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Open Market for the High End

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I've been discussing Legendaries for some time now: their costs in time, gold, and mats, and the ability for some people (like myself) to say; "I don't/can't play the specific part of the game that requires me to gain that one/those few pieces for the Legendary item. But this is an open world economy where people are willing to do that work for me, for a price. That's fair.


An account can only produce one of each Legendary piece so the chance of a flooded market is nil. Most people are only willing to make those pieces they will use themselves, cutting the market of potentially sell-able items down even further.


Legendary weapons are up for sale right now and I don't see people complaining to take them off the market.


All I see is if I want to make a Legendary from Gen 2 that I don't plan on using, but want to sell .... I can't. So I don't play that portion of the game that would take me into regions to craft the new weapon. The game has become a little smaller.


If more items were able to be put on the open market, the game would expand. Isn't that what everyone wants? A world where people don't forget about locations once a new area is opened up.

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One of the reasons may be because the playerbase (at least on the forums [and elsewhere?]) posted often enough about dissatisfaction with being able to 'just' purchase a Legendary Weapon, and that it was desired to have it be more of a journey. Now, the journey part didn't work out for the studio, nor some of the playerbase (as far as the time needed to create the journeys), so that part was replaced.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > So the tl;dr is that you want to buy the HoT legendaries? I can get behind that.


> I wonder why Gen 1 are available for sale but Gen 2 are not? I've read so many posts trying to wrap my little brain around it, but so far no one has come up with a good sound reason.


I know it sucks, but ANET want that you play the game ( or to say it better, do specific time sink tasks ) in order to achieve leggies.

This is the only reason.


You managed to get rich by playing the game the way you want?

You can't get your leggie unless you play some specific content, though you could have the golds needed.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > So the tl;dr is that you want to buy the HoT legendaries? I can get behind that.


> I wonder why Gen 1 are available for sale but Gen 2 are not? I've read so many posts trying to wrap my little brain around it, but so far no one has come up with a good sound reason.


No one know exactly why the first legendary can be sold on the TP. They were there since launch and I think anet didn't expect anyone to get them that fast. They were supposed to be very long term goal that people would most likely not want to sell, but turned out to be farmed quickly and sold on the TP.


The major complaints about Legendary was that they could be sold on the TP and anyone could just swing their credit card to get one so it removed the "legendary" status and bragging right out of them. Also people disliked that the only method to get precursor was by buying them or being lucky.


So Anet listened and made precursors acquired through crafting and collection, and made gen 2 legendary account bound.

This mean everyone who have a gen 2 legendary actually built it themselves.

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> @Haishao.6851 said:

> No one know exactly why the first legendary can be sold on the TP.

Of course we know: ANet originally intended that nearly all the game would be part of the market economy. They were surprised that not everyone likes that idea, which is why there are more account bound rewards now, including Gen2 legendaries (even the ones that don't include a special collection "journey").



ANet is never going to spend the energy to try to make Gen 1 legends bound nor to offer unbound Gen 2 legends. They'll consider a very, very poor use of their time to even consider it, never mind implement.


The only thing we can influence is whether there's a Gen 3 and if so, whether those are also bound or not. Although I personally prefer everything to be available on the TP and let people decide how they want to spend their time, I think it's a hard sell to ANet (and to traditionalists) who think that the shiniest items shouldn't be monetizeable.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> The reason is that Anet felt that it should be that way. The real question is why Anet feels that way.


Because Gen 1 had no prestige associated with it and the metrics likely showed that the people who had gen 1's didnt craft them but rather farmed gold (or RMT'd) to get them.


Gen 2+ is meant to showcase a dedication to playing the game and a willful investment on the part of the player to dedicate themselves to an item they feel like having, not one they feel like flipping.


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> @Alanar.9854 said:

> Gen 2 is also bound to HoT and not everyone has HoT


A weapon becomes a tool in the hands of a character once purchased, regardless what it does or looks like. The _HMS Divinity_ has the same core stats as _The Predator_. Other than what they look like, the difference is one can purchased and the other can't.


