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Convenient Key Binding


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At the moment I have mine on B, N, comma and fullstop, with / reserved for the griffon. Simply because that's where I had space.


But I'm finding myself accidentally getting on my springer or skimmer a lot when I try to open the map (I never noticed how inaccurate I was with that button until now), so I'm thinking about either moving the map to / and moving the mounts over or moving the mount shortcuts completely. Trouble is I don't have a lot of space on the keyboard, but then I do have a lot of commands duplicated so maybe it's time to accept that I don't need all my skills, weapon swap etc. in two places and get rid of some of the duplicates.


tl;dr it's a work in progress.

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I've got the raptor on Z, the springer on J, the jackal on comma, and the skimmer on U. I've set all my characters to have the griffon on the mouse menu, so I can mount it with X, but it's also bound to Shift-J in case I'm juggling cats or have forgotten to adjust my keyrunner's mouse menu or something.

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I'm rarely in THAT big of a hurry to swap that I can't move my left hand, so I went:

Raptor: '

Springer: ;

Skimmer: L

Jackal: .

I don't have the Gryphon yet. Normally I leave the mount selection on Jackal, so I can just hit 'X' for it...or whatever else is most appropriate for what I'm doing at the time.


As for the other keybinds...I still use WASD, but moved strafe left/right to A/D (from Q and E), 6 to left shift, 7 to Q, 8 to E, 9 to C, 0 and - to buttons on the mouse. Makes a HUGE difference in my game play.

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I have an MMO mouse ([this exact one](https://www.amazon.com/M901-Perdition-Redragon-High-Precision-Programmable/dp/B00GU8W5AE "this exact one")), and my binds are:


left ctrl + 1 for raptor

left ctrl + 2 for springer

left ctrl + 4 for skimmer

left ctrl + 5 for jackal

left ctrl + the button next to lmb (which I have bound to 0 as well) for griffon


This is the easiest way for me, my thumb just knows exactly where to be placed in a compact 2x2 button configuration for the four "basic" mounts, and the "special" griffon has a button away from the others to differentiate it. I only need to move my left pinky finger down a bit to reach the ctrl key. If/when another mount is added... well, I guess I'll cross that bridge when it comes. ;)

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My keyboard has a number pad on the right, and the number pad does not work for the usual attack controls. So I have bound the number pad to the mounts: 1=Raptor, 2=Springer, etc.


It only gets a little confusing now and then when my brain is telling me 5 for Griffon and I press the normal 5 key and do a spinning attack.

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