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mesmer bomb vs deadeye in "1shoting"


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so everyone qq about deadeye and his DJ how hard its hitting while most of those players just ignore awarness and ignore any incomming signs from this skill and this skill really dont often 1hit peaople if they arnt in light armor with minimum health pool


and while we are at this "1shot" mechanic so why nobody complain about mesmer which dont have even single signg about incoming "1shot" bomb to be able to react on this fast enough and this is or isnta damage which will you take you down fast as DJ if not faster but without any tells or 20 stacks of confusion which will rekt you harder with higher health pool before you will notice those stacks and clean this withing fight

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> @Vertep.2498 said:

> "before you will notice those stacks and clean this withing fight"

This is the reason people don't complain as much about condi Mirage as they do about clean 1-shots. You have time to react. Even though you may not be looking at your buff bar doesn't mean other people aren't.


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Mirage's one shot burst comes from 6 skills in total. Izerker - Mirrorblade - Blink into Mirrorblade - Jaunt for additional Illusion(if traited) - F1 - Mind Stab.

U can efford to be hit by 50% of the Combo and you won't die. U can NEVER efford to be hit by DJ, so ONE Mistake will kill you. "Play perfect or die" - is no healthy Game.


No Mirage skill applies 20 stacks Confusion at once. Main combos are axe 2, dodge within, axe ambush, jaunt , axe 3, F2. This would lead to something like 20 stacks confusion, but yeah you just got hit by 5 skills, what are you expecting?

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> Mirage's one shot burst comes from 6 skills in total.


in deadeye maybe its not that much skills..but need time to get this and dont die and is forced to focus only this 1 marked targed adn cant make any mistake to work it while not to mention in small fights (which arnt like stomp on mid) it also wont work to much becasue in those amller fights people are more aware for mark on them than on big fight 4v4 and its also very small chance you will hit this someone becasue of long visible tell it will come to you


and on mesmer also you have more safe mode gameplay becasue of or evade or stealth in 90% of his skills while deaeye need to be more aware about environment even than his target because if his that low survivability outside teleports if have and ofc immobilized


and then another thig to compare..its even easier to deal with scourge than with mesmer which is able to 1shot like deadeye but on every other target, not on only marked

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The only QQ about DE and DJ i see is on wvw forums where a lot of people mindlessly run around in circles and spam 1 which allows gimmicky builds to make flashy videos (none of which contain full length plays where you can see how many times DE actually fails and gets one shot himself).

Never seen complains about DE in pvp. Probably because it is completely useless here. Sooooo, OP, why do you post it here?

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I met one of these one shot dead eyes in pvp. He would mark you, shadow refuge, and then 1 shot me with an 19k hit, on my zerker ranger. When I started running every time I saw him put down shadow refuge, I was able to avoid it. Still felt silly that he has 12-20 seconds to decide when to engage, I can't see him, and his first strike will hit for 19k, on a medium armor character.

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> "and on mesmer also you have more safe mode gameplay becasue of or evade or stealth in 90% of his skills while deaeye need to be more aware about environment even than his target because if his that low survivability outside teleports if have and ofc immobilized"


> troll post


troll post? no, Im just sick how hard is to hit mesmer and you even dont see if it have passively or no, you nonstop if not hitting clone your attacks is just missed, on thief daredevil atlest you see how he is doing dodge etc while mesmer is cowered nonstop via clones and have so high uptime of stealth and eveade in almost every skill


thief only evade spam skills is d/d condi or staff which isnt to much useful and more rare than deadeye

and to scourge you atlest see and you hitting him while on mesmer its wonder if you finally hit him instead of clone

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> @Vertep.2498 said:

> so everyone qq about deadeye and his DJ how hard its hitting while most of those players just ignore awarness and ignore any incomming signs from this skill and this skill really dont often 1hit peaople if they arnt in light armor with minimum health pool


> and while we are at this "1shot" mechanic so why nobody complain about mesmer which dont have even single signg about incoming "1shot" bomb to be able to react on this fast enough and this is or isnta damage which will you take you down fast as DJ if not faster but without any tells or 20 stacks of confusion which will rekt you harder with higher health pool before you will notice those stacks and clean this withing fight


