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[POLL] Do you think the new legendary ring should stay locked behind raid?


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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > @flog.3485 said:

> > As a player who only do open world, I don't think is necessary because afaik, legendary stuff only provide a switchable advantage, which is really only relevant in content that requires to min max or to switch constantly. Open world doesn't require any of that.


> I agree with you in that open world doesn't require min max; but I think it would greatly be improved by allowing us to change our stats more freely. Being able to radically change what stats we have would open up new builds, allowing players to play the same content as a somewhat new experience, which would in turn increase the game's longevity. Ironically this doesn't work so well in raids, considering how people there need specific builds under very specific skill sets, but in the open world that would be great.


> In the original Guild Wars, we had an impossibly high number of possible builds, and we could change attributes freely. Many players went through the same content multiple times, each time feeling like it was somewhat new due to using very different builds. This kind of thing helps the game in the long term.


> > @flog.3485 said:

> > Furthermore I think it is a fair for a game to lock some prestige items in harder content, if the content the game brought/wanted to bring was always skill based, as opposed to power creep based on extra level to reach/new tier to constantly farm.


> I agree. I wouldn't mind if the skins were locked behind the raids, but the functionality were available elsewhere. Pretty much like legendary armor - the skin is limited to the raids, but you can get the functionality in WvW and in PvP too. I wish this system was increased to include the most popular content in the game - open world gameplay.



You want a ring with switchable stats ? Just go play bloodstone fen.


The best way for switchability of game play for players in open world is build templates imo. And I can't agre with your comment about GW1. You might be able to change enough with builds due to many skills but it wasn't free because if you failed with your change, you had to restart the instance of the content all over again. Whereas in GW2, if I fail I just need to go ooc and change whatever I want.

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Ok, let's be honest here... Legendary stat change exists at it's best in a WvW environment, In PvE most of the builds people use are: Use this set, use this other set...

But WvW is neglected until that time of the year where they update it to keep us in check and see if we are still alive.

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> @MarkoNS.3261 said:

> i love seeing people who cant even kill a boss complaining already ^^ in any case they are not going to change what they already did so :)


It's not about beeing able to though.. I personally do not raid because every time I tried to I was met with such bad toxic attitude that I'd rather never raid than deal with those that do.

I'm sure there are nice people doing raid groups out there but I don't see a point in looking for that needle...

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Does open world get legendary armor now?

Do PvP and WvW get trinkets now? I think not. This was the first thing I checked and I was kinda upset. Its not our fault Anet has the inept ability to make long lasting awards and blew raid armor in the first wing. Along with never making it again. Trinkets should of stayed tied behind the living story.

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If Anet wants to lock cosmetics behind raids, I have no problem with them doing that. That is COSMETICS only. Stat swapping for free (a big QoL feature) is something that should be able to obtained in many different ways. Raiders swap a lot less than wvw and yet wvw still gets the short end of everything. No unique skin for WvW legendary armor, no legendary trinket, last to get legendary backpiece. The neglect of WvW is really quite offensive.

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> @flog.3485 said:

> > @Erasculio.2914 said:

> > > @flog.3485 said:

> > > As a player who only do open world, I don't think is necessary because afaik, legendary stuff only provide a switchable advantage, which is really only relevant in content that requires to min max or to switch constantly. Open world doesn't require any of that.

> >

> > I agree with you in that open world doesn't require min max; but I think it would greatly be improved by allowing us to change our stats more freely. Being able to radically change what stats we have would open up new builds, allowing players to play the same content as a somewhat new experience, which would in turn increase the game's longevity. Ironically this doesn't work so well in raids, considering how people there need specific builds under very specific skill sets, but in the open world that would be great.

> >

> > In the original Guild Wars, we had an impossibly high number of possible builds, and we could change attributes freely. Many players went through the same content multiple times, each time feeling like it was somewhat new due to using very different builds. This kind of thing helps the game in the long term.

> >

> > > @flog.3485 said:

> > > Furthermore I think it is a fair for a game to lock some prestige items in harder content, if the content the game brought/wanted to bring was always skill based, as opposed to power creep based on extra level to reach/new tier to constantly farm.

