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We have a serious problem with an individual trolling right now


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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> I dug into this a bit, and it looks like there's only a few players with what I would consider "pattern trolling" and one that stood out among them all that was on Baruch Bay. I've handed out a few actions, but I'm not entirely sure I would classify this as a serious issue from an individual player trolling perspective. I would ask that WvW players to continue to report players they believe are behaving maliciously and push comes to shove, you can PM me on the forums or report to exploits@arena.net.


Thank you for taking your time with this Chris. I did not want to go into specifics on my original post, but since you mentioned it, yes, that was on Baruch Bay. I'm glad you could detect this case from pattern observing, I wasn't aware of this possibility.

I don't know what actions you took, but they definitely had a positive impact. So far at least, on the new MU this week I'm not seeing this kind of behavior on the squads I've been in.

So thanks again for looking into this, I really appreciate it.

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> @stoldark.8704 said:

> > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> > I dug into this a bit, and it looks like there's only a few players with what I would consider "pattern trolling" and one that stood out among them all that was on Baruch Bay. I've handed out a few actions, but I'm not entirely sure I would classify this as a serious issue from an individual player trolling perspective. I would ask that WvW players to continue to report players they believe are behaving maliciously and push comes to shove, you can PM me on the forums or report to exploits@arena.net.


> Thank you for taking your time with this Chris. I did not want to go into specifics on my original post, but since you mentioned it, yes, that was on Baruch Bay. I'm glad you could detect this case from pattern observing, I wasn't aware of this possibility.

> I don't know what actions you took, but they definitely had a positive impact. So far at least, on the new MU this week I'm not seeing this kind of behavior on the squads I've been in.

> So thanks again for looking into this, I really appreciate it.


Wrong. Baruch Bay (and I'm concerned about another two servers more) still have griefers/trolls acting like this. And we all know who I mean. Actions need to be addressed for stopping this kind of attitudes.

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> @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> > > if that is the case can i have every player who likes to pretend he is naruto and gank others while they try and do dailies be banned in wvw ? they are infringing on my rights to enjoy the game as "@Illconceived Was Na.9781" mentioned earlier with the tos thing.

> >

> > Actually it was @"apharma.3741" , not @"Illconceived Was Na.9781"

> >

> > The second person was summarizing and didn't mention TOS. They were also looking for clarification from @"Chris Cleary.8017" .

> >

> > In response to your question, the behaviors listed both in the OP and yours are unrelated.

> >

> > Someone else entirely threw in the siege burials which was never listed as a problematic behavior.

> >


> just want to make it clear i only go to wvw for dailies more or less terribly boring mode for me, i just find it way to silly people want to ban trolls a stample of mmorpgs since the start.


Lag has also been a staple of MMO's since the start, and like Trolls, we can all do without it.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> > > @Rezzet.3614 said:

> > > Unfortunetly nothing can be done without videos , because when support looks up data it shows as if the player engaged combat and drops siege data doesnt show where or how was the siege placed

> >

> > That's not true at all. I'll see if I can dig into this tomorrow and handle the worst offenders myself.


> Good to hear, these issues have been more frequent lately. Along with hacking, glitching, exploiting etc.


> Also, odd time for someone from Anet to post :o


He/She was the siege dropper :P j/k.

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> @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> if that is the case can i have every player who likes to pretend he is naruto and gank others while they try and do dailies be banned in wvw ? they are infringing on my rights to enjoy the game as "@Illconceived Was Na.9781" mentioned earlier with the tos thing.


rofl... that remminds the hate pm's i received when i farmed a zerg on eotm with asup ac's.... that i was ruining their fun in pvp..... on a pvp map by fithing or delay them on a gate xD xD xD xD


Those players are te true target of ANet for its game population.... they will acept every crap with hyyyyype...

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> @stoldark.8704 said:

> This is a very serious problem. One single guy can ruin the whole experience for a full 50 man squad.

> To sum up, what he mainly does is:

> Spam siege on our mesmer portals, making very difficult to take them for surprise attacks.

> Spam siege on our downed, so we can't ress them.

> Spam the wrong siege type on doors, walls, etc, usually triggering the siege cap, making it impossible to effectively attack any structure.

> This also discourages fights, since when we group in open field to prepare for combat he also spams siege then, and the enemies refuse to engage...

> He even went as far as to create two guilds with names almost identical to known WvW guilds in the server, with the same tag, to make things more confusing.



If it's who I think it is, unless there's several of these trolls around -- this guy was suspended twice for a few months, and ONLY after reporting through the website. In-game reports never did anything. Each time he was suspended, I received notes to use the in-game reporting method. I told the Mod that it didn't work, and the website reporting actually did, and the Mod just reiterated that it's the best way. SMH


Anyways --- I hope there's a 3-strike rule, I have no idea why he doesn't get perma-banned.

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So, in point of order...

When assaulting a wall with catapults at fairly close range I often throw a bunch of garbage siege build site blueprints up on the wall so enemy casters or AC users have more difficulty targeting our catapults with aoes, unless they're right on the edge of the wall. (I don't think it actually hinders their targeting, but it does make it visually more difficult.) Am I going to be warned for siege trolling if I continue to do this?


~ Kovu

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I think this is why all siege should have another icon to show which player dropped that siege print.

This way everyone can see the name clearly just by clicking the siege, rather than having to keep a sharp eye open for that one troll in your zerg group.

It would also act as a deterrent and they cannot then deny they didnt throw the siege as their name would be on it!


I think what the mod doesnt realise is that even if they only do it on one night, thats the entire night's WvW ruined for dozens of players just because of one player.

So end of the day, nothing will be done and we have to live with it for the day, or week.

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> @"Buy Some Apples.6390" said:

> I think what the mod doesnt realise is that even if they only do it on one night, thats the entire night's WvW ruined for dozens of players just because of one player.

Seems like they do get that.


@"Chris Cleary.8017" wrote

> A single instance of someone tossing down a few crummy sieges isn't something that is entirely malicious, continually doing so as your main objective is.

"a few" isn't "pattern trolling; doing it the whole night is

/report it, send mail to exploits@arena.net so they can take a look

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