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Too many bad players in high elo games


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The current solo q system is going to reduce the population of competitive players even further. In high ranked queues matches are always a mix of competitive players and nonames who randomly got matched in. This is leading to heavily unbalanced, unfair and frustrating games.


In addition the support role is lackluster in solo q due to the imbalance of player skill. Support relies on rotations that let you teamfight and dont put teammates in bad spots like unfavourable duels. Also you can't carry by winning a clutch 1v2, you cant even hold a 1v2 for too long, while in fact you had to hold like 1v3 in order to make up for someone winning a 1v2.


I know the real issue is the lack of population in the first place, but this system is gonna ruin the fun for anyone who plays team oriented classes that requires synergy.

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It is impossible to carry games as a solo player


You just have to hope the baddies on the enemy team are worse than the baddies on yours, it really comes down to luck of the draw at this point...


At least with a duo, you could trust 40% of your team. Now, that number drops down to 20%. Good players are getting tired of it, it isn't fun playing with/against players who are completely incompetent in a competitive setting. Yet somehow, people who seem like they should be in Gold or below, still manage to make it into games with people in the top 50. It's embarrassing and pointless. How is getting 4 rating per win, then losing 24 on a loss seem like fun? That's so stupid. Matches on average take 10 minutes, so you're saying an hour worth of wins can be negated by a single loss. No wonder people get salty.


There's no population left, Anet doesn't do anything to bring people back and they obviously show a lack of care and/or urgency in regards to their dying gamemodes. PvP and WvW have been neglected for years, but hey... at least we have more outfits on the gemstore! ._.

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Just, any communication at all from anet would be nice. There are things in the gem store that is really like to buy; character slots, bank slots, bag slots, unlimited gathering tools and salvage kits, I'd be willing to spend real money on all that... but I haven't, because I'm hesitant to invest in a game in not sure how much longer I'm going to play.


Ultimately what I play online games for is the PvP experience. If that is going to fizzle out I'm going to eventually lose interest. If anet would just communicate anything, just throw out something stating their thoughts on the current state of pvp, what they plan for it in the future, I'd be more confident in the longevity of my stay here.


But they just give you absolutely nothing. Not even like a 3 sentence post confirming they even read the forums.

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> @Flauvious.6195 said:

> Just, any communication at all from anet would be nice. There are things in the gem store that is really like to buy; character slots, bank slots, bag slots, unlimited gathering tools and salvage kits, I'd be willing to spend real money on all that... but I haven't, because I'm hesitant to invest in a game in not sure how much longer I'm going to play.


> Ultimately what I play online games for is the PvP experience. If that is going to fizzle out I'm going to eventually lose interest. If anet would just communicate anything, just throw out something stating their thoughts on the current state of pvp, what they plan for it in the future, I'd be more confident in the longevity of my stay here.


> But they just give you absolutely nothing. Not even like a 3 sentence post confirming they even read the forums.


IKR, I would've so instantly brought that $120 mount package, and other stuff from the gem store. But since the two game modes I like, are just a afterthought in ANet's eyes. I've put that money to games that support my PvP and RvR habits. There is just too many, better games in the PvP and RvR areas to choose from. My days in GW2's are pretty much numbered at this point. My hours played/month, have already dropped to a all time low in GW2.

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> @Magnito.6187 said:

> > @Emapudapus.1307 said:

> > Why ppl complain about soloq? You can q with team in unranked or AT. Soloq is good overall atm tho, more accurate lb.


> "More accurate" he said... :astonished:


> @Duzik.9137 said:

> > @Magnito.6187 said:

> > > @Emapudapus.1307 said:

> > > Why ppl complain about soloq? You can q with team in unranked or AT. Soloq is good overall atm tho, more accurate lb.

> >

> > "More accurate" he said... :astonished:


> At silver :disappointed:


Quaggan assumes, both of you believe, Misha shouldn't be #1?

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The problem with bad players in high elo games is because of this:


Players being carried by the class/spec they play with low to 0 aweareness at all of what they are even doing. It's this kind of player that is going into plat+ divisions these last seasons.


The system is working just fine but it can't do much with the low population caused by anet's "balance" and etc. People just lost interest in GW2 pvp and I dont see this getting any better in the future. Anet already proved to us that their "balance" is completely out of sync with what's really in need of a balance.

