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Legendary Ring. Why is there no outrage?

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > They seems to be trying to get people into raiding by any possible method.


> Why? Sounds like a great way to motivate people who don't want to raid to play other games instead.


Go ahead and play other games instead. If this triggers you to a point you need to stop playing the game, you just don't enjoy it to begin with.

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> @Shiyo.3578 said:

> > @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > > @Shiyo.3578 said:

> > > > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > > > They seems to be trying to get people into raiding by any possible method.

> > >

> > > They want to pretend that raids aren't a complete waste of development time.

> >

> > They don't need to pretend as they aren't a waste of time. You not liking them =/= other people not liking and doing them


> Hmm, the vast majority of the game does not do raids.

> That means something like ~5-10% of people do raids(being generous here).


> Designing content for 5-10% of your player base = complete waste of development time. Sorry.


got a source for any of those numbers other than 'thin air'?

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> Look, no matter how much you hate raids, if you have the gold to craft a leg ring, then you have the gold to flat out buy a raid boss kill if you are too lazy to gear up and train to get a kill yourself. I don't really see what the problem is here, considering that the main bonus of this is an aura (probably, though it might not have an aura who knows yet?).


You don't understand: It's not raiding that I don't like. It's the majority of the people who do it that bother me.


I like raiding for one reason, though: it takes those people and moves them out of the main game.

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Ever seen the moaning in chat when a PVE player goes to WVW for gift of battle? Well expect the same thing in Raids that's even if normal PVE players can even get the chance to go into the raid because Raid parties always want proof of kills and linked builds etc..... rest my case.

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> @Osby.5390 said:

> Ever seen the moaning in chat when a PVE player goes to WVW for gift of battle? Well expect the same thing in Raids that's even if normal PVE players can even get the chance to go into the raid because Raid parties always want proof of kills and linked builds etc..... rest my case.


Or you can join a friendly guild that will make you learn the encounter with ease. Never try to pug in the first place.

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> > @Alehin.3746 said:

> > WvW wasn't a lot of people's thing but they did it for the backpack anyways.

> Ask WvW players what they thought about those people. Or ask the PvP players what they thought about the "PvE noobs" that visited their mode to farm for Ascension.


"Been there" for all of that. Theres no problem in newbies trying to get into new gamemodes trying to earn the end-game shiny. The only problem i see is people trying to shoo them away, and then complaing that no one plays their game mode.


> Most of the opinions i've heard weren't pretty. For a reason, by the way - the people farming for this stuff generally are not interested in the mode at all, they're there just to farm, and they see no reason to hide it.


They have the all the right to play the game mode, even if just to get something out of it. It doesn't matter if other players like it or not, they paid for the game/expansions just like everyone else. Why do people care so much if someone does some hours of WvW just to get their gift of battle and then leave? Or if they try to learn raids for leggy armor? Or if they play ranked for their ugly legendary wings? It's not like they're not interested in having a good time too.


As long as they're trying to contribute, i don't see anything wrong with people working for shinnies. The problem is people that uses illegal/scummy ways to do it.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > They seems to be trying to get people into raiding by any possible method.


> Why? Sounds like a great way to motivate people who don't want to raid to play other games instead.


If you're THAT interested in the ring, go do raids, you'll learn them easy if you put all that feeling into it. No need to be triggered.

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> @Alehin.3746 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > > They seems to be trying to get people into raiding by any possible method.

> >

> > Why? Sounds like a great way to motivate people who don't want to raid to play other games instead.


> If you're THAT interested in the ring, go do raids, you'll learn them easy if you put all that feeling into it. No need to be triggered.


LOL, have you ever stopped and pondered that maybe some people just don't like raids?


I gonna guess no.

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> @UnbentMars.9126 said:

> > @Brimstone.3807 said:

> > > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > > > @"Lady Deedra.3126" said:

> > > > Aren't raids tied to HOT? So all the people who only have POF now have to buy HOT? I think win win for Anet.

> > >

> > > The new wing is tied to PoF LS4

> >

> > If they start tying story to raids, I am out. Will never return. Uninstall.


> 1: it's not, its separate

> 2: why should raids not have a story in them?


Giving raid a(n) (epic) story is fine and cool. Tying the raid story to the main scenario(s) of GW2 isn't. Since the story is - according to you- seperate from the main story, no big dealie.

