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The "Free Advertising" for Guild Wars 2.


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Usually, I'm focused on the RP aspects of GW2. However, I'd like to start a discussion on certain potential that's overlooked, and that's the aspect of Free Advertising for GW2. This thought has been burning in my head for about a year and a half.


I am going to get a lot (and I mean A LOT) of criticism for this thread. Probably more criticism than I've gotten before, be it to my poor way of explaining it to the people afraid to criticize. The concept of "Free Advertising" in this is not a literal "Free Advertising," but rather a frequency of GW2 inspired fan-based contributions to the guild wars community. Now when I say that, I'm not talking about players adding things into the game, but rather, players producing things FROM the game.


I hate to bring up other games as an example of what I'm trying to explain, but I feel that this is probably the best example. I use to be a WoW player. Although this isn't the case for everyone, the parodies of WoW are what got me into the game. There was a high frequency of fan-made parodies that I found to be entertaining (The Grind, Illegal Danish, etc) that ultimately peaked my interest. The frequency at which players made these videos (Good and bad) were enough to reach hundreds/thousands/hundreds of thousands/millions of people.


In my down time, I tried my own hand at making videos. Although they weren't good, they were something to do when I got bored of the games grind. I would like to do it with this game, but there's no tools to do so (Despite me having sony vegas). There's no model viewer, there's not even a place that I can use green-screen/blue-screen/red-screen capture capabilities to maximize the effectiveness of the producible content.


Now, with that example out of the way, there's another two aspects that I have yet to see directly, and that's GW2 fanart. I didn't even know that such a thing existed because it's in such low frequency. Having been a user of the GW2 community for well over a year, I had only seen references by other players to game devs nodding at some artwork, but other than that, it seems difficult to remember that it exists.


As for Fan Fictions, I have not once seen any tyrian-inspired-adventure stories.




I hate to say it, but It almost feels as though any potential creativity that the playerbase can muster up is discouraged through the neglect of encouragement. There's no Fan-Made artwork on the landing page of the website, there's no tools to enhance videomaking past the mundane reviews, gameplay, and walkthrough videos, and despite the extremely illusive presence of a community that wants to do creative writing, no fan fictions.



Now, I didn't add the "Free advertising" into the title to give my thread extra zing so people would click on it to give me views, but if we look at the promotion of contests, artwork, videos, and content from a practical standpoint, this would not only create an incredible burst of GW2 content on the web which would result in a higher search-rate of GW2 related material, but it would also give the playerbase a chance to express their dedication to the game and the inspiration from the game, while doubling as free advertising that would be shared among friends, friends of friends, and even become viral sensations in the same sense that the Leeroy Jenkins phenomena did, which would (of course) result in more free advertising.




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I had a similar post about this a few weeks back. I tried to encourage people to advertise GW2 on advertisements that are targeted toward gamers on social media platforms. When I scroll through my FB feed I see tons of advertisements for FFIV, ESO, Idle Poring, and THE FIRST REAL MMO EVER (whatever the name is). Because those ads are targeting me I comment on them about GW2 and how the game is great to try. I try to hit on the points that would entice people to try it:

* An MMO that is free to play until max level

* No monthly subscription fees

* No pay-to-win cash shop; only quality of life and cosmetic items available

* Affordable expansions ($30 for one and $50 for both expansions)



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I'm not altogether sure if you're offering a suggestion or critiquing something. There's already a number of fan-developed sites for the game, including vids, streaming, guides, fanfiction, humorous news, fanart, CosPlay, a RL chef making GW2 foods, RL smithing of in-game weapons, and so on.


Recently, ANet just completed the submission period for GW2's first fan-based Design-a-Weapon contest.


Was there something else you had in mind?

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> I had a similar post about this a few weeks back. I tried to encourage people to advertise GW2 on advertisements that are targeted toward gamers on social media platforms. When I scroll through my FB feed I see tons of advertisements for FFIV, ESO, Idle Poring, and THE FIRST REAL MMO EVER (whatever the name is). Because those ads are targeting me I comment on them about GW2 and how the game is great to try. I try to hit on the points that would entice people to try it:

> * An MMO that is free to play until max level

> * No monthly subscription fees

> * No pay-to-win cash shop; only quality of life and cosmetic items available

> * Affordable expansions ($30 for one and $50 for both expansions)


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/14092/advertise-talk-about-gw2-on-facebook-social-media-advertisements-for-other-mmo-online-mobile-games


Although I am tempted to do that, I can't advertise GW2 as it is right now.


> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> They're regularly showcasing fan artists on their stream, so I can't say I agree about them "discouraging through neglect" fan creations...


You see, not only did I not know that. Even so, how long does the stream last? when does the stream begin? What takes place in the stream?


It sounds to me that the "Showcase" is just to go "See? We do care!"

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Anet's regular stream, a couple times a week I think - I haven't watched it (I don't really watch streams), but they're regularly advertised on the gw2 twitter...

Edit: checked the twitch stream - seems they run one stream per week called "GW2 Art Show" dedicated to fanart. Also, look through their twitter feed - it's like 90% retweets of or links to fanart and youtube creators.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I'm not altogether sure if you're offering a suggestion or critiquing something.


>There's already a number of fan-developed sites for the game

Haven't heard nor seen them other than the RP websites that are trying to survive.

>including vids

What kind of vids?


Like twitch?


Like the majority of the GW2 fan videos uploaded on youtube?


This, I apologize, I don't believe you. I'm going to need a source on this one.

>humorous news

What news?


Well it's good to hear there's people that actually do it outside of rule 34s


I've only seen a few cosplayers.

>a RL chef making GW2 foods

There's a lot of foods in GW2 that can be made IRL. Not all of it, but a lot.

> RL smithing of in-game weapons

There's people that do RL smithing of non MMO games.


> Recently, ANet just completed the submission period for GW2's first fan-based Design-a-Weapon contest.

FIRST!? And how long has this game been out for? four years?


> Was there something else you had in mind?


Most of these artistic/creative submissions are on sub-sites, sub-forums, sub-portals, and don't get as much attention as other games that try to hype their community and their contributions.


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There's a whole sub-forum dedicated to fan submissions; stories, art, videos, recipes, etc. There's a fan art show advertised on the News Blog weekly. Other fan-inspired content is showcased on the News Blog, as well. There are several fansites with all kinds of content; the Wiki lists some. A Google search for 'gw2 fan art' or 'gw2 fan fiction' brings up plenty of hits. There are links on Facebook and Twitter to all kinds of fan submissions. There are lots of official (Dev) posts about submissions on the forum (keep an eye on the Carousel), or check the 'Community Creations' sub-forum.


What else should ArenaNet do? I'm sure they would welcome any suggestions.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> Anet's regular stream, a couple times a week I think - I haven't watched it (I don't really watch streams), but they're regularly advertised on the gw2 twitter...


I was going to say that I'm surprised that people still use twitter given the recent leanings and stock issues, but since a lot of mediums stress Twitter, you got me there.


The amount of followers raise my eyebrow though.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> There's a whole sub-forum dedicated to fan submissions; stories, art, videos, recipes, etc. There's a fan art show advertised on the News Blog weekly. Other fan-inspired content is showcased on the News Blog, as well. There are several fansites with all kinds of content; the Wiki lists some. A Google search for 'gw2 fan art' or 'gw2 fan fiction' brings up plenty of hits. There are links on Facebook and Twitter to all kinds of fan submissions.


> What else should ArenaNet do? I'm sure they would welcome any suggestions.


a higher frequency and volume of submissions would create a massive influx of GW2-related data that would cause a sub-version of a "Google Bomb" that would bolster the probability of GW2 being popularized. Perhaps having weekly contests for the artwork to be featured on the dedicated GW2 website instead of sub-sites or sub-groups like facebook groups or twitter groups?


if we throw out the potential monetary gain (or even increase of players) that a GB would introduce and focus on spotlighting the community (and only that), maybe increasing awareness about the fact that they have a twitter, stream, facebook, etc if they feel compelled to simply suppliment this need? A lot of people are telling me that they have all this stuff that caters to the artists, but I am just learning about this now.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Lahemic.6097 said:

> > This, I apologize, I don't believe you. I'm going to need a source on this one.


