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Which member of Dragon's Watch do you NOT want to see anytime soon?

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Just because you don't like a character doesn't mean they should simply die or disapear. With living story being what it is, I don't think we've spent enough time with some of these characters to truely know their feelings or motives. If anything, I think Rox is perhaps the most bland of the group with the least explaination as to why she's following the group in the first place - all we're really told about her is that she's a ranger, she's handy with a greatsword and she swoons over Rytlock (and later Brahm) something chronic. Is this a reason for me to demand her head on a pike? No, I'd rather see her fleshed out more in future releases.


I do, however, like the characters we have spent time with (Kasmeer, Taimi, Rytlock and Canach). The characters we don't spend a lot of time with are the ones who seem to get the harshest criticism (Marjory, Brahm, Rox and Caithe).

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I don't really like the development on most of them...


Taimi and Canach are really the only bright spots in the group


Kasmeer, Marjory, and Rox are pretty useless for the most part.


Braham should be converted into a dragon minion so we can get rid of him. Replace him with a better Norn who has a working brain.


And Rytlock...well...he's around...

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> @serialkicker.5274 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > What does Braham really hold? Other than the ugliest personality/hairstyles/face... he holds nothing.

> >

> > He holds Eir's legacy.

> > This is why he is going to remain alive and around. Not sure about DW though.


> I bet you 10 bucks he's gonna sacrifise himself in "heroic" way to redeem himself and then we'll get a gemstore backpiece of his pure, innocent face.


I bet 10 golds that he will try to sacrifice himself after have realized that what he was doing was wrong, but he will be stopper by the commander or maybe rox.


Then when inviterei into dw he will say something like


> i would like to join but i can't. I have first to atone for my sins.


Then he will become an outsider renegade for a while, and he will make his comeback in the next expansion.




He is not a bad guy.

He's just a Kid who has lost his Mother and have to put a blame on something in order to unload his rage.


Being irrational, given the character, is totally Normal to me. And The fact he is annoying is part of this.

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I said before, I'd like to see them all go except Taimi, Canach and Rytlock and get some new characters in. Let the other's be. They don't have to all be Dragon's watch, let the commander make a new guild with those that he finds and are worthy.

Actually having new characters we meet in the expansions and eventually join would make said expansions alot richer story wise. The interactions between old and new characters would be fun to watch aswell.


AKA cut on the fat pls. You don't need to kill them off, but let's have a guild of bad-asses instead.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> I want Eir to burst out of Braham's chest, Xenomorph style, simultaneously killing him while bringing her back to life.


Yes please!


I absolutely don't want any more braham in my life, I want him to be replaced by a stereotypical Norn Warrior/Guardian with a hairy Chest and a fetish for raw meat and some problems with controlling his bear form. I'd spend all day and night drinking beer and mead with him until he tries to kill me in his bear form, then we'd go on a rampage together and wake up Jormag with our noise and start and epic battle in which either we or Jormag dies.


I'll be really disappointed if this is not how LS4 goes!

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Braham is hot and I get why he has the issues he does, losing a parent isn't easy and not everyone deals with it in a healthy manner. I have compassion for the guy and enjoy his voice actor.


The midget girl on the other hand I need to have deleted immediately. She has entirely too many voice lines and dialog, she's whiny, needy, has painfully unfunny puns, zero actual use in any story fights , and letting her be able to talk to my characters directly irritates me to no end. I find myself muting my speakers any time she has any voiced lines, I just cannot stand that high pitched child voice after listening to it for years.


As much as I dislike the current human female voice with her "sweet-t sweet-t loot-TAH" it's way less grating.

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I find Rox very bland, she has the personality of a pet. She follows you and speaks, sometimes, to make captain obvious comments, but that's about it. Opinions? Concerns? Nope, not for Rox. On the other hand, Braham has a personality and it's an interesting character, I like that! A NPC that isn't just a yes man is always welcome.

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Every character in the main story has watched hundreds, if not thousands die. Watched betrayels, been betrayed, turned on, backstabbed, poverty, starving, war, and death.


To think that Braham, who has had nothing like Faolain, our character, Canach... The list goes on, have had to go through... He's sheltered comparatively. Add on to that he's a norn who are supposed to be Hardy...

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Taimi and Braham. I hate both with a passion and would shove them face-first down a dragon's gullet if I could and good riddance. Wouldn't mind never seeing the rest of them again, either, because "this is (supposedly) my story" not "I am a faceless bystander to NPC drama and so inconsequential to them that they can never be arsed to waste a single nanosecond to ask how I feel, even after I literally died". I was ticked off enough after playing HoT as sylvari for that reason, but PoF actually manages to top it.

