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I like the new fractal


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yes i love this fractal!

finally something that you can solo without 34928374 one-shotting mechanics you can't evade. just lots of vets and a boss with challenging yet not cancerous systems.

i also appreciate that this fractal is relevant to the story. we need more things like this, gw1 missions re-created and stuff. i even recognized the place, it's the sunspear sanctuary from gw1 :D

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> @Linken.6345 said:

> > @zealex.9410 said:

> > theres no 1shot mechanics that you cant evade in the last 4 fractas they added.


> True mate but its quite hard to solo ball phase of second boss in 100 since you get focused with skull aswell.


Ofc i didnt argue how soloable it is just how its not as unfair as he present it. Fractals arent made to be soloable, its just a by product of some ppl being really good.

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> @zealex.9410 said:

> theres no 1shot mechanics that you cant evade in the last 4 fractas they added.


you can't evade skorvald explosion

you can't evade skull explosion

you can't evade arkk explosion when you dont do orbs on time

you can't evade siax explosion (cc)

you can't evade siax eplosion (split)

you can't evade mama explosion (dome)

you can't evade ensolyss's explosion (dome)

you can't evade ensolyss's explosion (phase cc)


whats worse, a lot of classes can survive most of these skills, such as dmg to health (rev, war), rebounds.


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> @Sublimatio.6981 said:

> > @zealex.9410 said:

> > theres no 1shot mechanics that you cant evade in the last 4 fractas they added.


> you can't evade skorvald explosion

> you can't evade skull explosion

> you can't evade arkk explosion when you dont do orbs on time

> you can't evade siax explosion (cc)

> you can't evade siax eplosion (split)

> you can't evade mama explosion (dome)

> you can't evade ensolyss's explosion (dome)

> you can't evade ensolyss's explosion (phase cc)


> whats worse, a lot of classes can survive most of these skills, such as dmg to health (rev, war), rebounds.



You can kill the adds befor skorvald does the exlosion.

You can kill the anomaly and then contain the explosion.

You can outsustain both of siax's explosions


Theres a dome at both enso and mama so theres that.


And you can outsustain the explosion on enso

When i said evade i meant as in deal with in some way shape or form. Mechanics that require tmsomething more than just spamming your dodge are good mechanics.

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Are you talking about the level 41? Twilight Oasis? My first feelings at it are very negative. I did it for first time yesterday, not knowing anything about it. Have not known it would be that one and it was a rather bad surprise. Rest of team was like me, with zero experience: We badly failed it, after long and fastidious work. We gave up when I was last one alive against boss almost dead, and that she got me unfortunately faster than I got her, so that it would have meant to restart with boss back to full health... We just gave up, tired of it... :/


What I did not like: Dark, poor landscape (especially compared to shattered observatory one). Re fighting, I will reserve my judgement for later, with a bit more experience at it. That will certainly make a big difference.


Side note: Right before to go for that one given as level 41, we did level 60 that would be supposed to be harder - in theory - harder than 41. As a matter of fact, level 60 did seem ridiculously easy in comparison. So I am not too sure about how right is the scaling and I wonder how this turns out at higher levels 59 and 81.

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I did t4 once (sisne it hasnt been in the rota since then) and then we 4 maned 50something to help some friends. Its a cool fight and when you take a sec breathe and pay attention you realise theres only 2 or 3 mechanics that matter and the rest are just aoes that you can avode with base movement.

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