People complain about mesmers all the time. Its just that this has been going on for years, while DE is still relatively new to the game. Its something new to complain about, which is why you're seeing more complaints about DE than mesmer currently.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> > @Vertep.2498 said:

> > so everyone qq about deadeye and his DJ how hard its hitting while most of those players just ignore awarness and ignore any incomming signs from this skill and this skill really dont often 1hit peaople if they arnt in light armor with minimum health pool

> >

> > and while we are at this "1shot" mechanic so why nobody complain about mesmer which dont have even single signg about incoming "1shot" bomb to be able to react on this fast enough and this is or isnta damage which will you take you down fast as DJ if not faster but without any tells or 20 stacks of confusion which will rekt you harder with higher health pool before you will notice those stacks and clean this withing fight


> People complain about mesmers all the time. Its just that this has been going on for years, while DE is still relatively new to the game. Its something new to complain about, which is why you're seeing more complaints about DE than mesmer currently.


heh ok then, good to know it, I didnt noticed it just becasue Im some "fresh" player here so havnt seen that old posts then

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> The mirage power build can completely one shot someone before they ever become visible. You really don't have time to stun break and dodge. you need to anticipate it, or use traps marks as tells for when you are going to get busted.


Same way to one shot for 5 years now, why suddenly complain?


I can stun break + dodge with 15 fps + 150 ms ping , why can't u ? Actually many people can and they wrote it down here. Do you actually know that people are able to dodge Steal from Thief. Just you can't do this doesn't mean it's not possible. > @Vertep.2498 said:

> > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > "and on mesmer also you have more safe mode gameplay becasue of or evade or stealth in 90% of his skills while deaeye need to be more aware about environment even than his target because if his that low survivability outside teleports if have and ofc immobilized"

> >

> > troll post


> troll post? no, Im just sick how hard is to hit mesmer and you even dont see if it have passively or no, you nonstop if not hitting clone your attacks is just missed, on thief daredevil atlest you see how he is doing dodge etc while mesmer is cowered nonstop via clones and have so high uptime of stealth and eveade in almost every skill


> thief only evade spam skills is d/d condi or staff which isnt to much useful and more rare than deadeye

> and to scourge you atlest see and you hitting him while on mesmer its wonder if you finally hit him instead of clone


"and you even dont see if it have passively or no, you nonstop if not hitting clone" troll post

"while mesmer is cowered nonstop via clones" troll post

"and have so high uptime of stealth and eveade in almost every skill" troll post

"thief only evade spam skills is d/d condi or staff which isnt to much useful and more rare than deadeye" troll post


Fun Fact ; The Weapon used from Mesmer to one shot people has ZERO evades and ZERO stealth (Greatsword)

Fun Fact 2; Power Mesmer uses Dome + Duelling, which means neither Stealth or Torch is Traited ; No Mirage takes Mass invisibilty or Veil so Mirage has a total of 6 seconds Stealth within 30 seconds - This is 20% Stealth uptime with 2 skills. I quote u again "becasue of or evade or stealth in 90% of his skills"


I advice u to get better at the Game and come back in 1 year after u played every Class and know there Mechanics.


Most possible thing is ; U got ganked by Mirage/Thief combo and u didn't even noticed the Thief. Havin a Thief as Partner is the best way to get Stealth going, but then we are at a 1v2 Situation (which u didn't even noticed), so yeah nothing to see here.


Tbh I'm sorry for calling you "troll poster", because i hope/know you're none, but going into the forums after u played a Game for like 2 months (it looks like u'd) is close to trolling

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Mesmer bombs, DE Judgement shot, Fresh Air burst ele, That new holosmith burst builds and probably some more come across as "1shot" burst builds but reality is that it's more like 4-7 skills being used.


I don't know about other Deadeyes with a rifle, but even when using deaths judgement for a 19k crit or more still involves a few other skills first, so if you take DA for the extra +200 power when revealed, you can also take the power signet for that extra 540 power (740 power without might).... With that and the might on steal trait (DE trait) and using stolen options twice (DA trait) you can go ---

Steal - Use steal - Use steal - skill 5 on rifle - Signet pop - Deaths Judgement. = 6 skills there. Definitely 1 skill to kill you, but all up 6 buttons were pressed to amplify the power by 1,340+ to be able to hit that hard in the first place. Good thieves will also have Lead attacks stacked to 15% extra damage ontop of that there is also malice.


