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Your mount adoptions: What did you get, and how did you like it?

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ONLY for people who bought the mount adoption licenses, please! (Don't post about why you didn't, there are plenty of threads for that already!) I'm curious about the results and overall satisfaction.


How many did you buy? Which did you get? How did you like the ones you got? Did you have something particular you were hoping for, and did you get it? Overall, how satisfied where you?


I ended up buying 5 in all, not planning on more.

My main hope was for a more colorful raptor, and I got the Canyon Spiketail on my first one, so I was happy. On my second, I got the Elonian Jackalope, so my springer doesn't looks so stupid any more

I was going to stop there, but my jackal looked so totally drab...I decided to try two more, figuring the odds were still good on my side for getting mounts I didn't have skins for. The next was the spotted Springer, which I will probably never use, since I like the jackalope. (My only major disappointment.)

The fourth was a griffon. The flaming one. (I had kind of been eyeing the Clouded Corvus, but this one was amazing.) I didn't have a griffon yet, so that skin made the Griffon quest a priority for me.

I caved in and tried once more, and got a jackal this time. The Crowned Ancient. Not my first choice, would have preferred the polished stone or the starry one, but at least my jackal is distinctive.

Don't care that much about the skimmer, so I will stop there. Overall, happy with the purchases.

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My girlfriend gifted me 2 license. First one was the Spined Longtail Skimmer, I use it because its different from the standard but really indifferent overall. The other was the Windy Spot Springer. Now this one I like. I was able to dye the whole Springer white. I dont know if I'll get any more in the future (maybe on sale), but I wanted the ones with the star theme (starbound, stardust, even storm ridge). I was happier buying the Halloween mount skin bundle honestly.

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I bought one, got a skimmer skin that was almost indistinguishable from the normal skin other than it had 3 dye channels instead of 1 and then decided I’m not buying another mount license.


I’m also going to make it a point to not purchase anything else from the gem store till something is changed with the way mount skins are sold. If not I’ll bow out of GW2 like so many of my friends have done over the past 3 years, I’m sick of the company feeling it needs to coerce me into spending more than I want to instead of letting me spend the money I want to on the things I want to spend it on.


TLDR: disappointed.


Edit: I checked in game it’s the Bright Ringfin skin which is almost exactly the same as a normal skimmer just with 2 extra dye channels. At this point I have 0 confidence in funding mount skins as it’s clear the single dye channels were so they could sell this later.

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I would have been happier if I could choose which mount I wanted the skin for. I wanted the Griffon, Raptor, and Jackal skins first. Most I got were Skimmer and Springer. The last four gave me three Griffon and Twin Sands Jackal. I like all the skins, but I just don't use the Springer or Skimmer enough to bother. And for people who don't even want the Griffon, getting a skin for it is a waste.


I bought 12 and used gold to gems for another. My skins are:

- Raptor: Coastal Spiketail

- Springer: Artic Jerboa, Elonian Jackalope, Primal Hare

- Skimmer: Dajkah Lantern, Oceanic Ray, Bright Ringfin

- Jackal: Banded Mystic, Crowned Ancient, Twin Sands

- Griffon: Badlands Stalker, Fire Pinion, Clouded Corvus


I'll likely buy more here and there until I have them all.

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So far, I've traded in enough gold to buy seven. Two raptor ones (one that has a neat lightning effect and the not-as-impressive Savannah Monitor one), 0 springers (I keep hoping for the jackalope or really ANY springer skin, but no luck so far), one skimmer (unfortunately, it wasn't a skin that stands out in any way), two jackals (Banded Mystic, which dyes in a neat way, and Polished Stone), and two griffons (Spotted Sylph, which has a neat pattern but isn't that great, and Starbound). There were four skins that I really wanted (Twin Sands jackal, Starbound griffon, Jackalope springer, and Windy Spot), and I've gotten one of those so far. The skins I've gotten have been mostly ok, but most are nothing special. I'd very much prefer if they were either not RNG-based at all or at least let us choose which mount type we want, but oh well.

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I've purchased 15 so far. I received several skins that I really like and sufficient variety to produce a unique look to suit any of my characters. Overall, I'm pleased with my purchase. I can understand the complaints about RNG, particularly for those who were only looking for a specific skin rather than a variety of skins for different looks. I would have at least liked to have been able to choose which type of mount if not the specific one I want. But the price at <400 gems per skin was reasonable, in my opinion. And I can't say I'm disappointed.

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I bought whole 0 skins. I couldn't care less about boring 'retextures" i will just wait till they release proper skins with custom models. I barely play the game these days anyway, outside of raids, the only thing that keeps me here. Since there is just nothing to do at all in the new maps.

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> @Cynn.1659 said:

> I bought whole 0 skins. I couldn't care less about boring 'retextures" i will just wait till they release proper skins with custom models. I barely play the game these days anyway, outside of raids, the only thing that keeps me here. Since there is just nothing to do at all in the new maps.


He said only Post if you bought one ...


I bought one license and got the crowned ancient and happpy about it

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I bought 4. Three with purchased real money and one with a currency exchange. I got the jackalope, Desert Lop, Oceanic Ray, and the Spotted Sylph.


The Jackalope was absolute hilarious, being raised in the desert. I was kinda disappointed with the Desert Lop, but it will go great with my Asura toons. The Oceanic Ray is absolutely stunning with the right dyes. I made it look like something out of a Final Fantasy game. I am just okay with the Sylph griffon. The dye channels are a mess on that one. I may buy more. I want the Twin Sands jackal. It's just so adorable.

