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Is it worth to buy Agony Impedance for Fractals? A 1st analysis

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I was interested in the question of the title and compared the prices of the account-wide upgrade with the prices of the infusions. Here are my results:



* We are only interested in Infusions with Attributes

* We want to reach 150AR but not more

* We freely select infusions (this is an important point, because you likely have a lot of +9 infusions but you can't downgrade them into 2 * +7)

* At 25 extra AR you need no +9 infusion anymore, I stopped calculation here

* Comparison of "normal" +9 infusions and Integrated Fractal Matricies (feel free to calculate the gold-price of them)

* Fractal relics and Fractal journals are not taken into account

* We want to be as cheap as possible

* We are not interested in extra rewards like titles, etc.

As a result of the last 2 points we are generally take Agony Impedance over Mist Attunment



* If you only have one character with +9AR/+7AR +5Attribute infusions then Agony Impedance I +II is ok for you

* If you have 2 characters then Agony Impedance III + IV is getting interesting, you still need to pay more normal +9 infusions, but you safe Integrated Fractal Matricies. This stays the same for 3 chars

* If you have 4 characters Mist attunement I is getting interesting, you still pay more +9 infusions but safe some Integrated Fractal Matricies


I hope this help some of you deciding wether or not buying this new upgrades. If you find any bug or have a better solution feel free to post it here.


For detailed information take a look at my excel sheet (the labels are in German sorry for that):


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See also: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/guild-wars-2-discussion

My conclusion is different: the value in Agony Impedance is mostly in convenience rather than coin.


There are eighteen infusion slots in a fully ascended character: six armor, six from fully attuned/infused rings, two from accessories, two from infused back, and two from each weapon set. Adding AR+10 means you can downgrade 5 infusions from AR+9 to AR+7. That's a savings of 31g per toon (if you don't buy/make AR+9) or 24g (if you sell the old AR+9). It takes 7 characters to make that pay for itself. Adding AR+20 saves 62g (or 48g, see below) but costs more, so ends up breaking even at about 8 characters.


There are other ways to save gold:

* Infusing most backpacks requires a stack of ectos, currently running at about 55g. Adding AR+10 pays for itself if you leave out that extra slot for four characters.

* There are all sorts of budget exotics (especially for zerker, griever). You can skip worrying about one Ascended piece (and recover the runes later) for each AR+10, also representing about 50-55g in savings. Also breaks even at four characters for AR+10 (nine for AR+20).


There are two ways to take advantage of any spare AR+9 liberated by any of the above:

* Sell the AR+9, using the funds for any AR+7 you might need (currently 4.8g savings by downgrading, instead of 6.3g if you simply don't need to buy)

* Upgrade the AR+9 to the AR+11 you need for Agony Impedance. T2 requires a total of six AR+11, i.e. 24 AR+9; T4 requires twenty-one AR+9, i.e. 84 AR+9.



##### Maths


Estimated costs of Agony Impedence

* AR+5 = 111 gold

* AR+10 = 208g

* AR+15 = 309g

* AR+20 = 454g


The current costs of infusions are

* AR+7 = ~2.1g

* AR+9 = ~8.4g

i.e. about 6.3g savings if you don't have to upgrade to AR+9

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> Analyses like these make me laugh a bit. Ben told us flat out that these are intended as fractal sinks and minor bonuses, they aren't mean to be worth their cost, by design. So making a cost / benefit analysis seems pointless


Ben was referring to the Mist Attunement specifically.


However, regardless of what anyone at ANet ever says, my policy is always going to be "trust, but verify." Ben is awesome and I trust him with my fractal life; that doesn't necessarily mean he's thought of everything.

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> @EpheSOSIayer.6370 said:

> Please read the assumptions!

> I did calculation for Attribute Infusions not pure Agony Infusions. Agony Infusions with attributes are much more expensive, which leads to totally diffrent numbers.


Right, I don't think anyone was comparing numbers using AR+x/Stat+5 numbers except as alternative uses for high AR infusions.

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Actually overcapping ar isnt all that bad since the extra ar gives you extra stats because of the mist potions. Im not saying the minor stat boost from that is anywhere worth the cost but its a nice little thing to make the purchase feel less meaningless.


As to everyone who will be like "inb4 mist augment lvl4 pugs" no, stop it, you are making a fool out of yourselves.

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