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Just make fractals harder than raids. A bunch of dodging, jumping, and timed attack scenarios where u hardly ever get to do max rotation damage by just sitting there while someone heals and distorts you. Make all legendaries available via fracs. Right now raids heavily favor a static group of 10 that don't have to be great but just know what to do. A 5 man that involves more dodging, spot rezzing, and awareness would be a great thing as even pugs might work.


So basically more active skill sets and less dungeons and dragons rock vs paper vs scissors.


Then at least the lone wolfs have a better chance and pace of getting this gear.


Skill should not equal =the highest dedication and organization.


Fracs are also more fun. With raids they had to tilt difficulty in the organization direction (organization skils trump peronal active skills) because of the higher player count being harder to balance.

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> @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > Look, no matter how much you hate raids, if you have the gold to craft a leg ring, then you have the gold to flat out buy a raid boss kill if you are too lazy to gear up and train to get a kill yourself. I don't really see what the problem is here, considering that the main bonus of this is an aura (probably, though it might not have an aura who knows yet?).


> You don't understand: It's not raiding that I don't like. It's the majority of the people who do it that bother me.


> I like raiding for one reason, though: it takes those people and moves them out of the main game.


Gotta agree with you there, I also like how they divide fractals for the same reasons. But then the turn around and try to coheres people to raid. Well its their flag ship, they can sink it if they wanna.

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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @Alehin.3746 said:

> > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > > > They seems to be trying to get people into raiding by any possible method.

> > >

> > > Why? Sounds like a great way to motivate people who don't want to raid to play other games instead.

> >

> > If you're THAT interested in the ring, go do raids, you'll learn them easy if you put all that feeling into it. No need to be triggered.


> LOL, have you ever stopped and pondered that maybe some people just don't like raids?


> I gonna guess no.


Oh yeah i did. But a lot of people don't even try it before saying that they don't like it, could be your case too. I didn't like it much on the first try but after i learned how to do them i started having a lot of fun.


It's okay to not like it tho, but you know, pirates that don't go treasure hunt can't blame the seas for not getting treasures.

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> @Cobrakon.3108 said:

> Just make fractals harder than raids. A bunch of dodging, jumping, and timed attack scenarios where u hardly ever get to do max rotation damage by just sitting there while someone heals and distorts you. Make all legendaries available via fracs. Right now raids heavily favor a static group of 10 that don't have to be great but just know what to do. A 5 man that involves more dodging, spot rezzing, and awareness would be a great thing as even pugs might work.


> So basically more active skill sets and less dungeons and dragons rock vs paper vs scissors.


> Then at least the lone wolfs have a better chance and pace of getting this gear.


> Skill should not equal =the highest dedication and organization.


> Fracs are also more fun. With raids they had to tilt difficulty in the organization direction (organization skils trump peronal active skills) because of the higher player count being harder to balance.


YES, let me buy all legendaries with my fractal relics, i'd love that!

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> @Brahnan.1026 said:

> I think this is the final insult and the reason I need to leave GW2 after all these years. This sucks :(


Good luck.


> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @Lunateric.3708 said:

> > > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > > > They seems to be trying to get people into raiding by any possible method.

> > >

> > > Why? Sounds like a great way to motivate people who don't want to raid to play other games instead.

> >

> > Go ahead and play other games instead. If this triggers you to a point you need to stop playing the game, you just don't enjoy it to begin with.


> If it makes you feel better, I do have my eye on other games, been testing the waters since HoT as it where, and I sincerely hope, that you never leave this one, as I don't want to have to deal with you when it comes time for me to move on.


Yet after over 2 years you still frequent this games forums. No luck so far? Need some recommendations?

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According to the logic that the hardest reward should be locked behind an epic quest, there are a few things I find strange with that:

*I have yet to see an epic quest in GW2. All I see is a bunch of people with too much time and the will to theorycraft butt their heads against the same wall over and over again until it breaks.

*Someone mentioned pirates and the open sea. This comparision is plain ridiculous. Given the choice, a classic pirate would always attack an unarmed merchant ship over a galleon which is armed to the teeth. You would also be hard pressed to find a modern Somalia pirate trying to attack a destroyer out to hunt them instead of an oil tanker.