As usual with these builds, if you see them coming and can mess up the burst, they are forced to retreat until cool downs come off so these builds generally rely on stealth to make ganks easier.

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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> Mesmer bombs, DE Judgement shot, Fresh Air burst ele, That new holosmith burst builds and probably some more come across as "1shot" burst builds but reality is that it's more like 4-7 skills being used.


> I don't know about other Deadeyes with a rifle, but even when using deaths judgement for a 19k crit or more still involves a few other skills first, so if you take DA for the extra +200 power when revealed, you can also take the power signet for that extra 540 power (740 power without might).... With that and the might on steal trait (DE trait) and using stolen options twice (DA trait) you can go ---

> Steal - Use steal - Use steal - skill 5 on rifle - Signet pop - Deaths Judgement. = 6 skills there. Definitely 1 skill to kill you, but all up 6 buttons were pressed to amplify the power by 1,340+ to be able to hit that hard in the first place. Good thieves will also have Lead attacks stacked to 15% extra damage ontop of that there is also malice.


> As usual with these builds, if you see them coming and can mess up the burst, they are forced to retreat until cool downs come off so these builds generally rely on stealth to make ganks easier.



Read that Number for me.


Watch closely at 1:35 ; the Mirage tried. No L2P here. He did best to avoid LoS. Yeah the dodge thing. At some Point of the video you can see the dodge thing; Thief shoots DE ; Enemy dodges; Thief has Quickness and shoots DE, DE hits RIGHT at the time when dodge ends -> One shot.


So how do you differentiate good and bad DE's ?

Bad DE; Pushes 4 only once.

Good DE; Pushed 4 twice.


Let me take the complexity of this ;

Need to mark enemy. Aim, mark. Done - im stealth now.

Need more Stealth - Pushes random stealth button.

Need more Stealth - Pushes random Stealth button.

Just a little bit more Stealth - Uses ULTIMATE HARD TO PERFORM STEALTH COMBO. pistol 5 then 2, walk back push 2 again. HARD TO PERFOM MUCH SKILL PLEASE.

Need to kneel to use DE (Complex way of thinking i Know) -> Kneels -> Is kneeling now -> Stealths of course


And no we go the Part which may need some skill ; push signet, 4 and shadowstep very fast - Those are 3 Buttons - not everyone can do this...

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > Mesmer bombs, DE Judgement shot, Fresh Air burst ele, That new holosmith burst builds and probably some more come across as "1shot" burst builds but reality is that it's more like 4-7 skills being used.

> >

> > I don't know about other Deadeyes with a rifle, but even when using deaths judgement for a 19k crit or more still involves a few other skills first, so if you take DA for the extra +200 power when revealed, you can also take the power signet for that extra 540 power (740 power without might).... With that and the might on steal trait (DE trait) and using stolen options twice (DA trait) you can go ---

> > Steal - Use steal - Use steal - skill 5 on rifle - Signet pop - Deaths Judgement. = 6 skills there. Definitely 1 skill to kill you, but all up 6 buttons were pressed to amplify the power by 1,340+ to be able to hit that hard in the first place. Good thieves will also have Lead attacks stacked to 15% extra damage ontop of that there is also malice.

> >

> > As usual with these builds, if you see them coming and can mess up the burst, they are forced to retreat until cool downs come off so these builds generally rely on stealth to make ganks easier.




> Read that Number for me.


LOL wth you pulling a WvW video what has no credibility in sPvP - there 80% of armor or runes and sigil in WvW that got removed in sPvP .... You just have no proof and by the way to get MAX dmg on deadeye it takes 6-7.6 seconds he is long before that dead....

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> @Sismis.5390 said:

> > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > Mesmer bombs, DE Judgement shot, Fresh Air burst ele, That new holosmith burst builds and probably some more come across as "1shot" burst builds but reality is that it's more like 4-7 skills being used.

