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Please do not use real-world names for items

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Nope, played D&D for years and other assorted rpgs and I don't think it makes people evil .. I just wish games would be more creative and resist the urge to copy names from the "real world". If you can imagine a completely new world, why can't you imagine a completely new item with its own unique name?


Why, when you can reference something else which brings more flavour to the item, and basically rounds it off. For example, Nevermore, while it still could have had the name The Raven Staff (upon renaming its precursor) Nevermore rounds it off nicely.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Nope, played D&D for years and other assorted rpgs and I don't think it makes people evil .. I just wish games would be more creative and resist the urge to copy names from the "real world". If you can imagine a completely new world, why can't you imagine a completely new item with its own unique name?


So, which one is it? Do you hate it because it references "Demons " which you think are evil? Dark paths, and all that? Because you literally just said "summoning demons doesnt make you evil" in that quote.


Or do you hate the lack of originality. Because every time someone picks each argument apart, you switch right back to the other.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> okay... one more time.... A game that takes place in an imaginary world where characters do imaginary things is quite different from a real world where people attempt to do evil things. So why associate a game item with a real item that represents evil?


That's a good portion of the point were trying to make. This IS a fantasy world. Things that are evil here are not evil there. There is literally a human God named Abaddon, who is by many accounts, the literal Satan. If that's not a reference to evil, then neither is this book most people have never heard of. These references are everywhere and not just in GW.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Anet, please quit naming unique items after historical items from the real world. Tyria is supposed to be its own unique world and should have no connection with planet Earth. The new legendary focus titled Ars Goetia is actually a 17th century book about summoning demons. It was later revised by Alister Crowley in the 20th century. Why do you have to connect Tyria with this kind of crap? I prefer fantasy pretend world.


> just google ars goetia and you will see what I am talking about


Ars Goetia sounds perfectly fine to be in GW2.


By your logic, should Tyria be renamed?


_"Tyria may refer to:_

* _Tyria (moth), one of the arctii genera_

* _Tyria (river), a river in northwestern Greece_

* _Tyria, Greece, a village in the municipal unit Selloi, Ioannina regional unit, Greece_

* _Tyria (plant), a synonyme of Euphorbiaceae Bernardia._

* _Tyria, Essos, a former city of the Valyrian Freehold in Game of Thrones_


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If games cannot use names from real world mythos, history etc. the names would become much more generic... like raven staff, flower bow, glowing staff, tiger bow...

Oh yeah Chuka Champawat might actually be worse... since it shares its name with 2 real tigers that killed and ate real people back in the 1900s.

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You're a fool if you think anything in fantasy is created OP. It's not possible to make anything out of nothing. Even in your mind. Your worlds are based on what experiences you've had.


The name is fine. It's more jarring that you don't mention humans being in a "fantasy" setting. But taking a stand on a name you wouldn't know unless you looked it up? Ridiculous.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> okay... one more time.... A game that takes place in an imaginary world where characters do imaginary things is quite different from a real world where people attempt to do evil things. So why associate a game item with a real item that represents evil?


I'm sorry but I fail to see how this book is evil in anyway.


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ahhh I shuldnt say this, but whattever, the Axe Vassago[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vassago](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vassago "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vassago") makes referrence to this little fella here [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vassago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vassago "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vassago")...did you make a big deal about it too?

Dont get me wrong, i know what you traying to say, black magic is a thing...may not exist, but to a lot of people is a real. And this book in particular is real as well, and probably have been used a few times to summon demons and all that good stuff, and also during the rituals some real nasty stuff might have happen, like human sacrifice for example...so yeah, i get it why you dont want the game to be connected with this kind of shit...but, as others have pointed out allready, if we start with this game of rename things cause they may refer to bad stuff/entities of our culture we probably will end up with +50% of NPC/Places/Itens renamed.

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> @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> Nope, played D&D for years and other assorted rpgs and I don't think it makes people evil .. I just wish games would be more creative and resist the urge to copy names from the "real world". If you can imagine a completely new world, why can't you imagine a completely new item with its own unique name?


Because in a game where you allow people to name themselves Xxx Legolas, it's just fine to have plenty of references to real world history, myth, and pop culture. It gets people talking with their friends who enjoy that part of history, enjoy mythology, or are a fan of something.


It's not some book that's being shipped off to publishers to be released into the world.

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OMG, I had no idea that it referenced an actual book until you pointed it out. Now I read some of the "real" Book (the Ars Goetia) on the net and I think I accidentally summoned a demon! Why, oh why did you point out that the book existed, I wouldn't have known and now...oh, I think it is getting closer and there is something evil in its ugly eyes and that's a lot of teeth in that mou

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hate it break this to you OP but a lot of items in tyria reference things in real life - rifle, pistol, musket, human, turret, etc. - as well as more fantastical elements too - Caladbolg (Celtic), Bifrost (norse), Chuka and Champawat (real life indian tigers that hold the world record for most men killed by tigers), etc. - and heck some of the elder dragons reference form earth as well. Zhaitan - Shaitan/Satan (in some interpretations), Mordremoth - Mordred, Jormag - Jörmungandr, etc.


So to call out a legendary item that has a basis on a book seems rather silly, especially when they could utilize other famous books such as The Necronomicon, Galdrabók, The book of the dead, book of shadows, etc.

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