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Imo the problem is balance. Professions like necros, warriors, rangers and guardian that have the best of both worlds, they talk, they have msg immunity for long periods of time wile being able to kill anything in 2-3 hits, wile other profession need to chose between survivability and dmg, having to sacrifice one to have the other making them inferior and less desirable to have on a team.


It gets frustrating to the point of ppl rerolimg just to stay in the game or quit just like I (in oct 2015) and many others did.


I just came back 1 month b4 PoF came out and was enjoying myself up until the season began. Now I feel like taking another long break...


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> @Halikus.1406 said:

> The problem with bad players in high elo games is because of this:


> Players being carried by the class/spec they play with low to 0 aweareness at all of what they are even doing. It's this kind of player that is going into plat+ divisions these last seasons.


> The system is working just fine but it can't do much with the low population caused by anet's "balance" and etc. People just lost interest in GW2 pvp and I dont see this getting any better in the future. Anet already proved to us that their "balance" is completely out of sync with what's really in need of a balance.


This. Balance is a big problem in solo queue right now, much further than " players incompetence ". Most of the time, you're going to lose to builds and not upon skill. You might say " then reroll or switch builds " but the point isn't really to have mirror matchs of spellbreakers holosmiths and scourges..

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> @Morwath.9817 said:

> > @Magnito.6187 said:

> > > @Emapudapus.1307 said:

> > > Why ppl complain about soloq? You can q with team in unranked or AT. Soloq is good overall atm tho, more accurate lb.

> >

> > "More accurate" he said... :astonished:


> > @Duzik.9137 said:

> > > @Magnito.6187 said:

> > > > @Emapudapus.1307 said:

> > > > Why ppl complain about soloq? You can q with team in unranked or AT. Soloq is good overall atm tho, more accurate lb.

> > >

> > > "More accurate" he said... :astonished:

> >

> > At silver :disappointed:


> Quaggan assumes, both of you believe, Misha shouldn't be #1?


What they believe comes form the videos - streams.The enemies misha gets or how the match looks like its like you watching bronze league.Personaly i find it so stupid and boring to watch streams where i see just bronze farmvile.You get from 10-15 games 2-3 normal games but not such epic games fights.

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> @Volrath.1473 said:

> Imo the problem is balance. Professions like necros, warriors, rangers and guardian that have the best of both worlds, they talk, they have msg immunity for long periods of time wile being able to kill anything in 2-3 hits, wile other profession need to chose between survivability and dmg, having to sacrifice one to have the other making them inferior and less desirable to have on a team.


> It gets frustrating to the point of ppl rerolimg just to stay in the game or quit just like I (in oct 2015) and many others did.


> I just came back 1 month b4 PoF came out and was enjoying myself up until the season began. Now I feel like taking another long break...


Please post the 3 hit 100 --> 0 ranger build with high sustain that is causing you trouble. Also odd you left chrono/mirage out. They are dps kings while having great evade/invuln uptime.


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Guess what, that is the main problem that prevents me from entering GW2's PvP and a reason why my will to play LoL (after 7.5 years!) drops more and more, and even below a threshold where I go back to Soloplayer games (or GW2 PvE) - The matchmakings are rigged beyond belief and so manipulated back and forth it does not deserve the term "matchmaking" anymore.


In both games, LoL and apparently GW2, there is no dropping to rock bottom and play against rock bottom players. I am not very good, average at best, but the "matchmakings" in both games suddenly pull in premades that causes MMR mess or filler players, e.g. 4 competent players need 1 total bad player to fight 5 average players. The average players don't know whey they get stomped by 4 better guys, the 1 filler guy is basically permanently dead and the 4 guys don't know why they lack 20% manpower due to their noob player. Match quality: 0%. MMR distortion: Maximum (why would a newbie be penalized for not being put into the right games? Same with the high MMR player).


In LoL it's the same: It's a freefall nonsense, because I never would hit rock bottom. In LoL, I am at a 9-loss streak. I am far below my actual skill (Silver I) but I never hit rock bottom from which I could climb myself up again (because there are 8 tiers inbetween, enough skill difference for a Silver to carry with a bit of luck), I keep freefalling. Because instead of eventually/finally fighting other rock bottom noobs, the "matchmaking" needs me as filler or need to form some totally stupid and useless premade handicaps and the match quality will be 0% again. Apparently, in GW2 this is also happening, and from what I have read in the Wiki about this Glicko2 garbage, I am glad I did not bother.


As long as there are no SoloQ and Premade queues, I will not touch this Glicko BS that bends the term of "match" and "fair"/"competitive" gameplay to the maximum.



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