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Any tips against Druids?


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Renegade is a guaranteed win vs druid. Just place all your spirits on the point and run around in circles. Once you respawn, they should've left the point, you can maybe make it back before they do.


If I don't feel like getting owned, and the enemy team doesn't have a scourge, I have good success with Herald, can force decap and sometimes land a kill.

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Druid is surely easier to play compare to other class like mesmer and thief,but calling it the most braindead is too far. A good bunker druid is almost impossible to kill 1v1 except against mirage, other class will be either stalemate or druid win after long fight. Necro can decapped but eventually killed by druid.


The most common advice is to save your burst and pressure druid after they use the CA.

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Unless you have heavy burst, it's probably best to not 1v1 them on an enemy node. Either Condi Burst them a few times or pressure them hard enough to drop their Stone Signet and then quickly +1. In 1v1 they are hard to bring down for most classes. However it's fairly easy to avoid dying to them, unless the fight really stretches out for ages. Also their sustain usually involves Stealth and/or ocassionally leaving the point. So if you pressure them hard enough while being able to stay on the point you might get the cap eventually even if they survive. As Holo I can usually decap them at least, unless he is really good and able to pressure me into stealth/eli S myself. This becomes harder if they run Longbow though, due to the kick/root combo. Avoid facetanking the pet bursts and the channel hit from Celestial Avatar. Otherwise the best way to counter them is to avoid them decapping, even though it's not always an easy thing due to their relatively high mobility.


Due to the fact that they're by far the best remaining bruiser which can solidly hold a cap but still play on range if neccessary (i.e. against Scourges) they're highly viable and probably the best HoT spec still around next to Daredevil (and to a lesser extent, Herald).

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A good druid can stall indefinitely against one Mirage.

Druids are VERY vulnerable when getting +1ed, that's how you kill them. A mirage or thief works wonders when +1ing them. You don't usually 1v1 druids. Some classes can force a quick decap if you force their CA+stealth soon enough.

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hmm curious not many mention this...but I don't think druids are usually used to hold home cap isn't it? Typically they go far to contest and force +1 so their team has number advantage.


On topic of how to handle stealth, power holosmith with controlled analysis (forge 5) may be able to break their chains, though holosmith may already used it on CD.

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