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We need a game wide damage rebalance.


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Ever since HoT the amount of damage one can do in this game has become absurd. Now PoF has continued this trend. This power creep hit PvP particularly hard, with Holosmith and Mirage being able to do massive damage in a very short period of time.


In the case of Holosmith, that damage comes in the form of giant tells, not so much for Mirage. Hell, yesterday I hit a player for 20k using Shroud 5 on my power Reaper. This build wasn't super viable in some ways, but the fact that it was even possible is ludicrous.


The only solution to this is a game wide nerf to damage across the game. It seems very likely that the next expansion will follow this trend if nothing is done. This will also apply to PvE since older content will become more and more of a joke as DPS goes up and up. I haven't played WvW in a while but I can't see higher damage being good for that mode either.


Launch had a very good time to kill when it came to facing other players in my opinion. Landing your abilities was important because chances are missing one key skill could mean your death. Now, your damage is easily spammed because of how low CDs are in most cases. Remember when getting hit for 5k was a big deal? Now every other attack on some builds do that much.


I want this game to succeed, but every season the meta becomes less skill based and more about either dealing massive damage quickly or being tanky enough to withstand it. Neither are interesting to me. Sure, burst and tanking should exist, but not to the extreme level that it does now.

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Damage is ridiculous , support is non existed , there 're abilities than can 1-2 shot players and are aoe and unlockable. I wont comment on wvw whereas gear difference plays a big role but these things happen in rank. There 3 elites that do this , scourges , spellbreakers and mirage and everyone knows it all 3 comes from expansion and haven't fixed yet and that's not a coincidence

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All the power creep is done in the name of PvE, damned be PvP and WvW. For they seem to be a afterthought at best. Which has brought us to these ahhh.... interesting METAs.


I've seen this in another MMO, they did this through proc sets. After they saw the player base reaction, they nerfed the proc sets. Then released a expansion that actually did the opposite of power creep. It culled back the power players had bit a decent margin. They still went on to sell many many copies of said expansion. Since then more players PvP in that MMO then prior.


Yes PvE players had to take a huge hit to personal performance. However because that MMO groomed it's playerbase to be ahhh.. more elitist-like. The PvE player base adapted and has since carried on. To think that MMO went from zero to hero. Because of the fact those devs, didn't just throw in the towel when things got rough.

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we have here this stupid raising power creep which I experienced in ESO and yes, this is very unhealthy because as pve content is going to be much much easier unnecessary this is also going to pvp where good and fun to play pvp with planning combos, strategy etc which use and which skill safe for later now we have just spam everything what you have for max damage and gg wp, job done you killing or your are killed depending who have attacked faster by helf of the second which is just brainless to play and ofc unfun


as for nex example and unnecessary counter to power creep instad of nerf it we have now druids or firebrand bunker whih can hold singe point for ages until you nuke then 4v1 and then fight instead of being on 3 points is only on2 if not on even just 1

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Look when Hot came out we had then hardcore bunker meta then the dmg reduction abilities got hit with nerf.They overal 50% damage reduction got reduced to 33% in response to that bunker meta and removal later some of tanking and healing amulets - some runes too in spvp.


Then with this new Pof we got new bunker meta whats there but thx to sigil and other boon removal and corrupt bunker meta is there It's like it's not..The only viable classes and most played ar e:Firebrand,Scourge,Daredevil,Mirage,Holosmith,Spellbreaker in ranked.

Anything else in certain team composition causes only lost games ranked.And people stil play some class or weird old build and cause lost games.So most nerf previous from Hots and other causing currently the classes a mess and in damage department too.


We just dealing with symptoms from previous nerfs right now in hope they fix it one day.

Most loses i experienced was bad class composition in team and people some even refused to reroll or do not have to reroll and are insisting to play that class.Cause how wants to play only the classes listed put above?Why cause nothing else makes any damage when you need.


So for the whole mess to clear up somebody has to sit down to go way back before the expansion work form there trough each nerfs and changes.Then trough expansions and new skills and boons.OR simply just drop the whole current system and boons - passive traits and reworks overhaul everything.Cause any change only on current specs or abilities passives will only create more fluctuation mess cause previous years nerf on core classes and specs.

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Sometimes, PvP feels like a kamikaze run. Bomb something or get bombed. Especially for squishies (cloth armor) like I am. (Well, I don't really do the damage to call it bombing, in a futile attempt to get some defensive stats)


I would truly appreciate a big health and armor boost to all professions. But it has been suggested before and mostly completely ignored.


Well, matchmaking still is doing its job and I'll get my Dragon rank anyhow after which I'll probably go back to PvE/WvW. (Phoenix / 75 already)

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> @Sismis.5390 said:The only viable classes and most played ar e:Firebrand,Scourge,Daredevil,Mirage,Holosmith,Spellbreaker in ranked.Anything else in certain team composition causes only lost games ranked.


