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Are there any interracial characters in the game?


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> @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> Like half charr, half human?


> I don't mind that we can't play them....but surely...it can not be inconceivable for there to be half Norn, half Asuran walking around?



> :D


That's not interracial.


That is interspecies.


Which I am pretty sure is biologically impossible, even in a magical setting such as GW2. Interracial would be something like a "white" human male from Kryta and "black" human female from Elona - something that probably does happen now when the two human "races" have re-established contact and all.


EDIT: I'd say it is pretty safe to say that Braham is interracial. Comparing him to his mom, it seems obvious to me that his father was not of the "viking"-variety of Norns that are native to Hoelbrak. I'm not sure how Norns are spread across Tyria, but surely Hoelbrak isn't the only Norn "civilization" out there?

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> @Shinzan.2908 said:

> > @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> > Oh yes...why not at least have some interracial couples? This is a GREAT point! :D


> I kind of figured Braham and Rox are already this.



During LS1 Braham and Rox may have been developing something, but Rox stopped it before it got too far. She even made a statement to him later about how rejection sucks.

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> @Cyanchiv.2583 said:

> > @Shinzan.2908 said:

> > > @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> > > Oh yes...why not at least have some interracial couples? This is a GREAT point! :D

> >

> > I kind of figured Braham and Rox are already this.

> >


> During LS1 Braham and Rox may have been developing something, but Rox stopped it before it got too far. She even made a statement to him later about how rejection sucks.


Good thing, too. Because Charr x Non-Charr is inherently more disturbing and wrong than Non-Charr x Non-Charr.


These aren't anime characters with kitty ears; they are full-blown bipedal cats...!

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

>As other people have said interracial couples are possible (although with some pairings I'm not sure everything would line up, but there's always other options) but mixed race children cannot exist. As far as I know the developers have never elaborated on that, whether it's because of generics or what, but apparently it can't happen.


Obviously magic could make anything possible, but in terms of actual biology, there's no reason why any Tyrian races should be able to have children with each other, especially with the humans, who come from a different world entirely. Their biology would be entirely incompatible, like mating a horse with an eagle. Even with earth species, it's only possible to cross-breed VERY close cousins biologically, like lions and tigers, or horses and donkeys, and even in these cases the result is often sterile or sickly in some other way. For all the differences we often discuss between this human and that, the fact remains that all humans *are* human, and biologically those differences are just a tiny blip when compared to any other species.

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> @Solori.6025 said:

> > @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> > Like half charr, half human?

> >

> > I don't mind that we can't play them....but surely...it can not be inconceivable for there to be half Norn, half Asuran walking around?

> >

> >

> > :D


> that awful image of Brahms face on Ritlocks body


> @Solori.6025 said:

> > @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> > Like half charr, half human?

> >

> > I don't mind that we can't play them....but surely...it can not be inconceivable for there to be half Norn, half Asuran walking around?

> >

> >

> > :D


> that awful image of Brahms face on Ritlocks body


Braham's face on Braham is already disturbing though.

Rytlock isn't attractive, but he's not ugly.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> > Like half charr, half human?

> >

> > I don't mind that we can't play them....but surely...it can not be inconceivable for there to be half Norn, half Asuran walking around?

> >

> >

> > :D


> That's not interracial.


> That is interspecies.


> Which I am pretty sure is biologically impossible, even in a magical setting such as GW2. Interracial would be something like a "white" human male from Kryta and "black" human female from Elona - something that probably does happen now when the two human "races" have re-established contact and all.


> EDIT: I'd say it is pretty safe to say that Braham is interracial. Comparing him to his mom, it seems obvious to me that his father was not of the "viking"-variety of Norns that are native to Hoelbrak. I'm not sure how Norns are spread across Tyria, but surely Hoelbrak isn't the only Norn "civilization" out there?


Interspecies breeding is possible in real life, but it depends on the species, it's more likely to work with closely related species. For example donkeys, horses and zebras can all interbreed. Mules - the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse - are quite common, mainly because they're considered to be good work animals so people often breed them deliberately. (Zebra crossbreeds are less common as far as I know, probably because the offspring is basically a small, stripy horse or donkey - more of a novelty than a useful work animal.)


Some species will even interbreed in the wild, but usually don't because they're in separate locations (like polar bears and grizzly or brown bears) or because they mate at different times or use different methods to choose a mate.


The problem is that in a lot of cases the offspring is infertile due to having an odd number of chromosomes, so it's a bit of a dead end. You're not likely to see whole populations of hybrid animals developing. (Although there are exceptions, there's a really interesting report that's come out recently about a new species of Galapagos Finch evolving from a hybrid pairing.)


In plants hybrids (both wild and domestic) are even more common and can often be fertile. But then plant genetics is very complicated and much more variable than in animals, so the odd extra chromosome seems to be less of an issue. Lemon trees for example are a (very old) hybrid of two other trees which are fertile. (Which coincidentally means life didn't give us lemons, so we made them ourselves.)


The problem is we have no idea how any of that relates to Tyria. We don't even know if Tyrian species have DNA, there may be an entirely different system for passing traits on to offspring (although it's unlikely simply because most people creating fantasy worlds don't tend to change things like that unless it affects the plot).