> > >

> > > I don't know about other Deadeyes with a rifle, but even when using deaths judgement for a 19k crit or more still involves a few other skills first, so if you take DA for the extra +200 power when revealed, you can also take the power signet for that extra 540 power (740 power without might).... With that and the might on steal trait (DE trait) and using stolen options twice (DA trait) you can go ---

> > > Steal - Use steal - Use steal - skill 5 on rifle - Signet pop - Deaths Judgement. = 6 skills there. Definitely 1 skill to kill you, but all up 6 buttons were pressed to amplify the power by 1,340+ to be able to hit that hard in the first place. Good thieves will also have Lead attacks stacked to 15% extra damage ontop of that there is also malice.

> > >

> > > As usual with these builds, if you see them coming and can mess up the burst, they are forced to retreat until cool downs come off so these builds generally rely on stealth to make ganks easier.

> >

> >

> >

> > Read that Number for me.


> LOL wth you pulling a WvW video what has no credibility in sPvP - there 80% of armor or runes and sigil in WvW that got removed in sPvP .... You just have no proof and by the way to get MAX dmg on deadeye it takes 6-7.6 seconds he is long before that dead....


yeah lets pretend Thiefs can't Stealth more then 6 seconds, and berserker amulet was deleted in sPvP. Basically in sPvP people have much more toughness then in WvW too, so damage should be lower there, right ? right ?

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It's all the damn stealth and teleportation that's the problem. For some reason Anet thinks more stealth is a good idea. And hey, lets give them the ability to teleport around the map better than any other class while we're at it. If you are focused on fighting you never see it coming for either of these classes. And if you try to engage they just teleport and stealth away.

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > Mesmer bombs, DE Judgement shot, Fresh Air burst ele, That new holosmith burst builds and probably some more come across as "1shot" burst builds but reality is that it's more like 4-7 skills being used.

> >

> > I don't know about other Deadeyes with a rifle, but even when using deaths judgement for a 19k crit or more still involves a few other skills first, so if you take DA for the extra +200 power when revealed, you can also take the power signet for that extra 540 power (740 power without might).... With that and the might on steal trait (DE trait) and using stolen options twice (DA trait) you can go ---

> > Steal - Use steal - Use steal - skill 5 on rifle - Signet pop - Deaths Judgement. = 6 skills there. Definitely 1 skill to kill you, but all up 6 buttons were pressed to amplify the power by 1,340+ to be able to hit that hard in the first place. Good thieves will also have Lead attacks stacked to 15% extra damage ontop of that there is also malice.

> >

> > As usual with these builds, if you see them coming and can mess up the burst, they are forced to retreat until cool downs come off so these builds generally rely on stealth to make ganks easier.




> Read that Number for me.


> Watch closely at 1:35 ; the Mirage tried. No L2P here. He did best to avoid LoS. Yeah the dodge thing. At some Point of the video you can see the dodge thing; Thief shoots DE ; Enemy dodges; Thief has Quickness and shoots DE, DE hits RIGHT at the time when dodge ends -> One shot.


> So how do you differentiate good and bad DE's ?

> Bad DE; Pushes 4 only once.

> Good DE; Pushed 4 twice.


> Let me take the complexity of this ;

> Need to mark enemy. Aim, mark. Done - im stealth now.

> Need more Stealth - Pushes random stealth button.

> Need more Stealth - Pushes random Stealth button.

> Just a little bit more Stealth - Uses ULTIMATE HARD TO PERFORM STEALTH COMBO. pistol 5 then 2, walk back push 2 again. HARD TO PERFOM MUCH SKILL PLEASE.

> Need to kneel to use DE (Complex way of thinking i Know) -> Kneels -> Is kneeling now -> Stealths of course


> And no we go the Part which may need some skill ; push signet, 4 and shadowstep very fast - Those are 3 Buttons - not everyone can do this...


Why are you using WvW as a reference to damage when this is PvP we are discussing. Im sure youre smart enough to understand?


If not, WvW allows for much higher stats than what PvP can offer.


As for stealthing, I must be stupid because ive been usong rifle and pp and my stealth is from pistol 5 then using rifle 4 twice.

