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Nerf the mesmer already, the relentless clone spam is extremely overpowered.


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I'm sick & tired of listening to all you pve'rs that just started pvp & don't want to waste time getting skillz & complaining there getting owned by mesmers. We all know You just wants to 1 button mash to win.


Listen & listen good. Mesmers are your gods & you have 2 choices. Either bow down or coward away when you see us. But you are not allowed & cannot complain on how op mesmers are cuz you have no skillz & that your class sucks. The gods have spoken & don't want to hear it no more. Cuz were better then you.

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  • 10 months later...

I was a firm believer in 100% equality among all the classes until I actually stepped out of my "Necro only" mentality and gave others a shot. Now I believe breaking the holy trinity archetype is what makes this game work. Sure... it sucks to lose to another class because of mechanics and not their skill. And that's why I made a Mesmer, so I can finally make others feel my pain and it is _**GLORIOUS**_.

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> @"jportell.2197" said:

> Nice necroing of the thread. Mesmer has gotten so

> Many nerfs since this first thread. Hahaha. Omg y'all r so ridiculous.


It is true, they got nerfs, but also they got mostly buffs! And for the record, giving 4 second exhaustion on dodge is not a nerf, it is not even a slap on the wrist. On a 1 vs 1 fight, every class would need to use 2 CC skills within 4 seconds and have a 100% hit chance to cancel this ridiculous trait; and then use more CC every 6 seconds for the entire fight just to cancel this trait completely. If you do the math, you need 11 stuns in one minute with 100% hits landed just to cancel this stupidly OP trait.


On average, the Mesmer can stun break every 5.5 seconds just by dodging. If that does not need nerfing then what?



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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> Are you Happy now? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/56870/mesmer-elusive-mind-nerf-are-you-happy-now#latest

> I guess your not !


How is that a nerf from 5.5 to 6 seconds? It needs to be like 15 or 20 seconds so that mesmer can stun break 4 or 3 times in one minute and even then it is too generous given the fact that mesmer has too many evades.


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> @"KolderThanYou.9018" said:

> I was a firm believer in 100% equality among all the classes until I actually stepped out of my "Necro only" mentality and gave others a shot. Now I believe breaking the holy trinity archetype is what makes this game work. Sure... it sucks to lose to another class because of mechanics and not their skill. And that's why I made a Mesmer, so I can finally make others feel my pain and it is _**GLORIOUS**_.


why necro a year old thread?

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"jportell.2197" said:

> > Nice necroing of the thread. Mesmer has gotten so

> > Many nerfs since this first thread. Hahaha. Omg y'all r so ridiculous.


> It is true, they got nerfs, but also they got mostly buffs! And for the record, giving 4 second exhaustion on dodge is not a nerf, it is not even a slap on the wrist. On a 1 vs 1 fight, every class would need to use 2 CC skills within 4 seconds and have a 100% hit chance to cancel this ridiculous trait; and then use more CC every 6 seconds for the entire fight just to cancel this trait completely. If you do the math, you need 11 stuns in one minute with 100% hits landed just to cancel this stupidly OP trait.


> On average, the Mesmer can stun break every 5.5 seconds just by dodging. If that does not need nerfing then what?




Calling you delusional would be a compliment for you ... xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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> @"Celestia.9128" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > Are you Happy now? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/56870/mesmer-elusive-mind-nerf-are-you-happy-now#latest

> > I guess your not !


> Here, let me follow the second post's suggestion: IH OP, nerf pls.


Hahahahahahahah. Then just delete the E spec from the game. IH mesmers already have the condition duration from clones halved. Do anything more and mirage just as well not have a grandmaster trait section.


Y'all ridiculous

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> @"jportell.2197" said:

> > @"Celestia.9128" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > Are you Happy now? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/56870/mesmer-elusive-mind-nerf-are-you-happy-now#latest

> > > I guess your not !

> >

> > Here, let me follow the second post's suggestion: IH OP, nerf pls.


> Hahahahahahahah. Then just delete the E spec from the game. IH mesmers already have the condition duration from clones halved. Do anything more and mirage just as well not have a grandmaster trait section.


> Y'all ridiculous


Check out staff ambush. :wink:


Not saying they should nerf IH or ambushes though. It's alright as it is, they should tweak condi mirage elsewhere.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"jportell.2197" said:

> > > @"Celestia.9128" said:

> > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > Are you Happy now? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/56870/mesmer-elusive-mind-nerf-are-you-happy-now#latest

> > > > I guess your not !

> > >

> > > Here, let me follow the second post's suggestion: IH OP, nerf pls.

> >

> > Hahahahahahahah. Then just delete the E spec from the game. IH mesmers already have the condition duration from clones halved. Do anything more and mirage just as well not have a grandmaster trait section.

> >

> > Y'all ridiculous


> Check out staff ambush. :wink:


> Not saying they should nerf IH or ambushes though. It's alright as it is, they should tweak condi mirage elsewhere.


That's just it. With certain builds the only way a mirage can out pit reliable conditions is IH. Basically you have to rely on your ONE shatter with axe 3. Beyond that. Your condition output is meh at best.

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