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Named Exotics for Specialization accessability


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In order to complete the Specialization weapon collections, it is pretty pricey. My biggest concern with the collection is that it relies on several named exotic weapon drops in order to complete it. Below is the list and the current price of the items necessary. While some weapons are used for a couple collections, we are looking at a cost (at the time of this post) of 317 Gold to complete all the collections.


Nagozi's Enchanted Lamp - 62 Gold

Raidmarshal Bayonet - 63 Gold

Kahdash's Riding Bow - 63 Gold

Darehk's Quick End x2 - 60 Gold

Libeh's Truthteller x2 - 59 Gold

Abasi's Envenomed Cleaver x2 - 64 Gold


These Named Sunspear Weapons are tough to get to drop, driving the cost up. What I would like to see is a recipe to craft the named exotic weapon via using the mini granted by using the Spearmarshal's Plea (obtained via the Griffon Collection). A recipe may be something similar to the following:


Sunspear Dagger + Mini Sunspear Darekh + (Mystic Forge specific Item) = Darehk's Quick End


I see this as a good use of the Eye's of Kormir and gives us a slightly less RNG chance of obtaining these weapons while encouraging the purchase of the recipes/crafting. Potentially, this could be a means of lowering the cost of the named exotics the make completing the collections a bit more accessible.

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The reason for the price is that they are the major stopgap to getting a 'free' ascended weapon. Is the price out of line with crafting an ascended weapon?


Looking at several crafting alternatives you are looking at around 62g.


Hence the price.

Keep in mind you get one of those weapons for free.

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I agree that around 62 gold for the weapon alone is reasonable. The problem is that you have several other sinks going into these items. Take the Mystic Coin as an example. You get no return on the coin you are just tossing into a fountain. There is also an item costing Karma which needs to be purchased alongside several other items which force you into specific events. While I am not against the rest of the collection, getting the named exotic is pretty difficult and costly. As it stands right now, you can purchase Sunspear weapons for around 20 Gold. What I am proposing is a way to combine that weapon with a mini obtained through doing content into the mystic forge with a nondescript item (possibly a karma or spirit shard-based item) to facilitate another means of obtaining the named exotic. We already have 4 other RNG items and a couple karma sinks as part of the collection.

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> @fritanga.1623 said:

> I agree that around 62 gold for the weapon alone is reasonable. The problem is that you have several other sinks going into these items. Take the Mystic Coin as an example. You get no return on the coin you are just tossing into a fountain. There is also an item costing Karma which needs to be purchased alongside several other items which force you into specific events.


Are you serious?

Complaining about 1 mystic coin and some karma?


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @fritanga.1623 said:

> > I agree that around 62 gold for the weapon alone is reasonable. The problem is that you have several other sinks going into these items. Take the Mystic Coin as an example. You get no return on the coin you are just tossing into a fountain. There is also an item costing Karma which needs to be purchased alongside several other items which force you into specific events.


> Are you serious?

> Complaining about 1 mystic coin and some karma?

> -_-


I am not complaining about it... I am complaining that its too much RNG to get the named exotic for the collection.


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Be patient. The longer PoF is out, the lower the price on the named exotics will be. Take Dahrek's Dagger. Sell prices ranged from 80-91g for the last week of October/early November. During that time, there were about 30 sell offers and 100 buy offers on the TP. Now sellers are asking less than 60g, with nearly 60 available on the TP and the same demand. Given that most people will only ever want one, that trend will continue, as it has for just about every collection item in the game that drops randomly from random foes.


While that's happening, there's a good chance that mat prices will rise again. Which means at some point, it will also be cheaper to acquire the PoF specialization weapons than it will be to craft your own ascended.


tl;dr be patient; the prices are going to drop.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Be patient. The longer PoF is out, the lower the price on the named exotics will be.


> tl;dr be patient; the prices are going to drop.


Or maybe not. As time pass, less and less players will play on the PoF maps, and less and less weapons will drop, and less and less will be offered for sale on the TP. The prices may very well stay high or even go up.



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> @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Be patient. The longer PoF is out, the lower the price on the named exotics will be.


> > tl;dr be patient; the prices are going to drop.


> Or maybe not. As time pass, less and less players will play on the PoF maps, and less and less weapons will drop, and less and less will be offered for sale on the TP. The prices may very well stay high or even go up.




Well, in theory, it could happen that way. In practice, it never does. Again, because people only need one of these per collection and there are plenty of alternative weapons. The number of players willing to pay a premium is going to drop far faster than the supply of weapons.

I have literally bet coin that this is true by selling ones that I find and waiting to buy cheap.

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Play the game. Meta events in Desolation and Vabbi award boxes with a weapon of ur choice. I already got 2 from those and one from a collection.


Some people have this strange mindset, that they should be able to get something they want in an instant. They behave like they are entitled to get everything they want, when they want it. If there is some hard work involved it's even worse. Everything has to be now, now.. NOW! This is an mmo, you're suppose to play it for months, maybe years. Crying on forum that you cannot get the whole collection in "one day" is bizarre.


Play the game, earn your rewards and be happy that you've accomplished something.

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> @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> Or maybe not. As time pass, less and less players will play on the PoF maps, and less and less weapons will drop, and less and less will be offered for sale on the TP. The prices may very well stay high or even go up.


These weapons all drop from Unided gear which are very likely to be used a lot.