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Kasmeer and marjory are my least fav characters. I find them annoying and just forcibly overtake any conversation within dragons watch. Roxs character development imo is often shoved to the side for jory and kas. the plot usually seems to force them with you. I enjoyed brahams/taimi/rox in ls2 and hopping we get to get that again after brahams angst stage. If it came down to 1 character, i want kas gone. I feel she is usually way to emotional. That and plot just gives her the bulk of talking with kormir, something i think the player character should have had. Hopefully kas and jory dont end up like kormir or traherne and overshadow the PC. They already forcibly overshadowed the rest of DW with how they get shoved into the plot.

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I don't necessarily hate the direction Braham's character takes. There's nothing wrong with a character acting like an idiot so long as the rest of the story adapts to it properly, but that's my problem with everything that happened to him. I don't feel like the characters in the story adapted to his stupidity properly. Why is my commander, in the face of a world ending crisis, being all wishy washy in dealing with his temper tantrum? Why did my character not stand up for herself and what she was doing when he started acting like a two year old? Why didn't she take him to task when he put Rox's life in danger and then didn't even care? Why did she let him just walk off with a weapon that could end up killing countless people or possibly even destroying the world as we know it if he got a chance to use it before we got hold of the situation? Why did my character who has been in wars, seen friends and mentors die, lead armies, and fought overwhelming forces just roll over like a kicked puppy at he slightest hint of confrontation? I almost feel like it's really my own character that I'm sick of seeing in the story then anybody else.


I thought about the kind of development I would have liked to see at the end of the Bitterfrost arc. I would have preferred if my commander at first attempted to talk some sense into him. And I mean actually talk some sense, not that simpering dialogue we got, and at the end when Braham obviously had gone off the rails fought him to get him under control. I think it would have been fun to have a boss battle with Braham where at the end of it you had to knock him out, take the weapon, and then drop Braham off with the Koden to learn some discipline and respect. Maybe even give Rox some character development as she deals with what's happening because she certainly hasn't gotten any other love in the story.

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> @Halan.8951 said:

> Canach is a complete jerk, wouldn't mind if he was chopped into cactus salad. For sylvari character, I'd rather have[ Laranthir](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Laranthir_of_the_Wild " Laranthir"), much better voice and attitude. Or just resurrect [Magister Sieran](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magister_Sieran "Magister Sieran").


> Could we have less snarky/sarcastic characters, and more valorous, honorable and optimistic?



I love Laranthir too


But *places hand on chest* not my Canach

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> I don't really like the development on most of them...


> Taimi and Canach are really the only bright spots in the group


> Kasmeer, Marjory, and Rox are pretty useless for the most part.


> Braham should be converted into a dragon minion so we can get rid of him. Replace him with a better Norn who has a working brain.


> And Rytlock...well...he's around...


I don't think Braham needs what you suggest, however, another Norn? Yes. I don't know if anyone paid attention to the original personal story, but that plus Eir, Anet killed off a lot of Norn


Way too many of them FEMALE. So, if we could get another kick butt Lady Norn to round out the team? I'm for it.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @bearshaman.3421 said:

> > > Braham's behavior is unacceptable. He dishonors Eir's legacy with his every action, has turned his back on his friends and comrades, and as a norn lover, his character has become an embarrassment.

> > >

> > > Tbh, I kinda find the line-up of Dragon's Watch to be... patchwork. Like something stitched together that clearly doesn't belong together. Rytlock being there seems like hes abandoning Destiny's Edge, and while I get that Eir died and Logan and Zojja were out of commission at the time, his ignoring his comrades and the Black Citadel just seemed really out of character to me. Canach doesn't seem the type to join a team, and I feel like the team up they had in season one was one of convenience, but not one that would last. I mean, their friends sure, but they don't seem like battle comrades, you know?

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon%27s_Watch

> >

> > According to the wiki Canach is already a member of DW ( though i don't remember him joining the guild but my memory is bad as hell ).


> He actually refused to join DW at one point.


I know. I hope he keeps getting roped in and when he finally chooses to announce he'll join everyone will be like WE KNOW

(He's a member in my heart. Him and Laranthir and that guy who's like BY OGDEN'S HAMMER WHAT SAVINGS)

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I want to see Braham. I'd even want to see him more if we had some choice in how we would interact with him. My preference would be along the lines of "I have killed two Elder Dragons, the ancient leader of the Mursaat and the God of War. If you ever speak to me again like that I will add 'Eir Stegalkin's Snot-Nosed Brat' to that list".


As it stands, however, Kasmeer Meade continues to reside at the bottom of my Living World roster tier list. I cannot see her as anything other than that tone-deaf noble whining about having to empty her own chamber pot.

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