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Resplendent Avialan raptor Feedback

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"Kate Soulguard.7132" said:

> >

> > The price is insane. I'm not spending another dime of real money in the gemstore.


> Respectfully, if we spend our gems on lower-priced items, that will show ANet what we're interested in. I buy discounted items a lot, bought the Spooky Day mounts pack (5 skins for 1600 gems), for example.



Between the RNG and overpriced mount skins, I had pretty much decided I was going to stick with purchasing discounted store items (I, too, purchased the Spooky mount bundle). To show what I think of as prices on the more reasonable end. That gem store has been feeling a little crazy lately what with the mount skins and those overpriced bundles.

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Gems are the source of income for arenanet, mount skins are just cosmetic, don't add to gameplay. they could add a 10,000 gem skin and it wouldn't matter, because it's how they keep the game up and why you can have a solid experience while playing year after year, with tons of free content updates/expansions, and so much to do.

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> @Nikal.4921 said:

> > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > > @"Kate Soulguard.7132" said:

> > >

> > > The price is insane. I'm not spending another dime of real money in the gemstore.

> >

> > Respectfully, if we spend our gems on lower-priced items, that will show ANet what we're interested in. I buy discounted items a lot, bought the Spooky Day mounts pack (5 skins for 1600 gems), for example.

> >

> >

> Between the RNG and overpriced mount skins, I had pretty much decided I was going to stick with purchasing discounted store items (I, too, purchased the Spooky mount bundle). To show what I think of as prices on the more reasonable end. That gem store has been feeling a little crazy lately what with the mount skins and those overpriced bundles.


Yeah! I bought 2 Storage expansions last week, but i'm not touching any of the other stuff until i see changes. Also, i can't in good faith advise my friends to play GW2 anymore, they know that something i praise is usually fair microtransactions, and right now, GW2's gem store is getting a bit greedy for my taste.

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> @Xbon.9086 said:

> Gems are the source of income for arenanet, mount skins are just cosmetic, don't add to gameplay. they could add a 10,000 gem skin and it wouldn't matter, because it's how they keep the game up and why you can have a solid experience while playing year after year, with tons of free content updates/expansions, and so much to do.


It would matter if no one bought it, because then they'd be getting nothing.


Of course I don't know the actual numbers but if Anet gets 2,000 gems each from 100 players for this item, but that price puts off a further 200 who would have paid 800 gems for it then they're actually losing 40,000 gems worth of sales.


It's difficult to work out the ideal price range, especially for cosmetic virtual items where the cost of creating them is the same whether you make and sell 1 or 1 million and where the value to the consumer is entirely subjective. But it's absolutely not a matter of higher prices = more profits. If you price things too high you put off potential customers and then you can end up losing money, even if the remaining ones are spending more than they would otherwise.


Why do you think so many charities run those adverts where they ask for "just £3 a month" (or equivalent in other currencies). Shouldn't they be asking for £30? Or £300? There will be people who are willing and able to give that much or even more. But finding one person willing to give £300 can actually be much harder than finding 100 people willing to give £3. And they're often less likely to give another £300 next month, or need a lot more attention to persuade them. In the long run you can actually get more money by aiming to get a little from a lot of people than by targeting purely the big spenders.

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> @"Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209" said:

> I think the skin looks great. Its not my taste, but the detail and such looks solid. I can't wait to see them in-game. I do agree the price tag is a little steep...I think its well worth 1000 gems...maybe even 1250. But it all comes down to how much is it worth to those who REALLY want it. Same reason I did not go with the RNG skin boxes...not worth it to me.


But would they not make more profits by selling it at a lower price and sell more of it?


Once the mount is designed, the production cost is 0$ . It's not like a physical product where you have to take into account the material production costs to decide of the pricing.


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> @MissMajor.8290 said:

> Unpopular opinion here, but I am very pleased with this mount skin. I too would agree 2000 gems is a bit expensive even considering I don't shy from spending irl money in video games by any means, but I saw it, thought it was super cute and pretty so I bought it. The previous Reforged Warhound I found to be terribly ugly and I could never see myself spend $25 dollars on anything of the like. The Resplendent Avialan raptor though was too lovely for me to pass up. I don't see myself making a habit out of buying mount skins at this price mind you. I'll give my kudos for this pretty bird (whom I've named Lambert) nontheless. :3


Same here. I like it <3


2000 gems is not really expensive for a totally different mount. It is not just a re-skin like those adoption licenses. When I first saw the raptor mount, I wondered why many said it is cool looking, I just don't like it and that is the main reason why I am very reluctant to use it unless I am on a bounty or hp train.


Besides, this is far better than 'gambling' away your gems only to get 1 cool skin and 9 ugly others you don't need or like.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > @MissMajor.8290 said:

> > Unpopular opinion here, but I am very pleased with this mount skin. I too would agree 2000 gems is a bit expensive


> I don't think your opinion is unpopular or even the minority. I think many people here are saying the skin by itself is not ugly, just too expensive - which is pretty much what you are saying too.



Aye, I'm fairly sure that's the mainstream opinion, really.

