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Early feedback, boss from first instance


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I liked the first instance, sort of. It is beefy, not like the other first instances. Lots of combat ... but ...


The boss fight at the end of it is horrible. There is no break bar (bug?), so you cannot CC him (not going to explain why, because spoilers). And the endless reliance on dodge-or-cc-stunlock-and-unavoidable-death is just so frustrating because it is over-used. You guys need to develop other mechanics for your story content, cuz you lock out so many of the "average" and "casual" players.


People should not have to be weekly raid-clearers in order to complete story content.


2 cents submitted and probably unpopular.

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The fight was pretty easy. Slow telegraphed attacks give you plenty of time to avoid everything.

However as a warrior i couldn't help but feel this boss was balanced around condition burning classes. It took ages for a berserker to burn off all that health. Health sponges aren't difficult anet, They're tedious

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> @Adzekul.3104 said:

> People should not have to be weekly raid-clearers in order to complete story content.


I never did a raid so far and actually also do not have a single ascendend item yet but exos only (Zerker armor+weapons, Soldier accessories, Core Power Mesmer) and died only once in this instance to one of the main targets before the boss because of me not paying enough attention to the ground effects, but never in the last fight. Yes, it has some annoying mechanics, yes it also took me a while to kill it, but imho it is far beyond not being viable for "casuals".



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Once again, chain CC'd to ...no, not death, *frustrating boredom!*

The boss has a chain CC. Random mobs that come in waves of 3+ have a unique CC, *and all use it at once*. I honestly have no idea how I got the lightning dodger achievement for as much time as I spent on the ground waiting for... yup, *5-second stuns* to go away.

ANet, stop. Just stop. If you don't want me to *play* the game, just say it. Just NPC my character, because I'm obviously not allowed at the controls without my autoattack being Stability.

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I concur that the boss has way too much health, but it didn't really seem overpowered to me. Although this may be because I play as a guardian, every time I downed during the fight, no matter what, all I had to do to get back up was spam 1 and 3. The boss couldn't do enough damage to kill me at any point while I was downed, and I wear full exotic berserker's stats.

The fight bored me not purely because of the boss's large health pool, but because of its lack of mechanics. The boss only had 3 or so attacks, all of which were easy to avoid (except the chain cc in my case). The boss seemed to totally rely on the chain cc attack to be of any challenge. As a full berserker's build, that attack alone would down me. Overall, I wouldn't mind the large health pool as long as the fight was interesting, and well designed, but in this case, the design felt pretty lazy, relying on a large health pool, and 1 overpowered attack to keep it challenging.

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Boss is okay, nothing special. My problems were the blinding light effects (I had quite the headache by this fight) coupled with trash mobs (complete with stun, cripple, and knockback) and timed events (crystal destroying). The only difficulty here was 100% artificial. Remove the confusing flashing lights and the mobs stunning or knocking back and this is a pretty basic fight with Shatterer mechanics... and it would have been a lot more fun for the opener.

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im fighting warden amala right now, i really cant stand the chain CC(push back, stun3~5s), fear, root, slow), stun locks and deadly attack after stun locks

and the most annoying part is the teleporting (jumping) around, as a melee is very hard to do damage

in the end, i realized all i have to do is sit back and watch the npc to fight her........ srsly...... wtf anet? is this a raid boss? dungeon boss or a solo story boss?

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> @Dhuum.3427 said:

> I concur that the boss has way too much health, but it didn't really seem overpowered to me.

I didn't say it was overpowered. The attacks are clearly telegraphed and easy to avoid (unless you get cc'd, which does happen a lot in this fight). It's just that if you're not running one of the meta dps builds, the fight lasts way too long.

It's not difficult. It's just boring.



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It was a fairly easy fight. It uses the same basic attacks that all other wyvern bosses have so it was nothing new.


The first problem for me was that it was boring as hell. A lot of the time I just sat there waiting for it to stop being invulnerable. The other problem is the stunlocks. I'm not sure what it is exactly that kept stunning me (It wasn't the wyverns knockdown or charge attack) but the stuns lasted a hell of a lot longer than they should.

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> @"Demented Yak.6105" said:

> It was a fairly easy fight. It uses the same basic attacks that all other wyvern bosses have so it was nothing new.


> The first problem for me was that it was boring as hell. A lot of the time I just sat there waiting for it to stop being invulnerable. The other problem is the stunlocks. I'm not sure what it is exactly that kept stunning me (It wasn't the wyverns knockdown or charge attack) but the stuns lasted a hell of a lot longer than they should.


You may have touched its fire fields. When it breathes fire, if you take any damage from the field it leaves, you get stunned for quite a while.

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> @"Demented Yak.6105" said:

> It was a fairly easy fight. It uses the same basic attacks that all other wyvern bosses have so it was nothing new.


> The first problem for me was that it was boring as hell. A lot of the time I just sat there waiting for it to stop being invulnerable. The other problem is the stunlocks. I'm not sure what it is exactly that kept stunning me (It wasn't the wyverns knockdown or charge attack) but the stuns lasted a hell of a lot longer than they should.

Yep, it's very similar to the HoT wyverns, with one major difference: it lacks windows of opportunity to break a defiance bar. I think it should have that to offset its long invulnerable phases that just serve to make the fight longer in the most boring and annoying way.

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> @Shadowzerk.4715 said:

> im fighting warden amala right now,

> and the most annoying part is the teleporting (jumping) around, as a melee is very hard to do damage


Yeeaahh... her flailing around like that, *constantly*, really put me off. I can understand it being something that happens once in a minute, but it's bad enough she was an HP-sponge legendary, she had to have near-perma-evasion?



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It just takes ages to kill while there is nothing really to do except walk out of its attacks. And the heal phase is just annoying. How fast are you supposed to kill the crystals? I ported to them pretty fast but it heals fully in like 3-5seconds. Without Aurenes attacks that deal ~25% damage to it I would have never killed it.

The wyvern fight is nearly as long and tedious as the fight were Balthazar kills you. You walk out of the slow attacks while hitting it for eternity.

Amala and the final boss were a little bit too melee unfriendly. The one constantly ports away the other one drops chill fields. These chill fields are nearly permanent around the golem any it rarely let's it pull out of them.

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