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So why exactly can't we have bigger capture points?


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Can someone enlighten me?


Obviously some points cannot be made larger without redesign (khylo mid, forest mid) but most others could see an increase in their radius, even if it's not a full change across the board, some points could really use that (mid capricorn, mid coliseum, etc).

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> @Exedore.6320 said:

> How bigger? If you get to Foefire mid point size, it's too easy to kite on the point while holding it. It has the opposite problem.


> Honestly, I'm fine with the point size of most points. It's really on scourge which ruins it.


Little bit higher. Anything would help.


Right now I think they have like 280-300 units radius (for reference, Ring of Fire is 240 and Meteor Shower is 360).


Why not increase them to 350-360?

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> @Exedore.6320 said:

> How bigger? If you get to Foefire mid point size, it's too easy to kite on the point while holding it. It has the opposite problem.


> Honestly, I'm fine with the point size of most points. It's really on scourge which ruins it.


I don't think thats a problem honestly. Classes that rely on kiting to win a fight are at an inherent disadvantage in PvP due to the nature of capture points. Why is it so bad to give them 1 node in each map that doesn't put them at that disadvantage?


As to making nodes bigger. I support that. When multiple classes have access to multiple AoE skills that can over an entire node, or nearly an entire node, then either the nodes are too small or the AoE skills are too big. ANet isn't going to make the size of the AoE skills smaller, so we need to make the capture points bigger. How is being able to cover an entire node in a single AoE skill any less cheese than being able to kite without being forced out of the capture point? Its not really, so I don't see why people treat it as if its different.

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The capping points has always been the achilles heel of sPvP that's been driving balance - and kittening up WvW for good measure.


Personally I think the midpoint of foefire is a much better size than the smaller ones. As above stated, at least 1 large cap should be standard on all Conquest map per gamemode design. But alas, Anet doesnt seem to think so. Even in the coloseum the central point is tiny for no real reason at all. Why doesnt it cover the platform?


Anet *want* cheeseball AoE classes to be OP, that's my only conclusion.

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> @Tapps.1479 said:

> Small points are better for the game. Smaller points are more difficult to hold and leaves people on them more vulnerable.


No, small points turn games into skillless spam fests as all the scourges and dragon hunters stack their giant circles on top of tiny points. If this game had less dot zone skills then small points would be fine.

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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> This would be trying to fix the issue and not the cause. The points are find, the real problem is high access to overloaded AoE spells across most classes. What is the point of increasing radius when next time they bring spec with even bigger aoe for said circles?


True enough, but the likelihood of ANET reducing AOE is very low, particularly with respect to Scourge. Increasing point size would be a minimum effort move.

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The problem is with Scourge and not with point size. Let's imagine that Scourge wasn't picked by both sides in the monthly AT (both sides had an agreement.) There's a 4v4 mid, and it's a mirror comp: Firebrand, Holosmith, Condi Mirage, Spellbreaker, with a Druid vs. Druid duel on a neuted point.


Do you see this fight ending in a timely manner with the Firebrand able to nullify the Condi Mirage damage and provide perma prot while the Holosmith and Spellbreaker are free to kite? The point is small so as to force cooldowns on person holding the point. This is what in this case, Symbols, Acid Bomb, Break Enchantments Winds of Disenchantment, and other 240 radius AoE is going to accomplish.


If Scourge gets re-worked you'll thank god for small point size, let's just put it that way.

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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> This would be trying to fix the issue and not the cause. The points are fine, the real problem is high access to overloaded AoE spells across most classes. What is the point of increasing radius when next time they bring spec with even bigger aoe for said circles?


I agree, and normally I hate treating the symptoms and not the cause. But due to the excessive amount of work it would require in order to fix the root issue (too many AoE skills period, many AoE skills too large, some AoE skills doing too many things or lasting too long etc...), I honestly believe that it simply won't happen. And under that assumption, making the capture points bigger (or at least having the mid be bigger on all maps), would make PvP slightly better.


Though I might be biased because I think 1 capture point should be bigger regardless of AoE skills if only because its not fair to classes that rely on kiting to win a fight if capture points are so small that kiting well forces them off the point and they can no longer contest it.

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They need to stop restraining themselves to circles. That way you can have more interesting combat situations without massive map redesigned. For example, make Forest mid include the top platforms and the entire main area. Then, make the capture system like Battlefield where the side with more players starts to capture the point at a reduced rate. This means no sitting of points and securing the first kill is important. It also makes boring bunker builds less powerful while also still being useful for delaying the cap, just not denying it entirely for ages.


Also, ditch the 5 second decap, do you can actually have a chance to defend a point.

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If they go with outnumbering the enemy slowly caps the point in your favor, then you should have to outnumber them by at least 2. This way a good bunker that can survive a 1v2 isn't shafted by outplaying the 2 people trying to kill him. And it also forces you to devote at least 60% of your team to decapping a point via outnumbering the other team on that point, which I feel is a fair compromise if that's the route you are taking.

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> @BurrTheKing.8571 said:

> This means no sitting of points and securing the first kill is important. It also makes boring bunker builds less powerful while also still being useful for delaying the cap, just not denying it entirely for ages.

> Also, ditch the 5 second decap, do you can actually have a chance to defend a point.


This. I'd love to see changes like this to conquest.

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I think it's very simple actually. Bigger points would favour a bunker meta, so once you managed to cap one of those big points something like druid or firebrand would be able to hold it for far too long. It's fine in some maps, but some maps are also more bunker favourable for that reason already.


Smaller points are better because it makes the fights more intense and not so bunker friendly. Specially in 1v1s.

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