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> @Palador.2170 said:

> This is basically an Outfit for a mount, and it's overpriced.





2000 is triple what I thought to spend.


* 200 retail (1600 discount) for 5 spooky skins. 400 for an RNG.

* For character outfits, the prices are mostly 400-600 with some at 700 and one at 1000


My expectations have been set... by ANet.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > > @MissMajor.8290 said:

> > > Unpopular opinion here, but I am very pleased with this mount skin. I too would agree 2000 gems is a bit expensive

> >

> > I don't think your opinion is unpopular or even the minority. I think many people here are saying the skin by itself is not ugly, just too expensive - which is pretty much what you are saying too.


> Aye, I'm fairly sure that's the mainstream opinion, really.


I was on the fence at first. My initial impression was that it's very pink, but having seen it in-game in a variety of dyes I like it more than I did.


It reminds me of the Spring Promenade Outfit on female characters. The default dyes are IMO a bit of an eye sore and with my main characters outfit dyes it's not much better, but then I saw someone wearing it in-game and almost didn't recognise it because it looked so different even though all they'd changed was the colours.

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> @Donari.5237 said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > To me, I think it should be perfectly reasonable to look at these skins and desiring them but not wanting to spend the gold/gems/cash for them or if you REALLY want to get the skin because you adore it, you can farm/save for it. Whales will just buy them all while normies will not buy them or only buy a very specific skin.

> >

> > Again, to me, how is it any different from a player who has the skill/time to farm up legendary backpieces and those backpieces being out of reach for someone who cannot invest that type of time/effort to get the same prestige skin?


> The difference is that you can work very slowly towards the legendary items. This skin is "limited time only" and if that is the same time frame as the Reforged Warhound then people who don't have the resources *this week* can't get it. (Maybe next week. Could last two weeks. Won't be here a solid year, though).


This is true. I'm sure there will be multiple opportunities to purchase them (there will likely be a rotation going after they get the single unique skin for each mount through once) but there is also the possibility for sales. But I was mainly talking about the big spenders/farmers who likely have disposable income or 4k gold saved up with another 5k gold stored as materials.



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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> Seeing the raptor in-game (when I _finally_ found some, they're like buses, none for ages then 3 in LA all together) has actually made me more tempted to get it.


> But I'm still not sure I can justify spending so much on it. No it's not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but there's a lot of other things I want to buy with both my real money and my gold. (Weekend tickets to a music festival, plus 3 other concerts 2 of which are abroad, plus Christmas gifts for about 30 people and a Nintendo Switch amongst other things with the cash and the rest of the griffon collection, a commander tag and a lot of mini pets with the gold.) If it was sticking around I'd probably calculate how much cash I can spend on it, save up gold for the remainder and buy it. But I doubt I'll have time to do that.


I would just not buy it if I were you. Not because I feel it is overpriced (because I do) but because there will be other skins, there will be lowered prices eventually. Unless you want to be a part of the "Got it 1st" crowd, it's not a big deal to wait.


I just hope the Skimmer or Springer unique mount they release isn't pure awesome because I can't be spending money right now :(

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> > @Xbon.9086 said:

> > Gems are the source of income for arenanet, mount skins are just cosmetic, don't add to gameplay. they could add a 10,000 gem skin and it wouldn't matter, because it's how they keep the game up and why you can have a solid experience while playing year after year, with tons of free content updates/expansions, and so much to do.


> It would matter if no one bought it, because then they'd be getting nothing.


> Of course I don't know the actual numbers but if Anet gets 2,000 gems each from 100 players for this item, but that price puts off a further 200 who would have paid 800 gems for it then they're actually losing 40,000 gems worth of sales.


Well, they're 1-time purchased skins. I don't think it matters too much if they only sell 100 now so long as they can leverage its exclusivity over time and with sales.

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> @"Blanche Neige.7241" said:

> > @"Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209" said:

> > I think the skin looks great. Its not my taste, but the detail and such looks solid. I can't wait to see them in-game. I do agree the price tag is a little steep...I think its well worth 1000 gems...maybe even 1250. But it all comes down to how much is it worth to those who REALLY want it. Same reason I did not go with the RNG skin boxes...not worth it to me.


> But would they not make more profits by selling it at a lower price and sell more of it?


> Once the mount is designed, the production cost is 0$ . It's not like a physical product where you have to take into account the material production costs to decide of the pricing.



Again, I don't see the difference between Legendary Backpieces and this. I'm sure creating those backpieces required some money to make and they'll remain exclusive to players who spend a large amount of time in those game-modes vs someone who doesn't. They mentioned having mount variety and exclusivity was a goal.

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> @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > @Healix.5819 said:

> > As a general rule, if the mount isn't a simple retexture or modification, it's going to cost 2000 gems. They didn't randomly choose that number, it's simply the standard price for mounts in the major MMOs.

> You're not wrong... The issue is that ALL those games (WoW, FFXIV, etc) have more mounts as **ingame rewards** than in the cosmetic store. The day Arena Net starts doing that, then people won't complain, because there's alternatives.