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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > Mesmer bombs, DE Judgement shot, Fresh Air burst ele, That new holosmith burst builds and probably some more come across as "1shot" burst builds but reality is that it's more like 4-7 skills being used.

> > >

> > > I don't know about other Deadeyes with a rifle, but even when using deaths judgement for a 19k crit or more still involves a few other skills first, so if you take DA for the extra +200 power when revealed, you can also take the power signet for that extra 540 power (740 power without might).... With that and the might on steal trait (DE trait) and using stolen options twice (DA trait) you can go ---

> > > Steal - Use steal - Use steal - skill 5 on rifle - Signet pop - Deaths Judgement. = 6 skills there. Definitely 1 skill to kill you, but all up 6 buttons were pressed to amplify the power by 1,340+ to be able to hit that hard in the first place. Good thieves will also have Lead attacks stacked to 15% extra damage ontop of that there is also malice.

> > >

> > > As usual with these builds, if you see them coming and can mess up the burst, they are forced to retreat until cool downs come off so these builds generally rely on stealth to make ganks easier.

> >

> >

> >

> > Read that Number for me.

> >

> > Watch closely at 1:35 ; the Mirage tried. No L2P here. He did best to avoid LoS. Yeah the dodge thing. At some Point of the video you can see the dodge thing; Thief shoots DE ; Enemy dodges; Thief has Quickness and shoots DE, DE hits RIGHT at the time when dodge ends -> One shot.

> >

> > So how do you differentiate good and bad DE's ?

> > Bad DE; Pushes 4 only once.

> > Good DE; Pushed 4 twice.

> >

> > Let me take the complexity of this ;

> > Need to mark enemy. Aim, mark. Done - im stealth now.

> > Need more Stealth - Pushes random stealth button.

> > Need more Stealth - Pushes random Stealth button.

> > Just a little bit more Stealth - Uses ULTIMATE HARD TO PERFORM STEALTH COMBO. pistol 5 then 2, walk back push 2 again. HARD TO PERFOM MUCH SKILL PLEASE.

> > Need to kneel to use DE (Complex way of thinking i Know) -> Kneels -> Is kneeling now -> Stealths of course

> >

> > And no we go the Part which may need some skill ; push signet, 4 and shadowstep very fast - Those are 3 Buttons - not everyone can do this...


> Why are you using WvW as a reference to damage when this is PvP we are discussing. Im sure youre smart enough to understand?


> If not, WvW allows for much higher stats than what PvP can offer.


> As for stealthing, I must be stupid because ive been usong rifle and pp and my stealth is from pistol 5 then using rifle 4 twice.


The stealth thing is a raw attack ; If u don't use dagger, you can't use dagger 2 for stealth, obviously. If you'd run dagger/pistol and still use pistol5 + rifle 4 for stealth, then yes you're stupid, because rifle 4 costs 4 ini, when dagger 2 costs 3.


So you wanna tell me that based on damage in WvW you can't do a prediction of PvP damage?

PvP Build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU4ansMBNOhlPBmOBUGjFkCj/S2JLlcNgAwCYLKtZmSA-jpxHQBKpMAAOCAM8BAosDCACvAA9Y/BA

WvW Build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU4alsMhGnY5Tw0Jw/ELEFGXFIBMB2ySjmAA/nsU2KB-jVSBABmpEMPNDacEAe4BAc1+jyPAuAATcQAwTHAlq/AA-w


The difference between both builds is following ;

2737 Power compared to 2555

233% Crit damage compared to 229%

Sigil of Air + Force compared to Seperation and Opportunity



50k damage in one shot with the WvW Build.

Reduce this build by 200 power and 4 % Crit chance - BOOM BALANCE



So let me get this straight here ; If u cant value the potential Damage output from one ability in one Gamemode into the other Gamemode U lack something.

This means ; If I know which build was used in WvW, and which damage was aqquired with this Build, it's easy to guess the PvP damage with like 10% accuracy.

It's still arround 18-22k in One shot.


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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > > Mesmer bombs, DE Judgement shot, Fresh Air burst ele, That new holosmith burst builds and probably some more come across as "1shot" burst builds but reality is that it's more like 4-7 skills being used.