*If it somehow were an epic quest to raid, only one chosen should get anything. I can´t think of one anime, novel, TV or other story where a group of 10 people defeated a big monster/undertook an epic quest in which one was not the boss and the rest his henchmen. Not even in the probably closest story the Hobbit where Thorin was king, Gandalf was in for the lulz and Bilbo because he was basically dragged kicking and screaming into it, Thorin would have gained everything in the end.

Or the King Arthur saga where there is only one Excalibur, one grail and a very limited space for knights at the round table.

So effort and training does not equal success in classic or modern literature, history, sociological study or art, that is a total American pipedream in a world filled with lobbies, millon making managers and members only clubs. This would be the case if you would get something for your failed efforts too but that is not the case in GW2 raids.

*What worth has your bragging right when someone else can buy it? I would very much enjoy the story of the "not as brave as Sir Lancelot" Sir Robin buying his way to the court of the green Knight and see how epic Sir Gawain wins his honor back.


What is left for me personally is the feeble attempt to justify producing more raids. Someone said how dare Anet to urge people to play their stuff. Let me ask you a counterquestion then: How does Anet dare to make stuff only for a minority, no matter how big or small, wvw, pvp or raid and hide something with a qol feature behind it?

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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> According to the logic that the hardest reward should be locked behind an epic quest, there are a few things I find strange with that:

> *I have yet to see an epic quest in GW2. All I see is a bunch of people with too much time and the will to theorycraft butt their heads against the same wall over and over again until it breaks.

> *Someone mentioned pirates and the open sea. This comparision is plain ridiculous. Given the choice, a classic pirate would always attack an unarmed merchant ship over a galleon which is armed to the teeth. You would also be hard pressed to find a modern Somalia pirate trying to attack a destroyer out to hunt them instead of an oil tanker.

> What is left for me personally is the feeble attempt to justify producing more raids. Someone said how dare Anet to urge people to play their stuff. Let me ask you a counterquestion then: How does Anet dare to make stuff only for a minority, no matter how big or small, wvw, pvp or raid and hide something with a qol feature behind it?


It's not about difficulty. It's not about who the pirates are going after. It's about going to the seas and getting things done instead of staying on land complaining because you dont have shinnies.


Raids aren't hard as people think, but they are pretty challenging and entertaining when you get into it. Their level of "epicness" is pretty good imo, specially in the first times or when playing with newbies.


"Why give rewards/QoL to the minority?"

1 - It's a legendary item. It's prestige+cool skin+qol. Doesn't matter if you only want the QoL, the requirements will be the same.


2 - They didn't "make it for the minority". If people want it, they can join other people and do what you need for it, just like "heroes in an epic quest" would do. If they don't, it's fine, but they're not getting the item either.


3 - Nothing wrong with "locking" it behind specific content. If someone tell you "HEY DO YOU WANT AN EPIC SHINY? DEFEAT THE LICH IN HIS DOMAIN AND TAKE IT FROM HIM!", you go fight the lich in his domain, not the dragon in a cave or the troll in the forest, unless you want different shinnies. Also it gives people one more reason to play different game modes.


I wish carebears stopped complaing in LA/forums and tried to do something else than dailies. I had so much fun trying new things when making my legendaries, was 10/10, totally worth my time and effort.

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What really annoys me about this is Anet locks something they know just about every player will want because of the stat swapping ability behind raids which forces the PVE and PVP community to have to change their toons into meta raid builds and gear to be able to have the chance to acquire the new shinny ring and not everyone can afford or be able to do this. It really is just Arena Net trying to get more than 5% of the GW2 community to play raids as they have sunk time and resources into creating these raids for us and that costs money. I do not think they care that this will not be obtainable to most of the community as long as the raiders are happy sadly and it probably will not change.

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> @Osby.5390 said:

> What really annoys me about this is Anet locks something they know just about every player will want because of the stat swapping ability behind raids which forces the PVE and PVP community to have to change their toons into meta raid builds and gear to be able to have the chance to acquire the new shinny ring and not everyone can afford or be able to do this. It really is just Arena Net trying to get more than 5% of the GW2 community to play raids as they have sunk time and resources into creating these raids for us and that costs money. I do not think they care that this will not be obtainable to most of the community as long as the raiders are happy sadly and it probably will not change. For these kind of reasons that companies like Blizzard and Arenanet make is why MMO's are slowly dying out.


