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Why I'm rather disappointed about LS4


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so.. only a few days left until LS4 release. Let me know you why I'm not excited at all.. First of all there are still some problems about PoF that needs to be fixed before releasing new content (yes my opinion : fix the old stuff before releasing something new), the harpies are too strong, serpent's ire needs to be nerfed, the well-known mount bug where your camera just stays at the same place etc...

Anyway let's go back and take a look at LS3

it was all nice and stuff buuuuuuut (BIG BUT)

the time gap of 3 months between the episodes was way too long ! When the next episode was released people (not only me) forgot what happened in the last. And to be honest the episodes hadn't had that much of content to keep you busy with it for that time. Most of them were done in 1-2 hours. (maybe 1-2 days if you went for achievements)

So please just don't do this again. 1 - 1 1/2 months of a gap should be ok. But 3 is really just too long.

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As a working adult I have to say that 2-3 months of a gap between episodes is just fine. It gives me time to play the content and complete achievements without a risk of missing player swarm devouring new content.


For those who have more free time there are raids and fractals, repeatable activities in between episodes. If LW content was released more often I would be angry because of lack of time to clear it while it's relevant.

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> @Glael.7643 said:

> the time gap of 3 months between the episodes was way too long ! When the next episode was released people (not only me) forgot what happened in the last.


I find that I forget what happened in the story almost instantly, probably because I do not pay attention to it as it is so cringe. I do however remember killing a God, only because the concept of that is so terrible that it became memorable for all the wrong reason's.

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> @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> 'No breaks in content delivery'

> '6 raid wings a year'.


Getting pretty tired of people taking the 6 raid wings a year entirely out of context.


Crystal said they MIGHT be able to do 6 wings year as a very optimistic guess but said realistically it's probably closer to 4 depending on if they do self-contained story raids wings or not.

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I disagree. Considering new living story chapters typically come with a new open world map, I think the pace they set with season 3 was pretty good. Do players run out of things to do between chapters? - some do, definitely. But, I would argue that many of those same players consume content so fast it would be pretty much impossible for Anet to stay ahead of them and still deliver quality content at the same time.

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> @Nilson.9865 said:

> Option Explicit

> **if** you bring encouraging currency **then**

> episodes will be released faster


> **ElseIf** no currency **then**

> episode will be released in appropriate time


> **Else**

> Did you really think that you can just ask people to work faster?

> End If

What language allows if...else statements without some parenthesis around the conditionals? I have a feeling this is just psuedocode but then why the Option Explicit?



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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > @Nilson.9865 said:

> > Option Explicit

> > **if** you bring encouraging currency **then**

> > episodes will be released faster

> >

> > **ElseIf** no currency **then**

> > episode will be released in appropriate time

> >

> > **Else**

> > Did you really think that you can just ask people to work faster?

> > End If

> What language allows if...else statements without some parenthesis around the conditionals? I have a feeling this is just psuedocode but then why the Option Explicit?




I've actually encountered languages that allow say,

If x>3


Else x<10


Else x=12


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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> > 'No breaks in content delivery'

> > '6 raid wings a year'.


> Getting pretty tired of people taking the 6 raid wings a year entirely out of context.


> Crystal said they MIGHT be able to do 6 wings year as a very optimistic guess but said realistically it's probably closer to 4 depending on if they do self-contained story raids wings or not.


This is exactly why the Devs don't communicate anything anymore until it is ready to be released. If you want to know it is because posts like this one that takes a dev statement and taking it out of context promotes is as a "broken promise"

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if it was less then 2-3 Months between the episodes then the episodes would have even less content than they already have leaving us with absolutely nothing new to do... I'd actually appreciate if they'd take some more time and deliver more content. LS3 was SO boring it was just a new map every 3 months or so and you could finish every single one of those maps within a day (except the time locked achievements). And the maps had nothing to come back to except for the map specific materials. I hope the next LS4 has more to offer and actually feels like something is happening, LS3 was honestly terrible.

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> @Nilson.9865 said:

> Option Explicit

> **if** you bring encouraging currency **then**

> episodes will be released faster


> **ElseIf** no currency **then**

> episode will be released in appropriate time


> **Else**

> Did you really think that you can just ask people to work faster?

> End If




HM. I'm not a software developer. But you basically declared a function **f (currency) = LS episodes.**. But the same function f(currency) is valid and used for calculating many other results, one of them being "legendary weapons". So, I think this **f(currency)** function can be used to analyze the behavior of many other processes.

Let's try with the process generating legendary weapons:


Option Explicit

**if** you bring encouraging currency **then**

**legendaries** will be released faster

rem: REALY? We already brought currency by buying HoT. I don't know if "encouraging" but exactly as per ANet pricing. And all the Legendary should be already ingame


**ElseIf** no currency **then**

**legendary** will be released in appropriate time

rem: This is nonsensical - the condition checked by the first **IF** is already fulfilled. So, this ELSE IF should not be needed for this process.

rem: It seems that "appropriate time" for Anet means "after the release of the next post PoF expansion"



Did you really think that you can just ask people to work faster?


rem: YES. They took my money using a lie. They should work faster because they already had their payment without working.

rem: So, although the same function should work identical in both processes (in a normal environment), in this case it behaves different. For the Legendary Weapons we rem: have a nonsensical result. I can only guess two possible cause:

rem: 1. The environment is not normal as we think. OR

rem: 2. Not enough time passed from the PoF release to obtain the same result regarding the episodes as in the Legendary case. Regardless of the "currency".


End If

rem: End IF? Hm. If the environment created by ANet will not start to become normal again, I'm afraid of : End Game.

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> @Glael.7643 said:

> so.. only a few days left until LS4 release. Let me know you why I'm not excited at all.. First of all there are still some problems about PoF that needs to be fixed before releasing new content (yes my opinion : fix the old stuff before releasing something new), the harpies are too strong, serpent's ire needs to be nerfed, the well-known mount bug where your camera just stays at the same place etc...

> Anyway let's go back and take a look at LS3

> it was all nice and stuff buuuuuuut (BIG BUT)

> the time gap of 3 months between the episodes was way too long ! When the next episode was released people (not only me) forgot what happened in the last. And to be honest the episodes hadn't had that much of content to keep you busy with it for that time. Most of them were done in 1-2 hours. (maybe 1-2 days if you went for achievements)

> So please just don't do this again. 1 - 1 1/2 months of a gap should be ok. But 3 is really just too long.


It's my opinion, but I cannot agree with anything what you wrote...


First of all the season didnt even launch, so you should write your complains after the release- I think normal people would just do that, right?


You still don't know why this Season launches so fast?? BECAUSE POF DIDN'T HAVE **ANY** CONTENT!


So you get like fractal, story, map, raid and possibly another legendary weapon to work for... So there is totally a lot of content that POF didn't have.


The 2/3-months cadence is amazing! It's really short break and when the episode finally arrives then you have the map, and story (the story was good, but storytelling was awful! I must admit that), but beside it was horrible, I hope ANet is gonna learn their lesson and not be so hastily with the storytelling in the upcoming season.


Also every 2 episodes of Season 3, we were getting raid wings/ new amazing fractals with CMs. 7 new legendary weapons in all 6 episodes, 3 legendary armors (Raid one, PvP one and WvW one) and more. That was in my opinion the best year in GW2 history and I hope this first episode will prove that.



Beside the storytelling the whole Season 3 was amazing and I enjoy returung to the Season 3 maps, because they're amazing- for dailies and for sight-seeing.



If you don't know at what point the story ended in previous episodes you can always open your Story Journal- really good thing.




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