With the playable races it's even more complicated because humans apparently aren't from Tyria originally, they were brought here by the gods at some point in the past so they could be totally unique to everything else. The sylvari cannot reproduce themselves and the Pale Tree may be a hybrid (dragon x tree maybe?) or a magical construct or something. Although we do know she grew from a seed so that suggests parents of some sort. And the norn, charr and asura are different enough that they seem highly unlikely to share many genes.

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I am just going to say this:


I am not even considering biological factors to be a limitation for interracial...or inter-species offspring in Tyria. There is far too much magic, wonder and possibility to say


"no, biology makes it almost impossible".


Plenty of fantasy cases where is is possible, with Star Trek being one that comes to mind...and that's more of a science fiction


How do I know this is a fantasy game? I can outrun a centaur....

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Did you read the link that Swagger posted? (http://archive.is/9r1NG) Jeff Grubb -- who was one of Arena.Net's two original lore-masters for GW2 -- has said there are no inter-species hybrids. He does not state that it's because of biology or any other "because... SCIENCE!" reasons. He simply states: it is not possible in this world. Thus, the matter is closed.


Sure, there are plenty of fantasy cases where it is possible. But the world of Guild Wars is not one of them.

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> @Rezzet.3614 said:

> I would love seeing a norn asuran abominanion big stronk male norn from above the waist with asuran legs


Norn/Asuran exist in the game.

Some of the humans I've seen on the game have some big noses/eyes/lips that can pass off as one.

And many having those "two toned" going on in the face like Asurans with sometimes their noses are redder than rudolph.

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> @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> I am just going to say this:


> I am not even considering biological factors to be a limitation for interracial...or inter-species offspring in Tyria. There is far too much magic, wonder and possibility to say


> "no, biology makes it almost impossible".


> Plenty of fantasy cases where is is possible, with Star Trek being one that comes to mind...and that's more of a science fiction


> How do I know this is a fantasy game? I can outrun a centaur....


Actually TNG had an episode which cleared all that up, all sentient species in our galaxy were designed and seeded there by a highly advanced civilisation. By design the species in Star Trek can breed.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> > @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> > I am just going to say this:

> >

> > I am not even considering biological factors to be a limitation for interracial...or inter-species offspring in Tyria. There is far too much magic, wonder and possibility to say

> >

> > "no, biology makes it almost impossible".

> >

> > Plenty of fantasy cases where is is possible, with Star Trek being one that comes to mind...and that's more of a science fiction

> >

> > How do I know this is a fantasy game? I can outrun a centaur....


> Actually TNG had an episode which cleared all that up, all sentient species in our galaxy were designed and seeded there by a highly advanced civilisation. By design the species in Star Trek can breed.


> @"Maximus Delion.8719" said:

> Did you read the link that Swagger posted? (http://archive.is/9r1NG) Jeff Grubb -- who was one of Arena.Net's two original lore-masters for GW2 -- has said there are no inter-species hybrids. He does not state that it's because of biology or any other "because... SCIENCE!" reasons. He simply states: it is not possible in this world. Thus, the matter is closed.


> Sure, there are plenty of fantasy cases where it is possible. But the world of Guild Wars is not one of them.


I listened to it, but he has left for Amazon. Also I could not find it transcribed in the lore, thus making it concrete....so, the matter is still open.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> > @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> > I am just going to say this:

> >

> > I am not even considering biological factors to be a limitation for interracial...or inter-species offspring in Tyria. There is far too much magic, wonder and possibility to say

> >

> > "no, biology makes it almost impossible".

> >

> > Plenty of fantasy cases where is is possible, with Star Trek being one that comes to mind...and that's more of a science fiction

> >

> > How do I know this is a fantasy game? I can outrun a centaur....


> Actually TNG had an episode which cleared all that up, all sentient species in our galaxy were designed and seeded there by a highly advanced civilisation. By design the species in Star Trek can breed.




but vulcan blood is copper, and human blood is iron...a vast difference in just one instance, yet there are still hybrids consisting of the two.


Using this concept that you have presented, it is very well possible...especially if they "look similar".


Tyria is a world of magic. Jeff Grubb has left, with new creatorsat the helm, doors are open.


Mounts will never be in this game.

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> @Shinzan.2908 said:

> > @Dyfinz.2348 said:

> > Oh yes...why not at least have some interracial couples? This is a GREAT point! :D


> I kind of figured Braham and Rox are already this.


Because people can't just be friends, close friends, slightly jealous friends even, without sex being on their minds? I went to college well before our current understanding of gender fluidity. I was very good friends with a guy, though he was not at all my type romantically. When another student started dating him, she very nervously told me about it, and looked totally flabbergasted when I whooped for joy "that's great! He's been lonely, he needs someone!" Apparently since i spent a lot of time hanging out with him, everyone assumed that just because he was male and I was female there must be sex involved and I would, in her words, "s--t bricks" over it.


If Rox and Braham were the same biological gender, people might still ship them, but most would likely consider them just close friends without romance being part of it.


That doesn't mean there aren't interracial (ok ok interspecies) attractions in Tyria (though, as established in lore, no offspring will result). I just don't see it in this particular pair.

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