> Try Googling using keywords like, you know, "GW2" and "fan fiction".


Googled it. Doesn't get as much attention as I was led to beleive.

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> @Lahemic.6097 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @Lahemic.6097 said:

> > > This, I apologize, I don't believe you. I'm going to need a source on this one.

> >

> > Try Googling using keywords like, you know, "GW2" and "fan fiction".


> Googled it. Doesn't get as much attention as I was led to beleive.


I have no idea what that means. What were you led to believe?

What is it, exactly, that you want ANet to do? What is it that you think other game publishers do that's different?

What source do you have that demonstrates a strong correlation between availability of fan fiction and new sales?



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> @Lahemic.6097 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @Lahemic.6097 said:

> > > This, I apologize, I don't believe you. I'm going to need a source on this one.

> >

> > Try Googling using keywords like, you know, "GW2" and "fan fiction".


> Googled it. Doesn't get as much attention as I was led to beleive.


Nor does any game but WOW, which is ten years old, and had a warchest of money from other titles to advertise the game. Have you seen a Guild Wars 2 commerical on TV with William Shatner in it? Mr.T? Chuck Norris? Because WoW had commericals with those guys on television. Due to the subscription fee, and the number of players for years, WoW has deep pockets. However, no other MMO has pockets nearly that deep or is nearly as entrenched in pop culture as WoW is. I mean I don't see any other games appearing on Southpark. Comparing anything to WoW is a bit disingenuous.


The final fantasy series has been around a long time and contains 17 games and a major motion picture. And there's not that much out there for that either. I think you're like someone who wants to find a flaw, but really the flaw is that you aren't able to do what other people clearly have been able to do.


No, Anet isn't going to make it easier, and it's probably not going to get as many people playing as you think it will if they did.

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> @Vayne.8563 said:

> > @Lahemic.6097 said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @Lahemic.6097 said:

> > > > This, I apologize, I don't believe you. I'm going to need a source on this one.

> > >

> > > Try Googling using keywords like, you know, "GW2" and "fan fiction".

> >

> > Googled it. Doesn't get as much attention as I was led to beleive.


> Nor does any game but WOW, which is ten years old, and had a warchest of money from other titles to advertise the game. Have you seen a Guild Wars 2 commerical on TV with William Shatner in it? Mr.T? Chuck Norris? Because WoW had commericals with those guys on television. Due to the subscription fee, and the number of players for years, WoW has deep pockets. However, no other MMO has pockets nearly that deep or is nearly as entrenched in pop culture as WoW is. I mean I don't see any other games appearing on Southpark. Comparing anything to WoW is a bit disingenuous.


> The final fantasy series has been around a long time and contains 17 games and a major motion picture. And there's not that much out there for that either. I think you're like someone who wants to find a flaw, but really the flaw is that you aren't able to do what other people clearly have been able to do.


> No, Anet isn't going to make it easier, and it's probably not going to get as many people playing as you think it will if they did.


In rectrospect, what you're saying does kinda highlight a few things I stated myself, and I myself failed to notice. What you're saying, it makes sense. I just want to see GW2 become the equivilant of WoW. I suppose I need to be a bit more realistic.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> There's a whole sub-forum dedicated to fan submissions; stories, art, videos, recipes, etc. There's a fan art show advertised on the News Blog weekly. Other fan-inspired content is showcased on the News Blog, as well. There are several fansites with all kinds of content; the Wiki lists some. A Google search for 'gw2 fan art' or 'gw2 fan fiction' brings up plenty of hits. There are links on Facebook and Twitter to all kinds of fan submissions. There are lots of official (Dev) posts about submissions on the forum (keep an eye on the Carousel), or check the 'Community Creations' sub-forum.


Adding to your list, there is http://guildwars2.tumblr.com/#/# which is chock full of art and occasional text stories.


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Ah, yes, Tumblr...I forgot. Never been there, so that's understandable. Thanks for the update. = )


@OP: ArenaNet dedicating a whole sub-forum to fan submissions is really a pretty big deal considering how few sub-forums there are. Not sure why all the pooh-poohing over all the different venues created for fans to express themselves.

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