> > > >

> > > > I don't know about other Deadeyes with a rifle, but even when using deaths judgement for a 19k crit or more still involves a few other skills first, so if you take DA for the extra +200 power when revealed, you can also take the power signet for that extra 540 power (740 power without might).... With that and the might on steal trait (DE trait) and using stolen options twice (DA trait) you can go ---

> > > > Steal - Use steal - Use steal - skill 5 on rifle - Signet pop - Deaths Judgement. = 6 skills there. Definitely 1 skill to kill you, but all up 6 buttons were pressed to amplify the power by 1,340+ to be able to hit that hard in the first place. Good thieves will also have Lead attacks stacked to 15% extra damage ontop of that there is also malice.

> > > >

> > > > As usual with these builds, if you see them coming and can mess up the burst, they are forced to retreat until cool downs come off so these builds generally rely on stealth to make ganks easier.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Read that Number for me.

> > >

> > > Watch closely at 1:35 ; the Mirage tried. No L2P here. He did best to avoid LoS. Yeah the dodge thing. At some Point of the video you can see the dodge thing; Thief shoots DE ; Enemy dodges; Thief has Quickness and shoots DE, DE hits RIGHT at the time when dodge ends -> One shot.

> > >

> > > So how do you differentiate good and bad DE's ?

> > > Bad DE; Pushes 4 only once.

> > > Good DE; Pushed 4 twice.

> > >

> > > Let me take the complexity of this ;

> > > Need to mark enemy. Aim, mark. Done - im stealth now.

> > > Need more Stealth - Pushes random stealth button.

> > > Need more Stealth - Pushes random Stealth button.

> > > Just a little bit more Stealth - Uses ULTIMATE HARD TO PERFORM STEALTH COMBO. pistol 5 then 2, walk back push 2 again. HARD TO PERFOM MUCH SKILL PLEASE.

> > > Need to kneel to use DE (Complex way of thinking i Know) -> Kneels -> Is kneeling now -> Stealths of course

> > >

> > > And no we go the Part which may need some skill ; push signet, 4 and shadowstep very fast - Those are 3 Buttons - not everyone can do this...

> >

> > Why are you using WvW as a reference to damage when this is PvP we are discussing. Im sure youre smart enough to understand?

> >

> > If not, WvW allows for much higher stats than what PvP can offer.

> >

> > As for stealthing, I must be stupid because ive been usong rifle and pp and my stealth is from pistol 5 then using rifle 4 twice.


> The stealth thing is a raw attack ; If u don't use dagger, you can't use dagger 2 for stealth, obviously. If you'd run dagger/pistol and still use pistol5 + rifle 4 for stealth, then yes you're stupid, because rifle 4 costs 4 ini, when dagger 2 costs 3.


> So you wanna tell me that based on damage in WvW you can't do a prediction of PvP damage?

> PvP Build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU4ansMBNOhlPBmOBUGjFkCj/S2JLlcNgAwCYLKtZmSA-jpxHQBKpMAAOCAM8BAosDCACvAA9Y/BA

> WvW Build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAU4alsMhGnY5Tw0Jw/ELEFGXFIBMB2ySjmAA/nsU2KB-jVSBABmpEMPNDacEAe4BAc1+jyPAuAATcQAwTHAlq/AA-w


> The difference between both builds is following ;

> 2737 Power compared to 2555

> 233% Crit damage compared to 229%

> Sigil of Air + Force compared to Seperation and Opportunity



> 50k damage in one shot with the WvW Build.

> Reduce this build by 200 power and 4 % Crit chance - BOOM BALANCE



> So let me get this straight here ; If u cant value the potential Damage output from onew ability in one Gamemode into the other Gamemode U lack something.



Show me that damage done in a controlled PvP environment then where there is no food, utilities, auras, specific sigils and runes such as air/fire.


If you strongly believe that those numbers can be attained in PvP then you should have no issue replicating that damage in PvP.


I await your video response.


(We are a bit off topic now and youve already agreed that to get that sort of damage requires more than 1 skill but now I want to see 50k in pvp, ill even settle for anything above 30k just to make it easier for you.)

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