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My wishlist for Wintersday


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Hi there,

soon that special season arrives in tyria, a time of wonder and amazement and a time, of course, for wishes and presents. ;)


So here's my wishlist for GW2, feel free to contribute your own wishes.


**- Build Templates for PvE**: With a new meta every three to six months, Elite Specializations, that change up the way we play and require different gear to be effective and diverse content where not every piece of gear is equally effective, it would be a true QoL improvement to the game and by extension, should they hand out one template slot for free and additional, accountwide ones on the gemstore, something ppl would spend a buck or two on, i.e. generating income for ANet.


**- Dungeon Rework**: I know Dungeons are dead and will probably remain untouched till ANet ceases to support the game and move on. But this is a wishlist, so why not put this here anyway. ANet has the assets, the maps and models are there, it's just sad to see them go to waste. What I imagine a Dungeon rework to be is, much like what they did with Twighlight Arbor and the Aetherpath. Add new paths to existing dungeons, telling the story of the place, what the original intention was for dungeons. What happened to the Ascalon Catacombs after LS2 and Rytlocks Ritual? What happened to Caudecus Mansion after the events of LS3? What's going on in the lost city of Arah after the fall of Zhaitan? Alternatively, I could Imagine a possibility to add a fractal-like tier system to existing paths, where you could run the same path in different difficulty settings, maybe add Agony/Agony Resistance as a general mechanic and up the rewards to include Ascended stuff, so players who want to run Dungeons only can get their AR together.


**- Swappable Sigils/Infusions on Legendary Weapons**: Again, with a game as versatile as GW2, with the frequent balance patches and the new metas they bring three times a year and all the other things I mentioned in favor of Build templates for PvE, having the possibility to change stats on your gear is very convenient. The fact that all the legendary gear in the game except weapons allow you to have this freedom, is great but not perfect. Not beeing able to swap sigils and infusions freely on weapons hinders that versatility.


**- Bring back LS1**: Maybe it's because I saw that 3 hour Video on YT the other day and nostalgia kicked in. But I can hardly believe that it's bee 4 years now. Sure, "fixing" those signposts, "lighting up" those effingies and whatnot i.e. klicking "F" like 500 times for each was a chore. Having most of the interesting bits like the dungeons(Molten Facility, Mai Trin's hideout, Canach's whatever in Southsun Cove) or the World Events(Tower of Nightmares, Marionette, Battle for Lion's Arch) being group content might not have been a very good decission. But I just think it's an awful waste to have all those assets and never having them return in some way, shape or form. I think most of the story steps could be told in instances and some of the group events could be toned down to be more soloable and still provide a good experience of the story. My personal Favorite would be the Crown Pavillion, I really miss that instance and I want to fight Liadri again to see if I can beat her now ;)


**- More Glider/Mount skins obtainable by In-Game methods**: I won't go into the whole Mountgate thing here, it's been beaten to death and now it just is what it is. What I really wished for, first with Gliders and now with Mounts, is That they give us some skins via In-Game methods. I'm not even asking for flashy ones, i.e. ones with particle effects on them or flashy surface things going on, reskins of the basic versions with an additional Dye slot would be a good start. Just a few skins that might be more related to the story of the game or the story of our character. Why not give us Glider/Mount skins according to the Order we chose, or simple skins showing off our Guild Emblem, Racial skins would be neat to have as well. These skins would become sinks for currencies, I'm not asking for them to be free or cheap, just obtainable within the game outside of "farm gold-->turn gold to gems-->turn gems to mounts, tada! In-Game mounts there you go".


I'll add to it should anything more come to mind.


Have a nice Day :)

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I would like to see a lot of the PvP stats (Paladin/Wizard/Destroyer etc...) brought into the PvE scene. =)


For ascended gear it would just be the matter of making the inscriptions and insignias via recipes that are either purchased from the master vendors, or dropped (preferably tradable) for weapons and armor. As for trinkets, it would be the case of getting any of them that you can choose the stat for.


For anything like exotic and below, I would use what we currently have but in better form, for example garnet/malachite/topaz, their stats can go up to three or four as they go available up to orbs, which you can make into their respective jewelry pieces.


Yes, I know the alternative it to mix and match, but its hardly that accurate compared to a dedicated stat setup. especially since now most of the new ones comprise of four. =P

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Dear Tix I _need_,


1. **Armory storage**. Where we can store equipment and to be able to organize them into sets. So I can equip a set for PvE, PvP, Raids and Fractals.

2. **Build Templates**. Save several builds and use them quickly without the hassle.

3. **New improved Home Instance**. More personal and customizable. A private home would nice.

4. **Mount/Gilder skins in achievement rewards**. In PoF I was really upset that the only rewards were minis or trinkets I thought at least we would get one skin or at least be able to mystic forge the mounts like some gliders. I also want mount boxes to be separated by type also individual mounts must be priced the the same as gliders.

5. **Holiday festivities in Crystal Desert**. The Desert has so much culture it would be nice to create a festival in the summer months.

6. **Fix the HoT races**. I still have beaten the Floor is lava game because there is not enough time to get gold.

7. **Add alerts to the LFG system**. Most people that want help but can't get it because no one knows that they needed it. So I think adding a alert system where players can write several keywords into the LFG that lasts until they quit the game. So when a player posts a group in LFG about doing the Migraine achievement I would be alerted.

8. **Dungeon/World update**. I would like Tyria to be updated like the events portrayed in the living stories.


> @lokh.2695 said:

>What happened to the Ascalon Catacombs after LS2 and Rytlocks Ritual? What happened to Caudecus Mansion after the events of LS3? What's going on in the lost city of Arah after the fall of Zhaitan? Alternatively, I could Imagine a possibility to add a fractal-like tier system to existing paths, where you could run the same path in different difficulty settings, maybe add Agony/Agony Resistance as a general mechanic and up the rewards to include Ascended stuff, so players who want to run Dungeons only can get their AR together.




**Happy Wintersday**!




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a huge surprise would be to find a wintersday version of the tower of nightmare full of grentches, skritts. like make it 5 floors high task is to conquer the tower and loot the winterchest. on every floor can be different rooms with different tasks and loots. like one room rewards with a christmas outfit, the next one with christmas cats for the home instance , a mount skin , stuff like that. i liked the room and floor concept of the tower. as its wintersday it could be a huge xmas tree to climb up or any other home concept for grentches. when entering the map of the tower or the tower itself there shall be nice xmas music. the type used in the movie home alone and home alone 2.




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* **Taimi dead**. Devoured by something with no possible way to resurrect her. Bonus points if before dying she is shown to be wrong about something important and has her unbearably giant ego squashed.


* **Mount skins earned in game**. I would be happy if we had a way to give the basic, currently in-game skin all four dye channels.


* **Remove all stats from equipment**. Allow us to manually allocate stats instead. Put a cap so people don't just use all attribute points to increase only two stats, breaking the game. This would massively increase replayability, by allowing us to change builds whenever we wanted.


Now, I don't believe any of those will ever happen. But a wish is a wish.

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