True, those 6 specs are most played. But many other things aren't guaranteed losses.


Druid is great, Core War is great, Chrono is great, Core S/D thief is great, Dragonhunter is great, Tempest is great but a poor man's Firebrand.


Core Ele, Weaver, Soulbeast, Deadeye, Core Guard, are noob unfriendly, but viable in the right hands.


Stay far away from low resistance melee builds: Reaper, Scrapper, Herald, Berserker. You'll be deleted by the 1-2 enemy Scourges each game.


Stay the hell away from underpowered core specs, Necro, Mesmer, Engi, Ranger, Rev.


Stay far away from Renegade.. It deserves a special warning.


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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> All the power creep is done in the name of PvE, damned be PvP and WvW. For they seem to be a afterthought at best. Which has brought us to these ahhh.... interesting METAs.

Spellbreaker and Scourge were designed primarily for PVP/WvW, their whole thing is being anti-boons and that's basically irrelevant in PVE.


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> @Vag.5682 said:

> Damage is ridiculous , support is non existed , there 're abilities than can 1-2 shot players and are aoe and unlockable. I wont comment on wvw whereas gear difference plays a big role but these things happen in rank. There 3 elites that do this , scourges , spellbreakers and mirage and everyone knows it all 3 comes from expansion and haven't fixed yet and that's not a coincidence


I agree what you’ve said until you put spellbreaker into the group that deal aoe unblockable damage that 1-2 shot another player, please show me how? The only unblockable aoe for spellbreaker is FC which now deal 4k at most with revenge counter. Please stop spreading lies or wrong information that you are not familiar with, thank you!

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The problem pre dates HoT. Before mid 2015, you could not equip 3 full lines. That changed to 3 full lines. This was phase 1 of power creep to damage yet HP pools did not change.


Then HoT came and obliviously it added significant amount of power creep between powerful new elite lines, boons and the ability to significantly stack them. To be fair, the beigining of HoT had significant power creep on the sustainability side, but that got kicked in the curb real quick, but damage remained. HoT also contributed to power creep by adding a lot of aoe CC, resistance and more stability. As a result it became a spam fest.


Then PoF came around. PoF has issues that are fundamentally wrong in design. It seems the devs wanted to cut down on boons stacking, yet introduced more boon stacking it the same time. The problem now 2 folds: one elite has nearly absolute domin over boon corruption and is dominating sPvP due to this herrondus design. Without boons, the sustainability of many classes falls though the cracks, but we are still left with significant power creep to damage over a three year course.


It would have made much more sense to reduce the boon stacking and CC stacking, while increasing HP pools to reduce stun lock/one shot mechanics. Instead we got major boon corruption as Anet solution to sustainability power creep. Epic fail design. Honestly, everything in PoF is either a straight out power creep, does not work or hugely broken on a design level.

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I agree that damage needs to be toned down across the board. However i don't think reducing damage alone would fix the issue. It is much deeper. The real problem is how overstuffed and overtuned a lot of spells are. If Anet simply nerfed damage output we would have unkillable bunkers in form of firebrand, druids, warriors etc. If damage was to be nerfed, i think some defensives would need to be looked at as well.

A lot of spells/traits just do too much, sometimes at no costs. They really need to move from it. As posted in other threads, we reached point in powercreep where you can't even tell anymore wth is going on during the fight. If they continue like this, it would be like western shootout - press 1 button, kill everyone on map. Whoever pressed the button faster wins.

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> @otto.5684 said:

> The problem pre dates HoT. Before mid 2015, you could not equip 3 full lines. That changed to 3 full lines. This was phase 1 of power creep to damage yet HP pools did not change.



Engi had a power shrink when this happened. Key traits nerfed and build synergy nerfed. So, mixed bag in 2015.


HoT was the OG power creep, tho



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Skills are tuned to hit npcs who might have millions of health. But classes are either 11k, 15k or 19k base health. It makes no sense really and I'm honestly surprised that there was never any damage cap in pvp. But that probably will open up another dcan of worms.

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> @Aza.2105 said:

> Skills are tuned to hit npcs who might have millions of health. But classes are either 11k, 15k or 19k base health. It makes no sense really and I'm honestly surprised that there was never any damage cap in pvp. But that probably will open up another dcan of worms.


Again as I've stated in one of my past posts. That answer to this issue has already been realized.


All that is needed is a PvP and WvW debuff to damage, healing, and mitigation effects. While at the same increasing the player's health by say 25%. That would solve the solve the damage issues.


But then to address the passive sustain issue. The devs would have to increase the cooldowns of all types of invulns. in PvP and WvW game modes only.


Boom that problem is solved. All that's left is for the devs to to care just enough to implement it. Which they honestly proved on many levels they simply don't. So yeah, meh w/e. Better off playing RvR and PvP in titles that get dev. and publisher support in those areas. Then to complain to those that don't support them.

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