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this patch ruined my day


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yesterday i started nevermore 3 collection. and i hoped that todays daily urban battleground is. i saw it was in daily i got very happy. then it was dinner time.

i came back and i had an update. downloaded it and then i check daily fractals. i saw its gone. my blood is boiling and i am very angry about this patch.

i thought nice i can complete it, its in daily i am lucky. but this patch ruined it. all my guildys are busy in kitten story and are going to the new zone.

unbelieveable, cant the new fractal not wait a day? there is always something wrong.

ppl say just wait a day. but this day is ruined.


if you want to help me then whisper me ingame i appreciate the help if i can complete this last nevermore 3 step today. thnx in advance

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> @titje.2745 said:

> then it was dinner time.

> i came back and i had an update. downloaded it and then i check daily fractals. i saw its gone. my blood is boiling and **i am very angry about this patch.**


Ya... so, if you are angry, maybe next time the dinner can wait? Then you don't have to be angry again.


Also ppl assume trolls too fast. I was called a troll when I was new on the internet, and that didn't feel great. Sometimes when I'm serious, I get called troll anyway. I feel like calling others trolls is trolling in itself.

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> @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> Wow. You should have taken advantage of it as soon as you saw it was the daily, your fault not anets. Carpe diem next time friend.


it was the time to clean the house. and its not my faulth its called a daily so it must be there the whole day. if it wasnt it had another name with hours.

i didnt know this other trash fractal moved the right one.


> @Pockethole.5031 said:

> > @titje.2745 said:

> > then it was dinner time.

> > i came back and i had an update. downloaded it and then i check daily fractals. i saw its gone. my blood is boiling and **i am very angry about this patch.**


> Ya... so, if you are angry, maybe next time the dinner can wait? Then you don't have to be angry again.


> Also ppl assume trolls too fast. I was called a troll when I was new on the internet, and that didn't feel great. Sometimes when I'm serious, I get called troll anyway. I feel like calling others trolls is trolling in itself.


dinner is always 18:00. > @"Luna Peregrina.5708" said:

> Mate, I hope you are trolling, because if the only thing bothering you right now is that a fractal daily changed before you got the chance to do it, you really need to re-evaluate your priorities...


my priority is completing nevermore collections not new storys or new zones. i just got helped by 2 guildys to complete the neverending(too long) pof story.(yes maps look great. text i dont understand, thats why i dont like storys) i paid both person 20g each. i cant explain how much hate i have against those nonsence dialogues that i cant skip. i got a gryphon skin so i was forced to complete the story. if it was not needed i never touch it. i completed personal story this year and bought game at release. and hot story still not completed.


someone here wanted to help me but she is from US so cant help. i appreciate those helpful players and others i ignore. but whatever i say here not many ppl will understand real life tasks. but only game and eat when its bed time.


anyway i got it completed by some nice ppl :D tomorrow i use teleport to friend to see new zone.


remove topic. anger is gone already :P and no infractions pls because i kept it friendly :)

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> Wait.. you're telling me anet has to personally ask every individual player if now is the good time to roll a big patch? *every single one off them*?


Yep, and it's going to be awkward for them because I'm in meetings a lot these days. I can pencil them in for 2:45-3:00 on the second Tuesday of each month. ;)

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> @titje.2745 said:

> yesterday i started nevermore 3 collection. and i hoped that todays daily urban battleground is. i saw it was in daily i got very happy. then it was dinner time.

> i came back and i had an update. downloaded it and then i check daily fractals. i saw its gone. my blood is boiling and i am very angry about this patch.


The patch didn't ruin your day, dinner did.



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> @Pifil.5193 said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > Wait.. you're telling me anet has to personally ask every individual player if now is the good time to roll a big patch? *every single one off them*?


> Yep, and it's going to be awkward for them because I'm in meetings a lot these days. I can pencil them in for 2:45-3:00 on the second Tuesday of each month. ;)


Ooh, sorry, that's no good for me, @"Pifil.5193" . I'm teaching on the second Tuesday of every month. Are you sure you can't move a few things around and make the third Thursday from 13:15-14:00 open instead?