> >

> > I agree. I wouldn't mind if the skins were locked behind the raids, but the functionality were available elsewhere. Pretty much like legendary armor - the skin is limited to the raids, but you can get the functionality in WvW and in PvP too. I wish this system was increased to include the most popular content in the game - open world gameplay.

> >


> You want a ring with switchable stats ? Just go play bloodstone fen.


> The best way for switchability of game play for players in open world is build templates imo. And I can't agre with your comment about GW1. You might be able to change enough with builds due to many skills but it wasn't free because if you failed with your change, you had to restart the instance of the content all over again. Whereas in GW2, if I fail I just need to go ooc and change whatever I want.


That's funny though, if you want an ascended ring with switchable stats




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> @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> I have no issue with this, legendary rewards are for people who thrive in ALL parts of the game. Want the legi? learn to raid, or buy a boss kill. Simple!!


They already locked an entire set of armor behind raids. And the problem is not with "learn to raid" but with "how to make raiders to stop being bad and welcome newcomers too". If they keep this way, they will end up with a content for only a bunch of guilds.

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The ring achievement should require us to kill 3000 players in wvw to unlock instead.


Raid already got legendary armor with skin. Jumping puzzle got legendary accessory with skin.

So ring should be a wvw exclusive legendary with skin.

Make amulet exclusive for pvp.


Come on we need more good stuff not just lock behind Raid, gw2 is a lot more than that.

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> @Beanna.6712 said:

> I think it's fair for each game mode to have its unique reward and effect to show for your efforts and dedication. We already have Aurora for Open World, it would be fair to have one effect for Raids, one for sPvP, one for WvW, one for Fractals, etc.

Raids already have one effect. It's called "legendary armor".


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> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > @Beanna.6712 said:

> > I think it's fair for each game mode to have its unique reward and effect to show for your efforts and dedication. We already have Aurora for Open World, it would be fair to have one effect for Raids, one for sPvP, one for WvW, one for Fractals, etc.

> Raids already have one effect. It's called "legendary armor".



And the rest of PvE has a backpack and many weapons.

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> @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > > @Beanna.6712 said:

> > > I think it's fair for each game mode to have its unique reward and effect to show for your efforts and dedication. We already have Aurora for Open World, it would be fair to have one effect for Raids, one for sPvP, one for WvW, one for Fractals, etc.

> > Raids already have one effect. It's called "legendary armor".

> >


> And the rest of PvE has a backpack and many weapons.


u r right, we should put it in pvp since pvp onli got one single backpiece.

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> @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

> > > @Astralporing.1957 said:

> > > > @Beanna.6712 said:

> > > > I think it's fair for each game mode to have its unique reward and effect to show for your efforts and dedication. We already have Aurora for Open World, it would be fair to have one effect for Raids, one for sPvP, one for WvW, one for Fractals, etc.

> > > Raids already have one effect. It's called "legendary armor".

> > >

> >

> > And the rest of PvE has a backpack and many weapons.


> u r right, we should put it in pvp since pvp onli got one single backpiece.


Probably WvW before sPvP as the the item itself would be more beneficial there. But yeah, that’s the direction it “should” go if following the argument that acquisition of legendaries should be equitable across game modes.

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> @Beanna.6712 said:

> I think it's fair for each game mode to have its unique reward and effect to show for your efforts and dedication. We already have Aurora for Open World, it would be fair to have one effect for Raids, one for sPvP, one for WvW, one for Fractals, etc.

Pretty much this, every area getting full legendary EQ would be ideal. Sadly, that's not how A-Net sees it.

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I wish people would set up their polls to be neutral, instead of pushing towards one view or another. "Yes|No" questions should only have 2-3 options: "Yes" | "No" and perhaps "That Depends" (accounting for the maybes, can't decides, and so on).


This poll has, "Yes" and "Yes, but require even more raids" and "make it like something else." There's no true "no" and there are two "yesses." What if someone wants to the ring to be like a legendary weapon, not like the accessory? Or hated the time gating on Aurora?


I think it's ANet's choice to gate more rewards behind raids. I don't, however, understand why they'd add more "only one of its kind" options, given all the current feedback. Adding a second legendary accessory that is gated behind raids? I think that would have been the smarter move on their part.


tl;dr poll is oddly phrased. My position is: it's fine to gate more cool stuff behind raids. I don't think that it was smart of them to make the first (and only) l-ring should be one of them.

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