> And that's not the only issue, in WOW's store a pet is 10USD, a single cosmetic crown item costs 15USD. So there's already a difference in how things are valued. You can't have Outfits at 800 Gems, Gliders at 700, and 5 mount packs at 2000, and then tell us that a single mount skin is worth 2000 gems. There's a huge disparity in there.


> So yeah, i'm voting with my wallet, and i can tell a lot of people are as well. Looking just at the ammount of people i've seen with Forged Warhound compared to all other mounts, i doubt they are getting even close to the sales figures of the ugliest gliders in the game.


Yep, other MMOs might also sell mounts for $25, but those MMOs also have dozens (sometimes hundreds) of other mounts you can earn through playing the game. These aren't "premium" mounts, because saying something is "premium" indicates they are better and therefore warrant a higher price than what is otherwise available. But that's all we have in GW2: Pay $25 for the mount you want or $5 for a _3%-50% chance_ at a mount you want, likely causing you to spend just as much or more. Give us some "non-premium" options we can earn through, you know, actually playing the game, and I doubt they'd be getting this much backlash every time they add a new mount to the store. Every other MMO does this, why can't GW2?

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First, the mount skin is not bad, though for 2,000 gems I would expect a bit more. Such as better special effects; an aura, footsteps, sound effects, etc. It would also be cool to see a mount emote where you can press a key and the mount will do a specific action unique to that skin.


I understand where Anet is coming from for their current price point, via other MMOs (WoW and TERA to name two). I highly doubt this is in relation to the reactions that were received over the RNG mount system, that would be a bit childish and unprofessional. The main issue I have with the current price point is that it is for a mount skin and not a brand new mount/ creature like a spider.


At most I would be fine with 800-1,000 gems for this type of quality mount, because it does not offer enough "flair" to me.


Last, Anet has probably noticed by now (one can only hope) that they dug themselves a decent size hole with the Halloween mount skin bundle. Not taking into account that it was on sale, it was priced at 2,000 gems for 5 skins coming out to 400 gems a skin. This makes it very difficult to justify 2,000 gems for 1 mount that also has minimal flair added to it.

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Outfits typically cost 700 gems, so I would value a mount skin at around the same price. 2,000 gems is far too high for a single skin. That's the cost of one of those "appearance pack" combos that includes an armor skin, glider skin, weapon skin, total makeover kit and some dye packs.


To make it worth 2,000 gems I would expect something like:

* Resplendent Avialan Raptor skin

* Miniature Resplendent Avialan Raptor

* Immortal Weapon Choice

* 5x Vibrant Dye Kits

* (and maybe one more trivial item like a Heroic Booster or something)

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> @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> Taking the risk of beating up a dead horse, i'll have to address the issue with this:

> # It's not worth 2000 gems.


> Come on Arena Net... This again?

> Look, here's the deal, the skin is kinda neat, and all, but it's not GREAT


Literally how I felt when I opened the store. Oh thats nice, 2000? NOPE


Are mount skins exclusive to cash cows, or do they want to sell in higher volume? Because whoever sets prices for their goods is really really off the mark. I would give 700 gems nothing more for this.


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> @Cantatus.4065 said:

> > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> > > @Healix.5819 said:

> > > As a general rule, if the mount isn't a simple retexture or modification, it's going to cost 2000 gems. They didn't randomly choose that number, it's simply the standard price for mounts in the major MMOs.

> > You're not wrong... The issue is that ALL those games (WoW, FFXIV, etc) have more mounts as **ingame rewards** than in the cosmetic store. The day Arena Net starts doing that, then people won't complain, because there's alternatives.

> >

> > And that's not the only issue, in WOW's store a pet is 10USD, a single cosmetic crown item costs 15USD. So there's already a difference in how things are valued. You can't have Outfits at 800 Gems, Gliders at 700, and 5 mount packs at 2000, and then tell us that a single mount skin is worth 2000 gems. There's a huge disparity in there.

> >

> > So yeah, i'm voting with my wallet, and i can tell a lot of people are as well. Looking just at the ammount of people i've seen with Forged Warhound compared to all other mounts, i doubt they are getting even close to the sales figures of the ugliest gliders in the game.


> Yep, other MMOs might also sell mounts for $25, but those MMOs also have dozens (sometimes hundreds) of other mounts you can earn through playing the game. These aren't "premium" mounts, because saying something is "premium" indicates they are better and therefore warrant a higher price than what is otherwise available. But that's all we have in GW2: Pay $25 for the mount you want or $5 for a _3%-50% chance_ at a mount you want, likely causing you to spend just as much or more. Give us some "non-premium" options we can earn through, you know, actually playing the game, and I doubt they'd be getting this much backlash every time they add a new mount to the store. Every other MMO does this, why can't GW2?


But can you dye those non-premium mounts? And if not, how many of those dozens/hundreds of mounts are reskins with color variations?

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> @nottsgman.8206 said:

> > @"Jojo.6590" said:

> > (If this is appearing yellow for anyone let me know, not too sure why it is for me).

> >


> it is appearing yellow. did you use ' mark for a quote or something? that can cause it (not sure if anything else can)




I ended up retyping it. Thank you for the help!

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