If ANET wants to make some money they would allow all Legendary weapons to be purchased. More people would buy Gems to transfer to gold, others would make weapons they don't want to use and sell them to keep up with demand (they can set the price they are willing to part with so the value won't be affected much), and people will farm/sell more mats.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > @Alanar.9854 said:

> > Gen 2 is also bound to HoT and not everyone has HoT


> A weapon becomes a tool in the hands of a character once purchased, regardless what it does or looks like. The _HMS Divinity_ has the same core stats as _The Predator_. Other than what they look like, the difference is one can purchased and the other can't.


> If ANET wants to make some money they would allow all Legendary weapons to be purchased. More people would buy Gems to transfer to gold, others would make weapons they don't want to use and sell them to keep up with demand (they can set the price they are willing to part with so the value won't be affected much), and people will farm/sell more mats.


Apparently Anet have decided this is one way they don't want to make money. They said that they regretted making Gen 1 legendaries tradable because so many players felt like it wasn't such an achievement to have one when someone could have just bought it. Although I suspect the fact that they made that decision suggests very few people were actually converting gems to gold to get them. Just one legendary would cost you over $100, and if Anet were getting that regularly I doubt they'd discourage it.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > @Alanar.9854 said:

> > Gen 2 is also bound to HoT and not everyone has HoT


> A weapon becomes a tool in the hands of a character once purchased, regardless what it does or looks like. The _HMS Divinity_ has the same core stats as _The Predator_. Other than what they look like, the difference is one can purchased and the other can't.


> If ANET wants to make some money they would allow all Legendary weapons to be purchased. More people would buy Gems to transfer to gold, others would make weapons they don't want to use and sell them to keep up with demand (they can set the price they are willing to part with so the value won't be affected much), and people will farm/sell more mats.


More people should just buy HOT and make them themselves by that idea. Anet makes more money because more people buy HOT and then 21,600 elder wood and 982375924387659284762947869843769347 mithril per legendary. Once that market for mithril and elder wood gets all screwed up again people would buy gems to trade for gold. So Anet wins again. I have all of the current HOT and Original legendary weapons. I rather enjoyed the journey for Chuka and begrudgingly Nevermore. I do not want HOT legendaries able to be sold on the TP. That would completely negate what I did to get them. I would also like to be able to craft more than one of them. I have several duplicates and some triple of the original legendaries. I like to craft them. I know when I craft them that if I want them then I have to put in the work.

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The problem here is not that Gen 2 legendaries can't be sold, it's that Gen 1 legendaries can be sold on the TP. There might be no difference statistically between The HMS Divinity, The Predator, and a normal ascended rifle, but it's only the Divinity that shows at least some amount of effort put into it. You want to make Gen 2 legendaries/precursors and sell them? - Just sell the materials, you will get your money's worth. You want to buy Gen 2 legs because you don't want to play the content required to make them? - Just buy the Gen 1 weapon instead, it's just as good. You don't like the gen 1 weapon/prefer the gen 2 weapon? - Well, play the game and build it yourself if you want it.

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> @Nemo.5609 said:

> The problem here is not that Gen 2 legendaries can't be sold, it's that Gen 1 legendaries can be sold on the TP.



With Gen1 everybody but haters was happy.


1. You can buy from tp

2. You can sell from tp

3. You can do your legendary path to get your precursor

4. You can buy your precursor from TP


Nobody was harmed by this system except as said, haters ( or those who consider a "prestige" to farm for the steps needed to achieve Gen2 leggies ).


Gen2 force you in different ways


1. You can't farm in order to sell for golds

2. You can't farm in order to buy with golds

3. You are forced to own HoT in order to craft one

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Nemo.5609 said:

> > The problem here is not that Gen 2 legendaries can't be sold, it's that Gen 1 legendaries can be sold on the TP.


> Nope.

> With Gen1 everybody but haters was happy.


> 1. You can buy from tp

> 2. You can sell from tp

> 3. You can do your legendary path to get your precursor

> 4. You can buy your precursor from TP


> Nobody was harmed by this system except as said, haters ( or those who consider a "prestige" to farm for the steps needed to achieve Gen2 leggies ).


