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Why removing AP gain from Istan dailies was bad imo

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In short, alot of players have already hit the daily AP cap and more are making their way way to it. This bug gave those players hope there was a reason to do some form of dailies, and I think it was a good thing even if it was a bug.


May I suggest something like this is introduced at some point for those players that have already hit the cap? Maybe not 8 available per day, but something.

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Tbf, there were never any ap on any dailies besides the core dailies. LS3 didnt have any AP tied to the dailies either, neither do festival dailies unless theres an achi for it.

(I’m not against more AP gates, though, since we’re having a bit of an AP drought. With every expansion the AP per effort becomes less. Sometimes in the future you will get 1AP for an achievement like “like all raids in one day without dying”)

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Actually some festival dailies awarded AP, like canthan new year or wintersday. Not sure if they will do now, but it sure would be nice. The 39k AP needed for that awesome backpack is so far away without daily APs, and the APs from the LS don't help a lot since you get so few for so much effort... Whoever decided at ANet to give 1-2 AP per achievement deserves to get only coal for christmas for the foreseeable future.

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I tend to agree that all PvE dailies that don't currently contribute to daily AP should give you 1AP per finishing them. Or maybe make it 5AP per map for doing all the dailies in that map (only LWS3 and LWS4 maps)? Provides a nice incentive to go back to those maps for AP hunters who are otherwise maxed out on those achievements, and it also rewards dedication with acquiring daily AP more quickly, without giving any advantages to anyone since daily AP cap remains the same

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The only bad things about achies numbers was to put behind them skins imho.

I see no sense in a skin which needs year to be obtained.

Give random stuff which has a value and can be bought instead... sigh... ( i am only glad that provvided skins are not something i relally need, but still that system sucks ).

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The AP cap is interesting in that it makes you go out of your way to get more, do things you don't normally do (like drink 100.000 drinks for example, and before they added the consume all option on beverages that was a serious achievement). I saw the AP on the LS4 dailies and immediately calculated roughly in my head how many days it would take to reach 40.000 AP doing those alone from where I am now, figuring I'd have to spend a lot of time in the new zone, which isn't a bad thing really, and I thought Anet added that incentive to make the new area more populated for a longer time, and not the barren remnants the LS3/HoT zones are becoming. Then again, it would remove a large part of the population from the recently released PoF expansion and make that go the way of the dodos as well. So all in all, removing the points for dailies is a good thing for the game as a whole, there are enough incentives for going to the new zone as it is right now, imho.


Another question is what to do with your Essences of Luck when you hit the 300% MF cap? I'm converting the blues and greens to the exotic version with my artificer and just stack them for no good reason, but since they have no use any longer, I'm not sure what to do.

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> @YoukiNeko.6047 said:

> So AP hunters want easy way to keep stacking AP for easy rewards?

> So OP did you max all your sPvP and WvW achievments? Did you get all raid achievements? Did you complete every single available achievement in the game?


Is this going to be the argument that is put forward to justify the CAP, oh you didn't beat X boss on CM therefore you deserve to be capped, ive been at the cap for 2 years, and since then had minimal gains and only a few AP chests, WHY should I be stone walled for actively playing the game, compared to others who do not.....


Anet could have easily made it that the new maps have x dailies that reward 1AP each if you do them, meaning someone at cap can still gain towards there next AP chest and non capped players who do dailies get 10AP + the 1AP rewards from new maps,


There are far to many in this community who cry, I don't have that therefore i want them restricted too, so that i can get there in 3 years if i chose to do so.


@"darksome.1697" i destroy all my essences of luck as i have been at cap for years now, and Anet never bothered to use them for anything else.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > @YoukiNeko.6047 said:

> > So AP hunters want easy way to keep stacking AP for easy rewards?

> > So OP did you max all your sPvP and WvW achievments? Did you get all raid achievements? Did you complete every single available achievement in the game?


> Is this going to be the argument that is put forward to justify the CAP, oh you didn't beat X boss on CM therefore you deserve to be capped, ive been at the cap for 2 years, and since then had minimal gains and only a few AP chests, WHY should I be stone walled for actively playing the game, compared to others who do not.....


> Anet could have easily made it that the new maps have x dailies that reward 1AP each if you do them, meaning someone at cap can still gain towards there next AP chest and non capped players who do dailies get 10AP + the 1AP rewards from new maps,


> There are far to many in this community who cry, I don't have that therefore i want them restricted too, so that i can get there in 3 years if i chose to do so.


> @"darksome.1697" i destroy all my essences of luck as i have been at cap for years now, and Anet never bothered to use them for anything else.


Well go and beat boss X then. Don't cry for farm-able achievement points. There are many achievements in the game and many more will be added, but farm-able achievements destroy the meaning of the word achievement.


I don't know why ANet decided to add rewards (different than titles) to the achievements, but I think it was a bad idea.

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I haven't hit the cap yet, but will soon and I have no idea if those that have hit it were getting points off the daily bug or not, but a friend that has hit the cap thinks they were, who knows.


Either way, if you're over the cap now, chances are pretty good you were playing when monthlies were a thing and when dailies required 5 complete, not 3! Back when wvw only had 2 dailies available and you had to go to pve to hunt the other 3 dailies! And speaking of wvw, back when the wvw achievements were at their pre nerf higher requirements, before they were lowered so that newer players had hope of getting that ap!


If you want to insinuate this suggestion is a selfish one formed from the mind of a player looking for "easy ap" that's fine, but remember that the threshold that alot of players sit on now, wasn't as easy to reach as it is for those currently climbing it, and since things have been adjusted dramatically for their benefit, I don't see any harm in providing a small additional benefit for those that had a much harder route on the way up.

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> @HazyDaisy.4107 said:

> I haven't hit the cap yet, but will soon and I have no idea if those that have hit it were getting points off the daily bug or not, but a friend that has hit the cap thinks they were, who knows.


> Either way, if you're over the cap now, chances are pretty good you were playing when monthlies were a thing and when dailies required 5 complete, not 3! Back when wvw only had 2 dailies available and you had to go to pve to hunt the other 3 dailies! And speaking of wvw, back when the wvw achievements were at their pre nerf higher requirements, before they were lowered so that newer players had hope of getting that ap!


> If you want to insinuate this suggestion is a selfish one formed from the mind of a player looking for "easy ap" that's fine, but remember that the threshold that alot of players sit on now, wasn't as easy to reach as it is for those currently climbing it, and since things have been adjusted dramatically for their benefit, I don't see any harm in providing a small additional benefit for those that had a much harder route on the way up.


I remember how it used to be and the current dailies are easier to complete.

Still i don't see any need for adding more than the current 15k AP we receive from dailies.

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