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Allow us to report defeated players!

Deus Fatorum.2473

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I ran into a hacker weaver, downed him/her at sentry north of s camp. upon downing he/she teleported about 750 range over and over and over, was able to cleave him/her double downed, but even defeated he/she continued to port all the way to his/her spawn. I tried to record it with nvidia share but the recording bugged out.


Because said player went double downed I cannot report them, as they are no longer "target-able"


If a dev can view the activity from about 10:00-10:20am EST - they should see the hacker, however not being able to report someone who is right in front of you cause you killed them is incredibly frustrating when they so obviously were hacking.

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That's a typical high-ping lag scenario. They're not really at that location. From your perspective, it looks like they keep teleporting a certain distance away from you because your client only knows they last were at X distance from you, but they're really back where you left them. As you move around, your client is trying to its hardest to render their location, but because of the latency of the opponent's connection to the server, the server doesn't have enough information to report the correct location.


Had an ally once lagging that bad. Looked like he kept teleporting away exactly like you describe when going to try to rez him. :p

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Lag may account for 1 desync, and I have seen that, this guy ported about 10-15 times all the exact same range, and continued after he was double downed. While I am not gonna rule out lag is a possibility, but that is highly suspicious. Not to mention he ONLY teleported when i tried to cleave or stomp.


EDIT: not to mention he mist formed before the porting, aka was able to use his downed ability, THEN started the porting...

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> @Sylvyn.4750 said:

> Yep, happened to one of my allies, too...kept porting away from me, then next thing I know he's back at spawn. He said he was having lag at the time.


If this is truly a bug all the more reason to be able to report said player, so the devs can look at the server logs and determine whether its latency or a hack, either way it can then get fixed.

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I have also seen this many times. When people are lagging they sometimes don't appear where they really are. But in those instances you can't cleave them, like when a yak is not where it is on your screen and you attack it nothing happens, when you use a ranged attack it shoots to where the yak really is. those things would happen with the player. This is def something else. if someone was lagging bad enough to be 10k range away from where you down them then they would NOT have gone down to your attacks.

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One time could be bug/lag, more times... have the recorder ready when you meet the weaver again.


Even if you had stated important stuff like server and border I dont think Anet can do much with that. Unless the servers are running full debug mode, I dont think they record all the movements of players. So they'd probably just see a kill.


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> @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> It is very frustrating, but honestly, even if you reported them Anet would do nothing.


> I'm guessing they don't alllow targeting of dead players to prevent even more exploits and salty whispers.


I love those salty whispers, once my little group of three was engaged by a Spellbreaker with his Friend watching from the distance, obviously the Spellbreaker died against the three of us and I did my /ponder and instantly got a whisper from his friend (still watching from a distance) complaining about 1v3, did they set that up just to complain? I don't get stuff like that but yeah, I laughed a lot and almost spilled my beer which made the encounter pretty scary actually.


BTT: As others have said before me he most likely was not hacking but rather lagging a lot. I've met a few of those and to this day have not found out how they stay in the game without getting disconnected. My Client removes me from the game as soon as my Ping is higher then my FPS (I'm exaggerating but you catch my drift).

I don't think we should be able to click on corpses in WvW, that would just make targeting unneccessarily harder.

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> @"Deus Fatorum.2473" said:

> I ran into a hacker weaver, downed him/her at sentry north of s camp. upon downing he/she teleported about 750 range over and over and over, was able to cleave him/her double downed, but even defeated he/she continued to port all the way to his/her spawn. I tried to record it with nvidia share but the recording bugged out.


> Because said player went double downed I cannot report them, as they are no longer "target-able"


> If a dev can view the activity from about 10:00-10:20am EST - they should see the hacker, however not being able to report someone who is right in front of you cause you killed them is incredibly frustrating when they so obviously were hacking.


Perhaps it would be wise to ask the forums if they have encountered this issue so it would have been explained to you just how or why this occurs, rather then blindly declare someone as a hacker.

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> @Vavume.8065 said:

> Downed players can teleport like that sometimes when they are lagging really badly, I've seen it many times, but yes the first time you experience it can lead you to think they are hacking, gotta be more carefull throwing the word hacker around tbh.


When someone is downed and keeps porting further and further away from u several times in a row you can rule out lag its a clear teleport hack.Lag/Desync would be that the downed person in question would be unable to get hit from the position you see him at but is actually a bit away,leaping to that target makes you see your self leap to a direction he's not in but you can actually hit him.

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