/british/American fur traders) (fun fact in the national parks are funded quite a bit through hunters and have in fact been having issues since there are significantly less hunters my point being just cuase your a hunter with a rifle didn't mean you can't be in tune with natuere in fact I've never met a hunter who didn't respect the environment)


Mountainman/frontiersman spec wouldfit very well within tyria


And for pistol you could go a Texas ranger/lawman esc gunslinger spec. Ooo maybe a short range big 1 shot burst/cc power weapon to keep it unique from pistol on thief

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