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> @Sithis.3564 said:

> Play the game. Meta events in Desolation and Vabbi award boxes with a weapon of ur choice. I already got 2 from those and one from a collection.


> Some people have this strange mindset, that they should be able to get something they want in an instant. They behave like they are entitled to get everything they want, when they want it. If there is some hard work involved it's even worse. Everything has to be now, now.. NOW! This is an mmo, you're suppose to play it for months, maybe years. Crying on forum that you cannot get the whole collection in "one day" is bizarre.


> Play the game, earn your rewards and be happy that you've accomplished something.


I do play the game and the meta vents and nothing so far.

I needed the dagger for my ranger and i get it through elonian weapon collections cause no drop at all.

I understand the price as HoT weapons was a bit of pain too, but this drop rate is really insane. It never drops to me period.

I got enough magic find for at least one drop(260%).

For now i ll follow some advices and either i ll keep doing meta or waiting prices to drop and that's it.

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The drop rate from _rare_ unID pieces of gear for any Sunspear weapon is about 2 per 1000 for "low" magic find of 300-350% and about 11-13 per 1000 for magic find 900-1100%. (Source: drop rates published in these forums and on Reddit, personally collected data.)


Anyone who chooses can have at least 625% MF

* Completing events including the Vinewrath in Silverwastes adds 200% to MF.

* You can add another 425% with various boosters, banners, foods, oils, etc.


If that sounds like more trouble than it's worth to you, then sell the unIDs. That same arbitrary '1000' mentioned above is worth at least 400 gold, enough to buy all five sunspear weapons required for the specialization collections.


Obviously, it's not easy to collect that many rare unID quickly. Which brings me back to my earlier point: be patient.

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> @Sithis.3564 said:

> Some people have this strange mindset, that they should be able to get something they want in an instant. They behave like they are entitled to

> get everything they want, when they want it. If there is some hard work involved it's even worse.


But in this case it has nothing to do with "hard work". It's pure RNG. Someone can play a thousand hours in PoF and still have none of those weapons which are required to complete the collections. And another player can drop one on the first mob he kills on his first day in PoF.


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> @Sithis.3564 said:

> Play the game. Meta events in Desolation and Vabbi award boxes with a weapon of ur choice. I already got 2 from those and one from a collection.


> Some people have this strange mindset, that they should be able to get something they want in an instant. They behave like they are entitled to get everything they want, when they want it. If there is some hard work involved it's even worse. Everything has to be now, now.. NOW! This is an mmo, you're suppose to play it for months, maybe years. Crying on forum that you cannot get the whole collection in "one day" is bizarre.


> Play the game, earn your rewards and be happy that you've accomplished something.


That is my point. I am not asking for a free handout. What I am requesting is a way to craft the item. Raw mats will still need to be farmed and the mini relevant to the collection will still need to be obtained. The chances of getting these minis now is still a 1 in 17+ chance of getting the relevant mini from an item which can only be obtained after completion of the last story instance.



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And yet You could play, take your time and get lucky. Maybe get enough gold to buy few. No-one forces you to get this collection. The expansion is like 3 months old. Hell.. I'm an achievement farmer and if I only wanted, I could buy it all at once.. but I won't. I know I will make it some day. There is no rush. I already have 4 skins unlocked and eventually I'll get them all.


@"Blanche Neige.7241"

RNG has been in this game since launch.

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> @Sithis.3564 said:


> RNG has been in this game since launch.

And that doesn't mean it's a good idea here. There's the cost of these weapons (costs more than crafting ascended I have read numerous places), plus the cost of crafting the other weapons for this set of collections, plus time and costs of all the other items for the collections. I think it's too much.


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Those have unique ascended skins and it should not be easy to get them.

Look, there are plenty of expensive items on TP. They won't make it easier to acquire just becauses someone want's to complete his collecton. You are suppose to finish them over time, not in one swoop. Definitly not in one day.


The problem here is not that people need it. The problem is they **WANT** it. They want something, so immediately they must have it, **NOW**.


Patience is a virtue.

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> @Sithis.3564 said:

> And yet You could play, take your time and get lucky. Maybe get enough gold to buy few. No-one forces you to get this collection. The expansion is like 3 months old. Hell.. I'm an achievement farmer and if I only wanted, I could buy it all at once.. but I won't. I know I will make it some day. There is no rush. I already have 4 skins unlocked and eventually I'll get them all.


> @"Blanche Neige.7241"

> RNG has been in this game since launch.

Notice, how for another of the items with a low drop chance (precursor weapons) a craft option was introduced? Why do you think it happened?

Hint: it's not because people considered extremely low rng chances to be something good.



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**_PRECURSOR_** weapons for **_LEGENDARIES_**


Not to mention that those are much more expensive on TP. Do u want to compare a 530g Spark with 63g Darehk's Quick End?


Anyway I said enough. My point stands. Instead of posting, even though most of it done at work, I'd rather enjoy the game now.

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I think it's not a matter of the PoF specialization collections being time consuming; I think they have been poorly designed. The specialization collections from HoT had all of the same advantages - they give unique skins in ascended weapons -, they were more time consuming, but they relied a lot less on randomization and significantly more on just playing the content.


I made a topic [just about that](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/15557/specialization-collections-in-pof-are-worse-than-in-hot), but IMO the system in HoT was a lot better. There's something of a ludonarrative dissonance in our great quest for an epic weapon being deterred when the game tells us to buy the last component in the Trading Post.

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