> Gen2 force you in different ways


> 1. You can't farm in order to sell for golds

> 2. You can't farm in order to buy with golds

> 3. You are forced to own HoT in order to craft one


Some people love having everything come down to farming gold. Some don't. Some think that games don't need prestige items; some do. Some people think "legendaries" should be a big deal and represent commitment to the game; some don't.


That's got nothing to do with "haters." It's just different preferences for what makes a game enjoyable.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I've been discussing Legendaries for some time now: their costs in time, gold, and mats, and the ability for some people (like myself) to say; "I don't/can't play the specific part of the game that requires me to gain that one/those few pieces for the Legendary item. But this is an open world economy where people are willing to do that work for me, for a price. That's fair.


> An account can only produce one of each Legendary piece so the chance of a flooded market is nil. Most people are only willing to make those pieces they will use themselves, cutting the market of potentially sell-able items down even further.


> Legendary weapons are up for sale right now and I don't see people complaining to take them off the market.


> All I see is if I want to make a Legendary from Gen 2 that I don't plan on using, but want to sell .... I can't. So I don't play that portion of the game that would take me into regions to craft the new weapon. The game has become a little smaller.


> If more items were able to be put on the open market, the game would expand. Isn't that what everyone wants? A world where people don't forget about locations once a new area is opened up.


Although I see what you're saying, it kinda seems like it voids the whole purpose of the rarity of the materials. Don't get me wrong, I know the frustration of having to grind for some intense materials in MMORPGs, but it gives you something to do, to grind for. After completing the main story, my feeling was "Well... now what?"


Try looking at it like that. Another thing for us to do!

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @Nemo.5609 said:

> > > The problem here is not that Gen 2 legendaries can't be sold, it's that Gen 1 legendaries can be sold on the TP.

> >

> > Nope.

> > With Gen1 everybody but haters was happy.

> >

> > 1. You can buy from tp

> > 2. You can sell from tp

> > 3. You can do your legendary path to get your precursor

> > 4. You can buy your precursor from TP

> >

> > Nobody was harmed by this system except as said, haters ( or those who consider a "prestige" to farm for the steps needed to achieve Gen2 leggies ).

> >

> > Gen2 force you in different ways

> >

> > 1. You can't farm in order to sell for golds

> > 2. You can't farm in order to buy with golds

> > 3. You are forced to own HoT in order to craft one


> Some people love having everything come down to farming gold. Some don't. Some think that games don't need prestige items; some do. Some people think "legendaries" should be a big deal and represent commitment to the game; some don't.


> That's got nothing to do with "haters." It's just different preferences for what makes a game enjoyable.


No dude, it's hating since you don't want alternative.


Player A is ok if player B do his own legendary run to get the Legendary item.

Player B is not ok if Players A buy the same legendary from Player C throug TP.


The point is simple.

Some do complain about other who has a chance to get what they worked on for a trade


And guess what, they didn't dupe golds! they happened to play and earn em!

PS: And maybe they didn't direcly farm gold at all, but resources, or sell runs, or playing TP, or got lucky with MF, or RNG drop, or convert gems.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> When you see a character running around with a Legendary, do you really wonder if that person bought it or crafted it?

> Unless you ask or a person goes around telling everyone, you'll never know.


Eh... unfortunately it's not that simple :lol:


The final match is


> "Legendaries mean prestige, and show the fact that you achieved a hard goal in game" VS "I don't want that other could buy from TP what i made with a long term job"


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > @Nemo.5609 said:

> > > > The problem here is not that Gen 2 legendaries can't be sold, it's that Gen 1 legendaries can be sold on the TP.

> > >

> > > Nope.

> > > With Gen1 everybody but haters was happy.

> > >

> > > 1. You can buy from tp

> > > 2. You can sell from tp

> > > 3. You can do your legendary path to get your precursor

> > > 4. You can buy your precursor from TP

> > >

> > > Nobody was harmed by this system except as said, haters ( or those who consider a "prestige" to farm for the steps needed to achieve Gen2 leggies ).