I get this for wvw, but I'm sorry, for spvp you literally have 0 use for stat swaping and are getting a best in slot pve/wvw item.


MMOs dying out has to do with way more complex factors than some reward changes or design choices. To even suggest this is a reason shows how out of touch you are with how society in general has changed and the direction gaming as a main stream medium has taken.

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> @Alehin.3746 said:

> > @Torolan.5816 said:

> > According to the logic that the hardest reward should be locked behind an epic quest, there are a few things I find strange with that:

> > *I have yet to see an epic quest in GW2. All I see is a bunch of people with too much time and the will to theorycraft butt their heads against the same wall over and over again until it breaks.

> > *Someone mentioned pirates and the open sea. This comparision is plain ridiculous. Given the choice, a classic pirate would always attack an unarmed merchant ship over a galleon which is armed to the teeth. You would also be hard pressed to find a modern Somalia pirate trying to attack a destroyer out to hunt them instead of an oil tanker.

> > *If it somehow were an epic quest to raid, only one chosen should get anything. I can´t think of one anime, novel, TV or other story where a group of 10 people defeated a big monster/undertook an epic quest in which one was not the boss and the rest his henchmen. Not even in the probably closest story the Hobbit where Thorin was king, Gandalf was in for the lulz and Bilbo because he was basically dragged kicking and screaming into it, Thorin would have gained everything in the end.

> > Or the King Arthur saga where there is only one Excalibur, one grail and a very limited space for knights at the round table.

> > So effort and training does not equal success in classic or modern literature, history, sociological study or art, that is a total American pipedream in a world filled with lobbies, millon making managers and members only clubs. This would be the case if you would get something for your failed efforts too but that is not the case in GW2 raids.

> > *What worth has your bragging right when someone else can buy it? I would very much enjoy the story of the "not as brave as Sir Lancelot" Sir Robin buying his way to the court of the green Knight and see how epic Sir Gawain wins his honor back.

> >

> > What is left for me personally is the feeble attempt to justify producing more raids. Someone said how dare Anet to urge people to play their stuff. Let me ask you a counterquestion then: How does Anet dare to make stuff only for a minority, no matter how big or small, wvw, pvp or raid and hide something with a qol feature behind it?


> > @Torolan.5816 said:

> > According to the logic that the hardest reward should be locked behind an epic quest, there are a few things I find strange with that:

> > *I have yet to see an epic quest in GW2. All I see is a bunch of people with too much time and the will to theorycraft butt their heads against the same wall over and over again until it breaks.

> > *Someone mentioned pirates and the open sea. This comparision is plain ridiculous. Given the choice, a classic pirate would always attack an unarmed merchant ship over a galleon which is armed to the teeth. You would also be hard pressed to find a modern Somalia pirate trying to attack a destroyer out to hunt them instead of an oil tanker.

> > *If it somehow were an epic quest to raid, only one chosen should get anything. I can´t think of one anime, novel, TV or other story where a group of 10 people defeated a big monster/undertook an epic quest in which one was not the boss and the rest his henchmen. Not even in the probably closest story the Hobbit where Thorin was king, Gandalf was in for the lulz and Bilbo because he was basically dragged kicking and screaming into it, Thorin would have gained everything in the end.

> > Or the King Arthur saga where there is only one Excalibur, one grail and a very limited space for knights at the round table.

> > So effort and training does not equal success in classic or modern literature, history, sociological study or art, that is a total American pipedream in a world filled with lobbies, millon making managers and members only clubs. This would be the case if you would get something for your failed efforts too but that is not the case in GW2 raids.

> > *What worth has your bragging right when someone else can buy it? I would very much enjoy the story of the "not as brave as Sir Lancelot" Sir Robin buying his way to the court of the green Knight and see how epic Sir Gawain wins his honor back.

> >

> > What is left for me personally is the feeble attempt to justify producing more raids. Someone said how dare Anet to urge people to play their stuff. Let me ask you a counterquestion then: How does Anet dare to make stuff only for a minority, no matter how big or small, wvw, pvp or raid and hide something with a qol feature behind it?


> "If you want something, work for it.", thats basically what i meant with the pirate thing. Raids are not hard.


And I already answered you that working hard equals success is a pipe dream in modern society so it should not count as argument.

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