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Game over


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I was just considering - you can play wvw / pve / pvp in gw2 in so many ways ...thats it's a sandbox with a story waiting to be told.


the actual fun is the fight itself, you stand for something in the game, it means something to you.....pvprs believe fighting with respected adversaries over a nice beverage and snack of choice is a great game, I mean, you ultimately have to respect something about someone enough to make beating them meansingful. The actual fun is in this never ending battle....the minute one side wins, it's game over......the game is dominated by partisan trolls, keep it real every side has trolls. Elite trolls have a superior range of +5 forums lol........when people stop fighting, either everyone is happy ( good luck with that ) or you just lost half of your audience for favoring one view.


the fun in the game is battling, be it a raid, a fractal, or for first place in t1 wvw, or debating what the next update for the game should be..

from the looks of it, the pve community won guildwars 2 overall. and blackgate won wvw so in a most philosophical way, it's game over without the possibility of a rematch.

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> @Ricky.4706 said:

> I was just considering - you can play wvw / pve / pvp in gw2 in so many ways ...thats it's a sandbox with a story waiting to be told.


> the actual fun is the fight itself, you stand for something in the game, it means something to you.....pvprs believe fighting with respected adversaries over a nice beverage and snack of choice is a great game, I mean, you ultimately have to respect something about someone enough to make beating them meansingful. The actual fun is in this never ending battle....the minute one side wins, it's game over......the game is dominated by partisan trolls, keep it real every side has trolls. Elite trolls have a superior range of +5 forums lol........when people stop fighting, either everyone is happy ( good luck with that ) or you just lost half of your audience for favoring one view.


> the fun in the game is battling, be it a raid, a fractal, or for first place in t1 wvw, or debating what the next update for the game should be..

> from the looks of it, the pve community won guildwars 2 overall. and blackgate won wvw so in a most philosophical way, it's game over without the possibility of a rematch.


Blame the toxicity in the game design foremost than the toxic community for that. In fact, today i took wvw+pvp for a spin due to the announcement of the new game director. What i witnessed and experienced? The environment was filled with toxicity with troll players-thieves and mesmers, belittling players after 1 shotting them while they're in stealth, condition spamming everywhere.... the scene was just disgusting.


I obviously logged out but my optimism remain: gw2 shortcoming may be prevented with the new game director.

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> @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> I'd argue BG lost, but how I define winning will differ from other player's views. I'm not here to win matchups or roflstomp a lower tier. I'm here to kill people, defend, and have fun with my friends while doing it.


again, technically it's a sandbox, but bg's choice of usage of this sandbox made them the winner... the problem is that there is no possibility of a reset - well there is , but i think it's safe to say that after 5 years nothing has really changed. The rules say clearly, those who win night and day are number 1 - it never said that stacking is an illegal move. - it should have been up to the players to make and adhere to those rules, again, an unspoken rule in poker is that you can't win by throwing cards at your opponents throat like a ninja star lol. - the rules the community agreed to is that the most point wins. no rules - stipulations beyond that. in that scenario, bg won. Now if that makes them a worthy opponent for future games, we can't say because no rematches are planned. - thus thread title, game over. :/

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> @Ricky.4706 said:

> again, technically it's a sandbox, but bg's choice of usage of this sandbox made them the winner... the problem is that there is no possibility of a reset - well there is , but i think it's safe to say that after 5 years nothing has really changed.

So... why are we still here then, 5 years later? Shouldnt we have learned by now?

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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> So... why are we still here then, 5 years later? Shouldnt we have learned by now?


probably the same reason some people smoke ? some people like smoking actually.


which btw, i'm just trying to understand why such an amazing set up like wvw isn't the best pvp spot in mmorpgs period.

Like i said, it's a sandbox, meaning you can play it a variety of ways...the rules don't HAVE to be whomever gets most points, it just defaults to that.

we could always come to agreements that this week is no scourge week....and next week is deadeyes and guardians only.......much like a deck of cards is a sandbox...and you can play black jack, poker, solitaire or gin rummy..... but wvw players default to top score.....so based on top score / rank....bg won so game over.



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rofl, then the game was won by the masochist community by that pov ? hehe!! -smh-


gw2 itself, is so e-sports ready - but something about it, prevents it from becoming e-sports.....and pondering this thread, it's the rules.

If you make no rules in poker.....just the best hand, then want to bet me 1 million dollars ....and say anything goes .....I'll give my deck 4 aces and let you choose any 4 matching sets of the rest of the cards in the deck because I want to be fair lol!! - my opponent would say that's cheating....and I'd say show me the rules that say's it's not allowed, now about that million dollars!


There really are no rules in wvw to prevent someone from making their deck 4 aces.


It's also probably why so many people say, mmorpgs will never make a good esports, because most games don't really set precise rules that cause balance, it's not the actual game and the software - it's the agreement between players that - this is the builds we allow for this match.