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > @Pifil.5193 said:

> > > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > > Wait.. you're telling me anet has to personally ask every individual player if now is the good time to roll a big patch? *every single one off them*?

> >

> > Yep, and it's going to be awkward for them because I'm in meetings a lot these days. I can pencil them in for 2:45-3:00 on the second Tuesday of each month. ;)


> Ooh, sorry, that's no good for me, @"Pifil.5193" . I'm teaching on the second Tuesday of every month. Are you sure you can't move a few things around and make the third Thursday from 13:15-14:00 open instead?


This _is_ a multi-time-zone game. If you want to schedule this, you'll need to put your UTC +/- :p

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> Wait.. you're telling me anet has to personally ask every individual player if now is the good time to roll a big patch? *every single one off them*?


they dont have to ask but they don’t must change daily’s. this new fractal can wait a day. and btw the leyline converter didn’t change. so it’s negative for me. i can’t use anything of it but this thing didn’t change.




> @Ignigknawt.7869 said:

> Why...does it have to be a daily exactly? Just get a group together and do it o.0


if it’s in a daily i am sure it gets completed even if ppl don’t want to help me. i don’t have to explain much. the ppl do it for daily so i can join.



> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @titje.2745 said:

> > yesterday i started nevermore 3 collection. and i hoped that todays daily urban battleground is. i saw it was in daily i got very happy. then it was dinner time.

> > i came back and i had an update. downloaded it and then i check daily fractals. i saw its gone. my blood is boiling and i am very angry about this patch.


> The patch didn't ruin your day, dinner did.



seriously some ppl here don’t understand me. the game is your life so you won’t understand me. no matter what. you ppl always agree with anet and defending them. it’s never their fault. a daily must be up for 24 hours and may not be replaced by a new one.


but i only come here to say my opinion or experience. to calm down. :)


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> @titje.2745 said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > Wait.. you're telling me anet has to personally ask every individual player if now is the good time to roll a big patch? *every single one off them*?


> they dont have to ask but they don’t must change daily’s. this new fractal can wait a day. and btw the leyline converter didn’t change. so it’s negative for me. i can’t use anything of it but this thing didn’t change.




> > @Ignigknawt.7869 said:

> > Why...does it have to be a daily exactly? Just get a group together and do it o.0


> if it’s in a daily i am sure it gets completed even if ppl don’t want to help me. i don’t have to explain much. the ppl do it for daily so i can join.



> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @titje.2745 said:

> > > yesterday i started nevermore 3 collection. and i hoped that todays daily urban battleground is. i saw it was in daily i got very happy. then it was dinner time.

> > > i came back and i had an update. downloaded it and then i check daily fractals. i saw its gone. my blood is boiling and i am very angry about this patch.

> >

> > The patch didn't ruin your day, dinner did.

> >

> >

> seriously some ppl here don’t understand me. the game is your life so you won’t understand me. no matter what. you ppl always agree with anet and defending them. it’s never their fault. a daily must be up for 24 hours and may not be replaced by a new one.


> but i only come here to say my opinion or experience. to calm down. :)



Op why didn't do it earlier? And they announce that the patch should come yesterday ( new raid, new ls, new fractal = the number order of the fractals will change)

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> @Robban.1256 said:

> > @titje.2745 said:



> Op why didn't do it earlier? And they announce that the patch should come yesterday ( new raid, new ls, new fractal = the number order of the fractals will change)


i first wanted to sell rodgort and to be sure i have the money before i start with nevermore :) for easy crafting and instant buy the items that are needed (bid)



> @Offair.2563 said:

> Tough lesson OP. But now you know dailies might change with big upcoming patches that has been announced 2 weeks ago. Better do those dailies right away before patch next time to save yourself from these dissapointments.


it’s not the daily’s but the fractal i needed was in the daily. so easy complete. without problems to find ppl because if it’s a daily everyone do my needed fractal.



> @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> Just put up LFG for T1 Fractal Urban Battlegrounds for Nevermore Collection and you will find people that'll join you within minutes...

> I don't understand how it's the daylis that ruined it... as if the fractal was only available when its in the dayli


sure within minutes.... because we got the patch with new story and zones and more i had to wait an half hour before ppl join. all guildy were busy with new stuff.




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