> > >

> > > Gen2 force you in different ways

> > >

> > > 1. You can't farm in order to sell for golds

> > > 2. You can't farm in order to buy with golds

> > > 3. You are forced to own HoT in order to craft one

> >

> > Some people love having everything come down to farming gold. Some don't. Some think that games don't need prestige items; some do. Some people think "legendaries" should be a big deal and represent commitment to the game; some don't.

> >

> > That's got nothing to do with "haters." It's just different preferences for what makes a game enjoyable.


> No dude, it's hating since you don't want alternative.


> Player A is ok if player B do his own legendary run to get the Legendary item.

> Player B is not ok if Players A buy the same legendary from Player C throug TP.


> The point is simple.

> Some do complain about other who has a chance to get what they worked on for a trade


> And guess what, they didn't dupe golds! they happened to play and earn em!

> PS: And maybe they didn't direcly farm gold at all, but resources, or sell runs, or playing TP, or got lucky with MF, or RNG drop, or convert gems.


No dude, it's not hating; it's preference.

* Player A prefers a game with prestige items that can't be bought using a credit card.

* Player B prefers a game in which there aren't any prestige items — that doesn't mean they are hating on the first player


And guess what? Player B can still still sell the mats needed for Gen 2 legendaries. And guess what? Those mats go up in price every time there's a new legendary.


The point is simple: there are a lot of players in the game. They don't all have the same interests. Sometimes, there's no way to accommodate differing preferences in the same reward system. That's why it's good that there's a variety of rewards in the game, some that can be traded at will, and some that cannot. That allows both Player A to have their restricted prestige items and Player B to obtain things (or sell them) via trade. Just not on the same items.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > > @Nemo.5609 said:

> > > > > The problem here is not that Gen 2 legendaries can't be sold, it's that Gen 1 legendaries can be sold on the TP.

> > > >

> > > > Nope.

> > > > With Gen1 everybody but haters was happy.

> > > >

> > > > 1. You can buy from tp

> > > > 2. You can sell from tp

> > > > 3. You can do your legendary path to get your precursor

> > > > 4. You can buy your precursor from TP

> > > >

> > > > Nobody was harmed by this system except as said, haters ( or those who consider a "prestige" to farm for the steps needed to achieve Gen2 leggies ).

> > > >

> > > > Gen2 force you in different ways

> > > >

> > > > 1. You can't farm in order to sell for golds

> > > > 2. You can't farm in order to buy with golds

> > > > 3. You are forced to own HoT in order to craft one

> > >

> > > Some people love having everything come down to farming gold. Some don't. Some think that games don't need prestige items; some do. Some people think "legendaries" should be a big deal and represent commitment to the game; some don't.

> > >

> > > That's got nothing to do with "haters." It's just different preferences for what makes a game enjoyable.

> >

> > No dude, it's hating since you don't want alternative.

> >

> > Player A is ok if player B do his own legendary run to get the Legendary item.

> > Player B is not ok if Players A buy the same legendary from Player C throug TP.

> >

> > The point is simple.

> > Some do complain about other who has a chance to get what they worked on for a trade

> >

> > And guess what, they didn't dupe golds! they happened to play and earn em!

> > PS: And maybe they didn't direcly farm gold at all, but resources, or sell runs, or playing TP, or got lucky with MF, or RNG drop, or convert gems.


> No dude, it's not hating; it's preference.

> * Player A prefers a game with prestige items that can't be bought using a credit card.

> * Player B prefers a game in which there aren't any prestige items — that doesn't mean they are hating on the first player


> And guess what? Player B can still still sell the mats needed for Gen 2 legendaries. And guess what? Those mats go up in price every time there's a new legendary.


> The point is simple: there are a lot of players in the game. They don't all have the same interests. Sometimes, there's no way to accommodate differing preferences in the same reward system. That's why it's good that there's a variety of rewards in the game, some that can be traded at will, and some that cannot. That allows both Player A to have their restricted prestige items and Player B to obtain things (or sell them) via trade. Just not on the same items.


But what if Player C wants to get Gen 2 legendary, but he dislikes HoT. With Gen 1 he could just go and buy it from the TP. But he can't do the same with Gen 2.


Anyway I'm for all items to be trade-able. (Death to the soul/account bound items.)

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