Like boxing, no rabbit punches, no eye gouges, no groin kicks.......if anything goes....then poke you in the eye, kick you in the kittens and I won. Game over.

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in old D&D days, there was this spell called dispel, this skill had the ability to remove all your buffs and allow you to basically be one shot.....for competitive play it was agreed that dispel was not allowed and instant disqualification. A tournament would have been impossible without that rule - especially since at the time mages depended on buffs for protection, where as fighter class depended on armor.


thus it's my contention that there is no such thing as an op build ....the queen is an op chess piece - but the rule is each side can only have 1.

Hence, the problem with wvw isn't the builds we can make, it's the fact that there are no rules that say that no op characters are allowed in this particular match....we can have an op build match though and make that fair. deck of cards, what are the rules, we playing black jack, or 5 card stud ?


which also, this isn't to put blame on anyone, this is simply an effort to understand whats not working. you can change fix, buff, nerf and balance characters till everyone is blue in the face, until the matches follow a set paradigm of rules, it's not going to work. i mean, its much like nerfing a queen to be a pawn because it's just too powerful a chess piece and no you can't have extra chess pieces for security.

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> @Ricky.4706 said:

> > @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > So... why are we still here then, 5 years later? Shouldnt we have learned by now?


> probably the same reason some people smoke ? some people like smoking actually.


> which btw, i'm just trying to understand why such an amazing set up like wvw isn't the best pvp spot in mmorpgs period.

> Like i said, it's a sandbox, meaning you can play it a variety of ways...the rules don't HAVE to be whomever gets most points, it just defaults to that.

> we could always come to agreements that this week is no scourge week....and next week is deadeyes and guardians only.......much like a deck of cards is a sandbox...and you can play black jack, poker, solitaire or gin rummy..... but wvw players default to top score.....so based on top score / rank....bg won so game over.



Just a small correction:

WvW does not met the requirements to be a sandbox, jut becuase u capture towers and they change color and theres siege to built, does not ment WvW is sandbox.




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ok, you can prove that by stating the rules.


from wiki


Sandbox game

A game wherein the player has been freed from the traditional video game structure and direction, and instead chooses what, when, and how they want to approach the available content. The term alludes to a child's sandbox without rules, with play based on open-ended choice. While some sandbox games may include building and creative activities, they are not required. Sandbox games generally employ an open-world setting, to facilitate the player's freedom of choice.



ie - stacking is a choice, and not against the rules.....it's not a traditional approach to competition.

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Just like i said, WvW does not met the requirement to be sandbox...

WvW are 4 themepark intanced maps.... the choices resume only to capture structures. that is not sandbox.


WvW to be sandbox, player would have to have more controll over structures(Anet even made the upgrades automatic wich reduces player freedom), Sandbox means the options players have to control the enviroment and sorroudings, wich is completelly the oposite of what gw2 is.



Dawdler.8521, deppends... sandbox players can create the content as well, it is something that only a few mmo's have done it, still a thing to improve on further releases.

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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> Just like i said, WvW does not met the requirement to be sandbox...

> WvW are 4 themepark intanced maps.... the choices resume only to capture structures. that is not sandbox.


yeah but from what I hear, BG chooses to defend, they don't necessarily play by your same rules. Mag, likes to fight mano a mano and score that way, they don't play by your rules either.



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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> sandbox players can create the content as well, it is something that only a few mmo's have done it, still a thing to improve on further releases.


You mean like the player that makes endless siege just to betray their server and waste supplies ? - that's not against the rules....to most of the game it's griefing, but maybe in his world...saboteurs and traitors are not against the rules and is in fact role play.

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> @ThunderPanda.1872 said:

> > @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > WvW to be sandbox, player would have to have more controll over structures(Anet even made the upgrades automatic wich reduces player freedom),

> I still don't understand why anet did this. I like my tower customized


OFC u know :P


They want every one to acces everything even towers owned by other guilds, making that the only way to avoid trolls from other servers forcing the wrong upgrades at that time.


Ricky.4706, being mobile figthing or staled in one place grabing an arrow cart is still far from anything to be qualified on what defines a game as sandbox.

Players dont have free will to change map nor strucutres, players cant change the elements of the map.


Players can only choose between some segmented areas(instanced maps) and select some tasks(ofense, defense, troll server) that are natural in any kind of factions vs faction gameplay.


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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> Players can only choose between some segmented areas(instanced maps) and select some tasks(ofense, defense, troll server) that are natural in any kind of factions vs faction gameplay.



but not everyone plays by the same rules - which brings me back to the thread topic - in the current system of rules - the person with the most points wins, to get the most points you need a stacked server, round the clock coverage and the strongest defensive strategy possible.

With those rules, BG won wvw - game over.

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