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My results of six licenses are the thunder raptor, twin sands jackal, galactic gryphon, bright spots skimmer, and two springers; windy and primordial.

While I'm satisfied, i would've preferred not two springers since its a less used mount, and the twin sands jackal looks to 5 much like an oversized corgi meaning its a bit of a joke mount.

But i dont think i fished up a boot so I'm satisfied.

I'm planning to get a few every time i get my salary in so it will take a few months to get them all. And if i got all that i like and there only ugly ones left over ill stop as well

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I purchased the Halloween package and really enjoyed playing around with all the different color combinations which also seems to include particle effects. Then out of the blue earlier this week I got mail from the GW2 Black Lion Trading Company with a Windy Springer attached. I did not purchase this and the way the mail was composed it did not indicate it was a gift from another player.


So I have no idea why I even received such a gift. But I'm not complaining....I really like this specific springer...its beautiful.

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2 with money and 2 trading gold.

one skimmer meh river or something + I cant use, one griffon I cant use- nice

dessert lop, the one I was after , wohahahaah and a raptor which is what I was playing for.

overall v.happy, I was of the opinion I'd play for a raptor +bunny and then I could color match them in to my toon.

I'm not daft enough to think I'd get the one I wanted, but rabbit wise I did!

400 gems, I'll play again when I accumulate enough gold which is >2-3 weeks.

its a game, I'm in no rush etc.

I don't mind anet 800 gems for cash its f2p


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I bought 4 total and plan to buy more next month.. and maybe the month after If I don't get the one I really want.. (For the record I really want the Highland Harrier)


First skin was the Coastal Spiketail Raptor.. at first I didn't care for it and was a little disappointed but after playing with the dyes and matching it up with my armor colour It quickly became my favorite mount skin out of the 4 I unlocked.


Second was the Twin Sands.. it's a cool skin but overall I don't care for it much.. the dye channels are bad and most of the dyes I have (which is pretty much most of them) just don't look right on it at all..


Third was the Electro Raptor.. Don't like it as much as the Coastal Spiketail but it is a cool skin.. I'll use it when I play on a Ele or something be fun to mesh them together.


Lastly was the Oasis Skate Skimmer.. Which I really like and gives me the ability to dye my Skimmer some really nice colours so i'm happy with that one.


Overall there are a few skins i'm not bothered about but none I absolutely hate.. so whatever I get in future i'm gonna be happy to have it either way.

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I don't like the way those adoption licences work. I don't want to pay 120€ just to finally get the skins I want and getting a lot of crappy looking skins that I don't want and that I will never use. Let me CHOOSE what I am buying. I would totally buy a few of those skins(at least 9 of them). Like I already bought the halloween skins.


I didn't want to buy an adoption licence as long as they don't change that. At least let us choose for which animal we'll get the random skin.


But then a friend of mine tried to buy two of them and was happy with her skins and I thought "Ok ok, don't be a grouch and at least give it a try before you complain".


So I caved in and I bought 2 adoption licences. I LOVE my griffon and my jackal and my raptor is really dear to me too. I don't often use the skimmer and I don't like the springer. So I really hoped to get at least one skin for either griffon, jackal or raptor. Pretty good chance for that, eh?


Guess what I got? 1 skin for skimmer and 1 skin for springer. Of course I would get 2 skins for the 2 mounts that I couldn't care less for. And I don't even like those skins.


1. Desert Lop: I don't like the drooping ears and the fur pattern looks strange


2. Skimmer: I already have the halloween skin which looks the same when I dye them the way I like it (Frostbite blue for all dye channels). So this new skin is completely useless to me.


I HATE RNG with a passion. I really don't know why I always cave in. I am just weak-willed. The perfect victim for a business model like that*sigh* I really hope lootboxes get banned in the future. I can't control myself and game companies prey on stupid people like me. I tried to give them a chance and it backfired completly. Just shows me that I really need to stay away from lootboxes in the future.


I wouldn't mind giving them more of my money for skins that I actually like. I don't mind spending money on games, I do that all the time in the gemstore. But at least let us choose which skins we'll get here(or at least for which mount). Locking them behind RNG ist just... *sigh*




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I have bought 19 licences altogether but one was for a friend. They have all been bought over a number of days.


I got almost all of the skins I wanted.

Raptor: Flamelander (gorgeous), Savannah Monitor, Striped Trihorn

Springer: Desert Lop, Tawny Hare, Windy Spot. They are all cute but I would have liked that frozen bunny. I can't remember his name.

Skimmer: River Moth Wing, Oceanic Ray (gorgeous), Spined Longtail

Jackal: Pyroclast, Twin Sands, Stardust. Difficult to choose which one I will use. They are all lovely.

Griffon: I got all the griffons. I think they are all beautifully done but the Fire Pinion is breathtaking and so is the Starbound.


So, although I bought a lot, I think I did pretty well and I probably won't be buying any more of this particular bundle. I have 23 characters so I will eventually use all of the skins.


The skin I bought for my friend turned out to be the Stardust jackal. We were both thrilled she got that as she hadn't got any of the fancier skins before that.


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I bought 1 license using gold to gems. I got a Pyroclast jackal. I'm reasonably happy. I bought the license with no expectations of what I'd get. It was more of a curiosity to see what my results would actually be. Despite only using the griffon prior to my purchase I find myself riding around on the jackal much more now. All that said I'd probably not purchase another in the near future. I'd consider a purchase if I had gold I just wanted to gamble and really didn't care what I got. The RNG is too punishing to make it a sustained or for money purchase on my part.

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